Dark Poetry Thread

Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Misunderstanding, suspicion, paranoia ... call it what you want it all leads down the same path to the same place, she's crazy, crazycrazy with thought. Is she really the one to bring this all on? Back and forth in mind, bearing the bruises in new places with his spittle on her arms and chest. He does not trust her, whores for housewives he SCREAMS and shoves his hand over her face, to silence her plea's and apologies until the crack happens and she can't breathe. Then he stops, she is lucky he say's...so lucky that is all she got this time.
That was frightening, Sabina. And frighteningly familiar. :rose:
I see someone in the mirror today
but she is not me
she can't be
I Refuse to let her be
she is hollow
a pale shadow of a human
worn around the edges
weak from the weight of lonliness
tiredly watching her time waste away

This is not me
I will not let it be
but if it is not
then where am I
what happened to me
to the image that used to smile back
reflecting the dreams I had
and still desperately cling to...
dark, sad eyes stare back
a mirror image, drifted back
to drink the rest of my soul
as if the ass kicking, I give myself
on a daily basis is not enough ...
land mines were placed.

tiny soldiers to do the bidding
of the ultimate master, me.
I remember nothing, but words.
ricocheting bullets
pierce this palpitating heart
when the safe-word is said.
put in harms way, they have
safely sent this commandant
into stir-craze mode.


how did he do it?

words that trigger, were implanted
under skin, nails, hair follicles
and every cell
of this honey toned body.
mapped out with his tiny
land mines. that go off
explode and kill every emotion
in their path. manipulating months,
of loves pleasure into moments
of panic driven nerves, with
but one mission. run, take cover
get out while the control
is in your hands. before
another round is placed,
imbedded deep
to search and destroy,
your desires destiny.

She lets the blood, or sperm that she may get
From her main man, or others, without blame,
Drip to the mindless earth that hides what's wet.
Both egg and seed are washed away the same.
The twitching in the night still turns her yet.
The coolness of the day pretends it's tame.
She squats to show a guy what's under there,
"Come share my demons. Call my plain face fair."
The Software Says She Loves You

I'm just a program, baby,
Made to say, "I love you,"
Made to hold you, maybe,
Thinking only of you.

But how I love you, oh, my sweet.
Why does the darkness have to stay?
Please, tell me that my life's complete
And never leave me far away.
The demons hiding in the trees
Are waiting, watching--Love, let's play!
Are you the only one God sees?
Can he see me through you today?
I'm afraid

to cross the line, when all
is seemingly well. when roots
bring memories, distant thundering
theories of way back when. I remember well
intense passion, persuasive voices
pleading for the release
of seeds, to be planted,
hard into the fertile valleys of heated
mossless crevices, begging
for a new dawn to sweep away the pain
and live a flourishing life
without shaded, parched
pathways ahead. to live
to live
to live. without demonic dreams, without
heavy hands covering mouth openings
a hit or miss sunshine-y day to glimpse a small speck
of happiness.

I know midnight

and I have had a taste
of her bounteous bouquet
of weathered dreams.

Night visions come
and go. Showering me in gloom.
Tomorrow is but a day away.
But now
I sit in doom,
knowing this:


I try connecting
piece by piece
as emotions flow into rivers.
then anger turns, edging out
into happier times.
when we, as one
making this picture,


Now, yet again
I sit, frowning out
the clowns smile
turning in senile circles
as tomorrow beckons,
another chance. Only,
I have walked that road
and plan
no return trip ...

I poke a stick at it, at the "whatever"
while indifference slips into the mix.
I turn it occasionally, letting
the anaerobic pile get its oxygen.
It leaves off carbon dioxide heat and water.

This decomposed stuff is dark,
easily crumbled. It should have
an earthy aroma, but mine doesn't,
it still smells like filth.

I am aerobic, usually, constantly moving;
getting nowhere. However, apathy, and not
the lazy kind, the kind that's originates
from inner death is a slow down matter.

It makes me rot, makes me stink, attracting
blowflies, their brothers small,
scavengers, wild and domestic, like dogs.

Like my black dog whom woofs down
what the maggots don't get, which isn't
much since they will eat anything,
even shit.
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kick 'n punt

the day passes with one catastrophe
after another. sickness from within,
expelled out. taking over my daily life,
like a tornado let loose on the shoreline.

a new job gone. sick children, better.
me, sick with no income to pay the bills.
eviction on the horizon
a bad oman of things to come.

dad says, when ya going to work. me
gagging on mucus, wheezing for air.
soon dad, soon as I can breathe without
passing out from the pain
of the elephant sitting on my chest.

I bought peanuts
in hopes of tricking him away
but he still sits 'n stews
thinking up new ways
to drag me down.

two shots in my booty, three prescriptions filled.
only, I cannot stand to take another pill, another huff
of that inhaler that snidely snickers and laughs.

nurse Holly says kick 'n punt. I get it
but I've already knocked a million and one this year.
pass the cough syrup, pills and peanuts
it's kick off time again, in Tennessee ...

Untitled (suggestions welcome)

We are the front line
brothers in a bitter war
suffering servitude
to an addictive enemy
volunteering over
and over again

Signing on
out of desperation,
ignorance or curiosity
recognizing the legacy.
too late for salvation.

Once recruited there is no leave
nor let-up
from the degradation
and despair.

Our trenches the alleys,
mean streets and valleys
below blasé towers
blind eyes turned inward.

Lodged in empty lots
beneath highway over- passes
barely surviving
we huddle in the calm
the next onslaught.

Our weapon
becomes the enemy
and our saviour
needy we bind and bleed
needles falling
until next time the demon calls
demanding more
of our undying devotion
Bloody Revenge

A horrid act with two at fault,
Two more hurt as a result.
One last straw, the final twig snapped,
Revenge taken in one swift attack.

The Devil is out,
So give him his due.
Let him punish the one,
And maybe the two.

In his revenge,
Blood shall be spilled.
One phrase will echo forevermore:
To the modern juliette


A lonely girl walks down the beach
Upon the golden sand
The sky is blue
A seagull cries
A pistol in her hand

A room filled with hatred
The past
The shouts still sound
A moments though
Her life is gone
He’s dieing on the ground

A shattered abstract memory
And thoughts of what there might have been
There’s time to stop and wonder now
With no time left to dream

Forever here’s to memories
Forever here’s to sand
Forever here’s to love and peace
She fires another round
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The Cut

Crimson red,
warm and wet,
pools out from beneath my skin.
I cannot turn
my gaze away.
Again and again, the blade sinks in.

Horrible? No.
Of this pain I have control.
My life spirals,
reaching chaos.
To that headspace I must go.

Will there ever
come a time
For this obsession to finally stop?
I don't know.
It seems unlikely.
From the blade I taste a drop.
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he fills me with hope

that maybe there is life, after
the death
of a heart broken, stampeded
beyond repair.

taking baby steps forward. I silently watch,
await the manipulation, cruelty and coercion
of past mistakes, to pull me back
into the eternal void of nothingness
that always

awaits me, on the edge of reality.
where darkness falls and eats at me
cell by cell, till there's nothing left
but the waifily ghost, of who I used
to be.

The Guide at the Door

Can your mind not grasp
what your body is fighting?
Take a look, before your eyes,
The crimson spot, ever growing.


I can see the look in your eyes,
as realization sinks in.
The puzzle is solved, completed.
Your body accepts it, gives in.


Your bronchial gurgling ceases
as the darkness consumes you.
I welcome you to eternity.
Your mortal journey is now through.
500 million years from now,
There won't be anyone to care.
And that is where we're going. How
Did you enjoy your ride out there?
Vampiric_Mirage said:
I see someone in the mirror today
but she is not me
she can't be
I Refuse to let her be
she is hollow
a pale shadow of a human
worn around the edges
weak from the weight of lonliness
tiredly watching her time waste away

This is not me
I will not let it be
but if it is not
then where am I
what happened to me
to the image that used to smile back
reflecting the dreams I had
and still desperately cling to...

Really like this poem, as so much else here on this thread.

(Like the AV too!)
Savouring the slick sweat of sex
I shudder
feel you pulse within me
through me

I buck against the restraints imposed
1 night of mind-blowing sex
no more, no less
never enough

With a single kiss you bind me
forcing my desire
with a single thrust you blind me
set my body afire

I lose my train of thought
the discourse of this poem
but all is for naught
for your heart I've never known...
would you like a little light with that darkness?


I want to write something dark,
something dank that will crawl
up the back of your neck,
make you squirm and shudder
make you scream and run
as if tentacles of sticky slime
were creeping up to claim
the last vestige of sense contained
within the skulled bones
of your head.

But the sun cheats, sneaks
in through the gap in the curtains,
tiptoes on the breeze to blow lightly
that curl that sits against your cheek,
brings in the scent of warm lavender,
the sweet smell of bees
carrying the weight of nectar, brings
back Spring and the promises
that tomorrow will be a beautiful day.
mind's oil
sliding over water
no need to break the interface
not now
not today
not before sleep

there be monsters in the deep
oh oh oh darkness! Thy name is Teazer

musssst post something on this thread :p

great idea
for the excessively morbid

having trouble nailing downm something specific....
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Halfway House

Lamb of god
arrive starving , sleepless
rooms bare & empty

Lamb to the slaughter
porcelein altar
yearning base unscrewed

the night is too young
to be placating

pretend your asleep
-it'll be better

climb into leaves , face the wall & close your eyes
( how far can you walk into the woods?)
weary traveler
in this forest
our dreams are long & always
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We are the front line
brothers in a bitter war
suffering servitude
to an addictive enemy
volunteering over
and over again

Signing on
out of desperation,
ignorance or curiosity
recognizing the legacy.
too late for salvation.

Once recruited there is no leave
nor let-up
from the degradation
and despair.

Our trenches the alleys,
mean streets and valleys
below blasé towers
blind eyes turned inward.

Lodged in empty lots
beneath highway over- passes
barely surviving
we huddle in the calm
the next onslaught.

Our weapon
becomes the enemy
and our saviour
needy we bind and bleed
needles falling
until next time the demon calls
demanding more
of our undying devotion

I don't have a title for ya but I do, love this poem. Very unsettling .... sometimes it takes one in a million to help others, see what's before their eyes.
