Dark Poetry Thread

The orgasm
the little death

Is this what it is like?
losing control
gone to glory
spiralling away
nothing belongs
Reply to “The orgasm the little death”

the little blackout

It is about losing control
After striving so hard to achieve it.
The long wait
The long burrowing
The end is within reach.


Spraying of substance makes
The world leaves in a hurry.
Then nothing;
No thought
No emotion
No connection

Then the world comes crashing back to the head.
The upper head saying “Leave after a moment”
The lower head saying “Return after a moment”

The orgasm
the little death

Is this what it is like?
losing control
gone to glory
spiralling away
nothing belongs
Haiku to War

Death, blood and carnage -
Warrior weeps for comrades
Cold cannon fodder
exercising tha mind ~~

I sit

in sadness. Alone, waiting
for the day. When days
aren't too busy to enjoy
the night. Snuggling up
next to the man, whom I've found
is Mr. Right.

Bed post notches, booty calls,
gone bad - to have one, just one
who understands, loves and completes
me. One who will stand tall
come what may and never ever

Honesty has me say, I've made mistakes,
wrong roads taken and lost nights
forsaken. But the path before me
calls as I stumble, alone as always
and ever so humble.

....... lost it somewhere ... lost in tha woods, lol ~~~
Just am not up to my old stuff. I must be loosing my flippin' mind ~~:rolleyes:
Take what you can from it ... :rose:
Nights calling

How can I raise
Something that’s dead
Bring back to life
What’s withered with dread
Hours left to ponder
To wonder what’s wrong
A conquest I claim
But answers long gone
Now nights fallen
Suns promise to rise
Above rolling waves
Ocean sparkling of eyes
Reflecting the sky
Colour dwelling so deep
A reflection of where
Heavens lye while they sleep
These depths of old waters
They beg of a breath
To taste of my mouth
Ingesting my death
The salt is too heavy
To turn back unrest
Failing to taste you
Please night
Bring me rest
Don't rest me under clover
and leave me there to lie
for I'm a claustrophobic soul
so when I have to die
cleanse me then with fire
and let my ashes fly
to freedom above the earth
and one whispered goodbye
Don't rest me under clover
and leave me there to lie
for I'm a claustrophobic soul
so when I have to die
cleanse me then with fire
and let my ashes fly
to freedom above the earth
and one whispered goodbye
I like it. Maybe you will be re-born from the flames to begin anew.
Like a pheonix you mean?!! We all have to keep going round again till we get it right, at this rate I will be spinning for all eternity!
Like a pheonix you mean?!! We all have to keep going round again till we get it right, at this rate I will be spinning for all eternity!
Yes. You mentioned “let my ashes fly “ and I thought of the Phoenix.

If we are to go around until we get it right, just think of all of the pleasure we will get to do again.

I do not know if you will go around forever, but it would be nice to know that someone I just met may be someone I met before. Hopefully we could be friends again.
I just pray I don't have to do anything like the first half again I wouldn't wish that hell on my worst enemy perhaps now I have come through it and survived I won't have to endure it again. Heyy I could have the most wonderful childhood next time now that's something to look forward to!
I am feisty
I am meek
I will hurt you if I can
make you scream for mercy,
I will beg upon my knees,
You can tie me
you can tease me
and use me as you will,
I'll defy you
bitch and mark you
never know the inner me.
I am feisty
I am meek
I will hurt you if I can
make you scream for mercy,
I will beg upon my knees,
You can tie me
you can tease me
and use me as you will,
I'll defy you
bitch and mark you
never know the inner me.
I liked it. You're right, you're feisty. It's dark enough for me.
I wrote that after a short wander through the BDSM part of the board and saw people introducing themselves and as to what they were and I thought how on earth would I explain me not being the usual sub
I wrote that after a short wander through the BDSM part of the board and saw people introducing themselves and as to what they were and I thought how on earth would I explain me not being the usual sub
I like the sentiment, but part of BDSM is allowing the controller to know you intimately so they will not hurt you. Every sub is different. Some are passive while others are out right aggressive.
I am glad that you wandered into through “the BDSM part of the board”, I am there also.
I like the sentiment, but part of BDSM is allowing the controller to know you intimately so they will not hurt you. Every sub is different. Some are passive while others are out right aggressive.
I am glad that you wandered into through “the BDSM part of the board”, I am there also.

I was trying to portray the fact that I switch and can be downright nasty when I do. I know you are there I saw you in that thread welcoming folks in
Haunted again,
does she feel my pain?
perhaps it's just the season
to sneak her head around my door
let me know
she still resides within my walls.
Why does she wait
in this world?
It's not her own
does loneliness
draw her lost soul?
Haiku to The Great Satan

Heat, fire, brimstone -
Not quite hell, but close enough
This is Fallujah
Hubble trouble hemlock bubble
see this spell I weave for you,
may your days be filled with trouble
when your words cannot be true.
Rest not, let your head be weary
and the darkness fill your mind,
meddle not with maids affections
if your thoughts be less than kind.
Add the loathsome worm your kindred
let it seethe and do it's worst
see yourself in my dark potion
know you are already cursed
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Oh, I smell loads of trouble in my bubble
maker about to boil over
and shoot away into a dark place.
Imminent Clash

Whoop of chopper blades
Dread of impending conflict
Tigris still flows on
The other day
As I walked along the bay
A mermaid arrived
Called my name and dived
Out of sight
I stood there until night
Hoping she would return from the sea
But no, so I continued my journey.

Her eyes were green as algae
Her hair was wet and enthralled me
Her breast was high and tight
She waved her tail as she swam in the fading light
I have seen her before
Once as a child by the boat’s door.
She had only changed a bit
She waved to me with only one tit
54 degrees in here

and it is said that hell
is a place of fire,
Today hell is here,
shimmering mirage
upon the hills,
yesterday green
full of life, today they are
but dust,
the swirl of earth's breath
blows fetid, hot

birds drink coolant
infected water
hope that poison is a less
lingering death than slowly
roasting in your own flesh

shackling chains, suppression
drags the head down,
makes the back creak
lit's going to snap
you can watch your spinal
fluid leak, evaporating
into nothingness,

that seeps hollow, empty in
the place you used to
reassure yourself
fatigue is just a memory
as death waits in a heavy
overcoat, shivering in the
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Go ahead and scream!
Life is so messed up,
such a contradiction;
for as there is beauty
there is stark rabid hatred,
there is deathly, dull grey matter
where once innocent pink
pulsed with life,
darkened and numbed
by bruises after being
constantly kicked

Anger is sustainable,
an echo of life,
as saliva wrenches from between my teeth,
spittle screams and splatters the air,
drenching silence
as it entrenched within my throat
choking air
of self
gasping constrictions,
debilitating frictions
of gnashing teeth
gashing scars
ripped and shredded
upon the soul
of a child grown old
before her life.

It was her time
and we stole it,
they stole it;
holed in
It no longer matters
yet matters dearly
but no one sees
at least not clearly
for who really cares
but save one
who cannot be saved
for she is no longer
labeled depraved...

Too much;
upon my knees
I cry as you scream
beaten, weary
yet no one sees
for she is congealed
in concealment
forever suppressed

go ahead and scream!
Delivered Dosages

have you seen his scars
the ones the run up his arms
he smiles says all the right things
full of charm and vigour
but have you seen his scars
uniform and linear
measured and weighed
played out in perfect lines that track
through his muscles, tussles of hair
that don't grow there,
Have you seen his scars
the ones he wrote there
personal portrait
to remind himself that life isn't always
this damn good, that pain is grounding
and the feel of piercing steel
is as close to home as holding her
in his arms and the rush....

have you seen his scars
faded now but you gotta wonder
how long before the cravings return