Dear X,

(Until next week that is. That's the anniversary of the first time I saw her face!)

ahh - plucking anniversaries

yes I did spell that correctly
Dear Mr R,

Thank you for agreeing to put two sad little girls together to see if they could find a a way through their seperate grief. You gave me one of the most wonderful and long lasting friendships of my life.

Thank you for putting up with all night giggling through our formative years.

Thank you for always giving us enough rope to hang ourselves, and trusting that we wouldn't.

I promise to help your daughter through this, just like she did when both my parents passed.

You were a class act. I truly wish I had said all this to you and now it's too late. I won't thank you for the reminder that no one is promised tomorrow.

Much love,
Dear X,

A simple apology was all that was necessary. However, you chose to turn this into a war, and that's unfortunate.

So please tell your husband we said hello, and let him know we will give him a call with all the details very soon.

Old friends
Dear Steve,

Thank you once again. You have no idea how thankful I am. You've made this night and last night really amazing. (No, not sexual, fuckers)

Cheers, pmann
Dear dumbass Dexter writers,

We were loyal for 8 seasons and this is the end we get???


Dexter deserved so much better than that drivel.

Pissed Off :mad:
Dear dumbass Dexter writers,

We were loyal for 8 seasons and this is the end we get???


Dexter deserved so much better than that drivel.

Pissed Off :mad:

Maybe the writers felt the same way you do about it's demise, and this was their way of saying F-U to the network?:confused:
Dear Ex,

You haven't been in my life in a lot of years. The effects of your abuse still linger, but I will not let you win. I will not be a victim; I will survive and thrive. I'm stronger than you and your misguided belief system, and I'm the better person. I will prove it.

Your ex-wife

Dear Beloved Friend,

Thank you so much for being there when I need you. Even you don't always know the depths of my need. It doesn't matter though. You're my rock. You keep me grounded. You're my strength and courage when I'm fresh out. You're one of the very few people that I truly feel completely safe with both emotionally and physically.

I tell you I love you all the time, but I really do. I love you, and I appreciate the hell out of you. If I win this battle - no, WHEN I win this battle, it'll be because of the love and support you show me.

Dear Universe,

Enough already! There is making a point, and there is using a shovel to the head to make a point.

Lose the shovel.
Dear X,
Never doubt that you are remembered and missed.

And behave yourself up there, you old Aussie curmudgeon.

Love, beeg

Dearest Wilhelmina,

Currently at sea, en route to you.

Looking so very forward to laying eyes on you next week, pressing my lips to yours, and your soft, ivory neck, feeling your heat, and the ardent fluttering of your heart against me.

Let’s meet at the usual place, just after sunset. Wear that stunning silk, red dress for me, won’t you? I have fervently clung to the memory of the last time you wore it. Oh, how your milky shoulders glowed in the moonlight.

Counting the nights until we are together once more.

Yours in desire,

Last edited:
Dear X,

Didn't know where else I could vent. Too many times in the last two hours I've come so close to expressing my thoughts out loud. I'll likely never have the guts to ask you to take that back road. So here I am, struggling to not make a mess all over your seat, imagining your cock in my mouth while you have no clue.
Goddam. Okay, only another 40 minutes until this purgatory is over.

She who needs to get a grip
Dear X,

I want you. I need you...I need you to want me. I need that loving touch again that we used to have. I need that passion and to feel that spark of utter bliss whenever your skin touches mine.

I'm so sick and tired of relieving my own stresses on my own, in the dark while you sleep not 3 feet away. Sometimes I want to cry because you don't seem to care and then later you tell me you love me. If you love me why won't you touch me, hold me?

I just want to be wanted again.
Dear X,

I spent most of the day at a community college near you. It's amazing how quickly those intense desires are reawakened. It's been a long time...

Always (at least a little),

Dear Powers that be,

Please give me the strength and intestinal fortitude not to flip out on this credentialing person. I have explained things repeatedly, in as many different ways as I can think of, short of using sock puppets--and she does not get it and wants to be snippy about it.

I am about 5 seconds from suggesting perhaps this is not the career for her and that she should consider applying at the Mcdonalds--but not for the drive through, I really think that might be stretching her skill set. I'm thinking wiping tables, maybe, when she's having a good day.

I really need this job, so if you could just strike me mute until 4:30 pm, that would be great. Really really great.

*rummaging for sock puppets*
There is always the old remedy ;)

Dear Vibes,

Does this somehow involve the saying "Don't talk with your mouth full?" And I think even my jaw would ache after a 3 hour session of what I think you are suggesting. :cool:

Missed ya hotstuff.
