Dear X,

Dear Saucyminx,

I think you wrote the exact words I wanted to read,

Hotstuff *blushing
Dear X,

You seem...distant...I guess. You know you can always talk to me. About anything.
Dear X

Thank you for trying this morning. It means more to me than you could possibly know. I'm sorry it wasn't as good as you had hoped. Maybe we could try again soon?

I still love you.
Dear typhoon Haiyan victims,

May God give you the strength to pull yourselves from the wreckage. I am sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts.
Dear X

Why is this so hard? We are like oil and water sometimes.
Im about to give up.

Dear X,

You are so beautiful. I have a smile on my face every time I see the sunlight upon you. I just wish you weren't so much work... but I'm willing to work on our ability to share the same space.

Warmly (soon, I hope)

She with Snow Shovel
Dear cakes,

Fuck you!!!

Buying one next time

Dear RS,

A+ for making the effort. That cake is your bitch. Don't ever let it think otherwise. And if the fucker fell apart, make it into a trifle. There is always plan B.

Hugs and Cake love,
Dear X,

I'm developing feelings for you that scare me. Please be patient with me. My heart is a little dented and tarnished, and my brain has learned not to trust my heart. Please know that if I lash out at you, I'm really just lashing out at myself. Being around you makes me a better person, and I truly don't want to fuck that up.

Dear X,

Off to bed, sure to think of you as I sleep...especially after that last message. Wondering if you meant tonight (tomorrow)...if so, please know it will be unlikely I can meet you here at that time. One day soon, perhaps?

Dear X,

You're the first person I ever pm'ed on Lit and like a shy school girl, I'm hoping you'll notice me!

Your admirer,
Dear X

I wish I could take that post back.

I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry I upset you.

I hope you can forgive me.
Dear you know who

Why did you have to be so selfcentered. I thought you wanted to have a relationship. Yet now you act like you don't know me. I tell myself you aren't worth it but I know you are and you are worth fighting for. Can we try again?

Your loving

wanna be
Dear X...

I'm not even sure if this is the right place to say this, but I don't know anywhere else I can say this...

I've got some issues...

But the worst part is, I feel really alone....

Haven't got anyone I can talk to...

No-one... and that's not an exaggeration... there is quite literally no-one I can talk to...

No-one (aside from myself, of course) really knows how I feel...

Funny how a client was telling me today about the "stresses" they're dealing with... because you see, while on the surface, I'm being professional, offering some appropriate empathy, etc., deep inside, I'm pretty fucking close to breaking point myself... the irony, eh...

To be fair, it's entirely my own fault... I ain't blaming anyone else...

To an extent, looking back, I didn't choose the right role models in life...

No idea how I'm going to fix things now...

To be fair, I'm fortunate I even have a decent white collar job...

I am truly, from the bottom of my heart, grateful for the good things I have in my life... but the irony is, there's this great big weight on my chest and I simply can't seem to figure out exactly how to get it off...

I'm sure there's been others before me in this situation...

How do I stay motivated?

I've just got to keep marching forward, but my faith in myself is shaky, to say the least...

Is anybody perfect? I don't know about anyone else, but I sure am not...

Would be nice if someone could wish me luck on this thread (but no private messages please)...

I'm not proud of letting my emotions show...

We'll see how things go...
Dear erotica_n_s,

Good luck, good vibes, and remember to just take things one day at a time. :rose:

Dear erotica_n_s,

Nobody is perfect.

I wish you luck in what you're dealing with. :rose:

Dear erotica_n_s,

Step back, take a moment for yourself, and breathe. Nothing is ever that dire, really.

Take inventory, start fresh today, and start living for your future. Stop dwelling in the past - can't do nothing to change it. Start making new, different decisions.

Nobody is perfect. As far as fixing things, start with the first step. It is often the toughest step, that first one, but it gets easier once you find your new rhythm and gait.

Good luck and hang in there. Only take manageable bites and don't let the insignificant things grind you down.

You're not alone - we are all pushing our rocks up our respective hills.

Dear X,

Well we had a long distance thing for so long and we shared love. We wrote here on Lit...and then the bad things happen and you stopped talking to me. You said it wasn't me and I know you're in pain. I doubt we'll talk again and while I might reach out to you on your birthday this year...I don't expect much. I think of you sometimes, but I try not too. I wonder if you ever think of me and the good times.
Folks - Saucyminx, imemkay, Emerson40 and Rainshine, thanks for your kind words...

It means so much to me that you guys took the time and made the effort to offer encouragement...

The way I'm feeling right now, every little bit helps... gives me strength...

I have no idea how things are going to turn out... but I'll just have to keep marching forward...