Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)

Rex-quarters(NOT see IC)

*Posted to the wronge thread* trust me with this computer it happened.
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I'm going to go ahead and assume that you were meaning to post that in the IC and not the OOC. :rolleyes:
Euphoric: Victor didn't draw the 10. He already had his turn sometime ago when he drew the seven. Everyone should be on their first (if you just arrived at the table) or second turn (if you haven't gone a second time and you were there at the start of the game, then go again). It was Lionheart who drew the ten.
"Revenge is a dish best served as a Kiss my good doctor." Said in the thickest German accent ever for some reason ;)
Euphoric: Victor didn't draw the 10. He already had his turn sometime ago when he drew the seven. Everyone should be on their first (if you just arrived at the table) or second turn (if you haven't gone a second time and you were there at the start of the game, then go again). It was Lionheart who drew the ten.

Crap. Sorry.
haha. so want to post just awesome reaction to party shenanigans but alas must sleep. Gnight crazy people.
The one person who still needs to draw is Ellen. Also, Kat and Rylee can go ahead and draw a card to continue their turns. Otherwise, in the meantime, join the festivities so your character has something to do while waiting for the game to move on. :)
Haha, just had that weird feeling where in the end it turns out all the stuff in the rec room is just another dream during cryo sleep and we're all just still sleeping :p
Haha, just had that weird feeling where in the end it turns out all the stuff in the rec room is just another dream during cryo sleep and we're all just still sleeping :p

lol You can't have a wet dream in cryosleep. :rolleyes:

I'm so anxious for more cards to be drawn. ><

I want to see who will get drunk first. I think it may be my character since he has the most drinks. I'm waiting for him to get that absinthe roll and game over lol. If he pulls a 2 or 3 card, then he'll be drunk but not as shit-faced if he gets the wrong shot.
Looks fine to me though I like the part where Rylee's just going over what he might end up doing with his card hehe.
Did I manage to make a post that doesn't need editing? Paranoid now! :eek:

Yep! Kat hasn't posted yet in response to Victor trying to drag her out on the floor to dance. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that she is already dancing.

I'm going to give those who have drawn their first or second card until Monday to do so. Otherwise, I'm moving us onto the third round.

I'll repost the game chart so that you can keep up with who has drank how many, drew what card, and all the cards that have been drawn.
If you see only one card drawn for your character, then you need to draw again. This is round two. If your character has just joined the table, then he/she should have drawn at least one card and are waiting for the third round to proceed.


Sexy Fubar!


1) Victor Caldwell
Cards: 3, 7
Drinks (4): JJJJ
Absinthe (0/3):
State: Slightly Sober

2) Grace Weston
Cards: 5
Drinks(2): J
Absinthe(1/3): N
State: Sober

3) Yelena Suvurova
Cards: 4
Drinks (1): J
State: Slightly Sober

4) Adam Walker
Cards: 8
Drinks (1): J
State: Sober

5) Ellen Kain
Cards: TBA
Drinks (1): J
State: Sober

6) Rex Lionheart
Cards: 10
Drinks (0):
State: Sober

7) Katherine Reed
Cards: Jack, 9
Drinks(1): J
State: Sober and partially naked

8) Corcin Nacern
Cards: Queen, 7
Drinks(2): JJ
State: Sober

9) Rylee Scott
Cards: 10
Drinks (2): J
Absinthe(1/3): N
State: Sober


Cards Drawn: 3, Jack, Queen, 10, 7, 5, 4, 10, 7, 8, and 9.
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If I drew a card that has already been played should I just draw again?

It is going to look a little suspicious if Grace tries to play the seven of clubs again.
Plus, Corky might start to sense his virtue is in danger.:D
haha, hey his virtue aint got nothing on a sexy doctor given him some loving :p.
If I drew a card that has already been played should I just draw again?

It is going to look a little suspicious if Grace tries to play the seven of clubs again.
Plus, Corky might start to sense his virtue is in danger.:D

I am trusting that everyone is playing this game honestly. If I don't feel that's the case (which defeats the purpose of the game within a game), then I would hate to have to take away card privileges and not only roll the dice for everyone but draw the cards.

If you draw a card that's already been played since we've had 10s and 7s so far, it's not a big deal (unless you make me get suspicious).
yeah same here but I think it would be fine to just click to the next card if you pick up one someone else has. Lucky for me it's been very favorable to getting back at the girls which is more than I can say for some dice simulators I know heh.
Yup the cap needs to draw her card and throw her hat into the ring still hehe.
next card

I would draw my next card but I would rather Tight N' Ready/Ellen draw an d react to that....

In other regards........boys will be boys. Some just don't like it shoved in their face...........some do.*Raising hand and smiling*
I can't wait to see what Vic and Corcin get up to in the men's room.:nana:

Fortunately that's not one of my ONs. :p

And you would, huh? Ms. Dirty Doctor. :devil:

I would draw my next card but I would rather Tight N' Ready/Ellen draw an d react to that....

In other regards........boys will be boys. Some just don't like it shoved in their face...........some do.*Raising hand and smiling*

Giving her and kitten until Monday. Rylee's waiting for a response from Adam, and then she needs to draw from the deck. She would be the last to draw for the second round if Ellen doesn't. Either way, whenever Tight returns from her hiatus or where ever she is, she can draw her first card.
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haha of course. But Corcin is slightly drunk and comes from being with a bunch of surfer and racer bums so hard not to just leave a bro behind. even if you've only known said person for small time. Bro code.... bro code.

By the same token I doubt he'll resist if the doctor thinks he should stick around :)
Fortunately that's not one of my ONs. :p

And you would, huh? Ms. Dirty Doctor. :devil:

You betcha. Pulling up a chair and bringing the popcorn.

However, since there is a sense of reluctance, and we all know the men's shower rape scene has been done to death, some other form of entertainment must be found.

haha of course. But Corcin is slightly drunk and comes from being with a bunch of surfer and racer bums so hard not to just leave a bro behind. even if you've only known said person for small time. Bro code.... bro code.

By the same token I doubt he'll resist if the doctor thinks he should stick around :)

Bro's before Ho's, Dude. How can one little doctor compete with The Creed?
Would drinking more and undressing faster help her?:rolleyes:
Bro's before Ho's, Dude. How can one little doctor compete with The Creed?
Would drinking more and undressing faster help her?:rolleyes:

haha. I don't know how but I totally missed your post earlier Nibbs. But yes what indeed will go down :p