Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)

>_< sorry. I'll be more patient in the future.
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Sylvie: I used your neat layout for the separate thread. :p

Welp, I'll be back later. Heading out to the movies and to a going away party for my nephew. He's going to visit his daddy for the summer.
Well, it's Monday. Those who have been waiting for their turn in the Fubar game, if it's still going, can proceed. No point in being kept waiting. I did plan to have Victor return in a "nothing happened" fashion and continue it after his and Kat's romp.

But I think this is going to be a long battle, and someone's keeping score on the who forces who to orgasm and how many times.

Victor: 1 Kat: 2 (boo!) :devil:

This board is about to change soon.

It may be too late by the time they're finished and it would be wise to go to bed or risk not getting up at 0700 lol.
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Sorry for the late posting, had a few things on my plate to deal with lately, but at least now Adam gets to be confused by all the emotional drama that is entirely over his head, that's fun.
I'm going to be implementing rule #10 since the main IC is getting pretty dead, and I'm going to start checking who is still alive and present around here. I don't want other players to feel like they have to wait for others to finish when they're in a separate time thread, thus is why I made rule 10.

So don't be surprised if you see me Rping Victor in the main thread. If you read rule 10 again, you'll know the answer to your own question. But yes, I want to see who all is still active.

As for Tight_n_ready, all I know is that she's been busy IRL, so we won't need to wait for her. I'm sure she'll post when she can.
yeah that's pretty much what me and Nibbles had planned so I'm down to still post Corcin when in after times but we'll see how things go. Not sure he'd be returning to the table for a time anyhow ; )
yeah that's pretty much what me and Nibbles had planned so I'm down to still post Corcin when in after times but we'll see how things go. Not sure he'd be returning to the table for a time anyhow ; )

Your sex scene when you get it started is a separate time stream because it's not plot-related. If you get the thread started and have Corcin return to the table after, it really won't matter. The main IC is going to resume like normal as though he never left. I set it up this way so others who aren't involved in separate threads aren't penalized for it by waiting for everyone.

So even though Victor is romping it away in another thread, I'm going to post him returning to the table any way even though that's not what might have happened at the end of the romp scene, he's returning to the table because of Rule 10.

When the next day swings by, which is an entirely new day, then what occurred in the separate threads become legit because that's what happened. You get what I'm saying?
yes though the road of it sort of veers off slightly back and forth but I get what you're saying. All the same would it be ok to role just some random crew man to go party down with Lena? I'd almost just prefer to have Corcin separated instead of ending up meshing two different things into one though whatever way works is fine by me.
yes though the road of it sort of veers off slightly back and forth but I get what you're saying. All the same would it be ok to role just some random crew man to go party down with Lena? I'd almost just prefer to have Corcin separated instead of ending up meshing two different things into one though whatever way works is fine by me.

You could create a NPC to dance with her if you wanted.

You're not really meshing two different things into one. Your character would simply be there because of rule 10. If you want to resume the Sexy Fubar game, then you can do so. If not, then don't bother posting in the main IC.

I PMed the three people whose activity I was suspicious of. If they're going to be continuing to post in the main IC and playing the Fubar game, then I'll have Victor continue the third round. If not, then no one needs to bother.

These are simply loopholes being created. They're nothing to be taken seriously. Players can decide to have their characters retire to bed or resume the Fubar game. If they don't have a desire to post anymore, then I rather them post their characters going to bed.

If they post their characters going to bed, then I can move the game to the next day, and we can proceed with the first mission. Whatever happens in the separate threads can continue on until natural conclusion.

What I don't want is players just not posting because they're "waiting" for something to happen that probably won't happen if they don't say anything.

I'm going to wait for Brightwell, Euphoric, and Carreira to get back to me, and whatever their decision is will determine the remainder of the night IC.

Edit: Also, what I mean by "players" in the context above are the ones who are currently in the main IC and just not posting. Everyone else who is active in separate threads and doing whatever is fine.
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Heyz heys.

I'm still "alive" but waiting for the next morning... I'm not participating or interested in the Card Game as my character dislikes it.... Maybe I fell asleep on the Lab
Heyz heys.

I'm still "alive" but waiting for the next morning... I'm not participating or interested in the Card Game as my character dislikes it.... Maybe I fell asleep on the Lab

All right; so I know you're character is gone for the night.

Carreira's character = Bed

BRIGHTWELL's character = Bed

Euphoric's character = TBD

This is the latest news on IC activity.
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cool cool. Will be interesting going to the next day. Corcin is back to secondary helmsman now though :p
Tight_n_ready has dropped from the game. She couldn't keep up with our posting, so I'll be opening up the Captain's slot.

I still haven't heard from Euphoric on what she plans to do, but it seems most of the crew has opted to put their characters to bed. I'm going to go ahead and assume that that's what kittenofdeath and Euphoric will eventually have their characters do. I'll be waiting for their posts, and looking forward to the next day. shooting things that move with a rail gun on full-auto...yes...Science...
I haven't gotten a response from Euphoric yet but as soon as I do (give her until Sunday), I'll move us onto the next day. I guess since the game ended so soon that everyone will be able to make 0700. Oh well, we can always resume the game on the following night. :D
sounds good. Hopefully Euphoric is still lurking but just busy. I know I'm working with her one other thread and haven't really seen her. shooting things that move with a rail gun on full-auto...yes...Science...

What ever is the matter with shooting first and asking questions later? :D At least with a corpse of a THING we can do an Alien Autopsy... (OOOH! Can we post the videos on the internet then? :D )

Also it does sort of save a character's virtue if the tentacle raping beastie isn't so active... (NOT that I am against tentacles.... Appropriately applied they can be LOADS of fun....)

What ever is the matter with shooting first and asking questions later? :D At least with a corpse of a THING we can do an Alien Autopsy... (OOOH! Can we post the videos on the internet then? :D )

Also it does sort of save a character's virtue if the tentacle raping beastie isn't so active... (NOT that I am against tentacles.... Appropriately applied they can be LOADS of fun....)


This video clip shows exactly how that would play out.

Victor = guy with black hair

Corcin = Guy in armor

Yelena = girl entangled
Wow uh...that was the most awkward advertisement I've ever had to watch before engaging in a scene of tentacle pr0n. Way to go youtube!

Aw, I didn't get any advertisement, I just got the tentacles. You make it sound like I missed the best part. :(