Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)

Hm..Sounds like I'll do some improvising then.

For weaponry and armor (if you feel like mentioning it), most people really have been basing their equipment off games like Starcraft, Dead Space, or even Star Wars. Plasma, I would say, is standard but if you want to get fancy there's always electromagnetism, flame throwers, or even a weapon similar to the one Gordon Freeman uses in Half-Life 2 that is pretty much like a telekinetic weapon (grabs things and throws them telekinetically).

If you want to base your suit off Isaac Clark's suit in Dead Space, which in DS it was called a rig, you can. In another 1x1 game I play, the standard armor is a rig.

If you want me to add a standard armor to this game, then I can do so when the IC is up. I can list it under Gadgets even though technically its not a gadget, it's still an invention that everyone can use when they leave the ship on expeditions.

Edit (1): (Speaking in general to everyone and not to anyone specific) Also, as far as profiles go, I'm not going to tell you what's wrong with them, what's missing, or what should be fixed. The profile you make for your character is a reflection of yourself as a writer. How you make it, how you write it, and how you design it reflects you. Unless you barely wrote anything that would be the only time I would reject a profile. If you fill out each mandatory category to the best of your ability, then I will approve it. So please don't apologize to me because you did this or did that and lah-dee-dah. It's your profile. If you aren't happy with it, then simply fix it.

Edit(2): I want to also mention that Sunday when the IC goes up, I will be closing this game to anymore recruits. The reason is big games aren't always manageable. There will always be someone going AWOL or what not and just plain and simple, small groups are just easier to manage. Less hold ups. I will try to make sure we have an equal number of males and females in this game. If the odds have tilted, then I'll allow more people for that gender to even the scales.

Edit(3): I've seen this happen in games before and I really, really, really want to avoid it. There are times where you join a group game and there will be sex scenes that end up stalling the game because they take too long to finish and the GM doesn't want to move time along without risking interrupting the two characters involved. If your character enters an erotic scene with another character, then just before they start taking it all off, make a separate thread but post up a link in the IC to that thread in the case anyone wants to read it. It sounds boring, it sounds not so entertaining, but the reason is for those characters not engaged in sex scenes, I want them to be able to move around freely without in-game time being an issue. I don't want in-game time to have any interference on your sex scene either.

If your sex scene is not plot-related, then yeah, make a separate thread. If it is plot-related meaning that say it gets interrupted by an alien menace, anyone can interrupt it/eavesdrop on it, or something like that, then you can leave it in the IC. If you happen to have a threesome, then those characters can also join you in that separate thread you made.

But yes, the biggest problem is when everyone has moved on and is waiting for their characters to go to bed but John and Jane are still engrossed in a sex scene that started at 12:00PM Lunch Time in-game and still hasn't ended and it's midnight (once again, in-game).

But is everyone okay with that? It's the only way I could think to avoid any stalling for those who want to move on. Also, if your character is in another thread having sex, you can resume to play him/her in the IC thread as though that sex scene happened on a different day and time so you can still enjoy involvement in the story.

I just really want to avoid hang ups.
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I just want to let everyone know that the above message I posted has several edits to it. I may make the third edit a new rule that I'll add to the list, but I want to know everyone's opinions on it.
Dr. Grace Weston

Comments are welcome, suggestions are appreciated.


Name: Grace Weston

Nickname: Doc (if you must)

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 115lbs

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Visual Description:
Grace (picture to follow)

Written Description: Grace is small but athletic, and at first glance her figure seems boyish. Closer inspection reveals a woman’s curves hidden beneath the layers of clothing she always seems to wear. Her eyes are blue and her lips are pink, full, and frequently smiling.

Occupation: Doctor

Personality: Grace’s is a warm and compassionate nature, and she has a tendency to take very little seriously with the exception of her work. Although she wanted to be a doctor since the she was a little girl she frequently doubts her own abilities. This insecurity she can cloak in the general arrogance of her profession and so far her doubts have been without foundation. She has proven to be a doctor of both skill and intuition. She is neither shy nor withdrawn but simply quiet unless she makes the effort to engage and share her quirky sense of humor.

Likes: Fishing, reading, model building, knitting, Ping-Pong and, occasionally, beer pong

Dislikes: Cheap shoes, loud noises, small warm enclosed spaces and cold showers.

Talents: Although likely to trip over a spot on the floor when she crosses a room, she has keen sight, exceptional fine motor skills, quick reflexes and excellent hand /eye coordination. An excellent sprinter, she’d never make it to the end of a marathon.

Psychological Quirks: She hates to disappoint people. She always tries to show everyone that things are not as bad as she knows them to be. She isn’t an optimist; she believes that things truly will go all to hell; she just doesn’t want anyone else to know. She will exaggerate the brightside to keep people happy and patients from being afraid. She knows she is doing it; she just can’t deal with the unhappiness of others. She doesn’t see it as lying, but it really is.

She is also mildly claustrophobic and knitting is her therapy.

Brief Background: Grace has never been off Earth, she has never been in cryo-sleep, and she has never had any adventures. She never planned to. Until she learned that 5 years of work – most of it spent asleep- would wipe out all of her med school debts and give her fresh start, then she signed up. Her training on the ship’s general, life support and medical systems were cut short when she abruptly replaced the ship’s original medical officer. She has no idea why. In order to make up for the shortfall in her training she has been fitted with a direct interface that allows her to access the medical systems and equipment. In emergencies, the access is reciprocal and the computer can provide more direct assistance through Grace. Grace was told that that would happen only under the direst of situations, and is hoping it never does.

Equipment: Everything a girl needs to get by away from home for a few months (nudge-nudge, wink-wink), including recreational pharmaceuticals.

Medical systems and computer interface. She has a personal first aid kit and emergency surgical kit because since her training on the ship’s system was never completed she has some reservations about it – and sometimes the old way is still the best way.

Alien Encounter: A (cautiously) B, C, & E.

Dos: Most things in moderation.

Donts: Bathroom play, messy things, extreme humiliation, harsh BDMS


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Nibbles_n_Tits: Added her to the front page. We got a nice diverse job group and here I thought one occupation would dominate the others. We also got a nice balance of male and female ratio. This makes my life easier. :D
Everything's looking good. I like the edits and the ideas coming out. Anything to keep the thread going without holdups. It should be a blast looking forward to it.
Nibbles_n_Tits: Added her to the front page. We got a nice diverse job group and here I thought one occupation would dominate the others. We also got a nice balance of male and female ratio. This makes my life easier. :D

See we still could use a scientist and the Director. More patients for me to mangle heal. :)
See we still could use a scientist and the Director. More patients for me to mangle heal. :)

As for Scientists, my engineer can help fill that hole if no one makes one, engineers are like scientists, but with less research and more exclamation marks.
I'm expecting three character sheets before Lock-Down Sunday, so we'll see what occupations we get. The Director can easily be NPCed--worst case scenario--so I rather we get at least two scientists or one scientist and one helmsman (just to finish it off). But two scientists would be better. Never can have too many of them. One biologist, biochemist, archaeologist, or even an anthropologist.

kittenofdeath: In this game, with how I wrote the occupations, I won't be permitting an engineer to act as a scientist. I'd rather if someone wanted to play a scientist to make a separate character. In this game, an engineer is not a scientist. They only know how to do what was written for them to do. If anyone knew how to do what another occupation does, then it makes that player who specifically chose that job useless. The only exception to this is security because I'm sure everyone will have an opportunity to defend themselves against predators. It's just security has the better firepower, and if your character doesn't know how to wield firearms/weapons or has never held them before, then they would more than likely need security around them at all times.

Worst case scenario, if we don't have players for the roles we need, we can NPC them. There's nothing wrong with NPCs. In fact, if someone needed to die just to give the game that "oh shit" atmosphere, the NPCs would be fair game.

I will be giving everyone the option to create NPCs in the case they ever mention any in their posts. The NPCs will be posted under an NPC list. They have to be NPCs that other players will see on a regular basis. Hell, it could simply be a custodian or the freaky lunch ladies/men in the mess hall lol.
kittenofdeath: In this game, with how I wrote the occupations, I won't be permitting an engineer to act as a scientist. I'd rather if someone wanted to play a scientist to make a separate character. In this game, an engineer is not a scientist. They only know how to do what was written for them to do. If anyone knew how to do what another occupation does, then it makes that player who specifically chose that job useless. The only exception to this is security because I'm sure everyone will have an opportunity to defend themselves against predators. It's just security has the better firepower, and if your character doesn't know how to wield firearms/weapons or has never held them before, then they would more than likely need security around them at all times.

Oh I don't mean that he would make a scientist redundant, but as an engineer he does know science, just not to the same degree that a scientist would, and the knowledge is more practical than theoretical, in the sense that he knows why hes doing what was written in the manual, rather than just blindly following what is said.

Though if we don't end up with a scientist I wouldn't mind making a second character, sexy smart lass in a lab coat, because who doesn't like lab coats?
Oh I don't mean that he would make a scientist redundant, but as an engineer he does know science, just not to the same degree that a scientist would, and the knowledge is more practical than theoretical, in the sense that he knows why hes doing what was written in the manual, rather than just blindly following what is said.

Though if we don't end up with a scientist I wouldn't mind making a second character, sexy smart lass in a lab coat, because who doesn't like lab coats?

Yeah, we'll find out soon enough. I'm going to start writing the IC since it's going to be pretty wordy. My weekend is crazy busy. I keep forgetting that Father's Day is Sunday lol, which makes me wonder if I should extend the final application date to Monday, but I dislike Mondays...imo, you have to be special (special as in unique) to like a Monday.
I'm going to create a char entry to Scientist. Was reading the post and I got really interested in being one.... Glad nobody took the role yet
I'm going to create a char entry to Scientist. Was reading the post and I got really interested in being one.... Glad nobody took the role yet

The role is pretty infinite lol so it'll never be taken, but I did want us to have one before the game started. So now...I'm waiting on four character sheets before Sunday. We'll see if they all make it.

Oh yes, what kind of scientist were you planning on creating? Like what is his/her specialty?
Name: Rukka Nova

Nickname: Rat (Due to his small stature)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 1,74 cm

Weight: 60kg

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Visual Description:
Click Image to Enlarge Adult Image Hosting

Uploaded with

Ocupation: Geneticist (Scientist)

Personality: Rukka is a genious. Detached guy that was never too popular with the gals but doesn't care because he lives in his own world where everything is interesting. Prone to falling in love but very hard to get, he acts like he doesn't care about nothing yet he might be the greatest friend in all the ship

Likes: Science, Fun-Facts, Trivia, Challenges, Study, Testing on his own secret projects, smart girls

Dislikes: Dumbness, Muscle men, arrogant people

Talents: Studying DNA Strings, understanding the micro-biological strenghts and weaknesses of living organisms, detect and influence genetical mutations...

Psychological Quirks: He thinks he is always right and will not discuss with people with less intelect. He gets offended easily - this flaw comes from his low self-esteem - a problem he hides with fervour

Brief Background: Even as a child, Rukka spent his days watching bugs on the yard, figuring out their habits and trying to classify them. The boy figured out, as a teen, he wanted to have a job relating animals. He studied to be a veterinarian, but as he completed his degree at age 18, he felt his destiny was larger so he enrolled in a new training program - A training program that forms new highly qualified geneticists that is sponsored by Oracle. Oracle noticed his talent and invited him to participate in this mission promising it would complement his studies.
He comes from Portugal, a country which has taken lots of Nobel Prizes thanks to him and his awe-inspiring discoveries in the scientific branch of genetics. He accepted the mission because he felt the opportunity to investigate unknown worlds and civilizations.

Alien Encounter: c), e) and d)

Dos: Heterosexual Sex in general, but depends on the person.... he is not an easy person

Donts: Anal on me, Golden Showers and those things people mentioned early..
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All right; now I know I said I wouldn't point out any mistakes, but I'm going to have to contradict myself here.

You said you made a scientist that is a geneticist. The profession of a geneticist has nothing to do with robotics, and if you wanted to be in that profession then your scientist would need to be a prosthetic scientist or a specialist in the field of biomechatronics.

I also don't think that Dr. Denver would send a scientist who specializes in prosthesis on a search and rescue. He wouldn't be a scientist but a doctor since that is a medical specialty. If you want to switch your character's occupation over to a doctor, then that'll work since we'll have a specialist in that area if anyone's cyborg parts start acting up lol or if they need a limb replaced.

But yeah, I just don't see that as a position we would need in regards to the "scientist" role. If you had provided the correct description of a geneticist in your character's occupation, then you would be green. A geneticist would be very important, especially if the team returns with alien life-form samples.
Hello all!

I think this is a wonderful idea! I haven't seen Prometheus yet, but I do love Alien and the Dead Space concept. I also, uh, would really enjoy the possibility of alien encounters. :eek:

Is there still room for characters in the thread? If there is, I would like to submit a character idea. I have one for a Helmsman and a slightly different one for a doctor, probably a biologist.
Hello all!

I think this is a wonderful idea! I haven't seen Prometheus yet, but I do love Alien and the Dead Space concept. I also, uh, would really enjoy the possibility of alien encounters. :eek:

Is there still room for characters in the thread? If there is, I would like to submit a character idea. I have one for a Helmsman and a slightly different one for a doctor, probably a biologist.

If you go biologist, then it would be a scientist in this game. Yes, you can still join. Recruitment closes Sunday so people can join until then. But also, I need character sheets to be submitted before Sunday because the IC will go up on that day and I won't be accepting any late submissions.
Hello all!

I think this is a wonderful idea! I haven't seen Prometheus yet, but I do love Alien and the Dead Space concept. I also, uh, would really enjoy the possibility of alien encounters. :eek:

Yah! Welcome aboard!
Thanks, HotKittyGirl!

HotCider, would you prefer the character sheet be posted here for application or submitted by PM for approval before posting? Also sorry about the doctor thing, I was thinking scientist. I'll try and proofread a bit more next time.
Thanks, HotKittyGirl!

HotCider, would you prefer the character sheet be posted here for application or submitted by PM for approval before posting? Also sorry about the doctor thing, I was thinking scientist. I'll try and proofread a bit more next time.

You can submit it here. I provide a link to your profile on the front page so you can easily click it and not have to sift through OOC pages looking for it.
I'm in if you will have me.

Name: Colton Ford
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair Color: Dark
Eye Color: Blue
Visual Description:

A former Colonial Marine, Colton Ford's manner carries with it the subtleties that are so easily identifiable by those who serve. His hair is kept short in a traditional high-and-tight, coal black in color and prone to growing in quickly. The length of his frame was lanky as a younger man and has grown in slowly over time, helped along by keen attention to his conditioning and diet. His parents saw fit to pass along broad shoulders, which taper quickly to a narrow and rangy waist with narrow hips.

His legs are lean-muscled, further adding to the long rather than wide shape his body presents. Like most Marines, retired or on deployment, he consistently trains his body into prime condition.

Colton, however, is a very sensitive and thoughtful man. He's often a listener, seldom a speaker, and lacks many of the leadership qualities that most with his enlisted history developed. He doesn't care to give orders but excels at taking them. It's evident in most of his mannerisms and the patient measure of his features, seldom stern in look despite their squared jaw and heavier brow. He's not traditionally handsome in feature but wholly masculine. His nose is prominent without being large. It hooks slightly with anglo-celtic influence.

The only truly handsome feature he possesses are his eyes. Blue. A cloudy, stormy vision of the color that suit entirely his quiet and tumultuous passions.

He operates now as a Corporate Security Guard, retired from the service and pleased to receive a more "relaxed" vision of the military life that he enjoyed. It would be likely his personell file lists him as a reliable, careful sort. His ability to lead, however, is limited to smaller groups of men. It limits his potential for growth and sees him function in the typical NCO-style role.

Weyland Utanii Expeditionary Suite Mark IV – Personal Protection Suit
The most recent addition to Weyland Utani Protection’s line of personal protection, the ES IV represents the cutting edge in protection technology. Composed of three distinct elements, the ES IV is designed to be a tough, versatile suit combining a high grade of ballistic protection and state-of-the-art survival and technological innovations.
- Ballistic Shell
Thin, flexible plastisteel plating forged from the latest in ballistic composite materials, this external shell provides high-grade protection against most ballistic elements and is tested against explosive-grade weapons.

- Sensor Suite
Using the latest in nanotechnology the ES IV is outfitted with the highest grade personal sensor suite available. Designed to provide real-time battlefield analysis the onboard sensors include various visualization and scanning tools combined with the ability to fully-integrate with additional scanning tools. The gem of this system is the Mark IV’s adaptable Heads-Up Display which allows the wearer, with or without a helmet, to review and diagnose battlefield data. The Mark IV’s HUD can also be integrated with various weapon systems to provide active aim assist and targeting enhancement.

- Survival Glove
A miracle of modern science, the Mark IV’s Survival Glove is designed to support long-range in-theatre operations while optimizing performance and maximizing survival. Fully sealed, this glove is rated for zero atmosphere conditions and space safe when combined with the Mark IV’s combat helmet. Wound isolation, nano-cyst released first aide, along with climate stable temperature monitors round out some of the many innovations in the Mark IV. Nano-cysts work to release controlled amounts of endorphins and hormones to optimize the body’s response to variable combat and survival situations while monitoring essential life functions.


Heckler and Koch G93 Precision Tactical Assault Rifle
HK’s most accurate combat rifle, the G93 represents an evolution in caseless munitions and is designed to serve those who would seek to make each cartridge count. Firing a caseless 12.9mm x 75mm round at up to 6,000 fps while delivering 400 grains impact, the G93 makes use of the world’s most dynamic recoil stabilizer to allow for multiple rounds on target. The G93 is capable of being integrated with most fire assistance and HUD suites.

The reasons this weapon are rare in the field are few but substantial. The foremost, of course, is cost. The G93 is also a professional’s rifle, often considered unforgiving of novice shooters with its low firing rate and thirty round capacity. It is considered overkill as an anti-personnel rifle given the 12.9 x 75mm sabot round that it fires can easily double as an anti-material round.

Caliber: 12.9 x 75mm Caseless
Capacity: 30 Rounds
Firing Mode: Semi-Automatic, Automatic
Length: 28”
Weight: 5.2 lbs
Colton Ford’s G93 has a custom calibrated X45a Tactical Scope mounted and is fully synchronized with his Mark IV Protection Suit.

Glock 83C Tactical Pistol
A rugged, mid-caliber Tactical Sidearm; the Glock 83C is a common sidearm of much renown throughout the worlds. A high-capacity magazine combined with its compact frame, tactical mounts, and notorious dependability have seen this pistol become one of the most common within the Weyland Utani Corporation and many other organizations.

Caliber: 7.2 x 35mm Caseless
Capacity: 26 Rounds
Firing Mode: Semi-Automatic
Length: 6.3”
Weight: 1.1 lbs
Colton Ford's 83C has a custom calibrated laser sight system and is fully synchronized with his Mark IV Protection Suit.

Occupation: Security
Personality: Quiet, Practical, Reserved. His wit is at times quite sharp but seldom malicious. In most aspects he's a very typical introvert.
Likes: Books, Art, Music. He is an avid reader in a variety of topics and tremendously curious of the sciences.
Dislikes: Drinking, Drugs, Bickering
Talents: Soldier by trade but skilled with his hands and quick to understand machines. He is patient enough, and calm enough, to be counted on in difficult situations including those with contrary or confrontational personality types. Seldom, if ever, attempts to assert himself as an "alpha".
Psychological Quirks: Almost unnervingly quiet in most cases. It can make his company uncomfortable in some situations.
Brief Background: Born and raised in New York, Colton enlisted as soon as he was able and served over ten years as a Colonial Marine. His tours included several throughout the warring continents of Earth and across troubled colonies within several galaxies. Four years ago, on an assignment at a small mining colony, Colton witnessed the death of several friends during an engagement with a small but intelligently lead criminal element. The four years that followed were listless and unsatisfying, the shine of his lifestyle taken away. The decision to retire came during this time, bouncing from duty station to duty station, before finally being made final.

Retiring with honors and a solid military resume, including certifications and basic secondary education focused in machining and engineering, he found work for the Weyland Yutani Corporation as a member of their extensive security corps.
Alien Encounter: Yes, I am not interested in having Colton impregnated by the creatures but wounded by bite effects and struggling with strange symptoms would be acceptable.
Dos: I'm interested in power games, light BDSM with my character serving as a more dominate-minded personality. I'd like him to surprise the cast with several hints of his background and mannerisms, particularly his sexual likes and dislikes.
Donts: My character is a dominate sort. The other, typical, dislikes also apply. Scat, children, vomit, any of that. Blood play. Urine. These are all off limits.
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If you go back and fill out those categories with a bit more detail than what you're showing me right now, then I'll accept your application.
Of course. Had to run out briefly. Put it up for now. Expect the edits in a few hours.
Yeah forget the robotics part....

I might have been a bit tipsy at that time :D

So here I am.... I'm going to edit my post right now and change it. The idea was to study alien lifeforms biology to the genetic level, trying to figure out about their DNA strings, possible connections to us or to other animals we know, figure out what their weaknesses were and so on.

Maybe I should grab the biologist tag then, because the idea was what I summed up now, and that fits into a biologist as well right?