Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)

I edited the character sheet and provided some more background info ;)
If you go back and fill out those categories with a bit more detail than what you're showing me right now, then I'll accept your application.

Aside from the obvious, which categories did you need more information in?
Light Ice: Your obvious and my obvious are probably two different things. All I can say is go over it and fill it out to the best of your ability, and we'll see if its passable after.

Carreira: Biologist and Geneticist are not exactly the same (two different fields). Of course, a geneticist could know some things about biology and a biologist know some things about genetics, but what separates them is their area of specialization. A Geneticist would no more about heredity and genes than a Biologist would. Biologist is like the macro spectrum and Geneticist is the micro. Biologist would have studied several different species, their behaviors, how they function, etc. Geneticist is just all about genes, heredity, mutation, and evolution. I already had a player reserve Biologist (Sylnaeve), so if you want to go back to being a Geneticist, then I can approve that.

With that said, I'm heading out folks. I'll return some time to look at this thread. Just make do until then.
Done Cider....Geneticist it is

Ended up doing what I wanted to do, back and forth on what to call it, but all good now
Name: Corcin Nacern
Nickname: (Optional; does your character have a nickname or preferred nickname?)
Age: 25
Gender: male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 183
Hair Color: back kept short and slicked forward in small short spikes.
Eye Color: ardent green slightly almost vibrant.
Written Description: Corcin is fairly lean man in his prime. He keeps his hair and body in good shape and remains clean shaven most of the time. He has a tattoo on his shoulder that he got during his college years of a brilliant far off star.*
Occupation: Helmsman
Personality: calculative when he's not in a rush from racing or hunting after a point of interest. He's very sure of himself and enjoys his post as secondary helmsman.
Likes: Internet, racing at high speeds, blades, babes (specially redheads)
Dislikes: disorder, paintings and sculptures and big egos.
Talents: Can fight well (especially with knives) cool hand at the helm and good reflexes that have been modified for ship piloting from his earlier jaunts.*
Psychological Quirks: can be prone to take dares and go on binges while on shore leave.*
Brief Background: Corcin grew up in the western United States. He grew up in the shadow of his brother who served with distinction in the military. Corcin preferred to find excitement in racing and chasing girls but eventually after some run ins with the cops he decided he liked racing but there were better ways to keep his freedom. He took classes in navigation and other to make him a solid hand a piloting interstellar craft. When he went to high school and then at college and eventually was scouted by Oracle and given the chance to work as a pilot for the organization, a chance that Corcin is very grateful for.
Alien Encounter: yes. C, D, E.
Dos: straight, group, light bondage.
Donts: guy on guy. Scat, gore.

Might modify more once back home. Uploading from my phone during some down time.*
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All right; since I approved two male characters, I am no longer accepting anymore applications for male characters. I will accept two female character applications and that is all.

Technically, this is the last day to get an application up because I said Sunday the OOC is closing and the IC will be going up. This is going to happen at Midnight (US EST).

Even if I close recruitment as I just said, I will be keeping recruitment open for two female character applications. Once those are filled, then it'll be closed completely.

Finally, I mentioned a rule that I was going to put up and since no one seemed to be against it, I'm going to add it to the front page. I'll edit this message when it's up. I recommend everyone read it because if they don't, I'm going to interrupt their sex scene and tell them to go do it. But yeah, one minute, as I edit the front page.

Also, I'm not trying to be a dick, I just like organization. It makes running games so much easier.

Edit: I've edited the front page with the two approved applications. I also added Rule #10 that everyone needs to make sure to read. I'm still expecting to receive Sylv's character sheet thus why I put in the heading only one other female character needed. So yeah, just letting you know I'm expecting yours and if any other player wants to sign up with a female character application.
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Finally, I mentioned a rule that I was going to put up and since no one seemed to be against it, I'm going to add it to the front page. I'll edit this message when it's up. I recommend everyone read it because if they don't, I'm going to interrupt their sex scene and tell them to go do it. But yeah, one minute, as I edit the front page.

Also, I'm not trying to be a dick, I just like organization. It makes running games so much easier.

I didn't really have any valuable input on that, as it doesn't bother me one way or another, so I didn't bother commenting on it.
Hi! Thank you all for being patient! Here is my proposed character. I know there isn't an approval per se, but I really like to get feedback and thoughts on my characters and writing so please everyone feel free to share any suggestions, comments, or ideas!

I also apologize if any of the things I list in my Do's are over the top. I'm very kinky sometimes, so sorry if it's too much!

Name: Doctor Nadia Pavelova, Ph.D
Nicknames: Freeze Queen, Docsicle, Icy Hot (due to her many times in cryosleep and all disliked immensely by Nadia herself)
Age: 40 (chronologically), 28 (physically and mentally; due to cryosleep times)
Gender: Female
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Hair Color: Light, tawny brown
Eye Color: Pale icy blue
Visual Description: (I couldn’t find a picture that looked the part, but if anyone has suggestions, PM me!)
Written Description: Doctor Nadia Pavelova is a pretty woman in her mid-twenties; combining still looking young with the fully developed form of a woman. Her facial features are sharp and clean with high cheekbones and a fine, curving jawline. Her lips are pert and plush, though narrow, and are naturally a healthy pink. Her skin is pale, creamy, and flawless; save for the copper-colored nano-tattoos on the palms and backs of her hands which resemble three concentric circles pierced and joined by a thin triangle. Her hair is a light golden brown and falls to below her jawline; she usually keeps back with datalink hairpins when in the lab and swept slightly forward and curving inward to frame her face otherwise. Her body is curvy and pleasing, that of a healthy woman rather than being a thin stick. She is very busty, something which she is both pleased and embarrassed by at different times, giving her a somewhat top heavy appearance. She has no body hair, save for that on her head, and hasn’t for several years; something she attributes to being in cryosleep multiple times.

Occupation: Scientist (Biochemist)

Personality: Nadia sometimes seems like different people to those who see in her in different situations. In the lab or on a rescued/salvaged ship, she is clean, crisp, and professional; no nicknames, no playing around, only an occasional dry quip. A mistake with the kinds of compounds used in space travel can do horrifying things to organic life and she is very aware of dangers most don’t even consider. Not on duty, she is witty and warm, laughing and smiling easily. She can even be motherly, often surprising her crew mates with food she personally prepared. There is a faint hint of anxiety behind her off duty times, as though she is almost desperate for human interaction. She remains thoroughly devoted to the concept of clean in either “mode” unless engaging in sex.
Likes: Cleanliness, self-control (not self-denial), documentation/records, music, good food, sex, games, new activities/experiences, discovery, and exploration.
Dislikes: Filth, laziness, feeling alone or disconnected, total quiet, pointlessly “macho” acts or attitude (from men or women), medical doctors (so arrogant and some have even told her she’s not a “real” doctor!), unprofessional or intemperate behavior, and being dismissed or ignored.
Talents: Professionally, Nadia is a biochemist specializing in the effects of toxic, radioactive, and mutagenic substances (and combinations of the three) on organic compounds and life. She has also a great body of informal knowledge of other fields such as psychology, neurology, biology, chemistry, and physics. Nadia is a trained medic; though not a medical doctor. She is also an expert at documentation and research, as well as synthesizing and presenting data to others. She is a quick study and enjoys learning new things. Physically, she practices yoga and is very flexible. She enjoys singing (especially in Russian) and has an excellent voice. Nadia speaks and reads English, Russian, Chinese (Mandarin), and knows bits and pieces of other languages (greetings, thanks, ritual phrases).
Psychological Quirks: Nadia is a woman who is secretly in the middle of an existential crisis. Her long time in space and many years spent in cryosleep have made her feel disconnected and disassociated with other people. Her desire to be part of humanity and to exist has manifested in several ways.

She documents and records all of her activities. A chronic journal writer, everything she does is recorded in some form, be it a note in a journal or lab log, a written description, video/audio recording, or even a holographic recording. This includes private moments and sexual encounters (something her partners are rarely aware of).

Nadia is also afraid of being alone and of quiet; she always has music playing or is singing/humming, or having something going on that makes noise. Unlike many, she thinks best when being stimulated, rather than being isolated.

Nadia’s penchant for cleanliness is not quite overzealous or OCD but she it gets close. However, when having sex, she likes to be wet, sweaty, and have her partner cum on her, enjoying being “dirty” as a thrill.

Brief Background: Nadia Pavelova is Russian, born and educated in one of the “science cities” first started in the Soviet era. Brilliant and talented, she confused many of her relatives when she accepted a position at Oracle on deep space missions rather than a more lucrative or prestigious career as a researcher on Earth. For Nadia, the choice was simple; Oracle would send her into outer space.

She has been with the company since finishing her doctorate and performed admirably on many missions. She also holds the rare distinction of being one of the most cryogenically frozen people to have ever lived; having spent twelve years in cryosleep on various missions.

Equipment: Nadia may have various items depending on the mission but she always carries a few things.

Nano-tattoos: One on/in each hand, the tattoos are actually nanotech computer and wireless interface systems which allow Nadia to remotely interface/interact with technological devices and access various systems and data. The civilian version of the Captain’s Neural Lace; Nadia has had hers upgraded to generate an electric shock capable of incapacitating an average male human. Use of the “taser” function disables the tattoos for three hours while the nanites rebuild and repair damaged units.

Datalink Hairpins: Used to pin her hair back in the lab or kept on her breast pocket when off duty; each hairpin is a miniature computer and smart system; including short range scanners and chemical analysis sensors. They are also capable of recording audio and video, as well as creating a “screen” that acts as a HUD for Nadia when working and can display various information and readings, including anything they have recorded. They can also project force "lenses" to allow them to function as a microscope or telescope.

Oracle Field Med-Kit: Space travel is dangerous, especially when you think it’s not, so Nadia carries a standard medical field kit with her at all times, clipped to her belt.

Alien Encounter: YES! Yes to all options given; A, B, C, D, and E! I also have a question; will there be a possibility of non-tentacle alien encounters? Whether humanoid/beast-shape/amorphous/etc?
Dos: flirting, foreplay, teasing, striptease (performing), men, women, oral (fellatio and cunnilingus, giving and receiving), anal, vaginal, toys, spanking, bondage (light to medium), dirty talk, exhibition/voyeurism (usually via watching recordings of her part encounters and knowing she’s recording her sex), titplay, titfucking, cum showers, facials, squirting (female ejaculation for those who don’t know), multiple positions, groups, gangbangs, zero-g sex, hair pulling, light slapping, cock slapping, non-consent/rape*, fluids/slime*, stomach bulging* (from large insertions or excessive cum).
Donts: Scat, urine/watersports, gore, non-sexual torture, violence, dehumanizing, extreme humiliation.

*assumed to relate to any aliens encountered; not to other PCs.
Sylnaeve: I have no complaints. :devil:

I'm just clarifying the function of the Nano-Tattoos, they only allow you to access the interface but no hacking or anything similar involved? Since I'm sure you know that would conflict with the Engineer's position. But I just wanted to hear your answer so it's known. I read the description you wrote for it correctly.

Your profile, overall, is very detailed and that's how I like them best. Your doctor is hot, and as I'm not the sort of person to dictate who my character is going to be sleeping with because he has his own personality and does what he does, I can only "hope" that some time in the future, he gets a chance with your Nadia. But yeah, I don't force what isn't meant to happen because I've have had incidents where my characters were just not interested in certain others, and it was out of my control.

But to your question, of course! Plain-old tentacle monsters get boring. You're going to see all sorts of Sci-fi shit in this game. There will be many kinds of creatures both enormous (colossal!) and possibly...well, I won't say microscopic/parasitic but maybe. It sounds a little unfair.

If anyone ever wants to add their own alien-encounter scene, just run it by me in PMs so I'll know and can hold off any plot ideas I may have had to allow you to proceed. Yes, this scene can involve multiple players if all players agree to it. I mean, you don't have to tell them exactly what you're going to do if you want it to be a surprise factor, but just give them a basic idea for their comfort.
Sounds familiar. I thought you had said something about that before. But I agree. It should help to keep the thread going and still give us a chance to have some fun with our characters and not feel rushed or whatever. I like it.
HotKittygirl: I saw that you not only added an equipment section to your profile but also added pics of the weapons. I thought that was pretty cool.

This IC is going to be enormous. I'll let you guys know what's going to be in it.

1. I gave a brief description of the Odysseus and its levels.

2. I decided to make the Ship Director an NPC. You can read her profile in the IC, and it contains some shocking information that you'll know OOC, but is not permitted to know IC unless your characters discover it on their own.

3. NPC list section.

4. A description of Galileo, its levels, and all the awesome sectors it has. My drawing is going to be done in Paint because the sectors are how you can guide yourselves through the ship since it's so ridiculously huge.

The Galileo is enormous compared to the tugboat Odysseus. The amount of space and also the amount of (scientific and non-scientific) discoveries that can be made on the ship will probably have some of the characters drooling.

Because this IC is going to be so big, I may have to split it up into two posts. The first being the Odysseus and the second the Galileo. If I feel there's room, I'll include the Gadgets and Alien Creatures sections.

Because yeah, this may seem like a treasure trove but it'll be full of ALIENS! :devil:
Glad to see the thread taking shape and happy to report I survived Vegas with most finances intact. Long road back to Cali and then work almost immediately after then I get to post again hehe.
I may start posting up sections of the IC because pretty much the post I would want to start the game off with is an example post of what everyone will see when waking up. It gives a description of the lab and so on (I won't write this post until Midnight).

What I ask for people not to do and I'll make sure to seem like a child with a red crayon and marker and write all over the IC page:


I'm going to write that all over the IC so no one can miss it, and I'm going to kick someone (literally kick someone through the Internet and out their monitor screen) if I see anyone post in it after I not only told everyone here in the OOC, but wrote that notice in huge font.

I'll be an angry man. I just might cry. :rolleyes:

No one better be color blind.
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Glad to see the thread taking shape and happy to report I survived Vegas with most finances intact. Long road back to Cali and then work almost immediately after then I get to post again hehe.

I honestly have never been to Las Vegas. I go overseas more often than I vacation west lol. My sister has gone, but knowing her and money, she probably came back broke. I do not remember if she did or not and I don't think she'd talk about it.

So, I got all the prequel IC stuff up. I still need to post again at Midnight, but until then I'm not only taking a creative break (not really a break), but I'm going to add that suit I said I would add to the Gadget list. This suit will only be for those characters who don't have their own.

Feel free to read over the IC, but do not post in there. You can ask me questions, make comments, or whatever you want to talk about. You can even write up Gadgets here in the OOC that I can add to the Gadget List.
I've made alterations. I'm going to go back, now, and make a couple additions regarding his gear. These will probably need your clearing. I hope it's suitable. I'd like to leave the rest unsaid, if possible, to be revealed through play.
Also, a female writer contacted me and I've linked her here. I believe she may be interested.
Light Ice: I added you and your character to the front page. Oh yes, this is Oracle. Weyland is from Prometheus movie lol.

I am no longer accepting male characters.

However, there are two free spots for any player that wants to play a female.

I added the standard space suits under gadgets in the IC. If you wrote suits for your characters, you can use what you wrote, but these standard ones are for those who didn't feel like writing their own. I gave a basic description but feel free to go creative with them as far as what you see beneath the helmet. There is communications included and all that techno babble.

Girls, feel free to make your suits seem hotter than what was presented in the description. We like hot!

2 hrs until midnight. No one is permitted to post. Just reminding because I know you all are so anxious to jump into the game. :rolleyes:

I'm going to be working on the IC post that I'll post at Midnight now. I got 2 hrs to do it, and then I can sleep happily.

I'm considering making the aliens and gadgets lists have their own threads or sections, but I can't decide. If I have to write lengthy explanations for them, then I may give them a thread later.
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All right so I was 30 mins over, but I posted. You can find the link to the IC on the front page of the OOC under links. The game has now officially begun. :D
All right so I was 30 mins over, but I posted. You can find the link to the IC on the front page of the OOC under links. The game has now officially begun. :D

Sweet, I'll get a post up as soon as I can, but first I want to update my equipment list. I spent last night thinking up various engineering tools that the user manual says should never be tampered with, and the respective companies take no responsibility should such a thing occur.
Sweet, I'll get a post up as soon as I can, but first I want to update my equipment list. I spent last night thinking up various engineering tools that the user manual says should never be tampered with, and the respective companies take no responsibility should such a thing occur.

HotKittygirl got me itching to find pics for Victor's weapons, but I'll mess with that tomorrow. My brain is burnt.
will likely get in a post tonight assuming weariness is beaten back at every turn. It is a crafty enemy however :p

This is me resisting the urge to post on the IC thread.

Goody! Goody!

Can't wait! Can't wait!