Deep Space (OOC - Recruiting for Group Game!)

You can post now if you want to. The game has started. I decided I'll say this more clearly since I had people PMing me and asking if they can post. Yes, you can post now lol.
Hiya, I'm the person Light Ice linked to this thread. I'm female and I'd like to play an engineer. I'm going to put a profile together now, so I'll edit it into this post sometime today (GMT).

I should say this up front; I'm not a huge sci-fi buff. I like certain series like BSG but I'm not a geek for the whole genre. I'm going to be winging it playing an engineer of this kind of craft. Hopefully KittenOfDeath will be willing to ensure that anything I post regarding hypothetical tech makes some kind of sense. My partner loved Dead Space 2 and I love the Alien film so hopefully between those two and a little googling I can do this role justice. DO feel free to pick me up on stuff and I'll happily edit.

Name: Rylee Scott

Nickname: Switch - suggests she's more of a mechanic than an engineer. Also because her mood often turns on a knife edge. Rylee gives Adam a new nickname every single day, just to provoke him.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Height: 5ft10

Hair Color: Dark blonde

Eye Color: Hazel

Visual Description:

Written Description: Strong, muscular physique that she keeps well honed. I'll also point out that Rylee has been sterilized, so it's not possible for her to get pregnant in the normal, human way. I'm not ruling out alien pregnancy, specifically because I know how much it will traumatise her.

Occupation: Engineer, military. Ostensibly senior to Adam Walker, who she thinks is pedantic and vain. In reality however, his knowledge of nanotech and biotech far outstrips her own, more mechanics-based training. Doubles as an effective soldier when needed.

Personality: Um, I'm finding it hard to separate psyche quirks from personality, so I'm just going to stick it all in one section below.

Likes: Drinking, gambling, smoking, working out, fucking when the opportunity arises. It takes quite a bit to rile her but when she loses her cool Rylee really enjoys fighting, not with weapons but visceral fist-fighting, which she finds cathartic. Hard rock/metal music. Strong men. Strong women.

Dislikes: Feminine women and the duplicitous bitchiness she associates with them. Physically weak women who paint themselves as helpless damsels and crap themselves when things get tough. People treating her as less than equal to any man on the ship in terms of physical and mental strength.

Talents: Engineering (obvs) but particularly with mechanical parts. She has a sixth sense for how the ship is functioning that's as acute as a doctor's intuition when it comes to biology. She has military training, can use weapons and is an asset in a combat situation.

Personality/Psychological Quirks: She's naturally mistrustful, which makes her friendships and relationsips volatile. She's blunt when she speaks and oblivious to etiquette and tact. Rylee's much more at ease among men than women. Her flings are brief and explosive and she has zero interest in long term relationships and kids. She's indifferent about her appearance and it's merely luck that she looks as hot naturally as most women do when well groomed.

Rylee has the absolute minimum of biotech fitted to her, to allow her to interact with the higher operational systems and give her the required access to act in an emergency without the need to waste time confirming her identity and level of clearance. She deeply mistrusts biotech and by extension, Adam, who's only about 50% human.

Brief Background: Rylee was taken from her violent, sexually abusive dyke of an alcoholic mother by child protection services at 12 years old. Troubled and initially withdrawn, with anger issues that worsened through puberty, Rylee spent the remainder of her childhood in a group home. She got in trouble frequently, until the home manager sat her down and told her she had two choices; to apply herself to schoolwork and pray for a scholarship or to slip further behind until she quit school altogether and became involved the local criminal gang culture.

Rylee applied herself to her studies and brazened everything out by fighting other kids indiscriminately until they left her alone. She was bullied on both sides; by the group home, project kids and local gangs because she studied and wanted nothing to do with them... and by the academic kids from affluent homes because she was a rough poor kid with issues, who studied hard but wanted nothing to do with them either.

She secured a military scholarship. Their aptitude tests showed she would make a talented engineer and the rest was history. Rylee found the first place she could call home within the military, where if she followed the rules and did her best she could rise through the ranks on merit, while actually earning genuine respect from her peers. In the male dominated environment she became even more of a tomboy and too much of a handful for all but the bravest of her colleagues to bed.

She will challenge authority if she doesn't have respect for the person concerned. She will also be vocal if she thinks an error of judgement is being made. Rylee's first concern is always for the ship and the core systems.

Equipment: Rylee boasts a military grade suit that incorporates a number of basic defensive weapons such as blades. She also has a gun and a number of tools that also make good weapons. Rylee's suit can withstand a fair amount of punishment but it's heaver that Adams and slows her down a little. It's robust enough for her to wear out in space. Rylee finds the suit confining and heavy however, so she'll only put it on when she needs to. She's meticulous about its care, unthrilled about having to trust her life to the damn thing.

(I'm really hoping someone else will know what would be reasonable for this suit to be packing)

Alien Encounter: Yes, whatever. Bring it. :)

Dos: Do see my SRP Profile. Bisexual. Rylee doesn't know it yet but her troubled background and high pain threshold make her naturally sexually masochistic. She's not submissive in the least but pain and humiliation will gradually break her down and play into her own deep self loathing stemming from childhood abuse. Anyone who prises open the oubliette of her soul and abuses her better watch their back once she's recovered however.

Donts: Scat, graphic gore, again see my SRP Profile.
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Hiya, I'm the person Light Ice linked to this thread. I'm female and I'd like to play an engineer. I'm going to put a profile together now, so I'll edit it into this post sometime today (GMT).



Nibbles_n_Tits: I didn't make any standard uniforms because everyone's job is different. So, you wear normal clothes. The only time you wear the space suits is when you're leaving the Odysseus.
Hiya, I'm the person Light Ice linked to this thread. I'm female and I'd like to play an engineer. I'm going to put a profile together now, so I'll edit it into this post sometime today (GMT).

I should say this up front; I'm not a huge sci-fi buff. I like certain series like BSG but I'm not a geek for the whole genre. I'm going to be winging it playing an engineer of this kind of craft. Hopefully KittenOfDeath will be willing to ensure that anything I post regarding hypothetical tech makes some kind of sense. My partner loved Dead Space 2 and I love the Alien film so hopefully between those two and a little googling I can do this role justice. DO feel free to pick me up on stuff and I'll happily edit.

Name: Rylee Scott

Nickname: Switch - suggests she's more of a mechanic than an engineer. Also because her mood often turns on a knife edge. Rylee gives Adam a new nickname every single day, just to provoke him.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Height: 5ft10

Hair Color: Dark blonde

Eye Color: Hazel

Visual Description:

Written Description: Strong, muscular physique that she keeps well honed. I'll also point out that Rylee has been sterilized, so it's not possible for her to get pregnant in the normal, human way. I'm not ruling out alien pregnancy, specifically because I know how much it will traumatise her.

Occupation: Engineer, military. Ostensibly senior to Adam Walker, who she thinks is pedantic and vain. In reality however, his knowledge of nanotech and biotech far outstrips her own, more mechanics-based training. Doubles as an effective soldier when needed.

Personality: Um, I'm finding it hard to separate psyche quirks from personality, so I'm just going to stick it all in one section below.

Likes: Drinking, gambling, smoking, working out, fucking when the opportunity arises. It takes quite a bit to rile her but when she loses her cool Rylee really enjoys fighting, not with weapons but visceral fist-fighting, which she finds cathartic. Hard rock/metal music. Strong men. Strong women.

Dislikes: Feminine women and the duplicitous bitchiness she associates with them. Physically weak women who paint themselves as helpless damsels and crap themselves when things get tough. People treating her as less than equal to any man on the ship in terms of physical and mental strength.

Talents: Engineering (obvs) but particularly with mechanical parts. She has a sixth sense for how the ship is functioning that's as acute as a doctor's intuition when it comes to biology. She has military training, can use weapons and is an asset in a combat situation.

Personality/Psychological Quirks: She's naturally mistrustful, which makes her friendships and relationsips volatile. She's blunt when she speaks and oblivious to etiquette and tact. Rylee's much more at ease among men than women. Her flings are brief and explosive and she has zero interest in long term relationships and kids. She's indifferent about her appearance and it's merely luck that she looks as hot naturally as most women do when well groomed.

Rylee has the absolute minimum of biotech fitted to her, to allow her to interact with the higher operational systems and give her the required access to act in an emergency without the need to waste time confirming her identity and level of clearance. She deeply mistrusts biotech and by extension, Adam, who's only about 50% human.

Brief Background: Rylee was taken from her violent, sexually abusive dyke of an alcoholic mother by child protection services at 12 years old. Troubled and initially withdrawn, with anger issues that worsened through puberty, Rylee spent the remainder of her childhood in a group home. She got in trouble frequently, until the home manager sat her down and told her she had two choices; to apply herself to schoolwork and pray for a scholarship or to slip further behind until she quit school altogether and became involved the local criminal gang culture.

Rylee applied herself to her studies and brazened everything out by fighting other kids indiscriminately until they left her alone. She was bullied on both sides; by the group home, project kids and local gangs because she studied and wanted nothing to do with them... and by the academic kids from affluent homes because she was a rough poor kid with issues, who studied hard but wanted nothing to do with them either.

She secured a military scholarship. Their aptitude tests showed she would make a talented engineer and the rest was history. Rylee found the first place she could call home within the military, where if she followed the rules and did her best she could rise through the ranks on merit, while actually earning genuine respect from her peers. In the male dominated environment she became even more of a tomboy and too much of a handful for all but the bravest of her colleagues to bed.

She will challenge authority if she doesn't have respect for the person concerned. She will also be vocal if she thinks an error of judgement is being made. Rylee's first concern is always for the ship and the core systems.

Equipment: Rylee boasts a military grade suit that incorporates a number of basic defensive weapons such as blades. She also has a gun and a number of tools that also make good weapons. Rylee's suit can withstand a fair amount of punishment but it's heaver that Adams and slows her down a little. It's robust enough for her to wear out in space. Rylee finds the suit confining and heavy however, so she'll only put it on when she needs to. She's meticulous about its care, unthrilled about having to trust her life to the damn thing.

Alien Encounter: Yes, whatever. Bring it. :)

Dos: Do see my SRP Profile. Bisexual. Rylee doesn't know it yet but her troubled background and high pain threshold make her naturally sexually masochistic. She's not submissive in the least but pain and humiliation will gradually break her down and play into her own deep self loathing stemming from childhood abuse. Anyone who prises open the oubliette of her soul and abuses her better watch their back once she's recovered however.

Donts: Scat, graphic gore, again see my SRP Profile.

The only comments I have for your profile is that the Engineers don't carry weapons exactly, but they can be tools that can be used as weapons. But they'll be tools first before they will ever be considered weaponry.

I don't mind if players have a gun or something to defend themselves with, but the only occupation that has an arsenal of weapons is security.

As for your knowledge in engineering, I don't know shit, so...I just make it look as good as I can. So yeah, I know for a fact you're not the only one who isn't tech savvy here. I'm sure we'll all make do and survive.

I added Rylee to the front page.

HotKittygirl: lol Your character is awesome.
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The only comments I have for your profile is that the Engineers don't carry weapons exactly, but they can be tools that can be used as weapons. But they'll be tools first before they will ever be considered weaponry.

I don't mind if players have a gun or something to defend themselves with, but the only occupation that has an arsenal of weapons is security.

As for your knowledge in engineering, I don't know shit, so...I just make it look as good as I can. So yeah, I know for a fact you're not the only one who isn't tech savvy here. I'm sure we'll all make do and survive.

I added Rylee to the front page.

Thanks :)

And duly noted about the weapons thing.

I'm going to go make some lunch but after that I'll put something together for the IC. Having a lazy duvet day so might as well.
Oh yes, just to let everyone know. As you can see, this is a big game (as I tried to keep from happening but oh well). With big games, when everyone in a big game posts at least once or more, it looks like a tsunami. If you ever 1) don't feel like reading everyone's posts, or 2) become scared you may be lagging behind; do not give up or lose hope. I will be keeping up with the game even if I have to read some posts that I find "meh"-worthy. You can always ask me for a summary and I'll give you one.

You won't have to worry about the Galileo expeditions because depending on how many people I let go on the ship, I will split you into teams. I can't say how many because yeah, I need to go and think that stuff over. But while in your teams, it makes it easier to concentrate on those few people in your group and not everyone else. If you want to know what everyone is doing, I can always tell you.

But I'm just giving you that reassurance that I'm here. :devil:
I was going to post once more for the day since everyone got to the Mess Hall but my poor, unobservant Victor. :rolleyes: Well, not everyone but two people so far, and I'll be heading out for Fathers Day stuff later so that'll make up for my absence.
I'm plugging at an opening now. It might take me a bit. I've a particular vision to put forward and I tend to be a bit meticulous.
Ah yes, I may actually split the Galileo into its own thread and use the free space as a space for recording Gadgets. While the second space in The Galileo thread will be there for recording Alien species. This way, the threads won't get too cluttered and those still on the Odysseus won't have to search for Odysseus-related posts.

Edit: The changes have been made. The Galileo and the Odysseus are now two separate threads to prevent future clutter. You can find the link to either ship under "Links" on the front page of all threads.
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I should say this up front; I'm not a huge sci-fi buff. I like certain series like BSG but I'm not a geek for the whole genre. I'm going to be winging it playing an engineer of this kind of craft. Hopefully KittenOfDeath will be willing to ensure that anything I post regarding hypothetical tech makes some kind of sense. My partner loved Dead Space 2 and I love the Alien film so hopefully between those two and a little googling I can do this role justice. DO feel free to pick me up on stuff and I'll edit.

I've got a basic understanding in modern day engineering, and am fluent in scifi technobabble, so I'll be making stuff up as I go along with only vauge ties to real world science. As for shiny engineering toys, I intend to write up some common standard issue gear for engineers, such as space tape and a small scale sonic mapping device I thought up. I was going to have them and an IC post up already, but real life stuff got in the way.

Which left me with 2 hours to kill before the first train of the morning comes so I can go home... Joy. At least I'll get this stuff done.
There's no hurry to post. The briefing will only happen once all characters are in the mess hall and engaged in some small conversation.
I've got a basic understanding in modern day engineering, and am fluent in scifi technobabble, so I'll be making stuff up as I go along with only vauge ties to real world science. As for shiny engineering toys, I intend to write up some common standard issue gear for engineers, such as space tape and a small scale sonic mapping device I thought up. I was going to have them and an IC post up already, but real life stuff got in the way.

That's great. If you don't mind, I may well pick your brain as we go along or ping a post to you so you can weed out anything too ridiculous before it goes up.

Which left me with 2 hours to kill before the first train of the morning comes so I can go home... Joy. At least I'll get this stuff done.

Oh dear, that sucks. Hope you're well on your way by now.
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Is this still open to new players? I'd be glad to take a Security person slot. :D (I got the serious hots for Vazquez of Aliens... Grrls and guns!)
Is this still open to new players? I'd be glad to take a Security person slot. :D (I got the serious hots for Vazquez of Aliens... Grrls and guns!)

I'm accepting one more female in this game, but I really want a second doctor so the doctor isn't alone because if anything happens to her then the crew is just out of luck. But since you're into a security role and I really don't want to have so many security characters, if you want to make a medic, someone who will apply emergency first aid on the battlefield and pretty much prep an injured character for the infirmary, I will make that exception. You'll still be considered a Doctor but Syl's character will be Head Doctor.