Deep Space [OOC/Recruitment Thread]

Ptah: Since you posted your profile before I put down the hold, I'll take you if you switch your profile from "GM" to "Security."

We'll then need 3 females now to balance it out.

Just a heads up for everyone. This is going to seem like a big group game, but I assure you I know how to manage it. There will be two teams for the Galileo mission, Alpha and Bravo team. It'll be based on a random selection.

How the game normally goes is that there are certain occupations that remain on the ship. I have been thinking about making a third medical position, called The Medic. Which is the doctor that provides immediate care to any of the crew that becomes injured just to prolong their life until they can reach the medical facility.

But doctors will not be on the Galileo, neither will be any of the Helmsmen. One Helmsman will remain in the Odysseus and the other will be piloting the Trojan.

The Captain has a choice to either remain on the Odysseus or join the crew on the excursion. She will need to let me know.

Depending on how many security personnel we get, some will remain on the Trojan to guard it, and some will go into the Galileo to help protect the crew.

Jobs that will officially be going on the Galileo are: Engineers, Scientists, and Security (and maybe the Medic if anyone is interested in that position).

Edit: Just a heads up to those who like to play characters with military rank. Rank will not mean anything aboard the Galileo. You will be treated just like everyone else unless you were in a position of administration such as The Captain and Ship Director. We've had some characters in the past find that out the hard way, and I didn't mention it, but I'm saying it now. If you cause trouble or pretty much piss off the Ship Director, your character will be put in the Brig. It's not fun. People who's characters are in the brig tend to miss out on some RP fun. The reason why it exists is to deliver the mood of, well, "The Brig." So if it's not fun for you, then you know how your character feels lol. I'm not saying do what you can OOC to prevent being in there. If your character has the personality to be put in the brig constantly, then he/she just does. I know for a fact my character may be put in the brig a few times lol. But hey, such is life. Overall, you won't miss out on the game experience.
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Name: Lt Col John Sheppard
Nickname: Ace
Age: 29
Gender: male
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 180lbs
Hair Color:black
Eye Color:black
visual discription :

Occupation: GM

Personality: Sheppard appears to be almost incapable of talking about his personal feelings,[7] and although he is very attractive to members of the opposite sex, he seems to be awkward and surprised by their advances,[8] to the point of not quite knowing how to deal with them.
He is very loyal to his team mates. His personal mantra of "Leave no one behind" is often left unspoken, but he has proven it again and again. Great leadership skill.

Likes: anything ( but i am straight )
Dislikes: things that should be kept in the bathroom and basic things that are banned by lit.
Talents: Fight, expert pilot
Psychological Quirks: Incapable of talking about his feelings, short tempered, sometimes socially awkward

Brief Background: Little is known of his background .Joined the air force at a very young age. Went to MIT and served in Afghanistan. He was married once

Alien Encounter: No
Dos: down for anythingas is long as its with a women
Donts: No castration , or toilet play or animal play. Things like that

All right. I was reading over your profile again. I added you to the Player List, but I'm going to give you a chance to fix this profile. My problem with it is that it looks like you made it in 5 mins. You just rushed through it, and people who give me a profile that looks like they made it in five minutes without any thought kind of give me the impression that they don't give a damn about this game, their character, and that they're only here for one thing, which I'm not going to be willing to give them if they don't show me that they can at least write a proper character sheet.

I just can't do this. You need to fix this profile. I just can't accept it I'm sorry. It's just so half-ass.
mmmmhmmm all these hot doctors makes me happy. Before we closed off last time Corlis got the pleasure of knowing one very intimately. Haven't seen the other around for a while but hopefully she'll return. If not I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun.
*raises hand* I can atest to that! Rex was put in the brig. I sat out 5 days of game play. And that caused me to be late for the last card game.
*raises hand* I can atest to that! Rex was put in the brig. I sat out 5 days of game play. And that caused me to be late for the last card game.

lol I knew you were going to say something about that. Hopefully he won't miss the card game, and maybe we'll have a more interesting Christmas party. :)
I will have to read over the old thread to find out what I missed! :p

Ah.. HC I'm of two minds on SOB's request. First is positive. It would give our new players a flovor of what happened last year. Game play and the interaction of all the Charactors.

The negitive side: It may channel action that repeats things that happen in the first story line. Rather then a fresh approuch to the events that unfold.

Those are my thoughts...

EDIT: Its 15 minutes later. I did look back on the old story. I will definately change my course of action.
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Was thinking of joining but was waiting for females to join and now I'm in the closed off from joining ranks. Come on ladies, we need a big bust, I mean boost, in the numbers of you! :D
Was thinking of joining but was waiting for females to join and now I'm in the closed off from joining ranks. Come on ladies, we need a big bust, I mean boost, in the numbers of you! :D

Worst case scenario, I have two players who volunteered to make two extra characters if need be. I am waiting until the end of the week to close recruitment for this game. If we son't get females by then, then depending on how much effort you put in your CS, I will accept you but only you and my two players will make the extra chars.

BRIGHTWELL Then again she could become more excited and inspired for the game.

If anyone would like the link to the old game, let me know. I'll PM. We stopped just before the action could begin on the Galileo.
I'd like to sign up if there are slots still available. Thank you for your service btw. I understand your rules, but I have a question. Sex is simple and aside from the aliens I expect no surprises, but what about equipment. What stuff can we bring and what is onboard for us to use during the course of the rescue. I can be a pack rat, so I'd like to know. Also is it possible to bring a pet?
I feel that so many people would love to do this, just most of them are males. I am one of those. I would love to do it, be willing to put in all the effort required. But, you still need two more ladies. So, HotCider, I hope that at least two more ladies will join because I really, really, really, would love to join this RP. Until then, best of luck.

BP :nana::nana::nana:
Penndragon: You can go crazy with the equipment and weaponry on the ship. I have prewritten descriptions, but not everything is mentioned in it. Players are free to use their imagination to make equipment, utilities, etc. If you go too crazy with it, then I'll simply let you know. But you can make up anything you want when it comes to technology. Now, as for pets, it depends on what kind of pet you're planning your character to have.

blackpenman: All I can say black, is stick around and see what happens. I like your enthusiasm and I wouldn't waste that. We'll see what we can do when the time comes. For now, still waiting for some females.
Well sounds good and I want to have a well rounded story. I know there aren't any women as of yet, because many seem to enjoy science fiction and erotica. I don't have any partners here, but I'm more than happy to work something out with a woman so we can both have fun.

So like in one sci-fi roleplay game, table top that is, my character will end up dealing with supplies. I'll come up with some gear and suggestions.

As to pet's I was thinking either a cat or a German Shepard, but I can understand if that wouldn't happen on the ship. Any thoughts to the design?

Let's keep giving this thread a exposure. It's a good idea, and it's always hard to keep a group thread going I've noticed.
Well sounds good and I want to have a well rounded story. I know there aren't any women as of yet, because many seem to enjoy science fiction and erotica. I don't have any partners here, but I'm more than happy to work something out with a woman so we can both have fun.

So like in one sci-fi roleplay game, table top that is, my character will end up dealing with supplies. I'll come up with some gear and suggestions.

As to pet's I was thinking either a cat or a German Shepard, but I can understand if that wouldn't happen on the ship. Any thoughts to the design?

Let's keep giving this thread a exposure. It's a good idea, and it's always hard to keep a group thread going I've noticed.

I don't think many women are into sci-fi lol. Otherwise, we'd have more applying. I have tried contacting some veterans of the old game but some haven't been seen for a year.

The Engineers develop the new technology. Scientists can also come up with inventions either chemical or biochemical. It depends on their job.

No pets. You won't need them unless they're test subjects. But then you'd have to be a scientist.

The basic description of the ship can be found by accessing the links on the front page.
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Colton Ford

Name: Colton Ford
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair Color: Dark
Eye Color: Blue
Visual Description:

A former Colonial Marine, Colton Ford's manner carries with it the subtleties that are so easily identifiable by those who serve. His hair is kept short in a traditional high-and-tight, coal black in color and prone to growing in quickly. The length of his frame was lanky as a younger man and has grown in slowly over time, helped along by keen attention to his conditioning and diet. His parents saw fit to pass along broad shoulders, which taper quickly to a narrow and rangy waist with narrow hips.

His legs are lean-muscled, further adding to the long rather than wide shape his body presents. Like most Marines, retired or on deployment, he consistently trains his body into prime condition.

Colton, however, is a very sensitive and thoughtful man. He's often a listener, seldom a speaker, and lacks many of the leadership qualities that most with his enlisted history developed. He doesn't care to give orders but excels at taking them. It's evident in most of his mannerisms and the patient measure of his features, seldom stern in look despite their squared jaw and heavier brow. He's not traditionally handsome in feature but wholly masculine. His nose is prominent without being large. It hooks slightly with anglo-celtic influence.

The only truly handsome feature he possesses are his eyes. Blue. A cloudy, stormy vision of the color that suit entirely his quiet and tumultuous passions.

He operates now as a Corporate Security Guard, retired from the service and pleased to receive a more "relaxed" vision of the military life that he enjoyed. It would be likely his personell file lists him as a reliable, careful sort. His ability to lead, however, is limited to smaller groups of men. It limits his potential for growth and sees him function in the typical NCO-style role.

Alien Encounters:
C and E

Weyland Utanii Expeditionary Suite Mark IV – Personal Protection Suit
The most recent addition to Weyland Utani Protection’s line of personal protection, the ES IV represents the cutting edge in protection technology. Composed of three distinct elements, the ES IV is designed to be a tough, versatile suit combining a high grade of ballistic protection and state-of-the-art survival and technological innovations.
- Ballistic Shell
Thin, flexible plastisteel plating forged from the latest in ballistic composite materials, this external shell provides high-grade protection against most ballistic elements and is tested against explosive-grade weapons.

- Sensor Suite
Using the latest in nanotechnology the ES IV is outfitted with the highest grade personal sensor suite available. Designed to provide real-time battlefield analysis the onboard sensors include various visualization and scanning tools combined with the ability to fully-integrate with additional scanning tools. The gem of this system is the Mark IV’s adaptable Heads-Up Display which allows the wearer, with or without a helmet, to review and diagnose battlefield data. The Mark IV’s HUD can also be integrated with various weapon systems to provide active aim assist and targeting enhancement.

- Survival Glove
A miracle of modern science, the Mark IV’s Survival Glove is designed to support long-range in-theatre operations while optimizing performance and maximizing survival. Fully sealed, this glove is rated for zero atmosphere conditions and space safe when combined with the Mark IV’s combat helmet. Wound isolation, nano-cyst released first aide, along with climate stable temperature monitors round out some of the many innovations in the Mark IV. Nano-cysts work to release controlled amounts of endorphins and hormones to optimize the body’s response to variable combat and survival situations while monitoring essential life functions.


Heckler and Koch G93 Precision Tactical Assault Rifle
HK’s most accurate combat rifle, the G93 represents an evolution in caseless munitions and is designed to serve those who would seek to make each cartridge count. Firing a caseless 12.9mm x 75mm round at up to 6,000 fps while delivering 400 grains impact, the G93 makes use of the world’s most dynamic recoil stabilizer to allow for multiple rounds on target. The G93 is capable of being integrated with most fire assistance and HUD suites.

The reasons this weapon are rare in the field are few but substantial. The foremost, of course, is cost. The G93 is also a professional’s rifle, often considered unforgiving of novice shooters with its low firing rate and thirty round capacity. It is considered overkill as an anti-personnel rifle given the 12.9 x 75mm sabot round that it fires can easily double as an anti-material round.

Caliber: 12.9 x 75mm Caseless
Capacity: 30 Rounds
Firing Mode: Semi-Automatic, Automatic
Length: 28”
Weight: 5.2 lbs
Colton Ford’s G93 has a custom calibrated X45a Tactical Scope mounted and is fully synchronized with his Mark IV Protection Suit.

Glock 83C Tactical Pistol
A rugged, mid-caliber Tactical Sidearm; the Glock 83C is a common sidearm of much renown throughout the worlds. A high-capacity magazine combined with its compact frame, tactical mounts, and notorious dependability have seen this pistol become one of the most common within the Weyland Utani Corporation and many other organizations.

Caliber: 7.2 x 35mm Caseless
Capacity: 26 Rounds
Firing Mode: Semi-Automatic
Length: 6.3”
Weight: 1.1 lbs
Colton Ford's 83C has a custom calibrated laser sight system and is fully synchronized with his Mark IV Protection Suit.

Occupation: Security
Personality: Quiet, Practical, Reserved. His wit is at times quite sharp but seldom malicious. In most aspects he's a very typical introvert.
Likes: Books, Art, Music. He is an avid reader in a variety of topics and tremendously curious of the sciences.
Dislikes: Drinking, Drugs, Bickering
Talents: Soldier by trade but skilled with his hands and quick to understand machines. He is patient enough, and calm enough, to be counted on in difficult situations including those with contrary or confrontational personality types. Seldom, if ever, attempts to assert himself as an "alpha".
Psychological Quirks: Almost unnervingly quiet in most cases. It can make his company uncomfortable in some situations.
Brief Background: Born and raised in New York, Colton enlisted as soon as he was able and served over ten years as a Colonial Marine. His tours included several throughout the warring continents of Earth and across troubled colonies within several galaxies. Four years ago, on an assignment at a small mining colony, Colton witnessed the death of several friends during an engagement with a small but intelligently lead criminal element. The four years that followed were listless and unsatisfying, the shine of his lifestyle taken away. The decision to retire came during this time, bouncing from duty station to duty station, before finally being made final.

Retiring with honors and a solid military resume, including certifications and basic secondary education focused in machining and engineering, he found work for the Weyland Yutani Corporation as a member of their extensive security corps.
Alien Encounter: Yes, I am not interested in having Colton impregnated by the creatures but wounded by bite effects and struggling with strange symptoms would be acceptable.
Dos: I'm interested in power games, light BDSM with my character serving as a more dominate-minded personality. I'd like him to surprise the cast with several hints of his background and mannerisms, particularly his sexual likes and dislikes.
Donts: My character is a dominate sort. The other, typical, dislikes also apply. Scat, children, vomit, any of that. Blood play. Urine. These are all off limits.
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I'm not trouble. But I know a couple of people who are. I'll throw them a PM and see if I can't get them here.
It's nice to see some of the old crew back. Let's get some females in this game lol. Where have all the women gone.

If you don't find anyone, we have some players who have agreed to take on two characters. So if both put up profiles for another female character then we'll have five females total plus the one that's already coming here.
It's nice to see some of the old crew back. Let's get some females in this game lol. Where have all the women gone.

If you don't find anyone, we have some players who have agreed to take on two characters. So if both put up profiles for another female character then we'll have five females total plus the one that's already coming here.

I've PM'd several very talented women who are going to take a look. I would imagine one would jump in. She's a Sci-Fi geek.

The others, well, we'll see.
Sofia Vasco - For Your Consideration

Name: Sofia Vasco
Nickname: Spider, childhood nickname
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 135
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Violet, original color was amber, but had it changed when she had corrective surgery.

Written Description: (photo pending)
Sofia presents herself with confidence. There is visible tone in her arms and legs though her hips are round and her middle perhaps a little thicker than what most might consider fit. She wears her hair in disheveled uneven layers, the tips brushing just above her jaw and bangs fall above a pair of almond shaped violet eyes. The olive complexion, round cheeks and full lips are trademark to her family’s Latin heritage both ears are pierced twice in the lower lobe with tiny silver stars and the left ear has an upper cartilage small silver ring, also her nose has a tiny blue stud in the left crevice.

Scientist – Anthropologist with minors in Botany and Entomology.

Positive is the first word that would come to one’s first impression or perhaps annoying, depending on your personality. Sofia is full of smiles even when she’s worried, biting on the inside of her lip, there is a hint. Open, honest, sometimes to a fault, she doesn’t always know when to shut up. Her light hearted, carefree attitude with others helps to keep relationships at a distance especially men.

Naturally curious since she was a child there are few things she’s squeamish about when it comes to exploring. She’ll travel through mud, muck, slim, you name it and she’ll take the risk to accomplish what she needs. Her motto as cliché as it may be is “you only live once” followed by a close “life is a mystery waiting to be solved”.

Eating, cooking, food is awesome! Gardening, both thumbs are nice and green. Writing bad poetry and sketching in her leather bound notebook. The company of a man; sometimes it’s even nice when he keeps her sheets warm. A glass of whiskey. Darts.

Rude people, unorganized work stations or people, ridiculously strict rules.

Psychological Quirks:
Sofia wears a silver chain necklace with a plain oval locket which she will often play with or puts in her mouth when she is lost in thought or she will play with strands of hair at the back of her head. She tends to ramble when she’s nervous. There are times when she’s contemplating a problem that she’ll look for distraction with the opposite sex, if this is the case hope she doesn’t have a eureka moment causing her to run off.

She is a marvelous cook; she can draw well and has the ability to climb areas most wouldn’t consider, hence her childhood nickname Spider. While she is often accommodating and follows orders there is a stubborn streak that will not budge if she is mindset. She’ll deny it, but she can sing and is a decent dancer both skills she’s only been coaxed into demonstrating after a few drinks. She’s is also a skilled equestrian.

Brief Background:
Sofia is from Salinas, California her family the owners of Vasco Estate which is renowned for their horse breeding and hybrid fruits and vegetables. The youngest of five she grew up in a close knit family who raised their children from birth in the family business. The twenty acre estate housed three generations of family who either specialized in horse breeding or farming. She came from a family of farmers, but never wanted to follow in the tradition of marrying and staying in one place. The world around them had advanced and yet somehow her family had managed for the most part to salvage their ideals and way of family life.

From the time she was a small child she fought the family ideal and proclaimed her desire to explore beyond the boundaries of their small world. There were hundreds of arguments throughout the years which her older brothers and sister involved themselves in, especially when it came to settling down. It wasn’t that Sofia didn’t want to settle down she simply wanted to see what else was out there first.

Sometimes getting what you wish for isn’t ideal. When Sofia was eighteen years old she was out riding and was thrown from her spooked horse. They’d been inspecting the eastern outskirts of the property where the first family homes had crumbled and exposed rebar impaled her through the pelvis as she hit the ground. The accident ruined any chances of her one day having a family and so her family became complacent about her wanting to study abroad.

Sofia had always been an excellent student, but the time needed to recover from her injuries gave her more focus on her studies since she was mostly confided to her bed for the better part of a year. These habits continued through the rest of her years of study and when she graduated with her masters degree the director of the Anthropology department recommended her for the job aboard the Odysseus.

Sofia brought one thing with her when she boarded the Odysseus, a worn tan leather backpack. This backpack contains her locket, sketch book, pencils, pictures of her family, letters and drawings from all her nieces and nephews. There are also a few videos stored on small data disks from other family members.

Alien Encounters:
I’m going to be risky and say yes to everything.

Dos: Flirting, teasing, light BDSM, hair pulling, rough play, fellatio, cum shots, submissive behavior, take charge or equal power play.

Don’ts: Scat, minors, blood play, all the typical unsavory bodily fluids.
Checked with a few of my other co writers, they like the idea, but either have concerns with a group thread or they have to many other threads going on.
I am very busy so I will answer all your questions and respond to some PMs after work.