Delia Day

thanks for the link to the obit. I hadnt seen that! I had read most of his journal before...and snooped around his friends lists and I said...I was quite taken with Delia Day's whole site and lifestyle for a while...

Since she was found not to be guilty, I wonder why she is still MIA?
Hi ID,

I think this is the link to read. Day - November 12th, 2003

I am finding the story quite interesting, everything points to me to an accidant but I want to do some more researching about what actually happened.

If I read through everything I think it had to be an acident and I do not think that Delia Day is in the best mental health. Just think of what would happen to the mental health of a slave if they accidently kill their owner.

catalina_francisco said:
Hi ID,

I think this is the link to read. Day - November 12th, 2003

I am finding the story quite interesting, everything points to me to an accidant but I want to do some more researching about what actually happened.

If I read through everything I think it had to be an acident and I do not think that Delia Day is in the best mental health. Just think of what would happen to the mental health of a slave if they accidently kill their owner.


hmmmm i was thinking that too he may have caught her by suprise and she thought he was that other man...if that were the case, imagine the heartbreak for that poor woman.
catalina_francisco said:
I do not think that Delia Day is in the best mental health. Just think of what would happen to the mental health of a slave if they accidently kill their owner.


I know what you mean. I read her journals and her pay portions of her site extensively, and while she is a brillant writer and captures the emotion and feeling involved in her slavery like nothing I have ever read, you can also see some deeper issues come out...and she even disclosed some of the specific mental issues herself.

She had been training to use a shotgun...but..I dont know...the feelings and emotions that she wrote about seems nearly impossible to fake (for me). I think she chose her lot in life, was happy, but...something went wrong.

I hope it was an accident, but knowing her dependence on him and her assumed role, I wonder how she is doing out there on her own? After her car accident, she couldn't even leave the house! Part of this was his command, but she CHOSE not to go out...she even would have panic episodes around people she did not know. Her home in the woods became her whole world it seemed....

I am sooooo curious about this woman I adored for so long!!
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Yeah, the obit(s) had been linked to in the Seat of the Revolution page. Precious little info there. I'm still curious if anybody's going to file a FOIA request.

I do notice that you can still sign up to pay money for access to the site. Somebody ought to write the billing company and let them know.
Etoile said:
Yeah, the obit(s) had been linked to in the Seat of the Revolution page. Precious little info there. I'm still curious if anybody's going to file a FOIA request.

I do notice that you can still sign up to pay money for access to the site. Somebody ought to write the billing company and let them know.

I do wonder if you can actually access the member stuff if you join though. It would be interesting to see what she didn't allow the general non-paying public to see.
DustyWolfe said:
I do wonder if you can actually access the member stuff if you join though. It would be interesting to see what she didn't allow the general non-paying public to see.
I would tend to doubt it. The mirror, at least, probably couldn't possibly have any of that, because the username/password file is located on the site itself and is encrypted. The person creating the mirror would need access to the site files themselves, which I doubt they had.
I think it is a very common thing for people to label any behaviour outside neutral as mentally disturbed these days. IMHO, if you are in an accident, have a traumatic experience in your life, and you do not have any reaction, then you should be questioned as to your mental stability, not the person who reacts in what I see as a normal reaction when confronted with an unexpected experience which has taken control out of your or your loved ones hands. As to DD's slavery being disturbing...granted I have not read every word, looked at every pic, but to me it seems fairly in tune with a total TPE Master/slave relationship between 2 consenting adults into the extremes of the lifestyle. I would hope that she is coping in some form as it takes a strong person in the first place to live the life she chose....hopefully that strength will bring her through this as well.

Catalina :rose:
I have also done a reverse DNS lookup on which is the site Etoile has given us.

The site is actually and not a mirror.

What has happened here is that ns1.ALLONYM.COM and ns2.ALLONYM.COM which are the nameservers responsible for have gone offline.

Important fact is however that this is the real site, not a mirror, which means that delia day is stil maintaining the site but not updating it. To put it back online the only thing she would need to do is appoint other nameservers.

Having an imaiginative mind I can not stop but think that the company who was owned by her husband was also responsible for maintaining the nameservers and they have turned them of.

I don't think it was her actions/reactions to the car accident or her lifestyle that caused me to label her mentally disturbed. I felt her writing and pictures showed a clear view of her life as a slave. I found it completely fascinating and also very telling about how she felt in those situations...she was happy, fulfilled, generally satisfied...I personally thought the things they did were extreme, but from what I read and see here...her life is likely very similiar to the lives of some subs here...and very normal for them even though it is not for me.

I think my label of her as mentally disturbed came from her own descriptions of the mental disorders she dealt with. She self-disclosed her medications, her disorders (which i couldnt name now if asked to), and her own instability.

I dont think that had anything to do with her lifestyle...I do wonder though if she had those issues her whole life or developed them after she became His, but it was her who came right out and told the world about her demons...I just watched from afar with amazement.
DustyWolfe said:
It would be interesting to see what she didn't allow the general non-paying public to see.

When I was a paying member, I would spend hours looking at the pictures and reading her details...

They would photo-document HOURS of play...all her genital mutilations were there, knife play, self-tatooing, bondage of kinds I would never been able to dream up in my life, her humiliation, anal sex, regular sex, punishments, even just daily life around her house.

She had it divided by categories and also by date...
asphyxia, bald, blowjobs, bondage, dressup, fisting, humiliation, masturbation, piercing, smoking, and torture are the ones she has on her main page...and she has THOUSANDS of pictures in each category...
InnerDarkness said:
I don't think it was her actions/reactions to the car accident or her lifestyle that caused me to label her mentally disturbed. I felt her writing and pictures showed a clear view of her life as a slave. I found it completely fascinating and also very telling about how she felt in those situations...she was happy, fulfilled, generally satisfied...I personally thought the things they did were extreme, but from what I read and see here...her life is likely very similiar to the lives of some subs here...and very normal for them even though it is not for me.

I think my label of her as mentally disturbed came from her own descriptions of the mental disorders she dealt with. She self-disclosed her medications, her disorders (which i couldnt name now if asked to), and her own instability.

I dont think that had anything to do with her lifestyle...I do wonder though if she had those issues her whole life or developed them after she became His, but it was her who came right out and told the world about her demons...I just watched from afar with amazement.

I was thinking broader as on a societal scale. I notice in the US in particular, and becoming prevalent in Australia in the last couple of years, there is a propensity to label just about everyone with some form of mental illness and instability for what people have seen in the past simple human emotions and reactions to extraordinary occurances in their lives. It seems to be a cultural issue as many other cultures express their emotions and feelings more openly and feel it normal to have a reaction when faced with something unexpected, tragic, challenging. For instance, many in our society have their own idea of what time frame is appropriate for mourning/grieving and anyone who surpasses that time limit is seen as abnormal and likely in need of medication to make them normal again.

IMHO our society has begun to forget what it is to be human, what it is to feel, and how normal it is to need to express those emotions as opposed to bottling them up until they explode. Often, this view is internalised by people (perhaps she was one)and they will list for you all the mental conditions they have which are often longer than your arm. Perhaps if there were more acceptance, less focus on what is 'normal' according to those who feel they are themselves normal (the pschology experts who change their perceptions often and regularly - eg. homosexuality was a mental illness but is no more), we would not have so many people feeeling there is something wrong with them and medicating to the point of developing real illnesses and permanent side effects.

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
I was thinking broader as on a societal scale. I notice in the US in particular, and becoming prevalent in Australia in the last couple of years, there is a propensity to label just about everyone with some form of mental illness and instability for what people have seen in the past simple human emotions and reactions to extraordinary occurances in their lives. It seems to be a cultural issue as many other cultures express their emotions and feelings more openly and feel it normal to have a reaction when faced with something unexpected, tragic, challenging. For instance, many in our society have their own idea of what time frame is appropriate for mourning/grieving and anyone who surpasses that time limit is seen as abnormal and likely in need of medication to make them normal again.

IMHO our society has begun to forget what it is to be human, what it is to feel, and how normal it is to need to express those emotions as opposed to bottling them up until they explode. Often, this view is internalised by people (perhaps she was one)and they will list for you all the mental conditions they have which are often longer than your arm. Perhaps if there were more acceptance, less focus on what is 'normal' according to those who feel they are themselves normal (the pschology experts who change their perceptions often and regularly - eg. homosexuality was a mental illness but is no more), we would not have so many people feeeling there is something wrong with them and medicating to the point of developing real illnesses and permanent side effects.

Catalina :rose:

sadism and masochism are also considered mental illnesses btw. :rolleyes:
Kajira Callista said:
sadism and masochism are also considered mental illnesses btw. :rolleyes:

Yep, I know. Now wouldn't it be just wonderful if they find one day all those schitzophrenics who said they heard voices and were declared ill, were found to really have heard voices not audible to the rest of us?!!

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
I have also done a reverse DNS lookup on which is the site Etoile has given us.

The site is actually and not a mirror.

What has happened here is that ns1.ALLONYM.COM and ns2.ALLONYM.COM which are the nameservers responsible for have gone offline.

Important fact is however that this is the real site, not a mirror, which means that delia day is stil maintaining the site but not updating it. To put it back online the only thing she would need to do is appoint other nameservers.

Having an imaiginative mind I can not stop but think that the company who was owned by her husband was also responsible for maintaining the nameservers and they have turned them of.

Ah! My apologies, I was told it was a mirror. ID, do you still have a membership? Can you access that section of the site? I know a lot of people at SOTR would be interested to know if it's available (as would I!).

Thanks for doing that research, Francisco! As an ODP editor you'd think I'd have done it myself, but I was gullible. :kiss:
Interesting did not know you are an ODP editor, must take up lots of your time.

About double checking everything that is just me.

My motto: trust is good, checking is better.

Hi Etoile,

I certainly agree with the cutest editor award. :rose:

It is a good project and one that is certainly worhty of attention. Explains why you are so good at finding info on google, you are a pro.

Going back to the original story,there some singularities in the whole story. I need more information so if anyone has more info please share. I am trying to get into contact with not only Delia Day but with family and friends.

I think this is a story worthy of a book.

Why thank you!
And actually, some editors do feel like professionals...I've heard of them putting it on resumes! Though it's true that I've been an editor for longer than I've held any single job...actually, almost as long as my entire working career!

Unfortunately I think a "Delia Day Murder" book would fall into the True Crime category, which is usually filled with trashy stuff. (All She Wanted, about Brandon Teena, and Mob Over Miami are examples of that genre. There are thousands of others.)
Etoile said:
Has anybody ever heard of Delia Day? Apparently she is/was a renowned sex slave with a big website and even bigger fan following. She has/had a LiveJournal too. According to a thread at the BDSMLibrary forum, she may have killed her owner/husband sometime in the last few months. I don't really know anything about her or about what happened, but I'm wondering if anybody else is aware of her.
More info/discussion here and here

great link

that chick is smokin'

We both know you long for power, control, and fellatio. That's OK. I think it's an admirable goal to be perused with vim and vigor. If you are going to succeed at that, you already have, or you need to listen when I tell you to forget all the silly "submission is a gift" shit. It's a spoil of war. It's plunder and booty. You have to fight hard. You will be wounded and bleed. It'll hurt. The secret to blow jobs on demand is as you guessed already, power, Strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted, the dictionary says. Power in all its brutish effectiveness at times, is delicate, woven slowly and precariously. It's really pointless to discuss any end goals you may have in the first conversation with someone. The only thing that does is kill your chances of making a good first impression. The first impression is the foundation of power.
Pomposity is not a very good first impression to make. It is only one of the many bad impressions possible to make at this hello juncture. Simply boring and uninteresting is far more likely an impression for anyone attempting to start a conversation to leave. Far more people have left boring impressions than pompous ones. The only difference is I don't remember them at all to rant about them.

bottom girl with shaved head and wigs, yum.

If she flipped her lid and murdered her master, all the better. shows a lack of control, typical sub shit.
Etoile said:
Unfortunately I think a "Delia Day Murder" book would fall into the True Crime category, which is usually filled with trashy stuff. (All She Wanted, about Brandon Teena, and Mob Over Miami are examples of that genre. There are thousands of others.)

I was not thinking about writing a true crime story but more being inspired by the story to base a fictitious story on it. I was also not thinking about making this a crime book but a BDSM book.

What is so interesting about her story is the amount of interest it has gained and the person she is. After reading through her journal and entries I find her mind intriquing, she is to me a good example of how a sub can be strong through submission and that slavery does not mean you turn off your mind or your talents.

I actually think, if DD is all she appears to be from her writings etc., there is no possibility she would be pushed into the situation of killing her Master as many speculate and fear on various boards, thinking perhaps he pushed her too far. From my own experience, and that of most slaves I know of who give themselves so fully in the TPE relationship, if a slave ever felt that pressured they would tend to kill or harm themselves before their Master. It just is not conceivable to harm the one to whom you have given your power so completely and unconditionally. If the belief was very strong and internalised that they were the owned property of their Master, no longer owner of their own body, it would also become difficult for some to contemplate harming themselves as they do not have that right to make the decision. This is demonstrated well in Passion St John's story, Obedience In All (

Catalina :rose: