Delia Day

I am starting to think you're right, Catalina. She was learning to shoot a gun, and it was probably just a very tragic accident. It would be more sensational and perhaps more interesting if she had chosen to shoot him, but it does seem unlikely given how devoted she was to him. I'd still like to know, though, how she's coping now.
Etoile said:
I am starting to think you're right, Catalina. She was learning to shoot a gun, and it was probably just a very tragic accident. It would be more sensational and perhaps more interesting if she had chosen to shoot him, but it does seem unlikely given how devoted she was to him. I'd still like to know, though, how she's coping now.

One can only hope she has a strong support system around her and she is not only being given understanding, but support with her children as well. I can not imagine how I would feel in the same circumstances, but know it would not be something I would get through in a long time if ever. It would be difficult to contemplate a future with anyone else, that's for sure, and yet she is too young to live alone forever with just her memories.

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
One can only hope she has a strong support system around her and she is not only being given understanding, but support with her children as well. I can not imagine how I would feel in the same circumstances, but know it would not be something I would get through in a long time if ever. It would be difficult to contemplate a future with anyone else, that's for sure, and yet she is too young to live alone forever with just her memories.
Did you see confirmed somewhere that she had children of her own? Everything I'd read was speculation.

I also hope she has a strong support network. If this was accidental, I could definitely see her contemplating suicide.
Etoile said:
Did you see confirmed somewhere that she had children of her own? Everything I'd read was speculation.

I also hope she has a strong support network. If this was accidental, I could definitely see her contemplating suicide.

Francisco is more up to date than I, but I remember him saying there were 2 children living with them which also raised questions for us as to the depth of the activities, or more accurately the constancy of them in a house with children. The websites gave an impression of full on 24/7 without restraint, but how could this be possible with children in the house, children requiring the normal things they do etc?

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
Francisco is more up to date than I, but I remember him saying there were 2 children living with them which also raised questions for us as to the depth of the activities, or more accurately the constancy of them in a house with children. The websites gave an impression of full on 24/7 without restraint, but how could this be possible with children in the house, children requiring the normal things they do etc?
I don't think it was ever confirmed that the children actually lived with them. They were presumed to be her owner's children from a previous marriage, as DD said somewhere that she had never had children. I think I remember hearing that the children were in the area, but perhaps they were living with their mother. I can dredge up the quotes - it's somewhere in the links I posted in the first post of this thread. I'll hunt through.
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Interesting: according to the author of the Choctaw Plaindealer article, the case ended with a finding that she shot him "in self-defense in fear of her life." Now, that may be how the jury saw it, but as slaves we know that it's unlikely she would have put her life in such a high position. Some slaves have said that if their owner wanted to kill them, they would be killed. I see Delia as falling into that group.

Ah, here's something on the kids, from the SOTR discussion, a comment by "Dawn" :
I don't know whether Susan and Travis had children of their own but I'd read on either Travis' or Susan's journal that he had previously been married and had a handicapped son from that relationship that was now living with Travis' mother (who Delia told me was a retired social worker who had headed a social service agency in MS. She mentioned this to me because I told her I was a Social Worker.) It was my impression that Susan had no children but I could be wrong about that. If Travis had three children it is my guess it was from a prior relationship but i really have nothing on which to base that belief except that I can't imagine children in the household described in Delia's site. Plus, there had once been some question posed to Delia about how she appeared to be preganant in one of her old art shots of herself and she made clear that this was "art" and poetic license was relevant (besides, the shot in question appeared to obviously be altered).

Another SOTR poster linked to an old Usenet post by Delia that said: "In that sense, I'm definitely a 'real' 24/7... I've got to deal with reality where nothing happens 'till the kids go to bed[...]"

A comment from Katrina73 in the SOTR thread:
In regards to her being preganant in the self-portraits from 1995, I think a point needs to be made. That was her artwork, and she was a very talented photographer and used digital imaging (like photoshop) to manipulate her photos. It is probible that the photos were altered to only make her look pregnant. In the essay below that group of pictures she makes a point to say that durning that year, she had a tubal ligation. Could she have been pregant?....maybe, but it also could have been an expression of becoming unable to have children.

Somebody in the SOTR thread claims that this picture shows a C-section scar...I just don't see it. I do see a funny little line, but it doesn't look big enough to be a C-section scar. Hell, I have a similar line from having a double hernia removed when I was 8!

In the SOTR thread, somebody named Transderm says:
Travis had one child from a previous marriage to a woman named Rae. That son was crippled. I suspect that was the son that lived with his Mother in Lexington. The other two children might be Susans but I don't know.
He had 3 children (2 sons and a daughter) living in the same town, unsure of where exactly. As to the finding of her shooting in self defence in fear of her life, this could still mean she mistook him for someone such as the troublesome neighbour and shot before realising it was her husband. I think perhaps this is a good message against buying a gun presuming it will offer you protection....which is another point. I doubt he would have bought the gun and had her trained to use it if he did not have unquestionable trust in her, but unfortunately, guns and the coolness and caution needed to control one are not something you can familiarise yourself with overnight, just as the tragic outcomes possible do not register with many until it becomes a reality.

Catalina :rose:
Delia Day had this to say about children and pregnancy.

So since the law was very clear about this she did not speak about children or involved them in her life. She has pictures of herself pregnant on her site but those could have been faked with photoshop.

In the orbituary there are 3 children mentioned they could be or could not be hers.

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Yes, I've seen that thread. And the picture in question is pretty obviously Photoshopped, yes.
Oh..... and I got curious and emailed Delia Day at the email address on her website. It hasn't bounced!
The email to Delia finally bounced

Subject: Warning: message 1B82Qv-0001dl-00 delayed 24 hours
Date: Mar 30, 2004 1:31 PM
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim).

A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to one or more of its recipients after more than 24 hours on the queue on <personal email adress deleted>

The message identifier is: 1B82Qv-0001dl-00
The date of the message is: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 09:07:04 -0600 (GMT-06:00)
The subject of the message is: Hoping this reaches Delia

The address to which the message has not yet been delivered is:

<email address deleted by the poster due to forum rules>
Delay reason: host lookup did not complete

No action is required on your part. Delivery attempts will continue for some time, and this warning may be repeated at intervals if the message remains undelivered. Eventually the mail delivery software will give up, and when that happens, the message will be returned to you.

Bah.... it finally bounced, so her domain really IS gone....
catalina_francisco said:
Back to the children subject:

A very interesting article that one.

I can't help wondering where that article got its information, since it is post-disappearance.
Susan has since moved to be near her family and try and find a new life, and would prefer it if people left her alone and allowed her to take back her privacy and anonymity.
I'm sorry, but that's not going to work out well. She shared so much that I cannot believe she could just disappear permanently. Closing the barn door after the horse has run out isn't usually very effective.
Netzach said:
Oh man, keep this one off the kibbutz!

I just had a weird flash of chasing a crewcut Israeli army girl through some dusty biblical ruins and throwing her face down on the rocky soil...torn scabby knees, animal possesion from behind, brown tanned sweaty neck......

I don't know if this means I am gay, or in touch with my inner old testament patriarch or what.
wow my first post hello everybody!

This delia day looks good but i think she took things a little bit too far! if u know what i mean
Re: Re: Delia Day

rosco rathbone said:
...forget all the silly "submission is a gift" shit. It's a spoil of war. It's plunder and booty. You have to fight hard. You will be wounded and bleed. It'll hurt.[/I]

One of my favorite Delia quotes.

Another one:

“I feel it is every bit as unjust that I can not legally enjoy the status of slave as others felt it unjust to have that status forced upon them unwillingly.”

I felt as if I could relate to her in many areas and she often put my thoughts into words in a much better way than I could do myself.

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Etoile said:
She shared so much that I cannot believe she could just disappear permanently. Closing the barn door after the horse has run out isn't usually very effective.

I agree. I understand her need to have privacy but I can’t help but feel that she at least should let people know whether she is ok or not. She had (and still has) people who consider her a friend and to just disappear like that is just …well…I don't know, it gives me a feeling of "that's not right".

The thing that I have been wondering about is why this affects me so much. I have thought about this and I think it is the fact that she lost her owner. There is nothing that scares me more than the thought of losing Ziggy. Being confronted with this whole disaster has really shoved the reality in my face that there is always a change that I could lose my owner as well. A thought that makes me feel as if I am choking.

catalina_francisco said:
I actually think, if DD is all she appears to be from her writings etc., there is no possibility she would be pushed into the situation of killing her Master as many speculate and fear on various boards, thinking perhaps he pushed her too far. From my own experience, and that of most slaves I know of who give themselves so fully in the TPE relationship, if a slave ever felt that pressured they would tend to kill or harm themselves before their Master. It just is not conceivable to harm the one to whom you have given your power so completely and unconditionally. If the belief was very strong and internalised that they were the owned property of their Master, no longer owner of their own body, it would also become difficult for some to contemplate harming themselves as they do not have that right to make the decision. This is demonstrated well in Passion St John's story, Obedience In All (

Catalina :rose:

catalina_francisco said:
Yep, I know. Now wouldn't it be just wonderful if they find one day all those schitzophrenics who said they heard voices and were declared ill, were found to really have heard voices not audible to the rest of us?!!

Catalina :rose:

Pretty and whimiscal to think so... but sometimes people are in fact, crazy. Doesn't mean that saying she was crazy or mentally unstable means she was a bad person.

I noticed she was an art student. And that she had many mainpulated photos on her site. Beautiful work I might add. I have small skill compared to her. I often find that some of the most talented and creative of artists are those who have suffered the most... I believe it gives them a greater sense of empathy.

I've also been involved in art communities since my Art Studio days in high school. And now with artsy farsty architect types and those that cling to the architects' status. I've often noticed that the more attention an artist gets and the more praised they are by their peers for their creativity and they way the push the boundaries - the more and more they do so, it becomes an obsession. Usually they lose touch with reality. You could argue what is reality I suppose. But if the shall we say "outlandish" reality you create for yourself, for your artistic statement leads to the murder, death of a loved one.... well have things overstepped the boundaries you pushed?

I suppose the thing that interest me after my very short readings is... they met as art students, fell in lust, and as art students are wont to do... did things that were soceitally frowned upon and then pushed the boundaries... And I'm wondering if she ever spoke about those sorts of things.

Don't yell at me... it's just a take on things I hadn't seen talked about yet and thought I'd offer up my ideas.