delicate poets?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I hate this poem.

WickedEve said:
Oh, I do remember your cousin hating poem. Is it still on lit?


Although I am the first to say
that pacifistic is the way to be,
and--dang--I’d protest any war,
and feel that violence is so not me,
I do confess there is one issue
on the hate thing that I must address.
Not that I hate just anyone, you see:
I do despise the sea of vast and murky
generality in which we swim, and
I am loud in my protest of unfair treatment
of any group and even want the wrongs
against the whales and such redressed.

Ok. I’m beating round the bush; I’ll say it
spit it out, admit it, tell the tale right here.
I now this truth to all the world reveal:

I really hate my cousin Neal.

So ok hate's a damn strong word and I don't
mean to sound so wacky and absurdly focused
on some kid who's now a man and whom,
in spite of the desire of my id to murder
right now on the spot, I haven't even seen,
have not for many many years, and it is
equally as many since I cried the bitter tears
that came each year when being told
on turkey day AGAIN I wasn’t old enough
to stay with the adults, but had to sit
at the kid table next to Neal, which meant
I suffered the ordeal of watching as he
mooshed his food together on his plate
and tried hard not to look at all the squishy
icky stuff chewed up and hangin in his mouth
cause he would never close it when he ate.

And then that awful early summer's day,
the last of grade 3, walking home I looked
and saw two figures walking on their way
to me--my mother and HIM (the antichrist
of cousins) and heard my mother's insincerely
happy voice inform that HE had come to stay
for two whole weeks, and I would have to move
my junk out of my room so HE could have some
space and use the bottom bunk. Yes it was bad
cause every night he kicked my mattress from
the bottom jolting me awake until I got so mad
that I jumped down and put my pillow on his head!
And…oh. You think I killed him? Think Neal’s dead?
Nah. I only scared him, just enough until he fled
and bothered me no more, but the point is that
hate is one bad sore affliction to almost make me
on that night make old Neal meet his fate.
(Although, in retrospect I have to say that,
God almighty, doing that felt great.)

I’m ok now. I really am. I’m grown and I have
children of my own and live each day with patience
and have learned the art of compromise and do
believe that I can recognize the difference between
the ancient angry thoughts inside my head and
what is real, but listen keep this to yourself ok?
But damn denial: I hate my cousin Neal.

Re: Re: Re: I hate this poem.

Angeline said:
Lol. It really sucks, doesn't it? On top of being dopey and trite, it has all those weird "common man" dialogue thingies in it. It's a pain in the ass to read.

See? I really do hate it. :D

Damn, Angeline, I hate it too!!! and not even because of the """"" thingies, I hate the poem part, I dont usually hate anything... trhere was onepoem my mom hated but I loved it and she would read it to me, it was called Dried Apple Pies..havent read it in years
WickedEve said:
but it has that choppy piece that coming across my cheek. doesn't that bug you? it bugs me. I hate it more than poetry. ;)

I liked it! (you changed your av... Not that I mind. >=] )

It's all frizzly 'n cute an' such. Heeh!

SPeaking of hating specific poems, here's a little shitlet by a guy name of richard sutphen that makes me irritable:

I came.
The semen went up, up, up,
but never came down.
Where the fuck did it go?

...I hate that poem. I hate it like little kids hate broccoli.


God Bless the INternet :)

I googled and it was the 4th one on the list, and now I realize, I only liked it because of the weird faces my mom made as sge read it to me

Dried Apple Pies
I loathe, abhor, detest, despise,
Abominate dried-apple pies.
I like good bread, I like good meat
Or anything that's fit to eat;
But of all poor grub beneath the skies,
The poorest is dried apple pies.
Give me the toothache, or sore eyes,
But don't give me dried apple pies.
The farmer takes his gnarliest fruit
'Tis wormy, bitter, and hard, to boot;
He leaves the hulls to make us cough,
And don't take half the peeling off.
Then on a dirty cord 'tis strung
And in a garret window hung,
And there it serves as roost for flies,
Until it's made up into pies.
Tread on my corns, or tell me lies,
But don't pass me dried-apple pies.

- Unknown
DeepAsleep said:
I liked it! (you changed your av... Not that I mind. >=] )

It's all frizzly 'n cute an' such. Heeh!

SPeaking of hating specific poems, here's a little shitlet by a guy name of richard sutphen that makes me irritable:

I came.
The semen went up, up, up,
but never came down.
Where the fuck did it go?

...I hate that poem. I hate it like little kids hate broccoli.


frizzly? not frizzy, but frizzly? Is that some combo word like frizzy and wiggly? Right now it's just poofy... or poofly.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OK

WickedEve said:
Gosh, this is a really lame thread. But it was either this or buff my dildo. I do mean cleaning and not... well... :eek: Though, I am considering getting rid of those toys now that I am entering 39 the sequel. I figure that I'll be 39 for at least 2 more years. You know, trilogy. Though, I should go with 39 the sitcom. I could be 39 in syndication for about a decade.

Hmmm....I hadn't considered this aspect of chronology. I mean, I just turned 39 last July and am not sure if it's been the sort of year to want to repeat to any extent...

Will have to think about it some more....<g>
Re: Re: OK

WickedEve said:
My 13 seconds of interest are gone.

But it is odd to have praise for poetry, and love and hate for stories. I just don't think it's fair. I want some poetry hating. I hate some of my poems, and I think I have a right to hate them!

This me hating: :devil: Can't you feel my poetry-hate?

How dare you hate some of WickedEve's poetry? What gives you the right to say that? Just who do YOU think you are?

I think we should all hold hands, repeat, I love WickedEve's poetry.
I love WickedEve's poetry.
I love WickedEve's poetry.
I love WickedEve's poetry.
Can you feel it?
Can you feel the fuckin'/ love?

P.S. I'm still selling your stuff on Ebay
Re: Re: Re: OK

twelveoone said:
How dare you hate some of WickedEve's poetry? What gives you the right to say that? Just who do YOU think you are?

I think we should all hold hands, repeat, I love WickedEve's poetry.
I love WickedEve's poetry.
I love WickedEve's poetry.
I love WickedEve's poetry.
Can you feel it?
Can you feel the fuckin'/ love?

P.S. I'm still selling your stuff on Ebay
Make sure to accept paypal and international bidders--except Australians. Damn country won't let you ship anything into it! I don't want my poetry quarantined, no matter how icky and weird it may be.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OK

Remec said:
Hmmm....I hadn't considered this aspect of chronology. I mean, I just turned 39 last July and am not sure if it's been the sort of year to want to repeat to any extent...

Will have to think about it some more....<g>
Well, today is my day and I just entered 39 the sequel. :rolleyes: And you know sequels are never as good as the originals. :p