Depression. Anxiety. Panic Attacks. etc


Fflow said:
I agree with everything you said, although I'm not sure about using PCP... :p

Ha! Sorry for the flip industry lingo. PCP: Primary Care Physician, not the illicit drug.

So it turns out that I'm not really doing as well as I thought... don't really want to go into all of it here, it would be really long and boring I'm sure.

But I'm wondering, since there seem to be some people on here who work in the therapy field or know a lot about it, are there any therapists who would consider counseling a client only through email or over IM? Finding an English speaking therapist that I'm compatible with where I'm living right now would just not be possible. I actually never had much luck finding a therapist that I was compatible with when I was living at home in the US. I'm also much better at writing about my feelings than talking about them. The few talk therapy sessions I had when at home were basically disasters. The therapist would tell me to talk and I'd just sit there not knowing what to say.

Does anyone think this would be possible? And if so, where would I find a therapist willing to try it?

I don't really know about an online therapist, however you could try Moodgym as a self help start.
It's a safe site, no spam.
Don't worry about whether you will bore anyone, if you want to get it out of your system feel free, if you don't want people to comment on a rant just say so, most of us have been there and understand the need to clean house every now and then. :rose:
I'll keep you in my thoughts. :)
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Pretend you don't know it's me.

I'm tired. Down to the bone tired. It seems I am in a constant state of low level anxiety, punctuated by bursts of panic that leave me gasping for breath, literally. As if I don't have enough fun in my life, these little episodes sure do add excitement.

There are so many things that remain undone in my life, yet I can't focus my thoughts enough to accomplish any of them.

I hate living inside my head. :(
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To whom it may concern,
It seems like things may be getting a little bit out of control, this IS a good time for some intervention, whether it be therapy or a change/start on meds, something needs to change, this is about YOU and YOUR wellbeing, not about what anybody else thinks or chooses to believe or disbelieve.
You have to make a choice, continue on as you are (spiraling further and further down) or make a stand.

If your first thought is "Yes, but..." Let me be the first (but most definitely not the last) to say BULLSHIT!
How much worse could it be trying something different.
Gamine said:
I have a question about the positive thinking.
I can see how it helps with anxiety and panic attacks and low self esteem, but I wonder how effective it is when dealing with clinical depression, it is my understanding that most people with severe clinical depression would struggle to raise their thoughts to such a high level. I could actually imagine it having an almost negative effect on them.
Positive thinking can work in all the areas you mentioned, I've had good success with it during some severe anxiety attacks, although I probably don't see it as positive thinking rather than logical thinking, I can't really buy into stuff that I don't see as realistic or attainable, attempting to reach too high could have a negative effect, it certainly would for me.
I think it depends on how each person assimilates (not in a Borg way) information, you need to tailor it to fit your needs or your style of thinking.
If it was just a matter of repeating something over and over until it worked depression wouldn't be the problem it is.
I'm probably rambling here but I'll try to explain, fflow has posted some very uplifting thoughts, much appreciated by some of the other peole in this thread, but I have to say they do not connect with me in the way I suspect he hoped (makes them no less worthwhile, everyone has a different take on things).
I am whole, perfect, and complete, imbued at birth with all I need to fulfill my destiny. I accept, embrace, and love myself in all my aspects, and lovingly free my mind to see this truth: I, and all there is, is just as it should be. I fill my mind and heart with gratitude for this moment, and let it expand to encompass every moment, past and future. I know that this and every moment is perfect, and unfolding for my ultimate benefit.

Some beautiful words, truly, but when I read it I got "Accept yourself for what you are." Been there, doing that, doesn't mean I have to like it.

Ok I'm wandering all over the place here, but thats the way my mind is right now.
As someone who has severe depression I do still use logical (positive) thinking, it just depends on how bad things are as to what I use. Some days it's as simple as "Yes you should get up" "A shower and shave will make you feel better" "Why not go outside", yet on a good day I don't really need to talk myself through much at all, I do know that with the continued help and support from friends here my opinion of myself has improved greatly ( I actually have an opinion of myself :D ) so there you have it, some inchoherent ramblings most likley full of contradictions.
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Chicklet said:
when I used positive thinking (I didn't train myself well enough to stick with it) I found that even if I didn't actually think positively, if I could say it out loud in a manner that made the situation seem more positive to others, then instead of sympathy they'd give me congratulations, and treat me in a more positive way. Eventually, if I said something out loud the right way enough times, I found myself thinking it that way.

= )
Aah the curse of running out of steam, another one of our cute little tricks.

On a totally unrelated note, how is your vagina? ;)
quoll said:
Aah the curse of running out of steam, another one of our cute little tricks.

On a totally unrelated note, how is your vagina? ;)


Lit certainly is an interesting place. ;)
quoll said:
I don't really know about an online therapist, however you could try Moodgym as a self help start.
It's a safe site, no spam.
Don't worry about whether you will bore anyone, if you want to get it out of your system feel free, if you don't want people to comment on a rant just say so, most of us have been there and understand the need to clean house every now and then. :rose:
I'll keep you in my thoughts. :)

Thanks for the link and the good thoughts. I think I looked at that moodgym site before, but didn't really give it a chance before getting bored (I have ADD too, did I mention that?).
Long Distance Therapy

cheekygirl75 said:
Thanks for the link and the good thoughts. I think I looked at that moodgym site before, but didn't really give it a chance before getting bored (I have ADD too, did I mention that?).


While it is the lesser of all the evils, I suppose it could be a start for you. However, your proposal is difficult to have real therapeutic benefits. I would be happy to discuss this with you further by PM or email. The first thing you need to establish is some confidentiality if you are going to seek some help as you propose.

I am going to PM you.

Quoll, thank you for your candid response to my aphorisms. I agree that my wording is a bit extreme, but I cannot stress enough that aphorisms work. If one were able to tap into your internal dialog and record it for a day, or even an hour, how many self-critical statements do you think we'd find? The idea is that, by setting an intention for mindfulness, paying attention to what transpires in our minds, and choosing to act in a positive way, we can begin to shift those thought habits toward something else. The words don't matter, really, but the format and intention of the statements do. If you gaze into your own eyes (in a mirror) and repeat positive statements 3 times each day you WILL see a change in your self-image and internal dialog.

When we're victims, we have no choices. When we are mindful, everything is a choice.
Well I'm back from an extended period of not logging in. Happens sometimes.

Let's see, what's different. Well stopped seeing my psychologist, nothing was being accomplished, wasn't feeling any better and it just got really frustrating and such.
One day I called to say I was going to be late, they merely acknowledged it, but when I got there they said they couldn't see me. Very aggravating as I had to deal with public transport and a packed tram to get there for no reason but to go home again.

Finally got shifted onto a full disability support pension.
Turns out I'm unsuitable for work. So less requirements and more money makes me happier.
I know that nobody is going to want to hire me for 0 to 7 hours a week.

Got back to see my GP again after many months, now in his new office (last one closed down ages back). He's going to keep an eye on me each week. Probably a good thing as I'm still damaging myself.
Irony being after the last appointment that I've had continuous pain/discomfort when breathing and stuff.

Haven't really got better, and possibly in some respects got worse.
But now I'm back.
For all who feel lost

I know I have and Quili and so many others have brought me back time and time again...

Think about this. You may not realize it, but it's true.

1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. Several people in this world love you in some way.

3. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

4. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

5. You mean the world to someone.

6. If not for you, someone may not be living.

7. You are special and unique.

8. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good can still come from it.

9. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

10. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

12. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know and you'll both be happy. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.
Thank you, Skye. This was the perfect thing for me to read, right at the perfect moment. :rose:
bobsgirl said:
Thank you, Skye. This was the perfect thing for me to read, right at the perfect moment. :rose:
you're most welcome, sweetheart.

I've been struggling lots lately, too.
VermilionSkye said:
you're most welcome, sweetheart.

I've been struggling lots lately, too.

It all happens in cycles. For a while, I feel stronger, and things are better, and then the wheel revolves again, and I'm hanging on by my fingernails. I've learned that I am dependent on external influences for my peace of mind. It all has to come from within, doesn't it?

I understand the process of struggling. Hang in there. Having quoll around to nag you makes things easier. At the very least, he's a genius at making me laugh.
Cenobite said:
Well I'm back from an extended period of not logging in. Happens sometimes.

Let's see, what's different. Well stopped seeing my psychologist, nothing was being accomplished, wasn't feeling any better and it just got really frustrating and such.
One day I called to say I was going to be late, they merely acknowledged it, but when I got there they said they couldn't see me. Very aggravating as I had to deal with public transport and a packed tram to get there for no reason but to go home again.

Finally got shifted onto a full disability support pension.
Turns out I'm unsuitable for work. So less requirements and more money makes me happier.
I know that nobody is going to want to hire me for 0 to 7 hours a week.

Got back to see my GP again after many months, now in his new office (last one closed down ages back). He's going to keep an eye on me each week. Probably a good thing as I'm still damaging myself.
Irony being after the last appointment that I've had continuous pain/discomfort when breathing and stuff.

Haven't really got better, and possibly in some respects got worse.
But now I'm back.

Welcome back Cen,
Don't be afraid to try another psychologist eventually you will find one that clicks with you. You know for people who are in the business of understanding peoples minds a lot of them seem to be unaware how important it is to have a good rapport with their patients ( or is it clients these days :rolleyes: ).
Knowing how our social security system works that must have been a bit of a horror period, trying to convince those... people of anything is... well you would know what I mean.

You could try asking your GP if they have a free psych nurse available, they do up here so I would imagine you would have the same down there. I think you are good for six visits at first although you can request to go again.

Thank you for coming back, I really do believe that talking about things, whether good or bad has at least some positive effects, self isolation is not good (voice of experience).

Keep in touch.
PS. I miss the old trams.
quoll said:
Welcome back Cen,
Thank you for coming back, I really do believe that talking about things, whether good or bad has at least some positive effects, self isolation is not good (voice of experience).

Keep in touch.
PS. I miss the old trams.

Well last night after seeing an osteopath at vic uni for some back issues, I met up with my dad for dinner and such, and we had a small chat.

Over the past years he himself has been having issues with depression, and after talking with his psychologist realised that he never really talked with his father before he passed away and that he'd never really spent time with me and has just kind of been drifting through life.
Turns out like father like son.

So since I'm going to be seeing the osteopath over the next however many weeks, I'm going to meet up with my dad afterwards and spend time together like we never did in the past.

There's a chance I'll be moving into the spare room at his flat (my parents are still together, he just works in the city 3 or 4 days a week) as I need to move somewhere within the month.

Anyway here's hoping things get better.
Just popping in to share some love with everyone.

I just wanted to say that life can't be that bad if, in it, we encounter beauty like this:




Not to be too voyeuristic, but I wonder if your AV is an actual picture of you? The pic captures something quite nice and it inspires something in me. The person is caught being pensive it seems. The green eyes, auburn hair, lovely shape of the face all coalesce into something beautiful. Then the porcelain finger tip that touches the lip and teeth sets if off perfectly. You could be thinking of a lover just after he boards a train, or sitting at a breakfast nook pondering your day. Then, as I view it again, it elicits a longing for me to be what's on your mind. :rose:

SxRx said:

Not to be too voyeuristic, but I wonder if your AV is an actual picture of you? The pic captures something quite nice and it inspires something in me. The person is caught being pensive it seems. The green eyes, auburn hair, lovely shape of the face all coalesce into something beautiful. Then the porcelain finger tip that touches the lip and teeth sets if off perfectly. You could be thinking of a lover just after he boards a train, or sitting at a breakfast nook pondering your day. Then, as I view it again, it elicits a longing for me to be what's on your mind. :rose:

'tis indeed the lovely lady herself. :rose: