Describe Yourself Physically

5ft 6in with longish legs, squeezing myself into a 12 at times but really a 14 (UK size)
Hourglass shape with a wee belly, generous boobs and bubble butt
Long dark hair with a reddish undertone
Deep blue eyes and a jovial face
Strange mix of intuitive, sarcastic, playful and principled
Likes champagne, if I may add
Hi all, I was looking through the boards for something similar to this but couldn't find anything. Sorry if I've missed it

For a bit of fun, describe your body or your favourite bits of your body, I'll start.

I have broad shoulders and strong arms.
I'm built for comfort rather than speed ;)
300 lbs, 4ft tall. But my penis is proportional!
White woman long brown hair hazel eyes 5'3 with long legs 107lbs. Small boobs and butt. Ears nose and tongue pierced no tattoos. I'm average if you have me you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Lol


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5'8" with a head full of distinguished-looking silver/gray hair. Make it easy to spot me in a crowd.
I find fun threads like these by accident...

I'm 5'7 and about average weight. I'm starting to sag in a few places, but my husband teases that I've entered my MILF phase. I have big breasts, but no ass. The ass guys never go for me lol. I have short, curly, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I have a major case of resting bitch face, but I swear I'm nice. Just talk loud because my hearing isn't great.

Oh, and I'm very pale. I fry like a vampire when I go out into the sun.
5’9” slim build full head of black hair which is miraculous at my age. Great legs with nothing arms. Brown eyes, and a prominent nose. My best physical feature is my voice, which is often described as a radio voice.
White woman long brown hair hazel eyes 5'3 with long legs 107lbs. Small boobs and butt. Ears nose and tongue pierced no tattoos. I'm average if you have me you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Lol
Looking at that picture, the word average does not come to mind