Desperate To Cum

The desperation of porn, and sites like Lit, really get me off. Seeing people say and do all kinds of things just for those moments of pleasure really turn me on. The taboo of it all.
What's the most desperate thing you've ever done to cum? What do you watch or listen to? How desperate have you gotten?

A: My phone was about to die so I had to plug it up. So right now I'm naked, on my bedroom floor, on top of my big plushie, humping a pillow b/c I'm desperate for this nut.
Reading you're post with my cock in my hand stroking
The desperation of porn, and sites like Lit, really get me off. Seeing people say and do all kinds of things just for those moments of pleasure really turn me on. The taboo of it all.
What's the most desperate thing you've ever done to cum? What do you watch or listen to? How desperate have you gotten?

A: My phone was about to die so I had to plug it up. So right now I'm naked, on my bedroom floor, on top of my big plushie, humping a pillow b/c I'm desperate for this nut.
I love your style ❤️, yesssss, desperate is a good word for that feeling that comes over me too. All this sensually is overwhelming enough to keep us all desperate for a good cum.
What's the most desperate thing you've ever done to cum?
A few years ago I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks after some major surgery. I was pretty well drugged up for a few days, but eventually I was off everything. That's when I realized that I was somewhat on edge because I was horny. Normally I'd just masturbate, but I had doctors and nurses walking in at seemingly random times. I decided to wait until nighttime when I was most likely to have privacy. I knew I had to be quiet, and I was. I used just my fingers under the blanket. It was working, and I was getting very close...when all of a sudden two nurses (male and female) burst into the room very concerned. Apparently, the monitor in the nurses station indicated that I was undergoing some sort of episode. I stopped immediately, of course. They were baffled until I lied and told them that I had been having a bad dream. That made sense to them, especially since whatever worrisome vital signs I had going began to calm down. (I waited a couple of days before I tried again. This time I did it even more stealthily while keeping an eye on my monitors to make sure no alarms would go off.)
A few years ago I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks after some major surgery. I was pretty well drugged up for a few days, but eventually I was off everything. That's when I realized that I was somewhat on edge because I was horny. Normally I'd just masturbate, but I had doctors and nurses walking in at seemingly random times. I decided to wait until nighttime when I was most likely to have privacy. I knew I had to be quiet, and I was. I used just my fingers under the blanket. It was working, and I was getting very close...when all of a sudden two nurses (male and female) burst into the room very concerned. Apparently, the monitor in the nurses station indicated that I was undergoing some sort of episode. I stopped immediately, of course. They were baffled until I lied and told them that I had been having a bad dream. That made sense to them, especially since whatever worrisome vital signs I had going began to calm down. (I waited a couple of days before I tried again. This time I did it even more stealthily while keeping an eye on my monitors to make sure no alarms would go off.)
Classic 🤣🤣🤣
Back in my youth, while working three jobs, with little spare time... I let the vibration from the lawn mower handle get me off while I was cutting the grass. Lol
It was actually a pretty decent "O."
A few years ago I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks after some major surgery. I was pretty well drugged up for a few days, but eventually I was off everything. That's when I realized that I was somewhat on edge because I was horny. Normally I'd just masturbate, but I had doctors and nurses walking in at seemingly random times. I decided to wait until nighttime when I was most likely to have privacy. I knew I had to be quiet, and I was. I used just my fingers under the blanket. It was working, and I was getting very close...when all of a sudden two nurses (male and female) burst into the room very concerned. Apparently, the monitor in the nurses station indicated that I was undergoing some sort of episode. I stopped immediately, of course. They were baffled until I lied and told them that I had been having a bad dream. That made sense to them, especially since whatever worrisome vital signs I had going began to calm down. (I waited a couple of days before I tried again. This time I did it even more stealthily while keeping an eye on my monitors to make sure no alarms would go off.)
@BongoGal this struck me as hilarious and tragic all at once. Thanks so much for sharing. 🙂😂👍🏻
A few years ago I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks after some major surgery. I was pretty well drugged up for a few days, but eventually I was off everything. That's when I realized that I was somewhat on edge because I was horny. Normally I'd just masturbate, but I had doctors and nurses walking in at seemingly random times. I decided to wait until nighttime when I was most likely to have privacy. I knew I had to be quiet, and I was. I used just my fingers under the blanket. It was working, and I was getting very close...when all of a sudden two nurses (male and female) burst into the room very concerned. Apparently, the monitor in the nurses station indicated that I was undergoing some sort of episode. I stopped immediately, of course. They were baffled until I lied and told them that I had been having a bad dream. That made sense to them, especially since whatever worrisome vital signs I had going began to calm down. (I waited a couple of days before I tried again. This time I did it even more stealthily while keeping an eye on my monitors to make sure no alarms would go off.)
WoW! That's wild!