Dirty details

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

MissTaken said:

We are all sweet and innocent, here, are we not?


Innocent, maybe, but sweet, definately. :D
bknight2602 said:
my, my I didn't know some of you were over here.

Maybe I should have been told?

Imi is a good friend, that I have met in RL!:D

How cool is that?

I think I am a bit jealous, but am not sure of whom; You for meeting her or Her for meeting you.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

WynEternal said:
Innocent, maybe, but sweet, definately. :D

Tres douce, Je Pense.

Yes, who wants to be too innocent, anyway?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

MissTaken said:

Yes, who wants to be too innocent, anyway?


Innocence has its place. But better served when you are just "playing" innocent. I wouldn't change what I know now for any amount of innocene. Well said Miss Taken! ~M~
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

MissTaken said:
How Good? :D

Just popping in to welcome you to the forum, Iceyskye.

Great nickname and I see you have found good company here .


I'm very good..:devil: and thanks for the welcome. James dragged me in here, too, but I like it. I'm just quiet most of the time.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

WynEternal said:
She's probably as sweet and innocent as I am.

I am innocent..honest. I've only had 2 BDSM experiences in my life...one was awful and the other well lets just say he didn't have time to finish ::grin::
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

Iceyskye said:
I'm very good..:devil: and thanks for the welcome. James dragged me in here, too, but I like it. I'm just quiet most of the time.

Quiet???? maybe here hon but damn you can talk my ear off! ::laughs::

We'll just call you the one that got away! ~M~
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

Iceyskye said:
I'm very good..:devil: and thanks for the welcome. James dragged me in here, too, but I like it. I'm just quiet most of the time.

::wonders when James gets his free flogger for all the women he has dragged in here. Talk about a maschoist! I am definately gonna go get Ex Evil ::muwhaahhahahaa::: ~M~
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

MystiqDrgn said:
Quiet???? maybe here hon but damn you can talk my ear off! ::laughs::

But but but...you're my best friend..and who else am I gonna whine about my Jerry Springer life to?

I wuv you!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

Iceyskye said:
But but but...you're my best friend..and who else am I gonna whine about my Jerry Springer life to?

I wuv you!


It's a Maury life.... Springer will be in congress or something soon and besides, Maury is more appropriate for our lives! I consider you a great friend toooooooooooo ::: kiss ::::
I might as well share some secret things about myself, and this looks like as good a place as any.
First off, I'm male, but that's a biological condition. Make no assumptions other than anatomical from this. I'm fairly secure in my masculinity, but then, I don't have much to worry about. I'm 5'12" tall, 220lbs, and built like a cinder block. Though not in the shape I used to be, I can proudly say that most of that is still muscle, and the remainder isn't so much as to get in the way. I am also phallicly proportionate, about the best I can say about that as noone has yet complained.
That takes care of the dull physical shit. Mentally, it becomes increasingly complex. I used to be a lot more normal untill I experimented a tad too much with Lysergic Acid Dyethalymide in high school. This has made me a bit too close to schizophrenic for my own comfort, but there's nothing left to do about it but regret. I'm also severly dislexic, so you'll have to accept my spllng.
Personally, I'm a manipulative domminant, and masochist. This tends to make long term relationships challenging because of the near paradoxical dichotomy. The dominance thing I cannot help. It's the way I am, and despite my efforts, the way I will be. Unfortunately, the masochism doesn't soften it much. I have been known to make people hurt me.
That pretty much sums up the trinity that is me. It's hard to find people compatible with all the internal inconsistancies, and opinionated arrogance, but those who can stand me tend to turn out good freinds.
Opinionated Arrogance

I love that phrase.

Well you are at the right place. Welcome, and may you have as much fun here as I do. <I have a lot of fun here>


psiberzerker said:
I might as well share some secret things about myself, and this looks like as good a place as any.
First off, I'm male, but that's a biological condition. Make no assumptions other than anatomical from this. I'm fairly secure in my masculinity, but then, I don't have much to worry about. I'm 5'12" tall, 220lbs, and built like a cinder block. Though not in the shape I used to be, I can proudly say that most of that is still muscle, and the remainder isn't so much as to get in the way. I am also phallicly proportionate, about the best I can say about that as noone has yet complained.
That takes care of the dull physical shit. Mentally, it becomes increasingly complex. I used to be a lot more normal untill I experimented a tad too much with Lysergic Acid Dyethalymide in high school. This has made me a bit too close to schizophrenic for my own comfort, but there's nothing left to do about it but regret. I'm also severly dislexic, so you'll have to accept my spllng.
Personally, I'm a manipulative domminant, and masochist. This tends to make long term relationships challenging because of the near paradoxical dichotomy. The dominance thing I cannot help. It's the way I am, and despite my efforts, the way I will be. Unfortunately, the masochism doesn't soften it much. I have been known to make people hurt me.
That pretty much sums up the trinity that is me. It's hard to find people compatible with all the internal inconsistancies, and opinionated arrogance, but those who can stand me tend to turn out good freinds.
MystiqDrgn said:
Jerry Springer is a talk show host here who, at times, has incredibly bizarre guests. ~M~

Really? Fancy that!

Now what's that big round thing in the sky? :p
WynEternal said:
"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie... "

That's a big piece of pie in your eyeeeeee. <ok, ok I know it is amore, but what the hell!>
Ebonyfire said:
That's a big piece of pie in your eyeeeeee. <ok, ok I know it is amore, but what the hell!>

Oooh yummy. :D

Wow... I'm on a chocolate high just from one hershey's bar...