Dirty details

I agree....Just think Sir, you will totally be realxed once it is over..bumuahahahahaha!

MystiqDrgn said:
Exactly my point! ~M~ You could think of it as a spa day James.
MystiqDrgn said:
Delusions are good. Don't you want your skin all nice and soft? wax is wonderful for the skin ::winks:: ~M~

Uh huh
I got something good for YOUR skin :p
MoonduskSub said:
I agree....Just think Sir, you will totally be realxed once it is over..bumuahahahahaha!

Yep, there's another black mark in the book........
Ok, I would like to re-clarify the clarification I attempted by starting this thread LOL

Currently I am only involved with 2 women, PoutyKitten and Moondusksub
Others I mention (such as Wyn) are PAST relationships that're still friends
Some I tease with (like Imi in some other threads) are online flirt buddies but not really INVOLVED
Mystiq is a GREAT friend but is not nor has ever been my sub, slave, or lover


Now I should work on some REAL dirty details, like describing some things I've helped put Wyn thru......
James G 5 said:

Some I tease with (like Imi in some other threads) are online flirt buddies but not really INVOLVED

Yep, Mr. Winkie has never been anywhere near my unclothed cooter. Not involved in the least.

Just thought I'd add to the clarification.
Imi said:
Yep, Mr. Winkie has never been anywhere near my unclothed cooter. Not involved in the least.

Just thought I'd add to the clarification.

She's married, she's married, she's married...............
Not muttering that montra under your breath anymore, are you?

*gleeful chuckle*
Imi said:
Not muttering that montra under your breath anymore, are you?

*gleeful chuckle*

Sounds more like self affirmations so he doesn't jump on a plane and put you in the first category.

Too add to the confirmation... I would do anything for James from feeding him french silk pie at 2 am to having fun with him at an after munch party with a particular sub ::smiles viciously:: Must do that more often. James is just a great friend. (Still adding to the Myst to doooo to James List) muwahhhahahaha

Imi said:
Not muttering that montra under your breath anymore, are you?

*gleeful chuckle*

No need dear, I have it memorized
I was reminding YOU :p
MystiqDrgn said:
Too add to the confirmation... I would do anything for James from feeding him french silk pie at 2 am to having fun with him at an after munch party with a particular sub ::smiles viciously:: Must do that more often. James is just a great friend. (Still adding to the Myst to doooo to James List) muwahhhahahaha


Ok, here's a dirty detail :D
Mystiq mentions play after a Munch party
Mystiq used to throw these AMAZING after-Munch parties, best this area has ever seen (don't know what a Munch is? Will be glad tyo explain :))
Before she moved, there was a blowout party
I started on food for 50 the night before and got to her place at like 9 am to start cooking
A few folks met up there, and we left one or 2 to monitor the food in the oven then headed for the Munch
Afterwards everyone came back & started playing in the play space or socializing & hanging in the pool........sort of like your regular part except with more *smacks* and "oh GODS"
Naturally, as I was cooking and then helping out with the party, & Mystiq was Hostessing, we didn't get to play too much
There was a particularly lovely unnatached sub, j, at the party who I'd been flirting with all day
Around 1:30, 2 AM the party was winding down a bit and I finally got a break
I went over to the couch where j was sitting, took her hand and led her to the center of the main area of the house and proceeded to start playing with her
After a few minutes, I signalled Mystiq to come up behind her & help me undress her
We stripped her down to her panties, and then we both started in
We used no toys
We did not really slap or pinch her
There was no overt sexual touching (well, Mystiq might've a little ;))
We used our fingertips, our breath on her skin, directed personal energy, and dirty words whispered in her ear to drive her crazy
We kept her standing there on display while we played for 2 HOURS
Any time she got too tired I'd get behind her & let her rest her body against me
She was COMPLETELY gone pretty much the whole time
When it was over I carried her to a couch & laid her down......she curled up against me and cried a little while saying thank you to Mystiq & I both, and then she drifted off to sleep
Mystiq went off to bed and I held her for a couple of hours then slid out to get in the kitchen and start breakfast
THAT is when the pictures Mystiq has mentioned of me frying bacon naked occured :rolleyes:
All in all, it was a great party :D
Imi said:
Yep, Mr. Winkie has never been anywhere near my unclothed cooter. Not involved in the least.

Just thought I'd add to the clarification.


Mr. Winkie's never been anywhere near mine either... Just a "cold rubbery thing" somewhere else that probably would've gotten both of us in trouble. "sigh" :(
WynEternal said:
Sounds amazing!

Still waiting for nekkid bacon pics too.

Getting the naked bacon pics and party pics scanned. (evil grin). It was totally amazing. James and I were able to great a great deal of energy around her. She happily writhed with great pleasure and must of orgasmed at least 3 or 4 times (not until allowed of course) However James, I do recall your hands all over her naked breasts (which were exquiste to say the least). She still talks about that night. She says hi James!

MystiqDrgn said:
Getting the naked bacon pics and party pics scanned. (evil grin). It was totally amazing. James and I were able to great a great deal of energy around her. She happily writhed with great pleasure and must of orgasmed at least 3 or 4 times (not until allowed of course) However James, I do recall your hands all over her naked breasts (which were exquiste to say the least). She still talks about that night. She says hi James!


It does show that there's more to the lifestyle than giving and receiving pain. :)
WynEternal said:
Sounds amazing!

Still waiting for nekkid bacon pics too.

Those'll show up about the same time as the post about the night you met 'becca
THERE'S a dirty detail :D
MystiqDrgn said:
Getting the naked bacon pics and party pics scanned. (evil grin). It was totally amazing. James and I were able to great a great deal of energy around her. She happily writhed with great pleasure and must of orgasmed at least 3 or 4 times (not until allowed of course) However James, I do recall your hands all over her naked breasts (which were exquiste to say the least). She still talks about that night. She says hi James!


I said nothing overtly sexual ;)
I've never considered nipple torture "overtly sexual" :D

And yeah, it was amazing
She & I still talk from time to time :D
WynEternal said:
It does show that there's more to the lifestyle than giving and receiving pain. :)

Yeah, like mentally torturing former slaves ;)