Dirty details

James G 5 said:
See, *I* even have trouble keeping all the details straight :rolleyes:
That's why I drag you all here to Lit, so you can give your sides of the stories LOL
Think we could get S to start posting here in between slopping the hogs? :p

We could always give her a false sense of security that her other half has them all within his grasp and safety. Want me to ask her? ::smiles viciously:: ~M~
WynEternal said:
Mystiq, congrats! You're no longer a virgin. :)

Thank you... I was trying to keep it quiet. Now James will know he was behind my virginity going. The head this man will have, he won't be able to keep it on his shoulders or enter rooms it will be so large!
Well, he has enough of us loving friends around to keep his head from bursting, I think. ;)
WynEternal said:
Well, he has enough of us loving friends around to keep his head from bursting, I think. ;)

All these women as friends...the poor guy can't even burst! :hehe:: ~M~


Take me away from all this..... death.
WynEternal said:
Well, he has enough of us loving friends around to keep his head from bursting, I think. ;)

yeah all we gotta do is get close enough to undo that valve in the back of his head. :p
James G 5 said:
Pouty is my serious sweetie now, we've been together a year + and she put up with me so far

and it's been a year of living in hell :devil:

but ya know I like it hot :heart:
James G 5 said:
And also very occasionally a few friends with whom I share physical intimacy
I am fortunate that Pouty is mostly accepting of this......it's how I am comfortable living. I say "mostly" because no relationship is ever without its road bumps. So far we've managed with communication, a little yelling, and a lot of hugging, to get thru most of them.

More on the road bumps:

I usually prefer meeting his "special" friends in person. For whatever reason it makes me feel better seeing the person in r/l and getting a feel for who they are. Don't think I would want him playing with someone I didn't like, though I don't think it would be fair to deny him if he really likes that person. I also realize that because of distance it's not always possible to meet everyone he knows (seems like he has friends everywhere) and there are those people who would not care to meet or know me for their own reasons. Though wouldn't you want to make sure the girlfriend of a guy you are being phycially intimate with wasn't nuts (cue "Psycho" music) or unaware of what was going on? So, there have been times that I've gotten upset or felt left out but like James said we've managed to get through most of the issues
Re: Re: Re: Re: Serious side of the coin.

WynEternal said:
Beyond what he already is? Is it possible? ;) :p

There are several women here in need of a severe beating......
Iceyskye said:
Just a little note from someone in the shadows....

James is probably one of the only men I've ever had this much respect for. He's a great friend to boot and would never steer you wrong. If I took his advice more often I probably wouldn't be living a Jerry Springer life right now. And yes I know he's the devil.

Yanno, if you read some of the medieval texts about Me, I work for God.........just like in the book of Job
The whole "prince of lies" thing is a misnomer
I tell the truth, people just tend to not recognize it as such :devil:
MystiqDrgn said:
We could always give her a false sense of security that her other half has them all within his grasp and safety. Want me to ask her? ::smiles viciously:: ~M~

Oh sure, just what I need, the woman who tried to ruin my life hanging around :rolleyes:
MystiqDrgn said:
Thank you... I was trying to keep it quiet. Now James will know he was behind my virginity going. The head this man will have, he won't be able to keep it on his shoulders or enter rooms it will be so large!

I'll be fine as long as I don't try to go thru the doorway sideways :D
Pouty Kitten said:
More on the road bumps:

I usually prefer meeting his "special" friends in person. For whatever reason it makes me feel better seeing the person in r/l and getting a feel for who they are. Don't think I would want him playing with someone I didn't like, though I don't think it would be fair to deny him if he really likes that person. I also realize that because of distance it's not always possible to meet everyone he knows (seems like he has friends everywhere) and there are those people who would not care to meet or know me for their own reasons. Though wouldn't you want to make sure the girlfriend of a guy you are being phycially intimate with wasn't nuts (cue "Psycho" music) or unaware of what was going on? So, there have been times that I've gotten upset or felt left out but like James said we've managed to get through most of the issues

So far, so good anyway :D
I appreciate that she's worried for my safety & understand her wanting to be involved and try to work it out whenever we can
We've only hit one MAJOR snag in that regard, involving a Lit friend I met on a business trip
Hopefully she'll continue to put up with me :D

But kooky, I thought you WERE nuts?

No hole digging on my account.. just certain key phrases always make me perk..