Do they HONESTLY Think...

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Putting this simply, when did hate and violence become a sexual kink?

Because that's what it is in the LW section.
That's simply not the case.

Violence has been a sexual kink for some time - you only have to read some of the noncon and bdsm stories to see that.

But you are making the simple assumption that just because this is primarily an erotic fiction site - that everything posted here is meant to be erotic.
There are plenty of stories on here with little or no sex in them. and as a previous poster on this thread noted the LW section is pretty much of a free for all regarding what you might get, pretty much every category is represented in there - so why should Non-Erotic be assumed to be left out?
My story and others like it is a plain old revenge story. There was and is no attempt to sexualize the killing. It was aimed at a certain readership that I knew would like it - and I fully expected the blowback i would get from the other side of the spectrum of the LW readers.

What i found remarkable though was the reaction from other writers - some of whom had written far more violent stories. Like they seem to feel that I was either inciting or performing the actual acts themselves.

And to cap it all an arsey comment from you - the hypocrite who admits to actually assaulting someone in real life - when all I did was write a story.

Yes - what people write can be telling - but what people DO is even more so - I believe that your actions far outstrip my writing .
What’s amusing here, in my view, is this:

On the one hand, one must not lecture the writer, along moral lines, for writing what is a fictional story i.e., one must realize that there is a distinction to be drawn between fact and fiction and one must not condemn the writer for writing mere fiction, as mere fiction, is not reality, and vice versa.

On the other hand, one must not write any fiction which addresses themes such as ‘married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more,’ which, by definition, would include hot-wife and cuckolding themed stories. To write such fiction would be morally wrong even though it is fiction. The distinction between fact and fiction, which apparently must be respected when it comes to these murder/violence storylines, would be obliterated in the case of a story, which fulfils the criteria, set down by the owners of this site, for what is defined as a Loving Wives story i.e., ‘married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more,’

It all boils down to the same thing: it’s okay for enraged men to seek revenge through forms of extreme violence, including murder, but a woman and a man can’t enjoy erotic experiences where the woman gets some, with someone else, who’s not her husband and the husband either: gets some as well with someone else who's not his wife, only gets to watch his wife with someone else cause they want it that way, or has to put up with some mild sadism directed towards him when his wife goes to bed with someone else. It's like comparing chalk and cheese - on the one hand, you have murder and on the other hand, you have some humiliation and other mild sadism, Jesus, honestly...

How ridiculous! I wonder when some people are going to grow up...
What’s amusing here, in my view, is this:

On the one hand, one must not lecture the writer, along moral lines, for writing what is a fictional story i.e., one must realize that there is a distinction to be drawn between fact and fiction and one must not condemn the writer for writing mere fiction, as mere fiction, is not reality, and vice versa.

On the other hand, one must not write any fiction which addresses themes such as ‘married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more,’ which, by definition, would include hot-wife and cuckolding themed stories. To write such fiction would be morally wrong even though it is fiction. The distinction between fact and fiction, which apparently must be respected when it comes to these murder/violence storylines, would be obliterated in the case of a story, which fulfils the criteria, set down by the owners of this site, for what is defined as a Loving Wives story i.e., ‘married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more,’

It all boils down to the same thing: it’s okay for enraged men to seek revenge through forms of extreme violence, including murder, but a woman and a man can’t enjoy erotic experiences where the woman gets some, with someone else, who’s not her husband and the husband either: gets some as well with someone else who's not his wife, only gets to watch his wife with someone else cause they want it that way, or has to put up with some mild sadism directed towards him when his wife goes to bed with someone else. It's like comparing chalk and cheese - on the one hand, you have murder and on the other hand, you have some humiliation and other mild sadism, Jesus, honestly...

How ridiculous! I wonder when some people are going to grow up...
I certainly didnt say it was wrong to write any of those themes. They are not my thing, but I've never said they should not be written. My one and only argument from the start has been that this is fiction - it's not reality, and within the bounds of the site rules, you can and should be able to write whatever the hell you like.
I expect the trolls in LW to take issue with some things i write - and and certainly some of the themes you suggest - I expect other writers to have the intelligence to understand that what I write on the page, doesn't necessarily reflect my world view, nor my own proclivities.
So, the trolls have won out, and by fair means or foul - managed to get the hitman pulled from the site.

The reason - Plagiarism. - what story I was supposed to have plagiarised - nobody knows. People say they saw the story before - which is possible since it was posted here for a short time before about 6 months ago and has been posted on other sites since then. Nobody has come forward with a story - not by me - that they can point to to say 'this is the story he stole' Why - because it didnt happen - but i guess if enough people say it did - it happened - the truth apparently doesnt matter here.

They also site violence for tittilation - which again is simply not the case. It was a revenge story pure and simple.

What of the stories , i cited, and reported, where blatant breaches of the underage, snuff and torture rules were shown - well - they're still there. of course.
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