Do we have any ISTJ's here?

the test i took said i was an IxTJ... 50-50 results between INTJ and ISTJ. Makes perfect sense, since i thought both of them sounded much like me.
Re: Another update!

Originally posted by Mr Blonde I am willing to try to sort out the statistics along D/s lines but we need some more participation to make it meaningful. We only have 46 responses so far.

That would be fascinating...........maybe when a few more people have posted then and added Dom\me or sub.

You are an ENFJ!
As an ENFJ, you are Extraverted, iNtuative, Feeling , and Judging.
This makes your primary focus on Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Intuition.

This is defined as a NF personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Idealist (Identity Seeking) type, and more specifically the Teachers or Givers

As a weblogger, you enjoy the relationships with other bloggers because of your rich insights and people skills. Even while you enjoy journaling, you may still feel alone in your thoughts dispite the number of people linking to you.>>

Yup, sounds exactly like me, btw i'm a submissive.

From another site:
ENFJs have a special gift with people, and are basically happy people when they can use that gift to help others. They get their best satisfaction from serving others.

Maybe that's why i'm such a natural submissive.
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An Attempt at Sorting Out Responses

Traditionalists = 8
ESTJ = n/a
ISTJ = chatbug, just a thing
ESFJ = AnelizeDarkEyes, shopperst
ISFJ = Vinde, kayte, InnerDarkness, JupitersGirl

Experiencers = 3
ESTP = n/a
ISTP = SexyChele, Soron
ESFP = n/a
ISFP = hurtme

Conceptualizers = 14
ENTJ = MrBlonde, Impish, Kataklysm
INTJ = lark sparrow, rigged4dive, MasterNico, BlueSugar
ENTP = A Desert Rose
INTP = WriterDom, PinkOrchid, Never, FungiUg, niteshade, SkylineBlue

Idealists = 18
ENFJ = n/a
INFJ = redelicious, kevslilbabe, Pixie, Kirabeth, MysticalLesbia, Moonbright, EroticLust
ENFP = woodgie2, Destiny, ethereal~minx, Desdemona, sasha_fem22
INFP = lovetoread, il mio angelo, Arden, MissTaken, Phaos, WildRose40DDD

Miscellaneous = 3
INTX = ReadyOne (corrected)
ISTX = randy1
ENTP (?) = Etoile

Ok here is my attempt at sorting out the responses and the different categories with regards to D/s or BDSM.

Idealist and Conceptualizers account for 32 out of the 46 responses from the latest update. I would reason that this is mostly due to most peoples desire for the ‘ideal’ D/s relationship; perhaps even an escape from reality, at least in some long-distance online relationships. In addition, perhaps the majority of the people under the Idealist and Conceputalizer categories also would be more effectively disciplined (as a submissive) verbally knowing that they have been disappointing; whereas the Experiencers and Traditionalist would be better suited to some type of situation in which they can experience an unpleasant situation to change a unwanted behavior.

I know that this is a vast generalization and that each person is unique and each situation is different and in no means meant to say that this is the only way it could be.
Survey Complete!

Traditionalists = 8
ESTJ = n/a
ISTJ = chatbug, just a thing
ESFJ = AnelizeDarkEyes, shopperst
ISFJ = Vinde, kayte, InnerDarkness, JupitersGirl

Experiencers = 3
ESTP = n/a
ISTP = SexyChele, Soron
ESFP = n/a
ISFP = hurtme

Conceptualizers = 15
ENTJ = MrBlonde, Impish, Kataklysm
INTJ = lark sparrow, rigged4dive, MasterNico, BlueSugar, CasusCoiti
ENTP = A Desert Rose
INTP = WriterDom, PinkOrchid, Never, FungiUg, niteshade, SkylineBlue

Idealists = 19
ENFJ = danigirlfor00
INFJ = redelicious, kevslilbabe, Pixie, Kirabeth, MysticalLesbia, Moonbright, EroticLust
ENFP = woodgie2, Destiny, ethereal~minx, Desdemona, sasha_fem22
INFP = lovetoread, il mio angelo, Arden, MissTaken, Phaos, WildRose40DDD

Miscellaneous = 4
INTX = ReadyOne
ISTX = randy1
ENTP (?) = Etoile
IXTJ = vegomaticrabbit

We ended up with 49 responses but I don't think anything meaningful can really be said. This is more likely a survey for "who likes to post on internet forums?" or "who likes taking online personality quizzes?" than anything to do with BDSM roles sorted by MBTI. But it was cool....we tried!
You can add an INFJ if you care to.

Funny, they say on the site that INFJ's are only about 1% of the population but judging from your survey they run over 10% here.
CutieMouse said:
I'm also an INFJ but I knew that from taking the test for some therapy I'd been going through. :)

Redelicious I love your avitar. :) I'm finishing up my 5th pregnancy and the first time I saw it I thought "Yep- some days being pregnant does feel a bit like bondage!" LOL

There are a ton of us. Odd.

Thanks for the compliment on the avatar. A friend of mine here found it for me. I'm midway through week 36, second baby. I feel your pain.:D
As an INFP, you are Intraverted, iNtuative, Feeling , Perceiving.
This makes your primary focus on Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition.

And such a wide array of interesting people we share this with:

Famous INFPs:

Mary, mother of Jesus
St. John, the beloved disciple
St. Luke; physician, disciple, author
William Shakespeare, bard of Avon
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Evangeline)
A. A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh)
Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House on the Prairie)
Helen Keller, deaf and blind author

Oh man...hopefully I didn't miss this boat...(got to stop working such long hours). Not sure how it speaks to my submissiveness, but the description is pretty spot on.

Esclava :rose:
Wanted to do this one but the first time I took it, many years ago, was intp, more recently was enfj. Granted, both times the ei, ft and jp were close. Only strong one is n. so guess I'm xNxx? :rolleyes:

(what the heck does that mean, anyway? I'm moody?)
The answers to your test questions put you somewhere inside a grid of 16 squares, but not necessarily smack dab in the middle of a square. Answer one question differently and you will move a bit.

Each square represents a different class, and you just read your classification (INTJ, ENFP, etc) from the square you landed in. The closer to the center you land, the more pronounced the characteristics of your classification are in your personality.

Now on the grid, there are 5 places where 4 squares touch. And each square shares a common edge with at least two other squares. (If you consider that trying moving off the grid just puts you in the square on the opposite side, then all squares share 4 edges with other squares, and all intersections have 4 squares touching.)

Now if you land very near the edge between one square and another, you can "waiver" between them, sometimes falling into one square or the other. This means your classification will change in one position, e.g. INTJ or INTP depending on which square you end up in. Just answer a question or two differently...

If you are very close to where 4 squares meet then you can change between 4 different classifications, depending on which square you land in. This could change your classification in up to three positions, e.g. INTP to ENFJ.

It's like standing on the spot where Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona meet -- you can be in all 4 at once or move a step and be in only 1. Or, be in two if you still want to straddle a border.

In the statistical universe, most people fall clean into just one square. But there have to be people who are so close to the line that retaking the test can move them across to another classification. I'm like that.

Still rarer, but certainly probable, is a person so close to where 4 squares meet that they can go any of 4 ways depending on how they felt when the got out of bed.

I suppose there may be some psychological mechanism that tends to force people toward the middle of a square.

And the test (or the more complex ones) have mechanisms that try and force a definite answer by asking similar questions and re-asking the same question in a different form. But it's not a guarantee; the best the test can do is signal "no valid result" because your inconstant answers keep you from fitting into any of the classifications.

But in the infinite universe, all things happen!
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And it seams that the most suitable job for me is what I already do, lucky me:)

ReadyOne said:

I suppose there may be some psychological mechanism that tends to force people toward the middle of a square.

Yeah, I guess this was the part I was wondering about more. I understood technically, just not what the heck it implies. My husband went even farther -- from ENFJ to ISTP. Between the two of us, we've almost exchanged types.
Part of it for me seems to be my general attitude based on the situtation I've been in before I take the test. If I'm in "techie" mode I'm a "J" and if I'm in people mode I'm a "P". In other words, I adapt my orientation/personality/operating mode to match the general situtaion I'm in. I hope that's an asset.
I guessed!

...this is a great test..... I agree with the Pyschologists...that we are born with Dominant traits...and like some others have mentioned...we don't switch - it's just that they take over at that time...this was fun to do!