Do you miss 'hard' copies?

Where to write

For erotica I just wank on a keyboard, but for other material I prefer to roam. I don't have a laptop so if I want to leave my desk I have to use the pathedic scribbles I call my handwriting. I can't be the only person who likes to write over meals, or outside, or while soaking my feet in a pool, or getting a blowjob, or while people watching, or so many places.

Usually they are more notes than sentences, I then read then into word. (I have dictation software).
Re: Where to write

Croctden said:
I can't be the only person who likes to write over meals, or outside, or while soaking my feet in a pool, or getting a blowjob, or while people watching, or so many places.

Okay, I am usually pretty good with visuals, but this one has me stumped. While writing during a blow job, do you rest the pad of paper on her head or just hold it up in the air?

Happy day,
Lascivious Wanton
I hand-write almost everything and then transfer it to computer. I must have a hard copy to edit, and I use a red felt tip pen to make easy-to-see changes (that's a joke - usually I cannot see the real story past edits - sometimes it would be easier to rewrite the page).

Therefore I have many, many legal pads filled with prose, half-written stories, naughty scenes and story ideas. My favorite type of paper right now is STINGER by Tops - it has a very hard cardboard back - I can sit outside, knees up, and write easily on it (while watching my kids play, for example). These legal pads are scattered throughout my house, in my car, in my briefcase, by the tub!!!

Every so often I become very annoyed at the clutter and sit at the computer for several hours and type up every stray piece of paper into neat little saved files (where some still sit).


If I try to write original erotic material on our PC, she snarls at me and I cannot think (she's in love with my hubby apparently). I need to get rid of her this summer and buy a new black laptop stud from Gateway.

But I digress.

sweetsubsarahh said:
My favorite type of paper right now is STINGER by Tops - it has a very hard cardboard back - I can sit outside, knees up, and write easily on it (while watching my kids play, for example).

Ha! I'm not the only one.

Wantonica: She was usually under my desk. Delightlfully flexible thing. I also once scribbled some ideas while kissing down someone's back, then I accidently stabbed her in the ass with my pen and that ended REAL quick. Some chicks are so fucking touchy.

Originally posted by Croctden

Wantonica: She was usually under my desk. Delightlfully flexible thing. I also once scribbled some ideas while kissing down someone's back, then I accidently stabbed her in the ass with my pen and that ended REAL quick. Some chicks are so fucking touchy.

I know nothing of the paper brand you discuss. I do very well at times on cloth restaurant napkins, however. And Croctden, you must be the King of One-Track Minds. Stabbed in the ass :eek:. Before you get touchy... *giggle*... I meant you had a one-track writing mind.

Happiness all around,
Lascivious Wanton
90% of my work is done on the PC. I use the PC all day at my day job so it carries over here at home. The other 10% is split between hardcopy edits (usually if I'm almost finished with a story or if I feel the work needs a good read through). Also, quick thoughts are done with a handy note pad to be transfered later.

Trina T.:rose:
Love my pad of paper and mechanical pencil. Giggles.
Paper yes - but I prefer a pen!

Nice, smooth flowing, inspirational ink!

evil evil evil

Wantonica said:
Love my pad of paper and mechanical pencil. Giggles.

mechanical pencils are just plain evil

:rose: b
I write both ways. At home, it's invariably on the keyboard. However, this enables me to endlessly fiddle with what I've written before.

When I'm at work writing during my lunch hour, I'm doing it in a spiral bound notebook. I get much more down this way than when I'm at home. Perhaps that's because there are fewer distractions. No pantry to raid. No laundry to do.

Also, there's something satisfying in feeling the pages all crinkly with the indentations of the words, and because I write without skipping lines to save paper, there is little rewriting I can really do.

And Bridget, I'm totally with you on the pen thing. I adore pens. I love mechanical pencils too. (Pentel makes some that have erasers that twist up from the barrel and don't need replacement as often because of their length.) If I worked at Staples, I'd be bringing home pens every day.
Re: Giggling

Wantonica said:
I know nothing of the paper brand you discuss. I do very well at times on cloth restaurant napkins, however. And Croctden, you must be the King of One-Track Minds. Stabbed in the ass :eek:. Before you get touchy... *giggle*... I meant you had a one-track writing mind.

Happiness all around,
Lascivious Wanton

I once wrote a GREAT poem on a McDonalds-napkin. I was really inspired, and I filled every little inch of it with beautiful words and flowing sentences, and not only where the parapgraphs in hexameter, but everything rhymed natural, without any far-fetched, what-the-fuck-is-a-Regius?-I-don't-know-but-it-rhymed-with-anus kind of solutions.

Unfortunately, when I had finished my burger and fries with extra garlic dipping on the side, I wiped my mouth with said napkin, and when I came home to clean-write my poem, all I could make out was a dirty limerick.

If there had been McDonalds restaurants in the 1500, Shakespeare would never have put up "As You Like It"...:(
greetings and salutations


So good to see you again! I hope you noticed that this is a suitably "authorial" thread. :D I can behave every once in a great while.

I have a close friend who shares my addiction to pens. When we go out together, we invariably end up at Staples. The check out girls know us as "regulars". In fact, for my brithday I received pens from several people. Not Mont Blancs, mind you, but Uniballs and other "nicer" pens.

I personally prefer a hand held eraser. My favorites are the long ones that are in a sleeve and "click" out to be used and then can be clicked back. My daughters know better than to "borrow" them. They can't resist the clicking and get busted every time.

I know, I am merciless.

:rose: b
Yeah, laugh you ass off

Wantonica said:
And Croctden, you must be the King of One-Track Minds. Stabbed in the ass :eek:. Before you get touchy... *giggle*... I meant you had a one-track writing mind.

Happiness all around,
Lascivious Wanton

It was her fucking idea in the first place. I stupidly mentioned getting blown while writing (by a previous girl), so naturally she got a jealous. I guess she felt it made the relationship more serious. I tried explaining I never asked for it, the earlier girlfriend liked my work (or least the idea of dating a guy who writes erotica) and just crawled under the desk one day. Hey at least I got a new slogan: "Green with envy? Get stabbed in the ass."

Sex for me is physical: I've been kicked in the head, gotten rug burn on my balls (which hurts almost as much as tipping out), bitten on the shoulder so deeply the girl freaked out when her mouth filled with blood (I had a bandage for a week, but thankfully no scars - be hard to explain you know?), and once while spanking her had the hairbrush slip out my hand break a lamp.

At least I've never had a girl go into a seizure while going down on the little fellow. That’s my #1 fear. CHOMP.

La la la la la la la la la la life goes on.
I've occasionally edited in hard copy, but I don't even
do that anymore.
I hate my handwriting. It is ugly and producing it is
an effort. I can still remember how liberating it was to
learn to type.
But typing means typos. (Handwriting produces errors, too.)
I might produce as many errors electronically, but I can
correct them easily. (For that matter, the machine will
correct many sorts of errors for me.)
All my material is in bits and bytes. And, when I think
it needs a change, I make the change.
"Free at last, free at last, than God Almighty I'm free
(of permanent hard copies) at last."

Croctden said:
At least I've never had a girl go into a seizure while going down on the little fellow. That’s my #1 fear. CHOMP

Don't get offended, I wasn't laughing at you before (about the writing/blow job/ass stabbing), just amazed at your dedication to the art. I like that saying: "Green with envy, stabbed in the ass". If I ever use it (may I?), people will look at me with their usual pity for the insane, as I giggle mercilessly at their bewilderment. Explaining my personal amusements rarely results in effectual comprehension by the other party, so I don't bother.

As for the quote above, does this fear interfere with your enjoyment? The older I get (shall I say the older my partner's body gets), I worry that his demise will someday occur as we are engaging in a wild, passionate liaison. Then I remember that 99% of the things we fret about never happen. What does take place is usually worse than we could have imagined! :eek:

Smiles to all,
Lascivious Wanton
Hard Copy doesn't get wiped

Can Poetry Survive?

The Greeks hymned the great Apollo with a lyre:
To aid composition sought to tame the Muses' fire

China made classic poets the rulers of the nation
But taxed aspirants' stamina by hard examination

The Romans read their poems from a lectuary
At risk of a Caesar requesting their obituary

Poets of Japan
Made ode
The mode
But Tall
I think I can

The Persians sang of bread, wine and thou,
The English wanted but a house and cow.

Poems lived but in people's memory and hearts
Till printing voiced abroad the inky arts

Now poets use the net to spread their work world wide
Immortal, unsleeping until - O ****! the hard disk's died!

Print it now!

nice indeed


Not quite Arma virumque canto, but very nice.

So the question is: did you compose on paper or on screen?

:rose: b
Re: nice indeed

bridgetkeeney said:

Not quite Arma virumque canto, but very nice.

So the question is: did you compose on paper or on screen?

:rose: b

That one was written on paper.

Most of my stories are composed on screen, printed, revised on paper then on screen - repeat ad infinitum.

Then they are printed as a hard copy, kept on floppies and on two hard drives in different locations, and filed in my Yahoo briefcase. I don't want to lose them.


oggbashan said:
Then they are printed as a hard copy, kept on floppies and on two hard drives in different locations, and filed in my Yahoo briefcase. I don't want to lose them.Og

Good grief! I've never written anything I wouldn't mind losing.
Does Chevy Chase make you randi? Does he baby?

MathGirl said:
We have a stud in our midst.

I was once in a car accident, oh yeah. I had a nasty seatbelt bruise, mmm. I jumped off a second story roof, OH GOD!! I've fallen down stairs too, nnnngh! Just the other night I cut my finger making dinner, I'm so hot!!!!!
Chit, what do i get for running head-on into a tree and busting my head open... surely not a sexy lady award. My insurance company was pissed; replacing such a large tree was expensive. That was many years ago, but I still cover the scars on my forehead with wispy bangs.

Lascivious Wanton
Re: Yeah, laugh you ass off

Don 't you know you're not supposed to talk about sex with previous partners? we know that you're not a virgin, (unless you are-bonus!) and that's all we need to know. Anything more than that is TMI (too much information).

Croctden said:
It was her fucking idea in the first place. I stupidly mentioned getting blown while writing (by a previous girl), so naturally she got a jealous. I guess she felt it made the relationship more serious. I tried explaining I never asked for it, the earlier girlfriend liked my work (or least the idea of dating a guy who writes erotica) and just crawled under the desk one day. Hey at least I got a new slogan: "Green with envy? Get stabbed in the ass."

Sex for me is physical: I've been kicked in the head, gotten rug burn on my balls (which hurts almost as much as tipping out), bitten on the shoulder so deeply the girl freaked out when her mouth filled with blood (I had a bandage for a week, but thankfully no scars - be hard to explain you know?), and once while spanking her had the hairbrush slip out my hand break a lamp.

At least I've never had a girl go into a seizure while going down on the little fellow. That’s my #1 fear. CHOMP.

La la la la la la la la la la life goes on.
Re: Re: nice indeed

oggbashan said:
That one was written on paper.

Most of my stories are composed on screen, printed, revised on paper then on screen - repeat ad infinitum.

Then they are printed as a hard copy, kept on floppies and on two hard drives in different locations, and filed in my Yahoo briefcase. I don't want to lose them.


I live at the other extreme. I delete EVERYTHING for Lit. If Lit disappears my stories will be lost.

My professional writing I keep on floppies and my hard drive and email them to a friend who keeps them on her hard drive too. Nothing worse than having something lost and starting over.

:rose: b
I am just shocked no one has punned on the 'hard' reference, especially since BK put it in ' ' marks.

If I was funny I would, but I'm not.