Do you need to like your sub or dom?

Re: Seems there is a common theme here

MissTaken said:
Just to stir up conversation:

Is it really necessary to like someone in order to respect them and trust them?

Good bump.


i can certainly dislike someone and still have respect for them. Ideally, it would be nice if i could stand that person's presence and respect them at the same time. Wishful thinking and naieve. Reality dictates that you don't necessarily get to have both. That's what makes the person more interesting ... and less tolerable. *shrugs*

Croctden said:
Is anyone here involved with someone who you don't share anything with (tastes, politics, etc.) outside of BDSM? Do you have to have someone you would be at least friends with non-sexually? I'm rapidly coming the conclusion that I do.

I know I do. There's just no point in me having sex or play or D/s sessions with someone I don't like, find attractive, and whose company I enjoy.

Submission is a gift, and having it come from someone I like is what makes it valuable.