Do you write in your head?

From the time I was a child, I used to tell myself stories in my head to fall asleep at bedtime. They were incredibly detailed, often not making it past a few scenes, and usually inspired by whatever book I was reading at the time.

When I discovered the joys of masturbation, my story-telling reached a whole new, exciting, level. I think of the most wonderfully kinky things when I'm playing with myself. If I think it's good enough, I paint a picture with words when I sit at the computer. That's the only way I can describe it. The keyboard and the language are my palette for what I'm writing. I'm trying to convey the story, to show it, not just to tell it.
My brain wont STFU. I've always got another plot or character trying to emerge.

I usually first develop a lead character, and then try to formulate a basic plotline that would be interesting for the character. Often deciding how I introduce the character to the plot. After this I develop secondary characters based on the plot. But, this is not always the case as sometimes a plot occurs to me that I really like and then I've got to go find the characters for it.

When my fingers touch the keyboard the character takes over from there. I pretty much feel like I just follow my characters, as they react and interact with the plot and one another. I find this character driven writing is very natural for me.

deliciously_naughty said:
doesn't everyone write in their heads?

Sometimes it makes it onto paper, sometimes it doesn't.

Tried it once, bit painful getting the pencil far enough in my ear:)

So right though love, sometimes one thinks a story, and then writes it, most times it stays where it is.:D
Whoah....wait...the pencil goes in your ear?

I was just banging my head on the keyboard. But, all I got was bruises and lines of jsaklujlin ieo.larewnj oaew buiol.....

Maybe that was my problem...*look around for a pencil*

Whisper :rose:
Master Nerd said:
Often when I get an idea for something to write, it isn't in words, but images, like a movie. The hard part comes when I try to translate the feel of what I've seen in my mind to words to put on paper (or the computer screen... whatever).

That goes for me as well. Most of the time I start out with a picture.
The hard part is getting it on paper with the right words to let others see the same scene.

Plotting in my head is really a waste of time. I do it, but nine times out of ten my story goes a completely different road then I wanted.

Why? I have no idea, but I'm glad to read that I'm not the only nutcase who thinks characters have a mind of their own.

Damn characters, they never do what you want, do they? The hotel desk clerk with two lines in a throwaway scene suddenly horns in on the action and starts demanding more page time ... the protagonist's love interest becomes terribly boring and drifts away ... the characters insist on bringing others into the mix, people that aren't even in the outline, with strange accents and bizarre facial tics ... good guys turn bad and bad guys turn good. Even if you threaten to kill them off they misbehave.

Damn characters.
Hmm...interesting thread. Always fun to get a peek into people's heads.

My first two stories were recreations of actual events from several years ago, so it wasn't really like I was writing characters. It was much more of a polishing old memories and...ahem...painting along some of the edges with maybe a brighter shade of color here and there.

My latest story I took notes the morning after it happened and my wife was helping me edit it (and she was there too) so that was really an exercise in "take this clear memory, with a page of notes, and tell it really sexily (sp?)".

Now I'm writing my first real fiction for Literotica. It's an old idea for a couple of short stories that had languished and stagnated for lack of a clear direction. I was trying to go for a straight "decadent empire" story to be published somewhere else and I'd find myself having side thoughts like "I wonder just what kind of decadence these nobles are getting up to? <PONDERING>Hmm... </PONDERING> that's pretty decadent. That'd be great if this was for Literotica." But the story itself just went no where.

Then, just this week, it hit me. You've already got three stories up at Literotica already, why look for someplace else for it? Away went the ruffles and hand kissing, out came the jeweled cock rings and fellatio in the billiards room, and BAM, I'm a writin fool once again!

I kind of envision myself going back and forth between building the skeleton and hanging the meat on it.

When I'm doing skeleton-work, it's a purple notebook and a pen and I'm hunched over it scribbling down things to do with the overall world, the Empire, why are these bored nobles writhing in orgies (like you need a reason!), what are the major motivations for the characters, what are their basic attitude; this one's the secretive card player, that ones the power hungry general, that sort of thing.

When I'm doing the meat-work (no pun intended), I find myself blocking out the scenes in my head. I really try to envision the physical space so I can see where the main entrance to the room is, how many couches, how's the lighting, etc. And I love to run the dialog over and over in my head, changing lines here and there until I get it right.

I hardly spend any time whatsoever thinking about the sex scenes. I devote almost no effort to each and every juicey detail of the nookie that's going on. Okay, that's obviously a lie, but I am finding that the sex is something that's happening because of who the characters are and it makes a bit of sense, not just sex for sex's sake, and there are longer and longer passages with not bump-n-grind at all. I kind of feel like it's a story that happens to have some juicey boinking going on, not an excuse to write boink scenes.

But my oh man, I cannot get a handle on them. They keep rewriting their parts. It happens when I'm at the keybaord. I'll be typing along, doot-dee-doot-dee-doo, and suddenly they're all up and 'out of pocket' going "Oh, I don't think so, Mister. It's gonna be like this." What am I going to do, argue with them?

I had 2 female characters who started out as these feckless, spoiled rich brats. And they had it good! They were getting crazy laid and weren't in line for the serious trouble that comes with the succession fight.

But once I start typing and the story starts taking shape, they look around and suddenly one gets all up in my grill, snapping her fingers above her head, cocking a hip and informing me about how SHE'S the vindictive bitch in this story and will make my protagonists life HELL for the way he treats her and just because she's the buxom blond who likes sex, I best not DARE make her sound stupid.

The other one just looked off into the distance for a moment, turned slowly to smile at me through her long, black bangs, and smiled. And right then I knew that she was telling me if her plots and powerplays are not convincing that I would never feel it coming and would somehow be billed for it as well.

Then the ingenue showed up and said "I'm ready for my felatio in the billiards room." Who the hell are you? I mean please, by all means, but where the hell did you come from?

This is going to be interesting.

Be well everyone,

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I always write in my head first. I can't seem to do it any other way. Normally, scenes make their appearance while I'm trying to fall asleep. Which means I then have to haul my ass out of bed to type the stuff down, since the characters won't leave me be until I do.

There was once a scene that I really, *really* didn't want to write. Because I knew it would be traumatic and nerve-wracking to do it. So I kept trying to ignore it. The problem was, every time I tried to sleep, there it would be, in my head, like some horrible nightmare. I finally decided that seeing the scene over and over in my head was a helluva lot worse than just writing it down. So I did. (It was gut-wrenching but somehow also cathartic.) And the scene just disappeared from my head, poof.

That's the way it works with me. I have this stuff that wants to be written, and it won't leave me alone till I do. Once I write it all down, I basically forget about it.

But I can't just sit down and write, alas. I have to have something that's clamoring to be written first. Rather a pain, that.