DoctorKnotty's KnottyNurse

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Nothing like a yummy cleavage shot to brighten my mood! And, as always, those luscious lips look very enticing! :devil:

This helps me to forget about the overall crappiness of my day.

Thanks Doc!
okay see... I'm in a bit of a pickle right now. Part of me wants to be all like... "fuck I love this series... fuck knottynurse projects such a highly fuckable image that my eyes and brain continually look forward to seeing and decoding..."

But the comic book geek part of me wants to be all like... "fuck... the movie I'm looking most fucking forward to is Cowboys Vs. Aliens! I don't give a fuck if it turns out to be nothing more than a campy turd of a movie like the 1989 Dolf Lundgren Punisher movie was... and still is!"

I didn't even read the graphic novel... fuck I didn't even know of this title until I pretty much jizzed myself after seeing the "leaked" preview of the flick on youtube! Which then got me to thinking... No, I'm not the biggest comicbook geek in the world, and fuck... I've been out of the loop for years now, but still... you're never really "out of the loop" as far as comic book geekdom goes. I mean, somewhere, some how comic book geek information still trickles down... almost as if it's trying to pull me back in... But this Cowboy Vs. Aliens stuff? Totally off my radar. Makes me wonder if I've been away too long that it all has just given up on me. Kinda makes me sad. DON'T GIVE UP ON ME COMIC BOOK GEEK WORLD!!!

aw... fuck it. I'm going to watch that awesometasic knottynurse ass slapping video again. that fucking cheers me up all the time, every time... without fail.
Nothing like a yummy cleavage shot to brighten my mood! And, as always, those luscious lips look very enticing! :devil:

I have to agree that cleavage makes so many things better.

This helps me to forget about the overall crappiness of my day.

Thanks Doc!

What is their to be crappy about?

okay see... I'm in a bit of a pickle right now. Part of me wants to be all like... "fuck I love this series... fuck knottynurse projects such a highly fuckable image that my eyes and brain continually look forward to seeing and decoding..."

But the comic book geek part of me wants to be all like... "fuck... the movie I'm looking most fucking forward to is Cowboys Vs. Aliens! I don't give a fuck if it turns out to be nothing more than a campy turd of a movie like the 1989 Dolf Lundgren Punisher movie was... and still is!"

I didn't even read the graphic novel... fuck I didn't even know of this title until I pretty much jizzed myself after seeing the "leaked" preview of the flick on youtube! Which then got me to thinking... No, I'm not the biggest comicbook geek in the world, and fuck... I've been out of the loop for years now, but still... you're never really "out of the loop" as far as comic book geekdom goes. I mean, somewhere, some how comic book geek information still trickles down... almost as if it's trying to pull me back in... But this Cowboy Vs. Aliens stuff? Totally off my radar. Makes me wonder if I've been away too long that it all has just given up on me. Kinda makes me sad. DON'T GIVE UP ON ME COMIC BOOK GEEK WORLD!!!

aw... fuck it. I'm going to watch that awesometasic knottynurse ass slapping video again. that fucking cheers me up all the time, every time... without fail.

Cowboys Vs. Aliens has some good people behind it making the movie. I have no doubt it is also going to rock when it comes out. The only issue really that I see is that their are so many comic book movies coming out this year it might hurt some sales? Maybe?

If you really want to get me to talk uber geeky just bring up Transformers. You really will have a hard time shutting me up.

Glad you still are enjoying the video. We are talking about ideas for the next one.

Those lips, they look so wonderfully kissable!

They were last night that is for sure.



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I have to agree that cleavage makes so many things better.

What is their to be crappy about?

Cowboys Vs. Aliens has some good people behind it making the movie. I have no doubt it is also going to rock when it comes out. The only issue really that I see is that their are so many comic book movies coming out this year it might hurt some sales? Maybe?

If you really want to get me to talk uber geeky just bring up Transformers. You really will have a hard time shutting me up.

Glad you still are enjoying the video. We are talking about ideas for the next one.

They were last night that is for sure.


Indeed! And speaking of Transformers... they filmed a part of the next movie right here in Milwaukee. I guess they're going to incorporate the Art Museum (which is crazy already on it's own) somehow. Hopefully it won't end up on the cutting room floor as I'd like to see what they did with it/where they went with it.

That said... Transformers, ugh. Not only do you have multiple generations, but the story arcs and anime vs. americanizationing, cartoon vs. comic book, levels within levels my friend... wheels within wheels. You have my admiration.

Lest we not forget... you also have a wife that's hot as fuck, and I have in no way regretted my vote. A wonderful series indeed.
I'm not trying to hijack a thread or anything but I popped in to check out the Nurse and I see a guy with y=mx+b for a screenname. Wtf? I just got my ass handed to me on a math final and that equation was running through my head making me crazy and here it is again.
One more thing. I would like to know where the Nurse got that outfit. I wanna buy one for my wife so I can fuck her in it. Her and the Nurse are very similar in body type and shape.
Indeed! And speaking of Transformers... they filmed a part of the next movie right here in Milwaukee. I guess they're going to incorporate the Art Museum (which is crazy already on it's own) somehow. Hopefully it won't end up on the cutting room floor as I'd like to see what they did with it/where they went with it.

That said... Transformers, ugh. Not only do you have multiple generations, but the story arcs and anime vs. americanizationing, cartoon vs. comic book, levels within levels my friend... wheels within wheels. You have my admiration.

Lest we not forget... you also have a wife that's hot as fuck, and I have in no way regretted my vote. A wonderful series indeed.

What Michael Bay has done with Transformers is nothing short of a cinematic tragedy.

One more thing. I would like to know where the Nurse got that outfit. I wanna buy one for my wife so I can fuck her in it. Her and the Nurse are very similar in body type and shape.

Well sir, the garment was purchased from Fredrick's of Hollywood. I did just check their website for you and was unable to locate the items Miss Knotty is wearing in this photo set. You might just have to go in to a store and hope they still carry it. Good luck though.

Also. Why are you not posting photos of your wife?
Because my wife is not interested in sharing. Not that I haven't tried to get her to. I'm still working on that angle though.

For Shame! Oh well. I do understand.

General work stuff plus a lumber mill I've hired is 6 weeks late on a delivery, and that fucks with my personal time.

Well that sucks! I am sorry to hear that and have gone through shit like that myself before.

lovely story and pics :)

Well we try sir.

Last night the Nurse was working very late. So I pulled out a recent Green Lantern book I bought. I have never read a Green Lanter comic in my life and I have been wanted to try and get a few under my belt before the movie comes out so I am not going into it totally uninformed.

So the book I got is called Green Lantern: In Brightest Day and is a collection of (what some author feels) important Green Lantern stories. Which I liked. It's a nice hodgepodge of storied giving you a good tastes of what has been going on in the Green Lantern world.

One story was not taken from a Green Lanter comic book at all, but rather Superman. It's an issue where the Guardians consult with Superman and ask him if his existence on Earth is hindering the development and advancement of the human race. Now I believe this is before Luthor started playing this card all the time.

The thing that tossed me on my head was that the Guardians make it clean in this book that their power in influence is far stronger that Superman.

That just changed the way I looked at the DC univers. Something exists stronger that Superman? wow.



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For Shame! Oh well. I do understand.

Well that sucks! I am sorry to hear that and have gone through shit like that myself before.

Well we try sir.

Last night the Nurse was working very late. So I pulled out a recent Green Lantern book I bought. I have never read a Green Lanter comic in my life and I have been wanted to try and get a few under my belt before the movie comes out so I am not going into it totally uninformed.

So the book I got is called Green Lantern: In Brightest Day and is a collection of (what some author feels) important Green Lantern stories. Which I liked. It's a nice hodgepodge of storied giving you a good tastes of what has been going on in the Green Lantern world.

One story was not taken from a Green Lanter comic book at all, but rather Superman. It's an issue where the Guardians consult with Superman and ask him if his existence on Earth is hindering the development and advancement of the human race. Now I believe this is before Luthor started playing this card all the time.

The thing that tossed me on my head was that the Guardians make it clean in this book that their power in influence is far stronger that Superman.

That just changed the way I looked at the DC univers. Something exists stronger that Superman? wow.


yum! me likey!
Wow.... What a body!!! Gets my little pussy wet looking through all your pics... just amazing!!!

How can I not like a comment like that?

It was a good weekend for all who care and actually read the crap I write here. KnottyNurse and I spent the whole weekend outside as much as possible (aside from a trip looking for curtains).

The two of us are planning a Hawaii Vacation here at some point. I have been doing some research on new cameras as well. Because I want to take good vacation photos and I want to take great future KnottyNurse photos. So for those of you are actually into photography can you recommend anything to me and why? Its worth your time to write because it benefits you in the end.



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hey doc lovin the new pics.
as for your camera question well i dont really know much about them but i have a canon sx1300 is its a little big not huge (just big enough so the wife doesnt lose it) takes amazing pics for stuff on the move it really cuts down on the blurr
According to my camera friends, SLR cameras are the way to go, so you don't have any blur in the picture.

My friend has all of the Blackest Night series, including the prologue stories with the other rings on the emotional spectrum, on his public iDisk. Let me see if he minds me downloading all of them and I'll compress it and send.

Great set so far and looking forward to more :)
hey doc lovin the new pics.
as for your camera question well i dont really know much about them but i have a canon sx1300 is its a little big not huge (just big enough so the wife doesnt lose it) takes amazing pics for stuff on the move it really cuts down on the blurr

Thanks. I have a friend with the SX1300 and he loves it!

Just found your thread. Your pics are wonderful!!!

Well thanks. Stay away.

According to my camera friends, SLR cameras are the way to go, so you don't have any blur in the picture.

Yeah, I am sure i am going SLR. I am leaning in the direction of Canon at the moment. I still have some time before I need to make a choice. Just trying to ask as many people as I can and get as much research under my belt as possible before i drop the cash.

So with the Green lanter book finished I started reading Wolverine: Enemy of the state.

In books I am reading The Hangman's Daughter.

Both books so far are good and holding my attention. I actually read the hangman's daughter out loud at night to KnottyNurse. She seems to enjoy it so who am I to stop doing it?



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I finished reading Wolverine: enemy of the state last night. what a great book! But when i got to the end i realized it was only volume one. So off to Amazon I go to order the second volume.

Knotty Nurse had another last night at the hospital. Turns out the hospital was doing some kind of construction above the Operating rooms. Someone doing the construction busted a water line and flooded the Operating Room so they are closed to day and KnottyNurse is only on call. Operations will only happen on an extreme emergency bases.



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I finished reading Wolverine: enemy of the state last night. what a great book! But when i got to the end i realized it was only volume one. So off to Amazon I go to order the second volume.

Knotty Nurse had another last night at the hospital. Turns out the hospital was doing some kind of construction above the Operating rooms. Someone doing the construction busted a water line and flooded the Operating Room so they are closed to day and KnottyNurse is only on call. Operations will only happen on an extreme emergency bases.


the more this series unfolds the more I am glad I voted for it.
I finished reading Wolverine: enemy of the state last night. what a great book! But when i got to the end i realized it was only volume one. So off to Amazon I go to order the second volume.

Knotty Nurse had another last night at the hospital. Turns out the hospital was doing some kind of construction above the Operating rooms. Someone doing the construction busted a water line and flooded the Operating Room so they are closed to day and KnottyNurse is only on call. Operations will only happen on an extreme emergency bases.


Doc, I have to say, you have more willpower than probably any man on the planet. Had the nurse struck this pose for me, I would have thrown the camera to the ground and got down 'n dirty right then and there. This is fucking HOT. Kudos, and thanks as always for sharing.
the more this series unfolds the more I am glad I voted for it.

I am glad you voted for it as well.

Doc, I have to say, you have more willpower than probably any man on the planet. Had the nurse struck this pose for me, I would have thrown the camera to the ground and got down 'n dirty right then and there. This is fucking HOT. Kudos, and thanks as always for sharing.

I have lost many good photo sets to share with you guys and gals because of that exact problem. My lack of will power.

I started another graphic novel today. This one is called "Superman: They Saved Luthor's Brain". I am not to far into it. 14 pages or so, but it is enjoyable.

The nurse has the rest of the week off from work if you can believe that. The hospital is still having water issues so everyone has been sent home and told to wait till next week. So what did the nurse do all day yesterday with the day to herself?

Lounge around naked?

Have girlfriends over for sexy time?

Take sexy photos for me and text them to my mobile phone?

Nope. Even better! she did the sexiest thing any women can do. SHE CLEANED! Yup, she cleaned the house! I was so happy!

Have a good day everyone.



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