Does it bother any guys how many gay and bi women there are?

Nope, my sister is gay....she dated a couple guys in HS but then stoped. She is the best "wing man" ever. Guys if you can find a gay woman who dosent look like John Goodman make friends with her, if she is cool she will land you plenty of ass in the future.

Thats so true! you can get laid with a lesbian wingman on some occasions! Ask my lesbian cousin!

But seriously dont use a homosexual as your excuse to not getting laid! Homosexual account for approx 5-10% of the population so you have a pretty high chance of getting laid
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Very well said. I am sure you got a A on that paper!

Ahhhh yes, but then again, anyone not subscribing to or following the cultural norm is considered "deviant" anyway.

However, as I just recently summed up on a paper about polyamory:

Much of the civil and human rights legislation, as well as public sentiment, has been influenced by those whose behaviors and actions were originally judged to be in violation of societal law or social convention. Today’s deviance or crime could very well be tomorrow’s accepted behavior. 'em all. who can blame them anyway, whats not to love about women? Their fragrance, the curve in the small of their back, the tilt of a neck, the swell of a curve to the plunge of a decoletage. The click of their heels in a synchopated rythem to the sway of their hips. Poetry in motion or standing still.
Hey! I just asked the question .

I know this is thread is almost a month old but when I read it, I wanted to make comments. I cannot understand why one would think older lesbians are recruiting young innocent girls. I know a lot of older lesbians, and most of them seek out other lesbians somewhat more in their age range. Sure they may think a younger girls is attractive, but what do they have in common?

Plus your comment that one out of every 6 characters on TV is gay is either a bizarre comment or I'd sure like to know what cable or satellite channel to which you are subscribing. For example, I love science fiction. The SyFy channel has one lesbian character in their new Star Gate Universe series. Considering that between the original movie, the original series, the Atlantis Series that have gone on for years, I'd hardly consider one lesbian character as representing 1 in 6 characters as being gay. The same can be said for Star Treck, Star Wars, and most of the other science fiction genre. Star Trek had one or two episodes over the years where the topic of gender attraction was raised, but none were directly about homosexuality as we know it.

The science fiction show, BBC's Torchwood series, has a gay character and it is a bit unusual. The gay character is the main character and not quite the stereotype mild-mannered, or effeminate gay male character.

In comedy it became more acceptable to have a gay character, but many times they are more for comic relief. Not all gay guys are like the gay guys on Will & Grace. I admit that I also had problems with the Milk movie. I couldn't relate to the stereotypes myself. I think that typically when people live in a ghetto whether it is an urban ghetto based on religion, race, nationality, or even gayness, you do get people acting, talking, etc different from the majority. It isn't that the group is good or bad, but because they have been isolating from the society at large. Isolation results in peculiarities showing up which you wouldn't see if they were integrated.

Also on cable some channels they some times show soft porn on the HBO channels. It is all straight with an occasional lesbian scene. There is never a gay male scene. Can I write HBO and ask for my money back if I don't get my on in 6 man on man softcore sex scene?

You say you aren't a hater nor a homophobe. I take people at their word, but it does seem that you are a little pre-occupied with the subject. Do you get weirded out if there is an all black show or all asian show, or an all Hispanic show? Do you bother to count how many shows have representation from such groups? If not, why should gay characters bother you? I would think you would like gay male characters as that means str8 male characters have more female characters to hook up with.

Personally, I watch a show because I love the content -- not because the important characters look, feel, act exactly like me or want to fuck what I want to fuck. If I did, I wouldn't watch TV. Because I cannot relate to most of the gay characters that are on TV as they tend to fit stereotypes that are foreign to me. Note that the reason I happen to know when there is a gay character isn't because I'm gay an desperate to see other characters nor is it because I read some "find-a-gay-Tv-character blog. It is because it is so rare, that it stands out. It would be like knowing when a dolphin is on a TV show because it is so rare. It is not as rare as it used to be, but it is a long way from being 1 in 6 chars.

I also think you really aren't aware of the stress that gay people are under in public. I would agree that typically that couples (gay or str8) that kiss or hold hands are really not expressing love but saying "look at us aren't we hot"! However, gay couples have to think about how close they walk together, how close they sit together or whether they blurt out terms of endearment in the wrong place. If you need a heterosexual example, imagine a younger guy who is madly in love and involved with an older married woman. Imagine that they always use loving terms in private (ie honey, sweet, baby), but in their common circle or around the husband, the guy has to always remember to say Mrs _____________ instead of honey. That takes a lot of language self-censoring. I remember years ago I was dating someone, and we went way out into the boonies off the major roads and no where near any city or town of any size. We went there because there was some historic covered bridge that had been moved to a little used location. There was not a sole at the site & it was a ways to walk there. We held hands just because we felt like it. All of a sudden in the distance there was another car that showed up. So of course we had to stop holding hands. That is the kind of thing gay people have to think about all the time. Straight people don't actively have to think about whether they should hold hands or use terms of endearment. So is the gay person that hold hands really flaunting it, or just tired or forgetting to hid it for the sense of other's biases?

I also cannot agree with you about people talking openly about their sexuality. Young straight guys LOVE to talk about their conquests. Older guys once they get married, won't typically talk about their sex life (married or extra), but they will constantly point out who they think is hot -- as if to make sure the other guys know that they may be married but their drive is still strong. I have to be careful what I say, not that I want to talk about my sex life or preferences, but because as you get older and not married, they begin to get suspicious. It also amazes me that if I need to put a contact name on some form, and I put my partners name, the next question is what is the relationship. What difference does it matter whether he is my father, my brother, my son, my co-worker, my neighbor, or my life partner.

What I'm trying to say is that some heterosexual people claim that the problem with gays is that they are too much in your face. (I've never been in my face in my life.) Yet they constantly want to know all about your sex life. They ask if you are married or single. If you say you are single, they want to know if you are seeing someone and if you say no some want to set you up. I tend to keep straights at arms length distance as my sex life is none of their business, and I don't want them to know. But I think it is a hoot when they claim gays are too in-your-face, yet they do everything to find out all about your sex life. What do they want you to say if they have pried it out of you that you aren't seeing a member of the opposite sex? Tell them that you lost your willy during a war injury or traffic accident?

I was in a little mood one day and threw the thread up for the fuck of it. I threw in a few honest comments on what I feel on occasion. I am not really all that concerned about it. YOU have alot of feelings on it and thats cool. I am not interested in members of my own sex and dont think I ever will be. Go be happy and I wish you well maybe it would be best if this thread just died.
I think I need to say that if i offended anyone with my comments....I am sorry. I must say the feedback was good and maybe I grew a little from hearing the other side of the story. p.s. I do love amatuer lesbian porn so all this cannot really bother me too much. mtt ( mrtomthumb) out.
It does not bother me one bit when women or men are gay or bi. There are plenty to go around of whatever you want. Besides my experience is that there are fewer and fewer women and
men who have not had a same sex experience.
I knew when posting this question I would get some varied responses. If you are a bi oriented person thats fine. I have no interest in other men at all and never have...being told I do is a little simple minded. I now have to watch television where every show has to have the gay character...why is that? I dont have any openly gay people in my immediate set of friends, but in the microcosm of tv every 6th person is gay. It is far to calculated to get ratings that they would represent it if there was not some truth to it. I loved the movie "Milk" Sean Penn was fantastic but it was a little hard to get around all the "gayness" as a straight guy. BTW I am not really threatened ...just posing the question.

Actually you don't. It's why God invented the remote. You can change the channel..I think in the past with all the gay bashing and this kind of prejudice, is why you never heard about it. It was socially unacceptable. Period. I've been bisexual my entire life. :cattail:
I was in a little mood one day and threw the thread up for the fuck of it. I threw in a few honest comments on what I feel on occasion. I am not really all that concerned about it. YOU have alot of feelings on it and thats cool. I am not interested in members of my own sex and dont think I ever will be. Go be happy and I wish you well maybe it would be best if this thread just died.

I think you are mistaking length of comment with emotion It isn't that I have a lot of emotional "feelings" on the topic; I just have a lot of thoughts on many different topics. I do that most of the time when I make comments, and the comments don't always deal with sexuality.

Maybe if I didn't have my partner and finding the type of men that I am attracted to was like finding a needle in a hay stack, then maybe some comments would have affected my feelings. However, that isn't my reality. It was just that for lack of a better word, your comments just seemed strange -- not necessarily offensive. I've lived in a college town for 28 years, and I only moved 17 miles away. People have gotten more free to talk about sexuality, but the majority is and will always be straight. For any gay/bi person who feels differerently, I'd like to know what they are smoking. You also stated that you aren't attracted to guys and never would be. Like I was saying before, I watch TV (ie Sci Fi) because I like the genre. I wouldn't in a million years want to fuck ET (regardless of whatever gender that character was supposed to be), but it still was a very touching movie. So when you say you aren't attracted, that is fine, but it seems irrelevant -- unless you feel that some body you aren't attracted to is trying to force you into an experience you don't want. If you are experiencing that from a gay guy, a woman outside your age interest, a woman outside your weight interest, or whatever, then they are being rude and you have every right to be upset about it.

Personally, I assume that someone else is NOT attracted to me until there is some indication contrary to that assumption. I have a certain age, height, weight (hopefully going down again some day), race, gender (and even shape, size etc of that which comes with the gender). To even assume that every straight lady or gay man has the hots for me just because their gender preference is for males (my gender) is just too arrogant for me to think that way.

Good luck in whatever you are looking for and if you are being harassed sexually (or were abused in the past) by gay guys, as best as another individual from the same group can do I apologize for their behavior. I hope you realize that it was their individual behavior and not necessarily representative of all gays. I do think that such behavior exists not so much because they are gay, but because some males (gay or straight) just cannot get it through their head that not everybody thinks they are irresistible. When you are attracted to a gender you sometimes have to put up with the flaws associated with that gender. For instance, I'm attracted to certain males, but I have little to no interest in penises. Go figure... Some males just have way too big sexual egos.