Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

Additionally they are reporting it as is.

I like the term Meidas Touch uses - legacy media. And I believe they, along with some of their associates, are very correct that the legacy media is doing a disservice to news these days. It's driven by ad revenue and clicks. So we see a horse race and the repeated narrative about Biden's age. Or the crazy sound clips from various politicians who ought to be questioned on the spot, instead of being treated as if what they are saying or doing is normal.

I see value in legacy media, if only for their infrastructure, gravitas, relationships with Washington insiders, and respect for national security - to a point. They also "listen to both sides", (give airtime to both sides) which serves the purpose of reassuring people that their voices are being heard; which has value, imho.


The Avant-garde / online media (I would include Wikileaks) have proven to be less than perfect in their own way.


Meidas, etc, are also chasing revenue and clicks to some extent:

Now obviously, Meidas, etc don’t have the overhead of the larger legacy media outlets, so they don’t require as much patronage, and thus, can probably afford to speak a bit more freely: I like that in your face irreverent news commentary as a supplement for legacy media, but not a replacement..


I would actually mourn the passing of legacy media institutions like the PBS News Hour, Meet The Press, Face The Nation, etc. - everything except FOX "news" and their ilk.

And I would also mourn the passing of The Meidas Touch, etc, if they ceased operations.

I see value in legacy media, if only for their infrastructure, gravitas, relationships with Washington insiders, and respect for national security - to a point. They also "listen to both sides", (give airtime to both sides) which serves the purpose of reassuring people that their voices are being heard; which has value, imho.


The Avant-garde / online media (I would include Wikileaks) have proven to be less than perfect in their own way.


Meidas, etc, are also chasing revenue and clicks to some extent:

Now obviously, Meidas, etc don’t have the overhead of the larger legacy media outlets, so they don’t require as much patronage, and thus, can probably afford to speak a bit more freely: I like that in your face irreverent news commentary as a supplement for legacy media, but not a replacement..


I would actually mourn the passing of legacy media institutions like the PBS News Hour, Meet The Press, Face The Nation, etc. - everything except FOX "news" and their ilk.

And I would also mourn the passing of The Meidas Touch, etc, if they ceased operations.


I don't dismiss legacy media - I still look at ABC, CNN, Newsweek, The Hill, MSN, PBS - even BBC etc. However I find that they are more wrapped up in the presentation of normalcy. The YT outlets like Meidas, Luke Beasley, Adam Mockler, The Bulwark etc aren't married to the presentation of normalcy. One of the most frustrating things to me when looking at legacy media is the absolute commitment to bothsidesism - giving equal footing to the legitimate and to the insane to maintain an image of fairness. It is as meaningful as Fox's "fair and balanced" trope.

When I look at the old style media - what the legacy media was before mass consumption/commercialization/news as a product - I see MT et al as being far more in that spirit. Yes they need money to operate, and yes they even have "commercial breaks" in their shows. (Side note, reminds me of The Burns & Allen Show for how commercials were back in the stone age.) I would consider them more of a small business than a corporate empire however. But when a spade is a spade, you are more likely to hear it called by MT et al than legacy media - where likely they'll be searching for some formulaic point/counterpoint and in doing so end up giving legitimacy to the illegitimate.

I'm not tossing out the baby with the bath water, but we have to be honest about our legacy media. Their goal is less about informing the public and more about making money.
"Foamy saliva can be a sign of health issues."

Like Rabies.
WOW! Reading this thread's content is like taking a wild-ass ride on an out of control hot air balloon. Hopefully you'll just ascend till you go out of sight and explode.
WOW! Reading this thread's content is like taking a wild-ass ride on an out of control hot air balloon. Hopefully you'll just ascend till you go out of sight and explode.
Or, you could try to convince us that your gawd's brain isn't rotten.
The rotted mass occupying ineedhelp1’s cranium might be considered a "brain"…

This might just become another point we agree to disagree....it's just empty space between his ears....even a rotted mass would exhibit more intellect.
This might just become another point we agree to disagree....it's just empty space between his ears....even a rotted mass would exhibit more intellect.

Fair enough.

It isn’t a rotted mass worth dying on.
