Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

The same thing over and over again. He just keeps litigating and relitigating this to his audiences. He's not running for office, he's running from prison. He can't talk about policy, about governance, about leadership. He is obsessed with this. Like a dementia dog with a bone.

“Like a dementia dog with a bone”.





Trump’s bizarre, vindictive incoherence has to be heard in full to be believed​

Trump’s tone, as many have noted, is decidedly more vengeful this time around, as he seeks to reclaim the White House after a bruising loss that he insists was a steal. This alone is a cause for concern, foreshadowing what the Trump presidency redux could look like. But he’s also, quite frequently, rambling and incoherent, running off on tangents that would grab headlines for their oddness should any other candidate say them. Trump’s tangents aren’t new, nor is Trump’s penchant for elevating baseless ideas that most other presidential candidates wouldn’t, like his promotion of injecting bleach during the pandemic.

But in a presidential race among two old men that’s often focused on the age of the one who’s slightly older, these campaign trail antics shed light on Trump’s mental acuity, even if people tend to characterize them differently than Joe Biden’s. While Biden’s gaffes elicit serious scrutiny, as writers in the New Yorker and the New York Times recently noted, we’ve seemingly become inured to Trump’s brand of speaking, either skimming over it or giving him leeway because this has always been his shtick.

These tangents can be part of a tirade, or they can be what one can only describe as complete nonsense.

The New York Times opinion writer Jamelle Bouie described it as “something akin to the soft bigotry of low expectations”, whereby no one expected him to behave in an orderly fashion or communicate well.


Addled, angry, dementia. Wow, top three things for my presidential list!

:nana: :nana: :nana:

It's just great to have a major party candidate post videos proclaiming the reason for his presidency is to fight the war against him. Not America's enemies, but Trump's enemies.
Do you think the MAGAts can even identify the multiple times where the demented orange traitor fucked up in that clip???


I guarantee they can’t…

Doubt it. Most won't even bother to listen.

Someone needs their head examined alright.

Nailed it!!!

The "people / everybody" wanted it (referring to the overturning of Roe, etc,) is the most ridiculous / obvious lying and gaslighting ever.

It puts the RWCJ lying and gaslighting we see here on the PB on a daily basis to shame.

Nailed it!!!

The "people / everybody" wanted it (referring to the overturning of Roe, etc,) is the most ridiculous / obvious lying and gaslighting ever.

It puts the RWCJ lying and gaslighting we see here on the PB on a daily basis to shame.


And his utter and complete commitment to it shows just how bad off he is. Not only is he delusional but he actually believes his delusions.
And his utter and complete commitment to it shows just how bad off he is. Not only is he delusional but he actually believes his delusions.

Who knows what delusions the demented orange criminal ACTUALLY believes…


I mean, this IS a demented criminal we’re talking about,..

I'm very impressed with some of the younger YT news/politics commentators.

The information is standard political pundit pulp, but the presentation and editing by some of these younger YT commentators makes it incredibly appealing / accessible / digestible / palatable.

Highest marks.

The information is standard political pundit pulp, but the presentation and editing by some of these younger YT commentators makes it incredibly appealing / accessible / digestible / palatable.

Highest marks.


Additionally they are reporting it as is.

I like the term Meidas Touch uses - legacy media. And I believe they, along with some of their associates, are very correct that the legacy media is doing a disservice to news these days. It's driven by ad revenue and clicks. So we see a horse race and the repeated narrative about Biden's age. Or the crazy sound clips from various politicians who ought to be questioned on the spot, instead of being treated as if what they are saying or doing is normal.
"Lawfare and weaponization of the criminal justice system blah blah blah"

My question is, did Trump lift that from Rightguide?
Or did Rightguide lift that from Trump?
"Lawfare and weaponization of the criminal justice system blah blah blah"

My question is, did Trump lift that from Rightguide?
Or did Rightguide lift that from Trump?
Best guess ... Rightguide lifted it from Trump. Trump isn't prone to reading things as intellectually challenging as Righty posts here.;)