Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

Yet Trump becomes across as pompous and comedic, and Biden comes across as senile. They both come across as dangerous, one in a crazed, hot-headed way and the other in a cold, detached way.
I've never seen Trump as comedic, pompous has always been evident. More often, Trump is coming across as mentally unstable and showing signs of it affecting his cognitive abilities.

"If you have illegal aliens invading your home, we will deport you."

"Three years ago, we were a great nation."

"Remember I want to see your voting booths."

Yeah, off his freaking rocker. He doesn't even know what he's saying.

Press: Top psychologist says Trump likely to fall off mental cliff​

He is turning every court appearance into an opportunity to speak to the media — even though he seldom says anything new, and sometimes what he says makes no sense at all.

Outside a New York courtroom last week, for example, Trump somberly declared: “We can’t have an election in the middle of a political season. We just had Super Tuesday, and we had a Tuesday after Tuesday already.” After which gobbledygook, most reporters just shook their heads as if to say “There he goes again, talking pure gibberish. But that’s just Trump being Trump.”

But after hearing Trump denounce having “an election in the middle of a political season” (when else do you have elections?), on top of his confusing his primary opponent Nikki Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and asserting on several occasions that he was running against Barack Obama, not Joe Biden, I wondered whether he was just confused or could there be something else going on. Could Trump be losing it, mentally?

I was stunned by Dr. Gartner’s professional analysis.

First, I asked Gartner whether he perceived any difference between the cognitive ability of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Absolutely, he replied. “It’s like comparing apples and rotten oranges.” It’s not just a case of two old men roughly the same age, both showing signs of diminishing sharpness of the mind, Gartner stressed. There’s a huge difference between the two, he said. He could not have put it more clearly: “Biden is aging. Trump is dementing.”

“Do you think he’s close to the edge?” I asked. And here’s where Gartner stunned me. “I am certain that if he is reelected,” Gartner said, “he will become cognitively incapacitated. There’s no way at the rate of deterioration that he’s showing that he can make it through four more years without falling off the cliff.”


Press: Top psychologist says Trump likely to fall off mental cliff​

Trump has always had trouble keeping facts and what he has said in the past straight. He's a compulsive liar, add in some age,only sleeping 4-5 hours a night, forgetfulness and the stress of all the legal actions, it's little wonder he talks in riddles.

Is he exhibiting signs of dementia, or signs of stress? Good question, maybe he should retake the Montreal Cognitive test again, to help alleviate peoples fears....
Trump has always had trouble keeping facts and what he has said in the past straight. He's a compulsive liar, add in some age,only sleeping 4-5 hours a night, forgetfulness and the stress of all the legal actions, it's little wonder he talks in riddles.

Is he exhibiting signs of dementia, or signs of stress? Good question, maybe he should retake the Montreal Cognitive test again, to help alleviate peoples fears....

Again? Was that the man woman person tv nightmare?

He won't take any cognitive test of any repute. And most certainly would not release the honest results. It would be "the most perfect test result" from anyone ever.

At this stage in the game, it's become patently obvious - regardless of testing - that the dude is losing his marbles. He's always been a liar, this is different. He's completely convinced himself of delusions. He's got multiple signs in every category of dementia.

He's walking, talking and quacking like a ducking dementia victim.
Again? Was that the man woman person tv nightmare?

He won't take any cognitive test of any repute. And most certainly would not release the honest results. It would be "the most perfect test result" from anyone ever.

At this stage in the game, it's become patently obvious - regardless of testing - that the dude is losing his marbles. He's always been a liar, this is different. He's completely convinced himself of delusions. He's got multiple signs in every category of dementia.

He's walking, talking and quacking like a ducking dementia victim.
Yes I agree he would release only the "perfect" result from any tests.

Seems people are starting to take notice that Trump and his marbles have parted company.
Trump has always had trouble keeping facts and what he has said in the past straight. He's a compulsive liar, add in some age,only sleeping 4-5 hours a night, forgetfulness and the stress of all the legal actions, it's little wonder he talks in riddles.

Is he exhibiting signs of dementia, or signs of stress? Good question, maybe he should retake the Montreal Cognitive test again, to help alleviate peoples fears....
That kind of sleeping pattern is pretty highly correlated with Alzheimer’s according to specialists, as in poor sleep contributes to abnormal levels beta-amyloid protein in the brain, which in turn leads to the amyloid plaques found in the Alzheimer’s brain. A couple of famous examples are Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

Yikes! New WSJ poll shows where swing state voters stand on the issue. 😳


Wall Street Journal poll has Biden trailing. No one reports Trump's top pollster conducts it.​


Can anyone take a guess at what dubious member here is somehow always able to find a WSJ poll to use as citation for anything negative against Biden/Dems in an effort to normalize trump and convince people that this is a run of the mill election between 2 opposing politicians?
Can anyone take a guess at what dubious member here is somehow always able to find a WSJ poll to use as citation for anything negative against Biden/Dems in an effort to normalize trump and convince people that this is a run of the mill election between 2 opposing politicians?

I had that gaslighting POS figured out from day one.

BabyBoobs is only marginally less obvious and inept than the corrupt orange traitor when it comes to being sly and persuasive.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣


The same thing over and over again. He just keeps litigating and relitigating this to his audiences. He's not running for office, he's running from prison. He can't talk about policy, about governance, about leadership. He is obsessed with this. Like a dementia dog with a bone.

The same thing over and over again. He just keeps litigating and relitigating this to his audiences. He's not running for office, he's running from prison. He can't talk about policy, about governance, about leadership. He is obsessed with this. Like a dementia dog with a bone.
Lol, he said the quiet part out loud-that the strategy is to run out the clock and declare it a win.
^^^ I've said for a long time, the (second) best thing that could happen would be for him to stroke out and end up in a long term care facility drooling into his oatmeal for the next twenty years.