
I had a dream that my mother, who doesn't drink, started drinking heavily. It had bad reactions with her medications and she started talking all kinds of slurred nonsense. LOL.

In a DIFFERENT dream on a DIFFERENT night, I had a dream that I went to a party with a bunch of gay men. I ended up with my shirt off and this guy was rubbing hand lotion all over me, kind of giving me a frontal massage. Then I looked over to this other bunk bead and there was a naked woman making love to a gay man. Then there were two women rubbing hand lotion into me and my pants were off and yes, they went there and one of the women said "It's so big." LOL. Honestly, she said that. Made my day... er... night. :)
Last nights dream was welllllllllllll err about cocks! All different lengths but slim ones and it was a free for all who got what cock to ermmm play with or suck (so sorry don't know how to be polite about this!) there was like a pile of knitwear to rummage through and find one and I always seemed to get the last one left. My husband says I was talking in my sleep and telling BIl and Malcolm I loved them!
LOL... Isn't it funny we feel like being polite on THIS forum... It happens to me, too. I guess we're shy :)

I know considering it's a porn site but I don't like to upset anyones sensibilities ...... BTW I keep having sex dreams had another last night!
wow - i had an emotional dream this morning, sometime between 8.30 and 10.30.

elements of it were me working (first day) at Iceland but outside. it was my birthday but no one knew this and i didn't even get a lunch break :rolleyes: when it got to about 4pm, i took a break with some mexican/spanish girl who was about 30 or less.

we walked to some local shops that turned out to be, really, a walk in my old local haunts from my youth - some happy memories, and maybe not even all my own. now, this young woman had been wearing this kind of sling contraption around her front - apparently always did - and it became obvious it was a baby carrier. time was getting on, and we'd walked far further than we should, and had to cross an open field with a funfair set up. i started to run so we could get a bus, as i didn't want to be late and get the sack, but it was almost immediately clear that this girl couldn't run... she was weighed down with the baby sling. she was crying and i looked inside the sling and there were two babies, or one baby and one about a year old - little black haired children, shiny faced, well kempt, but ... dead. she was explaining they'd died through some illness but she couldn't part with them. and then, looking inside this sling further, there was a healthy live baby about 9 months old, and a tiny newborn live baby too! SO MUCH weight, so hidden, and this girl was slim and had been working and walking and running...

i didn't want to be late, but, more importantly, something had to be done about her situation, so i grabbed the sling and ran ahead. she followed begging and crying and pleading for me to return it. suddenly we were in some shopping centre backstreet and running up steps, down steps, along steps... every time i thought we were moving up we had to move down again (a common enough event with stairs in my dreams)... however, all of a sudden we came upon the badly lit (but leading up into better lit) stairs of some medical centre set in the wartime or something. an old building with its yellow and green paint, and little bulbs... there was a nurse, an older woman, and suddenly the sling was back around the mex/spanish girl's neck/chest/belly. the nurse was looking inside and speaking about the first dead baby that didn't look dead, then found the bigger dead one... she was lifting them out and away as the girl was crying for them not to take them from her. i was telling them about the LIVE babies, but they didn't seem to listen at first but then found first one then the other and much joy and surprise followed. they took the girl and her babies somewhere to look after them.

THEN i had to sit and explain to sir alan sugar why i was late for lunch, as he sat behind some war-room desk on the landing of this old hospital. so i was telling him what i just told you lot :rolleyes: he was very understanding and kind. i suddenly felt really good about myself (how sad is this? lol), and knew i'd done the right thing and a huge obstacle had been somehow cleared which meant i could see a very different route forward for my own future re employment and life.

i woke up feeling so damned positive it's almost embarrassing :D and i know where most the stuff's come from - the hospital and stairs, so badly lit, were from a bit of a film last night about Dresden... the jobs thing - well, i've been job-hunting and training and have been up london doing stuff that's directly affecting my future in a positive manner. the 'old haunts' thing is nothing really new, though the working in Iceland thing was, lol. alan sugar? well, The Apprentice is back on and i think he's emminently watchable. i do not get the mex/spanish girl with her 4 babies in a sling, though can see the metaphor i suppose...

what a dream! :eek:
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all I can remember is I was having a very nice dream (for a change) and Ron came and woke me up and I was very peeved about it!
wow - i had an emotional dream this morning, sometime between 8.30 and 10.30.


You know the last dream we have in the morning is usually the longest one. They say that dream phases of sleep get longer and longer as the night progresses.

I had a dream the other night that I was doing some sort of urban skiing. I had ski poles and special shoes that allowed me to ski on the sidewalks. Well it was in a big city and I was doing my thing and I saw these three women who were out walking on their lunch break. I said hello and we chatted and I ski-ed along after them. Then they got to these big step things and it was irritating to me because I couldn't get up the stairs very well.

Well I lost those three women and I was still working on these large stairs, when I turned a corner and suddenly I was on a ledge on the corner of a very tall building and I was very near the top, very high up. I had nothing to hold on to and by this time I was wearing proper cross country skis, it was a very precarious position and I felt like I was going to fall off. I yelled for the three women to help me but they were way down on the ground. I waved at them.

Then I realized I could take off my skis, which I did by poking the release on the bindings with my ski pole. The skis slid away down the ledge and I was able to walk to safety.

No idea where that one came from LOL.
well you might have found some distance between yourself and the goal (women, lol) you were pursuing, but at least you weren't reckless enough to dive on in headfirst .. taking the stairs or the lift is probably the more sensible route, if less Cadbury's Milk Tray :D
well you might have found some distance between yourself and the goal (women, lol) you were pursuing, but at least you weren't reckless enough to dive on in headfirst .. taking the stairs or the lift is probably the more sensible route, if less Cadbury's Milk Tray :D

LOL... yes, I think you're right!
Two recent dreams:

My friend and I were canoeing or kayaking in the ocean, and we went into "New York Harbor", except it was not a city harbor, but a natural harbor with giant rock cliffs on both sides.

I pulled up to a dock and started to get out of the boat. I dropped my ski poles and shoes, but neither of them sunk and I was able to retrieve them.

In another dream, my office at work was my bedroom. It had my bed and night stand and all my books, etc. And my desk.

Well I was sitting at my desk and my boss and this other guy I work with came into the room. The other guy sat on my bed and found some books on bisexuality and homosexuality. He tossed the books over to my boss who looked at them, and we proceeded to have this almost comfortable conversation about sexuality.

The other guy mentioned that we he made love to his wife, he never orgasmed anymore.

Odd dream.
My wife's been under the weather of late, and said she's had lots of wierd dreams.
Today she asked if there was anything recently made with tomato sauce in the kitchen -
she wanted to be sure it was a dream.
Last night to make a point I think and to stop a lot of people gathered round a table being displeased with me, I felt the need to sing 'It wasn't God who made honky tonk angels' and I sang it in such a sweet voice that everyone was in awe and instantly saw that with the words of that song I was right to act the way I did!
Last night to make a point I think and to stop a lot of people gathered round a table being displeased with me, I felt the need to sing 'It wasn't God who made honky tonk angels' and I sang it in such a sweet voice that everyone was in awe and instantly saw that with the words of that song I was right to act the way I did!

LOL :)
There were two fluffy owl chicks sitting on my fence and I was searching everywhere for my camera and couldn't find it and I was afraid one of the people going past (I could see the tops of their heads over the fence, although there isn't a road going past there was in the dream) would steal them away before I found my camera
last nights:

i was going to work (somewhere in london close to where i worked many years ago), and the usual things of having difficulty with the journey/not knowing exactly where i'm going that sort of stuff - but the main crux of the dream was from where i got out of a taxi that was really a bus... thick ice on the roads and snow, an open-topped lorry carrying (blocks of? odd, yeah) that crushed glass/sand mix... blocks were falling off onto the road whenever the lorry took a curve, but it was meant to be happening. the cars following spread the soft mass across the road...

standing in the middle of the road i had to cross was a really old, little, wizened, grey-white entirely naked lady. her poor feet! she was shapeless, and pitiful, and i assumed must have wandered out from a mental home nearby. i had only a tiny blue hand-knitted baby jumper with me, but wrapped it about her shoulders and it managed to cover her to the top of her thighs, but i didn't find that odd at all. she obviously wasn't as small as a baby, but the dream jumper fitted where it did. :rolleyes:

i picked her up and took her to the hospital immediately across the road, she was cold to touch, not speaking or reacting, and i was sure she was hypothermic. the hospital was entirely uninterested, unfazed, and - after she warmed up a bit and 'came to' enough to be a bit alert and aware of her surroundings - were all keen to discharge her from their premises, along with plenty of harsh and coarse opinions about how many oldies try it on in the cold weather, pretend they're nuts, just to get a bed and abuse the system! I wanted them to take her to the mental hospital up the road, but they wouldn't, saying she was just another faker. they didn't even speak to her or do any of the things i'd assume normal. i was absolutely incandescent and felt totally impotent in the situation. :mad: no-one, surely, would stand naked in the middle of a road in such freezing conditions, clearly traumatised or multiple-personality/blanked out at the very least.

i woke up with the alarm, still feeling really frustrated and angry! :eek: :rolleyes:
last nights:

i was going to work (somewhere in london close to where i worked many years ago), and the usual things of having difficulty with the journey/not knowing exactly where i'm going that sort of stuff - but the main crux of the dream was from where i got out of a taxi that was really a bus... thick ice on the roads and snow, an open-topped lorry carrying (blocks of? odd, yeah) that crushed glass/sand mix... blocks were falling off onto the road whenever the lorry took a curve, but it was meant to be happening. the cars following spread the soft mass across the road...

standing in the middle of the road i had to cross was a really old, little, wizened, grey-white entirely naked lady. her poor feet! she was shapeless, and pitiful, and i assumed must have wandered out from a mental home nearby. i had only a tiny blue hand-knitted baby jumper with me, but wrapped it about her shoulders and it managed to cover her to the top of her thighs, but i didn't find that odd at all. she obviously wasn't as small as a baby, but the dream jumper fitted where it did. :rolleyes:

i picked her up and took her to the hospital immediately across the road, she was cold to touch, not speaking or reacting, and i was sure she was hypothermic. the hospital was entirely uninterested, unfazed, and - after she warmed up a bit and 'came to' enough to be a bit alert and aware of her surroundings - were all keen to discharge her from their premises, along with plenty of harsh and coarse opinions about how many oldies try it on in the cold weather, pretend they're nuts, just to get a bed and abuse the system! I wanted them to take her to the mental hospital up the road, but they wouldn't, saying she was just another faker. they didn't even speak to her or do any of the things i'd assume normal. i was absolutely incandescent and felt totally impotent in the situation. :mad: no-one, surely, would stand naked in the middle of a road in such freezing conditions, clearly traumatised or multiple-personality/blanked out at the very least.

i woke up with the alarm, still feeling really frustrated and angry! :eek: :rolleyes:

i don't blame you. i think would have been pissed on waking too.I think the cold over there must be seeping into your psyche. It reminds me of a chronic dream I have were I am walking, just trying to get home and end up walking all over the district all night. I've been having some variation of this dream at least once a week for years.
Thanks :rose: she's been able to have a bit more to eat today.

Sorry to hear your wife is crook. :rose:There has been a monster stomach flu lurking around where I live at the moment. My mother has been down with it for a couple of weeks.
i don't blame you. i think would have been pissed on waking too.I think the cold over there must be seeping into your psyche. It reminds me of a chronic dream I have were I am walking, just trying to get home and end up walking all over the district all night. I've been having some variation of this dream at least once a week for years.
the cold and this keep having to try and save something or other's making me sound like a frustrated herioine! :eek: omg, come to think of it, an awful lot of the dreams i remember are about trying to save things. a hangover from 2 bad marriages and a middle son gone awry? :eek::eek: :D

Sorry to hear your wife is crook. :rose:There has been a monster stomach flu lurking around where I live at the moment. My mother has been down with it for a couple of weeks.
seconded, and hope your mother recovers asap, V :)
and flu seems to be making itself felt well and truly around the globe again this year. my youngest (who's had lots of time off school through various ailments this year) has had his jab so fingers crossed....
Sorry to hear your wife is crook. :rose:There has been a monster stomach flu lurking around where I live at the moment. My mother has been down with it for a couple of weeks.

Thanks - she's fine now. No problems over Christmas time.
Hope your mother is better soon.
I regularly get a flu shot in the Fall - company provides with a good discount.