
last nights:

i was going to work (somewhere in london close to where i worked many years ago), and the usual things of having difficulty with the journey/not knowing exactly where i'm going that sort of stuff - but the main crux of the dream was from where i got out of a taxi that was really a bus... thick ice on the roads and snow, an open-topped lorry carrying (blocks of? odd, yeah) that crushed glass/sand mix... blocks were falling off onto the road whenever the lorry took a curve, but it was meant to be happening. the cars following spread the soft mass across the road...

standing in the middle of the road i had to cross was a really old, little, wizened, grey-white entirely naked lady. her poor feet! she was shapeless, and pitiful, and i assumed must have wandered out from a mental home nearby. i had only a tiny blue hand-knitted baby jumper with me, but wrapped it about her shoulders and it managed to cover her to the top of her thighs, but i didn't find that odd at all. she obviously wasn't as small as a baby, but the dream jumper fitted where it did. :rolleyes:

i picked her up and took her to the hospital immediately across the road, she was cold to touch, not speaking or reacting, and i was sure she was hypothermic. the hospital was entirely uninterested, unfazed, and - after she warmed up a bit and 'came to' enough to be a bit alert and aware of her surroundings - were all keen to discharge her from their premises, along with plenty of harsh and coarse opinions about how many oldies try it on in the cold weather, pretend they're nuts, just to get a bed and abuse the system! I wanted them to take her to the mental hospital up the road, but they wouldn't, saying she was just another faker. they didn't even speak to her or do any of the things i'd assume normal. i was absolutely incandescent and felt totally impotent in the situation. :mad: no-one, surely, would stand naked in the middle of a road in such freezing conditions, clearly traumatised or multiple-personality/blanked out at the very least.

i woke up with the alarm, still feeling really frustrated and angry! :eek: :rolleyes:

Yikes, Chip, you always have something going on in your dreams.

I had a dream where several people were out deer hunting, rolling wooded hills, light snowfall, etc.

Then we were in a barn and there were all sorts of smallish fur bearing creatures, raccoons, etc, like a petting zoo.

Hunting dreams recur for me. I only hunted in my teen years. Go figure.

I also dream about playing hockey on a fairly regular basis, though I only did that for a couple years as a pre-teen.
Yikes, Chip, you always have something going on in your dreams.

I had a dream where several people were out deer hunting, rolling wooded hills, light snowfall, etc.

Then we were in a barn and there were all sorts of smallish fur bearing creatures, raccoons, etc, like a petting zoo.

Hunting dreams recur for me. I only hunted in my teen years. Go figure.

I also dream about playing hockey on a fairly regular basis, though I only did that for a couple years as a pre-teen.

dreadful, isn't it, P? lol. why not some nice tranquil dream of picnicking by a lazy river or something less dramatic? sigh

it's odd, isn't it, how our minds throw in that stuff from being a kid so often - like it's almost a recognised template that links directly to some emotion or sensation; like a storyteller, it's something to fall back on, maybe :D i get the one where i would rollerskate down (what i thought as a kid) a big slope, going fast, smooth, almost like flying, or ice-skating... that sensation definitely pops up from time to time and in the most nonsensical of situations - all of a sudden, there's me swooshing along. :rolleyes: or that one where you step off the top stair and float down to the bottom safely, a little like a moon-jump without the jump part. lol
dreadful, isn't it, P? lol. why not some nice tranquil dream of picnicking by a lazy river or something less dramatic? sigh

it's odd, isn't it, how our minds throw in that stuff from being a kid so often - like it's almost a recognised template that links directly to some emotion or sensation; like a storyteller, it's something to fall back on, maybe :D i get the one where i would rollerskate down (what i thought as a kid) a big slope, going fast, smooth, almost like flying, or ice-skating... that sensation definitely pops up from time to time and in the most nonsensical of situations - all of a sudden, there's me swooshing along. :rolleyes: or that one where you step off the top stair and float down to the bottom safely, a little like a moon-jump without the jump part. lol

Yeah, I like what you're saying about links between the present and the past. I suppose there were a lot of dynamics between people in my life then that I wasn't fully aware of.

Speaking of stairs, my friend would jump from the top of the stairs all the way down to the basement floor to get away from the babysitter LOL.

And we used to slide down my other friend's stairs in laundry baskets, sometimes if the weight wasn't distributed right, we'd topple over.
I am playing (American) football with some people. Then I have a frisbee.

A holy man comes onto the field and sits down. I throw the frisbee a long ways and it just happens to fly right to the holy man. I figure it must mean something and follow him when he starts walking.

He walks up a hill and there are a bunch of people following him. I am not myself, I am some guy around my age but much better looking :) Everyone is young and good looking. It's like we're the cast of some hip tv show following this holy man up the hill.

At the top of the hill there is a river. There is moaning and terrible sounds coming from the river. It is a river of death and misery.

The holy man walks into the river and we all follow him. Even though it is the river of death and destruction, we are all having fun and laughing. Splashing each other and acting as if we are in a water park.

Eventually I follow two people down below the river into a sort of locker room. They start screwing each other right in the doorway. I am annoyed by them and push my way past them deeper into the locker room. I turn a corner and run into a dead end. I turn around to go back to the river, but the other end of the room has been sealed off. I am trapped in the locker room completely alone.