
I got some notes down on a dream from last night:

There was a section in a library that revolved, it had a big book shelf and a table for reading.

When you read a book at the table, the story became your story... I think I was reading shakespeare at the table and I really became one of the characters as I read.

There were a bunch of guys, I think about a dozen, who took turns reading at that table for years.

It was a pleasant sensation to be reading at that table, it was addictive and informative

Later in the dream I was in a sky rise with my friend (incidentally, he is a good friend who I talk to very rarely... he emailed me today out of the blue after I dreamed about him last night!)

There is something about a mattress, and we saw a girl sunbathing topless.

Then my brother was calling a good friend of his about a missing pair of socks because all my bro's socks were wet? He was shouting for him across the courtyard at a mall, I guess.
I was with these two guys, father and son, and the son wanted me to give him a wank! Which I did for a few strokes but I wasn't that interested he was far too young and I'm no cougar. But his cock had a real bend in it, I mean I've seen some bent ones before but this one was curved up and looking at the sky! I was thinking I wonder what on earth that would feel like inside me or even if he could get that shape in. Anyway I left him to it and next thing I now he's fooling around with his girl cousin and I banged on the window at them because she seemed awfully young I figured about 16/17 but was told later she was wayyyyyy below that, but when I looked at her again she had a childs body and height but an older woman's face. Then I was outside with the father, and the son was supposed to be helping us herd this flock of sheep and lambs but he was slacking off somewhere because he was so frustrated. The lambs were really tiny and I was holding one in the palm of my hand then one ran out across the road away from the flock and into a ditch. I was trying to find it amongst all the grass and weeds but I got it by scooping it out with a spoon. Then it suddenly changed to a very small man dressed in smart casuals (leather jacket and jeans) and looked a lot like the father who was dressed much the same way
Balloons - last night I dreamed about big balloons.
Mine didn't have much lifting power - I was able to keep it from floating away by tying the string around one of those plastic ashtrays that have the slots for cigarettes. First I had to empty if of cigarette butts (so far I'm still not smoking - almost 4 weeks now).
My wife's balloon had a long thick rope attached to the string and still required one to hold onto it. It drifted around a building across the street and basicaly traveled full circle so I could drop the end and grab the rope where it attached to the balloon.
I dreamed I went downtown with my brother, sister-in-law, and a whole bunch of their friends. There were over twenty people crammed into a van. And my sister-in-law was wearing a wedding dress as a joke or something.

We went to a Neal Young concert, tho by the time we got to town, I was driving my own car. I parked it on the main street. I locked the door and started walking toward the theater, and this little kid started looking in the windows of my car and trying the handles, so I told him to buzz off.

As I was walking up to the theater, it turned out that Lyle Lovett was walking behind me, he was on the bill also. At the show, we were disappointed to find out it was an indoors show. I found our seats and was joined by the big group. An argument broke out between one of the women in our group and a woman in the audience.

Some of the songs were just recordings with dancing, which disappointed us.
Balloons - last night I dreamed about big balloons.
Mine didn't have much lifting power - I was able to keep it from floating away by tying the string around one of those plastic ashtrays that have the slots for cigarettes. First I had to empty if of cigarette butts (so far I'm still not smoking - almost 4 weeks now).

Good job, EO! I know from experience that is difficult to quit, but you are doing a great job! Funny how an ashtray appeared in your dream...
Good job, EO! I know from experience that is difficult to quit, but you are doing a great job! Funny how an ashtray appeared in your dream...

So far so good. I'm really looking out for when my life is back to normal from my burn. Right now my wife is driving me to and from work. I haven't been to my AA meeting in a while, and its a smoking meeting. Just have to take it a day at a time.

Sometimes dream subjects can be so mundane. All I remember from last night is that we had 3 rolls of paper towels open at once, rather than just 1 or 2.
I went to the hairdressers for a special hairdo for a dinner I was going to but after much tittivating and primping all the hairdresser had done was clip my hair back at the sides. He was really camp and and was leaping around going on about his wonderful creation and I kept thinking I could have done as good a job with a couple of hair slides. My hair was a different colour too more of a mousy colour than blonde and much thicker
The dream started I think I was somewhere in the north woods, but in a kind of town with a big body of water. Across the body of water was some type of logging operation or mill yard where there were all these stacks of wood. But the main stacks were taller than any stacks of wood I had ever seen. They were whole tree trunks and big logs, stacked up like a huge sky scraper.

Then I was riding on a train, not a passenger train, but riding like a hobo with about six other people on a flat car. We were sitting facing out, our feet dangling over the edge of the car. There were a lot of people riding.

We saw some people next to the rails in a hobo camp or something. The train police were busting them and one little girl was executed by a guard... Very disturbing. She was shot in the side of the head with a revolver at point blank range.

A woman sitting on the train with me was so upset, she came over and sat on my lap and I held her like that with my arms wrapped around her.

Also, there was a scene where we were in a train restaurant. The people had built this restaurant around the railroad tracks just to serve the hobos. I wanted to get steak and eggs, but I didn't see it on the menu. Then I heard somebody else talking about getting a shank steak so I new they must of had it.

I just got a brand new dream dictionary (Lady Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett)

Execution. To see or be aware of an execution in your dream suggests that the success of some current undertaking is doubtful and if achieved will take more money, effort, and/or time than you anticipated... Or forecasts some disturbing news of a friend or associate. (I guess I'm selfish, I'm hoping for the latter).

To dream of sawing logs signifies an improvement in home conditions. To see stacks of logs, or fallen trees in a wood, is a generally favorable omen for whatever concerns you most... Yeah!

If the train was standing in the station or on a side track, it forecasts an unexpected hitch or delay in your plans. Otherwise, see TRAVEL

If you dreamed of being a tramp, you are likely to find peace of mind due to improving circumstances... Yeah!
Last night I dreamed of Hekyl and Jekyl type characters...

I was riding my bike on a large college campus... I wasn't a student there...

I came upon two students... older students I guess... they were sitting on a high wall, making smart comments and heckling people who went by...

I approached them and asked if they knew where the cheap apartments were...

Later, I think even after I woke up a little, I remember thinking I should have asked them whether I should go east or west...
The other night in my dreams I remember looking down at this powerful river... and there was a wave in the river and the wave kept moving back and forth... Then some kid jumped in the water and he got stuck under the currents... The water was crystal clear so you could see him moving trying to get up... He looked more like a feather moving back and forth than a struggling swimmer... Finally he got up and was okay...
Had a dream last night where there were these very large wood frames attached to parachutes. The wooden frames were like the part of a hang glider people hang on to, but very wide so six or ten people could be holding onto it. Very large parachutes were used for a slow descent. When we hit the ground, the wooden structures rolled and bounced and I was afraid of being injured. I remember thinking that the engineers who designed the wooden structure/parachute devices hadn't thought ahead to when the thing would land.

Partly the dream comes from a discussion I had yesterday of people going over Niagra falls in different conveyances.
I dreamt I accidently got sent a private email meant for someone else because the sender hadn't put the name on correctly. Then I went into a restaurant, and sat at the next table was a young woman holding a baby, she was with her parents that had sent the email. I was about to go over and say hello and just mention the email in a joking manner about how it got to me instead of the young woman. But she looked at me with hostility and said"Well look who it is it's Mrs Nosy Woman." as if it was my fault! Her mother was embarrassed and tried to explain that she couldn't send emails properly because she was old and wore false teeth. I said I did too but knew how to send emails and kept trying to explain to the young woman that it wasn't my fault I had opened the email but she couldn't see that and insisted I shouldn't have opened it as it wasn't for me.
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I dreamt I accidently got sent a private email meant for someone else because the sender hadn't put the name on correctly. Then I went into a restaurant, and sat at the next table was a young woman holding a baby, she was with her parents that had sent the email. I was about to go over and say hello and just mention the email in a joking manner about how it got to me instead of the young woman. But she looked at me with hostility and said"Well look who it is it's Mrs Nosy Woman." as if it was my fault! Her mother was embarrassed and tried to explain that she couldn't send emails properly because she was old and wore false teeth. I said I did too but knew how to send emails and kept trying to explain to the young woman that it wasn't my fault I had opened the email but she couldn't see that and insisted I shouldn't have opened it as it wasn't for me.

Ooh... Good one :)
Not as scary as coming down in wonky parachutes but it stuck with me all day especially the young woman's voice ringing out in the restaurant callling me Mrs Nosy Woman!
*spam remover* (thanks Annie!)

Always best to say that it's not your original work when you post .... people get shirty about plagiarism ...... so unless you are Sarojini Naidu I'll say it for you
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