
I do actually dream about the board as a whole i.e writing on it but not about getting sexy with individuals
I don't think I've dreamt about any of you be interesting to find out if others do or if it's just you Tz! :D
It's probably just me. I dream about all kinds of people—Litizens, movie and TV stars, friends, friends of friends, people I've passed in the street. Not all of these are erotic dreams, of course. :rolleyes:

I'm always kind of surprised by the erotic dreams, actually. Pleasantly surprised, for the most part.

'Cept for that "premature awakening" part. :)
It's probably just me. I dream about all kinds of people—Litizens, movie and TV stars, friends, friends of friends, people I've passed in the street. Not all of these are erotic dreams, of course. :rolleyes:

I'm always kind of surprised by the erotic dreams, actually. Pleasantly surprised, for the most part.

'Cept for that "premature awakening" part. :)

yea - when you wake is key - too soon, and it didn't happen, too late and may not remember it - what's the point of having a good time if you don't know you had it?
I do not recall dreaming about anybody from lit.

Last night I dreamed I was made a police officer. I remember getting a badge pinned to my shirt. I was wearing just a sloppy t-shirt and shorts, so I was a very informal officer.

Then I remember backing a car into a hidden spot on the highway to catch speeders.

I just got back from a 500 mile road trip, so I guess that's where that came from.
I remember quite a bit of my latest dream, a long shopping trip with my son. At one point we were shopping for flowers or some other suitable gift for my wife (and might have been shopping for something entirely different before). We looked at chest protectors, one made of plastic, and not suitable for anything but water ballon or paintball defense. The other was a lot more dense (Kevlar ?) and I remember thinking about its chemistry. At the end we wanted to get some ping-pong paddles (don't know why, we don't have a table). They were it a completely different location than they used to be (this store doesn't seem like any I know in waking life). I asked the guy in the little stand there where to find sporting goods and he pointed us down a corridor with lots of half-open doors festooned with small (2 cm) dangling gold colored disks. He sang one of the staple songs from a "Prairie Home Companion".I woke and that show was just starting on the radio! There was a news show before that which I didn't consciously hear any of, but might have folded in.
Spiders! lots of spiders! I am terrified of spiders and there were so many of them in different compartments and I was being told to look at them. Woke my husband (and myself) up yelling "I don't want to, I don't want to!"
I think I was with my family, bass fishing in a little weedy pond.

While we were distracted with something, a couple guys came along and launched a boat into the pond. The one guy caught a huge trophy bass while we watched.

Yesterday on the way home from work, I had seen a fish jump in a big weedy pond I cross over. Plus, I had walked to the edge of a parking lot in the evening and looked at a different pond... It was very calm last night but had rained and everything was green and lush... One of my favorite times of year....
Not too many dreams while I was in the hospital - they keep waking you up to take your blood pressure and temperture and all sorts of other things.
It was nice because I had the chance to sleep in this morning and had a long rambling dream.

First, I was in a train station (kind of like EO!) and it was very crowded and I was very confused about what train I should be getting on. The one train I thought I needed already had its door closed and pulled away without me.

Then I had decided I was going to leave the city, and there was a rather dramatic scene where I went through some gate to get outside the city.

There was a shopping mall and some confused directions. Then I had a job climbing great big poles, and there was a guy training me in how to climb them (you had to use two black things on each side, then climb up a bit, then move the black things). When I got to the top, I had to buckle a pink or yellow hard had to the top of the pole.

After a while, I decided I was going back to the city. First I went to the home of my partner in crime/best friend. He was an older man, though I don't think I ever found him, just his home and his wife. I wanted to tell him I was going back and I wanted to invite him along for more adventures.

I went through the mall on the way back to the city, and I ran into two brothers, really good friends of mine from childhood (I had seen their older brother this weekend). They were headed out of the city to join the group I had left with. They looked serious and worried. I said hello to them, and later, I ended up telling their parents how worried they looked. I said it was probably because they had families and kids and things.

I don't know, it was certainly a rambling nonsense dream.
Goodness, EO. I hope everything's okay...
Are you home now?

Yes, back home now. Hospital is so confining if you're mostly in good health (they wanted to keep an eye on and treat my burn) but otherwise OK.
Lie in bed and watch TV, only getting up to go to the bathroom.
No internet, either (I don't have a laptop & not sure if they provide that for patients or just staff). And technology keeps on moving along. They took pictures and one doctor showed another on his cell phone/PDA.

I've had some dreams lately, and think I'm going to remember them, but don't.
Yes, back home now. Hospital is so confining if you're mostly in good health (they wanted to keep an eye on and treat my burn) but otherwise OK.
Lie in bed and watch TV, only getting up to go to the bathroom.
No internet, either (I don't have a laptop & not sure if they provide that for patients or just staff). And technology keeps on moving along. They took pictures and one doctor showed another on his cell phone/PDA.

I've had some dreams lately, and think I'm going to remember them, but don't.

Please don't BBQ in shorts again or at least wear some sort of apron, if you need more information on this sort of thing ask your wife that's what we are there for :) seriously hope you are on the mend :rose: we have a TV/Internet thingy that pulls down over your bed at our hospital but you have to pre-pay for it.

As dor my dream last night all I can remember is I found my cat (I don't have a cat!) it was more of a well grown kitten and grey in colour and I was holding it tightly. The only explanation I can think of that is rather rude and to do with hair getting grey as we get older! you may draw your own conclusions on what I mean! not that mine is .....
"Don't start me talking
I could talk all night
My mind goes sleepwalking
While I put the world to right"
Which makes the worst bedfellow
the one who talks all night,
or the annoyance in the darkness
of snores reaching dizzy heights?
Please don't BBQ in shorts again or at least wear some sort of apron, if you need more information on this sort of thing ask your wife that's what we are there for :) seriously hope you are on the mend :rose: we have a TV/Internet thingy that pulls down over your bed at our hospital but you have to pre-pay for it.

As dor my dream last night all I can remember is I found my cat (I don't have a cat!) it was more of a well grown kitten and grey in colour and I was holding it tightly. The only explanation I can think of that is rather rude and to do with hair getting grey as we get older! you may draw your own conclusions on what I mean! not that mine is .....

I am improving - thanks. My wife said no more BBQ for me, so if that holds up, I guess we'll only do it when my son is home, since I'm quite sure she won't.

The TV comes with the room - its positioned so the 2 beds in the room can watch it, so hopefully have a show tolerable to both. Sound is on a speaker/mic on each bed which also has the nurse call button. They can ask what you want and you answer back. I stayed for 3 nights and had 3 different roommates. The 2nd night late they wheeled me into another room (my roommate had left late in the afternoon), so they could have a room for incoming women. The final night they wheeled a bed in late, as the next roommate had left.
It seems like each subsequent roommate was in worse shape then the previous.
The first was older than me (so he's definitely old) and appeared to have some legal restraints as well as whatever his medical condition was. One member of the hospital staff would do nothing but sit in the room with him, not exactly a guard, but sort of.
The 2nd had Parkinsons and a recent stroke and has to come back later in the month for brain surgery.
The 3rd guy appears to have kidney problems (I heard mention of dialysis) and perhaps other problems. He sat up once that I saw - it was so sad, he's obviously in bad shape.
Last night I dreamed that both University of Texas and Illinois State passed scrutineering for the solar rayce. UT did, I'm so glad about that since my son is a key member of their solar car team. I hope Illinois State does well, but they're just like the other teams from my perspective (if it was University of Illinois, my undergrad Alma Mater, it would be different).
Last night I dreamed that both University of Texas and Illinois State passed scrutineering for the solar rayce. UT did, I'm so glad about that since my son is a key member of their solar car team. I hope Illinois State does well, but they're just like the other teams from my perspective (if it was University of Illinois, my undergrad Alma Mater, it would be different).

I believe scrutineering is my new favorite word. LOL.
Turns out Illinois State and 2 other schools passed scrutineering today and should be raycing tomorrow. Now 13 teams in and 2 more that can still try. One quit yesterday and went home.
12 teams got enough miles in for the Formula Sun Grand Prix and will start on the road rayce.
They start out near Tulsa and end up near Chicago, but is not a straight line route. 1200 miles total. Start on Sun, Jun 20, and finish on Sat, Jun 26,
UT is one of the teams which qualified!
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I wonder if the solar race has a lot more spectators etc now because of the increased interest in renewable energy?
I imagine there is more interest these days.
The race is set up so the cars can be on exhibit at various places for people to see and learn more.
And each university's engineers are all trying to do their best.
All the cars are street legal, but not exactly comfortable or practical - only the driver, along with all the batteries, solar cells, electronics and mechanical.
Much like the cars from 100 years ago, one needs to be ready to make roadside fixes.
A police report on one of these had the caller saying there' a broken-down spaceship on the side of the road!