Drew's Teaching Adventure

Hannah looked at Emily, jarred out of her shocked silence. “Um… I don’t know. I-I don’t know what happened. This will sound crazy but-“

“Did you see a daemon too?” Emily blurted out, sitting on the bed.

Hannah looked a bit confused for a moment, shaking her head. “I didn’t see anything- they were invisible. It would make sense if it was a daemon though.” She looked down and blushed, feeling uncomfortable talking about it. “Did your daemon… I mean, were you…?”

The other girl nodded, reaching out and hugging Hannah tightly. “Yeah. I’m not sure why, but he stripped me and started perverted things to me. I think this place might be haunted or something. Do you think we should buy some salt to put a barrier in the windows and doors?”

Hannah looked troubled, “I don’t if that would work, but we could try.”
“Did you see a daemon too?” Emily blurted out, as she sat on Hanna’s bed.

“I didn’t see anything.” They were invisible. She looked down and blushed, feeling uncomfortable talking about it. “It would make sense if it were a daemon though. Did your daemon… I mean, were you…?”

Emily reached out and hugged Hannah tightly. “Yeah. I’m not sure why, but he stripped me and started to do perverted things to me. I think this place might be haunted or something. Do you think we should buy some salt to put a barrier in the windows and doors?”

Hannah looked troubled, “I don’t think that it would work, but we could try.” The young redhead looked deeply into Emily’s soft blue eyes. “I think we should seek Reverend Worthington, tell him what we fear and seek his advice.

“Perhaps we should ask Drew if anything like this has happened to her Emily?”

“Hanna why would she hide it if she had suffered the same thing? The reverend is a man of God if anyone can help us it would be him.”

After the two young beauties had taken long hot showers and ate breakfast Emily and Hanna went in search of the Rev. Worthington.

Deacon Charles met the girls as they entered the chapel. Emily the reverend is out on a pastoral call. He will be back at three, is there anything I can help you with?” He then turned to Hanna. “Hanna, Drew and superintendent Batard are waiting for you at the school to discuss your duties.

Hanna hugged Emily and head for the village school where she was met by Batard and Dew. “Hanna we were just about to head into the woods to gather flora and fauna as an assistance in teaching after the school break.” Batard smiled into the young redhead’s innocent young eyes. “We are a poor school district but an imaginative one Hanna.”
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Hannah rushed off to find the Superintendent, leaving Emily alone with the "Deacon." There was silence for a moment before Emily asked, "do you need help with anything, Deacon Charles? It sounds like the Reverend won't be back for a while, so perhaps I could do some cleaning, or inventory or something?"

The young woman gave him a helpful smile, wanting to make herself useful.



Being around Batard made Drew's skin crawl, being that she already knew what kind of pervert he truly was. Thus, she was glad when she saw Hannah approaching. Hopefully the young beauty would hold his interest so she could leave to find Flux.

"Actually, I think I may have left some schoolwork at the cottage to be graded, so I had better complete those and my lesson plans before tomorrow," Drew said politely, wanting an excuse to be excused from accompanying them. She already knew that Rahab was not a patient Daemon- he would have Hannah out of her clothes before the innocent redhead could say, 'sadism.'

Hannah felt a little shy at the prospect of being left alone with the Superintendent, but she wasn't going to speak up about it. She didn't want to be rude and ask Drew to stay with them, so she simply smiled awkwardly and nodded, shuffling her feet nervously.
The young blonde innocently asked, "Do you need help with anything, Deacon Charles? It sounds like the Reverend won't be back for a while, so perhaps I could do some cleaning, or inventory or something?"

“You could get that box on the top shelf Emily/”


"Actually, I think I may have left some schoolwork at the cottage to be graded, so I had better complete those and my lesson plans before tomorrow," Drew said desperate for any reason not to be around the arch daemon. Batard made her skin crawl with fear of him. Drew had no doubt that patience was the least of the daemons characteristics he would have Hannah out of her clothes before the innocent redhead could say, 'sadism.' Yet Drew shrugged her shoulders, Hanna was such a submissive little lamb.

Batard and Hanna made their way into the woods in their search for flora and fauna for the school lessons. Little did the submissive young redhead know that Batard had some lessons to teach her. As they walked deeper into the woods the path became a narrow winding ribbon through the tangled woods. The gnarled limbs of the twisted trees seemed to reach out to tear at Hanna’s clothes and fondle her supple young figure.

“Oh, look here Hanna, a wood’ chicken.” Batard pointed to a bright yellow mushroom. "You should try it. It tasted just like Chicken hence the name Woods."

He held out the innocent looking mushroom to the innocent young Miss. A mushroom that was possessed of a phycodelic and aphrodisiac qualities.


Emily climbed up the step ladder that was leaning against the shelves to reach the requested box. Suddenly the ladder slipped, and the young Blonde landed in Deacon Charles arms, her arms reflexively around his neck, her lips a breath away from his, just as Dew walked in.
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"Ah!" Emily had let out a little cry of surprise and fear as she fell, fully expecting to land on the floor. However, she found herself in the Deacon's arms and she blushed; up-close he was actually quite handsome. The whole situation was unexpected so it took her some time to react which meant she lingered in his arms without pushing him away.

When Drew walked in and saw them like that, her heart dropped into her stomach. Of course the betrayal she had suffered at the hands of Asmodeus had hit her hard, this felt different. Her chest felt like it was clenching and there was a bitter taste in her mouth. There was no reason for him to 'act like a daemon' anymore, since her bargain with Asmodeus had been satisfied. As far as they were all concerned she was a free woman. Perhaps that was why Flux had lost interest in her and moved on to someone younger, more beautiful, incapable of escaping.

Jealousy burned in her, but she wasn't about to fly off the handle and start screaming and yelling like an infant. The woman merely cleared her throat to announce her presence, causing Emily to jump and extricate herself from the Deacon's arms.

"Oh! Hello Drew. What brings you here?" she asked shyly.

There was a pause from Drew before she said, "I was here to ask Deacon Charles if he wanted to accompany me into town, but I can see that he must have been tasked with attending to you while the Reverend was away." The woman gave the girl a tight-lipped, slightly forced smile. "It's okay, I can go by myself."


Hannah took a little nibble of the mushroom before looking up at him in surprise, "it does taste like chicken!" she laughed, taking another bite before putting the mushroom in her bag. Like most mushrooms, it wasn't wise to eat too much of it raw. It would make for a better cooking item if she sautéed it, and perhaps she would do so to show the students what it tasted like when cooked.
Emily was in a quite embarrassing position in Deacon Charles’ arms his lips so close to hers when Drew walked into the chapel and Emily. "Oh! Hello Drew. What brings you here?" the young blonde shyly said.

"I was here to ask Deacon Charles if he wanted to accompany me into town, but I can see that he must have been tasked with attending to you while the Reverend was away." Drew’s voice was tight as if she could hardly contain herself despite her tight forced smile. "It's okay, I can go by myself."

Flux set the blushing blonde down and straightened his clothes. “I love to accompany you Drew.” He then turned to Emily. “The reverend will want to see you on his return at three to discuss your duties when he returns.”

“Shall we go Drew?” Flux’s voice was light and airy. He was pleased for he had planted the seeds of jealousy and vengeance in Drew’s young soul, and he knew that would please Asmodeus.


Hanna’s clothing was the worst for wear as the gnarled limbs had ripped and torn her clothing. The top three buttons of her prim and proper blouse were now gone giving Batard a delightful view of the shy young redhead’s cleavage, and the firm curve of her young breasts. The right sleeve of her blouse was torn from her shoulder to her wrist.

Apparently unaware of the state of her blouse Hanna said, "it does taste like chicken!" Hanna laughed, taking another bite before putting the mushroom in her bag. Rahab watched to young beauty take two bites of the phycodelic mushroom, and he waited till the effect of its aphrodisiac began to take effect.

Batard’s image was shifting before Hanna’s soft green eyes. One moment he was superintendent Batard, the next the arch daemon of her haunted dream. “Your blouse is ripped, Hanna better take it off.”

That dark voice so sensual, so seductive, it wrapped around the young submissive redhead’s senses.
"Sure," was the short reply he received as Drew turned and exited the church with him in tow. He acted as though he had done nothing wrong, and that annoyed her to no end. What, did he think they could pretend that nothing happened and go about their day as normal? Did she mean nothing to him?

She got in the car with him and was just about to start it when she stopped and simply looked at him with narrowed eyes. "What am I to you?" Drew asked quietly. "I know you're a daemon, Flux, so if you want to be off diddling young women, you're within your right to do so. But I'd appreciate if you let me know where I stand so I can make an informed decision about whether I want to continue sleeping with you or not. I'm a free woman now, and I want to find someone who actually wants more than just a couple holes to stick their dick into."

His expression was studied closely, Drew having gained a cynicism and distrust for others after all her experiences.


Oh wow... her vision was getting weird. It felt like the trees were swaying and waving at her, the ground a beautiful neon green that she could almost taste. Oddest of all, the Reverend kept changing forms, and it was difficult for her to tell what was real or not. However, instead of being disturbed by all this, she felt strangely at ease. It was like the woods were welcoming her, promising that she was safe among the friendly roots and flowers.

"Superintendent?" She squinted at him, trying to make sense of the shapes and images she was seeing. When she looked down at her blouse, it seemed to be melting and dripping, definitely not something she should keep on. Her pupils were large and black as she took off her blouse and watched it drip through her fingers, though in reality she had simply held it out and dropped it.

He also kind of looked like one of her teachers she used to have a crush on, and she stared at him for a moment. "I feel like I can taste colors."
"I feel like I can taste colors." The young innocent confessed to Batard. He had smiled that Hanna had stripped out of her blouse and let it drop from her dainty fingers. Rahab recognized the look the shimmered in the depth of the young redhead’s soft wide green eyes, sexual lust. A lust that he could use to his advantage. “You know you want me Hanna…..remove your bra.”

It seemed to be the voice of her teacher, the teacher she had a secret crush on. The arch daemon cunningly played on Hanna’s lustful feelings. “Now remove your skirt and panties sweet Hanna you know you have longed to show me your gorgeous young body.”

Drew had been right for in no time at all, and with a little special help, had talked out of her clothes.


Flux loved the defeated and down trodden look in Drews soft green eyes. Yet he also saw the flint hard look as well. He knew that when she had come to West Run she was truly innocent then she had been betrayed by Rev. Worthington, Batard, and had been made the sexual slave of them both before becoming the human breeding bitch of a pack of werewolves.

"What am I to you?" Drew asked quietly. "I know you're a daemon, Flux, so if you want to be off diddling young women, you're within your right to do so. But I'd appreciate if you let me know where I stand so I can make an informed decision about whether I want to continue sleeping with you or not…….”

“You think I would give you up for a child Drew?” it was Flux turned to fain a hurt persona. “Have I not proved myself, aided you, time after time? And when I have made love to you did I take you as others have?”

Flux opened his arms to Drew. Arms that so many times had held her, comforted her, and held her after they had made tender and gentle love.
How did he know that, could he read minds? That's what the trees seemed to believe, at least. She looked down at her clothes, and sure enough, they too were dripping off of her. They had to be taken off her body would become wet and sticky from the melting fabric. Though, now that she was naked she found that she was slightly wet between her legs anyway. Had her underwear already dripped there?

It was a warm day, so she didn't feel chilly with her lack of clothes. Still, she walked a few paces forward into an unexpected clearing that was full of flowers that swayed in the breeze. The flowers seemed to be dancing and smiling with joy, telling her that there was nothing but happiness out in the field. Little did she know that she was the flower who was about to be plucked.

She soon turned to him and pointed at him in surprise. "Your clothes are melting too!"


Drew considered his words for a moment before unbuckling her seatbelt and crawling over so that she could straddle his lap as he sat in the passenger seat. She sat her ass down on his thighs, her panty-clad pussy against the slight bulge in his pants, and she looked him in the eyes.

"I don't expect you to love me, but at least tell me that you only want me. Tell me that you think about me when I'm not around. Tell me that you think I'm special." There was a slight desperation to her words before she kissed him on the lips, deepening their exchange as her tongue entered his mouth and slipped around his. She continued to kiss him before pulling back to hear his answer.
Hanna stood in all her naked glory before Batard. Her sweet dream world of flowers and colors dancing in the idyllically meadow was about to change. No longer did the teacher she had lusted for once, stood before her, nor did superintendent Batard. No, now the daemon of her haunted dreams stood before the young virgin.

This vision from hell took Hanna into his arms, and once more Hanna felt naked flesh pressed to her own naked flesh. His mouth crushed to hers in a demanding kiss and much to her shame, the submissive young redheaded beauty was betrayed by her very nature.

The kiss left Hanna breathless as his lips parted from hers. Then to the young virgin’s horror his tongue obscenely licked Hanna cheek. His tongue seemed to grow as it slithered like a snake, down between her breasts, caressed her firm ripe breasts, and nipples before sliding across her taunt young abdomen and between her lily white thighs, to taste the young girl’s innocence.

His tongue darted into Hanna’s sweet young pussy. His hands on her shoulders slowly pressed Hanna to her knees. “Suck my cock Hanna the daemon commanded even as his rampant cock pressed to her sweet ripe lips demanding entrance into her chaste mouth.


Drew was sitting astride Flux as she desperately pleaded, "I don't expect you to love me, but at least tell me that you only want me. Tell me that you think about me when I'm not around. Tell me that you think I'm special."

Flux, being the cunning daemon he was, did not attempt to argue with Drew or told her what she wanted to hear but simply said, “I love you Drew.”


Emily was finishing up cleaning the youth meeting room when Rev Worthington retuned in the late afternoon. “Ah, Emily just the person I wanted to see.”

For the next three hours Worthington went over her duties as his youth minister. It was six o’clock when he finally finished. “Oh, Emily there is a youth meeting this evening at seven thirty. I know you will not have time to make supper, but I have some left overs and cider if you will join me for a bite…..” He paused blushed for effect, “I do hate eating alone.”
Hanna recognized him from the night before, but the flowers were still telling her that she was going to be okay even as her knees connected with the soft grass. How was that true when his long tongue was sliding into somewhere both sensitive and very private? She laid her head sideways against his hip for a moment, her hands holding his hips for support. His cock was so large, and she was amazed by its size and girth, and the way it twitched.

It looked like a mushroom. Maybe this was another specimen one had to suck rather than eat? Perhaps she ought to try it to see what it tasted like.

The woman gave the head of his cock a little lick, finding that it certainly didn't taste like chicken like the other one. She couldn't quite get a feel for the taste though, so she licked it again. It had been her intent to continue to do so when she felt his hips move forward to take advantage of her parted lips. It slid into her mouth, her eyes widening in surprise. While Drew had been trained to deep-throat a cock with minimal gagging, it seemed that Hannah had little to no gag reflex in general, the tip of his cock tickling her tonsils without causing her much concern.

Wait, this wasn't a mushroom, it was a man's penis. She hadn't realized it before, but now that she could see his balls, she knew that it was something that really shouldn't be in her mouth.


Drew stared at him in disbelief for a moment, her heart racing. It was the one thing she hadn't expected for him to say. Could he be lying? It was certainly possible. Did it seem like he was lying? No. He looked sincere, and he hadn't shied away from the conversation. She decided that she was going to take him at his word for now, though she was still going to leave a little guard up for when he stabbed her in the back. At this point it felt inevitable that he would betray her later; it was simply something she had now come to expect.

However, until then, he was her emotional support and she wanted to indulge her own feelings toward the daemon. "I love you too, Flux," she whispered, her lips crushing against his in a heated kiss as she reached down to undo his pants. She was currently wearing a skirt, so she simply pushed her underwear down her legs and left the skirt on, her now bare pussy rubbing against his freed cock. Though she knew it was wrong to have premarital sex, especially of her own volition, she was far past the point of caring about that. The fact was that she needed to feel him inside her, needed to feel him erupt with love within her pussy.


Emily found that she enjoyed talking with the Reverend. While he might not be a looker per se, he was a very gentle, kind, and generous man on the inside and that was what truly impressed Emily. She happily chatted with him and was surprised that the time had flown by so quickly when he let her know the time.

"I hate eating alone too!" she replied enthusiastically with a big, bubbly smile. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to stop by. I actually needed to talk to you about something, so that works out. I can't legally drink though, so I'm not sure if I can have the cider unless it's non-alcoholic."
Oh, what a trusting little lamb this submissive young redhead was. Her innocent little licks as she tasted his cock for the first time. The quizzical look on Hanna’s angelic face, pleased the daemon. Then that little pink tongue reached out to take another taste of his cock. Hanna’s lips “O”ed in a moment of the young redhead’s hesitation. The arch daemon’s hips thrust forward.

Hanna was forced to sweetly suckle the cock she found in her chaste young mouth. As the daemon fed Hanna more and more of his huge cock to the young beauty. Rahab was amazed, as this little adorable lamb, didn’t seemed to have a gag reflex, as he was now fucking her tight young throat.

Hanna suddenly seemed to realize this wasn't a mushroom but was a man's penis. She hadn't realized it before, but now that she could see his balls, she knew that it was something that really shouldn't be in her mouth.

“Your such a good and pleasing young lady.” The daemon praised Hanna. Rahab feed the young assistant teacher more and more cock until his groin pressed to her little button nose. He praised all her little efforts to please him.

Then the daemon pressed Hanna a bit further. “Hanna be a good girl and lick and suckle my balls.”


Drew fell for Flux’s unexpected move by saying he loved her. He had blunted the young teacher’s rage. He saw the shadow of lust deep in her soft green eyes. Saw the emerald, green fire that spoke of Drew’s need to be fucked. She straddled Flux, shoved her panties down, so Flux could fuck her more than willing pussy.


Emily blushed when she realized how long she had chatted with Reverend Worthington and was surprised that the time had flown by so quickly when he let her know the time. It was almost like he had seduced her.

"I hate eating alone too!" she replied enthusiastically with a big, bubbly smile. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to stop by. I actually needed to talk to you about something, so that works out. I can't legally drink though, so I'm not sure if I can have the cider unless it's non-alcoholic."

“Oh, its just sweet cider Emily.”

The left overs were cold roast beef, a potato salad, and two glasses of amber sweet cider. The reverend of course had spiked Emily’s food with a little something to make her more pliable and receptive to what he had planned for the evening. Of course, her cider was very alcoholic but noting in its taste, would alert the young blonde beauty.

The Reverend and Emily were ready to greet the youth to the evening meeting. Emily was surprised to see that these youths were barely younger than she herself and some might even be older. All was going well until the meeting broke for refreshments. The youths crowded around Emily and soon their strong young hands were groping her gorgeous young body.
Hanna was very confused, her drugged mind torn between being pleased at his praise and disturbed by the fact that she had a man's penis in her throat. It was no doubt making her neck bulge every time it slid back and forth. She wanted to call a time-out or ask him to stop moving his hips, but she couldn't speak with her mouth so full.

And then it seemed he had heard her silent plea, having pulled out of her mouth. Her respite was short-lived though, as she found his hand guiding her head to his balls and demanding that she lick those too. Based on the limited amount of things she had learned sex, she knew that the balls were where the man stored the seed for the baby. Though because she hadn't ever attended a sex education class, Hannah mistakenly thought that there were literal seeds in there and that the penis implanted a single seed in a woman when it was time. She didn't know the first thing about semen.

That was beside the point though; he wanted her to put her mouth on him. "But... that's dirty- I'm not supposed to be doing things like this until I'm married," she said softly, shaking her head.


The dinner was nice and the cider was delicious. She had no idea that there was a drop of booze in it since she had never tasted alcohol and the cider itself was sweet enough to mask it. However as time went on, she noticed that she felt a bit funny. Her stomach felt warm and she felt more loose and free. It was like being sleepy and happy at the same time.

The fact that everyone in the "Youth" group was technically an adult was a bit funny to her, especially since they were basically all men. She had been noticing in general that this town had very few women, so it wasn't too much of a surprise that she was the only feminine presence. What was surprising was when they all started pawing at her, groping her, slipping their hands into her garments.

At first she politely told them that she wasn't comfortable with being touched like that, but when they didn't stop, she tried to be more firm. "Um, could you guys stop? I'm serious. I don't like being touched in private areas!" Emily tried to find a way to back away, but she was surrounded on all sides by the men crowding her. They were touching her nipples from under her shirt, rubbing her pussy lips through the fabric of her underwear, squeezing her ass, and kissing her skin.
Rahab was not a patient creature when young Hanna baulked at kissing and licking and suckling his balls. He decided a more intimate and immediate course of action was called for. The young redhead confirmed his decision when she gasped "But... that's dirty- I'm not supposed to be doing things like this until I'm married," she said softly, shaking her head no, like a good little pious girl.”

“Then the woods shall enjoy you supple young body Hanna.”

Tendrils emerged from the ground, under the daemon’s magic, wrapped around her trim ankles, drew her shapely legs apart to bear her virginal pussy to the primeval forest. Other tendrils drew Hanna’s hands above her head.

The young beauty was spread-eagle before the daemon. Then he terrified young Hanna, as his snake like tentacles erupted from his body and began to slither and caress her gorgeous young body. One snake head feasted on Hanna virginal pussy and clit lashing them with its mouth, thin lips, and forked tongue. Two more assaulted the girl’s firm breasts and nipples before sinking their serpent sharp teeth into her sweet pale pink nipples.

Hanna was ill prepared to deal with the feelings that swept through her supple young body. Pain and pleasure mixed and seem to call to a dark corner of her young innocent soul.


When reverend Worthington called a break for refreshments he excused himself to get some prayer book for study after the break.

Emily was surprised when they all started pawing at her, groping her, slipping their hands into her garments. Her cheeks turned scarlet with embarrassment. At first Emily politely told them that she wasn't comfortable with being touched like that, then more forcibly, “Um, could you guys stop? I'm serious. I don't like being touched in private areas!"

The men, they were hardly boys, were rolling her nipples from under her shirt, rubbing her pussy lips through the fabric of her underwear, squeezing her ass, and kissing her skin. “So, you want us to stop touching you through your clothing?” they sneered at the gorgeous young blonde.

“Well, we have the answer to that honey.” A man pinned Emily’s hands to her side as another started to unbutton her blouse.” As much as she struggled she could not break their hold on her. “We can either strip you sweet cheeks. I fear you may really get hurt, or you can strip for us and give us a good look at that gorgeous young body of yours.”

They offered Emily, for the first time, a devil’s choice.
Hannah was terrified as the vines pinned her down, adding to the disorientation of her hallucinations. She wasn't sure what was reality and what wasn't, but she did know that she was unable to get free regardless of how much she struggled. Each time she tried to wriggle away, her breasts jiggled with the effort until she was left panting and tired.

The worst was yet to come though, as she saw the snakes coming for her. A scream rang out as they bit her nipples, that little forked tongue being felt on her precious pearl at the same time. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Wait... maybe not. She felt like she had a similar experience last night. Hannah had never known that such a sensitive part of her body existed, but she couldn't help but moan as it was stimulated by the serpentine ribbon.

It kept flicking at her, rubbing her, and she soon felt something building inside her. A high-pitched moan left her when the snake finally brought her to her climax, her entire body shaking from such a feeling of pleasure.


Undress for them or have them undress her? As if that was any sort of choice! It only filled Emily with righteous anger, the woman glaring at the man who spoke, her arms trembling with the effort of trying to get free of their grip. She wasn't going to do anything for them willingly, especially not something sinful like being naked before them.

"I don't give in to bullies!" Emily replied angrily, "don't you dare touch my clothes. The Reverend is getting back soon, and when he does he's going to punish all of you for touching me!
Emily’s pious, righteous anger flared, and as the good book says pride cometh before the fall. "I don't give into bullies!" Emily replied angrily, "don't you dare touch my clothes. The Reverend is getting back soon, and when he does he's going to punish all of you for touching me!”

But Rev Worthington was not back, and Emily was at the mercy of the brutes that held her captive. “As you wish honey.” The men stood to the side as Emily flailed, trying to kick them, to fight back as best she could. Yet her pitiful little struggles came to nothing. As she slumped in their grip panting from her struggles. She felt the buttons of her blouse surrender to their insistent fingers, the material of her blouse was pulled from her blouse pulled from her skirt, then slided off her shoulders. Emily’s bra was ripped from her supple young body.

The soft metallic whisper of the zipper of her skirt caressed her senses. As her skirt slid down her statuesque legs it pooled around her trim ankles. Emily was forced to stand there naked, with the exception of her prim and proper white panties. “Boys shall we see if her little bush is the same color as her hair and see if she is a real blonde.”

That being said they ripped the panties from Emily, “Damn she is a real blonde!” They hoisted Emily above their head, laid her down on the rec room pool table. Rope were waiting, eager, to bind Emily’s wrists, and ankles. The gorgeous young blonde was laid out like a virgin sacrifice.


In those haunted woods Hanna was the captive of the forest which had surrendered to the daemons power and magic. His forked tongue worked its black magic as Hanna screamed out her sinful climax.

The young beauty lay there in the warm afterglow of her orgasm when Rahab slowly drove a nipple ring through Hanna’s naval, Before his head dipped again to bring the young redhead a series of cascading orgasms.

Hanna withered in pain and ecstasy.


The haunting voice of the Arch daemon came to Hanna.
"What are you doing?! Get off of me!" she protested as they disrobed her, though in truth part of her was terrified. There had never been a time where she had felt so helpless and ganged-up-on. It didn't help when they made a comment about the hair between her legs, a blush of embarrassment coming to her as they saw for themselves that dye had never touched her golden head.

She soon found herself tied to a table, and she wriggled against her bonds, teeth gritted while tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. "You guys won't get away with this! This is wrong! You can't just assault someone like this!"


"Please... m-mercy..." Hannah managed to get out, her eyes having rolled back from the last orgasm that rolled through her. Her body lay there twitching as though she had been electrocuted. This daemon was milking pleasure from her as though she was the fullest cow on the dairy farm, greedily inflicting himself upon her time after time.
"You guys won't get away with this! This is wrong! You can't just assault someone like this!" Emily tear shimmering eyes belied the words she spoke when they confirmed her darkest fears. “And who is going to stop us honey?”

The men laughed as one forcibly kissed the bound young blonde. At first Emily resisted the man as he pressed his mouth to hers. Yet when she refused to let him enter her chaste young mouth, he cruelly twisted Emily burnished, golden, blonde, hair until she gasped, and he claimed her warm sweet mouth. His tongue entwined with hers in a dark lewd kiss.

There hands mouths, and tongues, caressed every inch of Emily’s gorgeous naked young body, tempting it in ways the young blonde had never been tempted in her young life. A fire was enkindled in her sweet, treacherous, young body. It spread from the pit of her stomach to every fiber of her gorgeous body until her chaste young pussy was so hot and wet.

It was then the daemon of her haunted dreams was once more before her. He smiled down on the naked young blonde. “Shall I fuck that hot little pussy of yours Emily or will you please me in some other way?”

Those were the only choices that Asmodeus gave Emily,
as his demonic cock danced before her wide shocked eyes.


"Please... m-mercy..." Hannah managed a sensually moan, her eyes having rolled back from the last orgasm that rolled through her.

The young submissive redhead was ripe for the plucking, her supple young body yearning for, no craving for, the pleasure that Rahab could wrench from her. Again, he whispered so sensually, so hypnotically, that single word that would damn Hanna.


It was not so much a question but a tempting promise of unimagined pleasure. All the young redhead had to do was take one more little step and surrender to him her chaste virginity.
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“More!” Hannah whimpered, echoing him, though she had not the dark seductiveness of his voice, but the defeated, delirious voice of her own. She didn’t know what was happening and she wanted it to stop, but at the same time she hungered for him to touch her more, to coax her body more, to give her more.
Rahab smiled as Hanna gasped “MORE” then slowly moaned in sinful pleasure. “Then more you shall have Hanna.

The arch daemon crawled between the young redhead’s wide spread thighs. The tip of his mammoth cock brushed the young girl’s pink folds. Rahab’s hips flexed as her drove thee inches of his ten inch cock into Hanna’s tight young pussy. It only took three thrusts before Hanna’s virginity was just a fading memory.

“Come to me Hanna and show me what a good and pleasing girl you can be, and I shall give you more unimaginable pleasure and sensual pain my dear.”
The vines released her and she sat up, wrapping her arms and legs around him as his cock started to work her innocent body. All the while tears ran down her cheeks. There was indeed pain and pleasure in equal measure, something she had never felt before. For her entire life, she had seen pain as a bad thing, but as he stirred up her tender cunt, she was finding that the soreness added to the stimulation.

Hannah felt something very freeing in submitting to him, in letting him take control of her. She didn't have to think, didn't have to think about the moral quandaries- all she had to do was obey. It was at that moment that she truly gave in, her teary eyes looking up at him as she said, "tell me what to do and I'll do it."
The daemon could see the flash of emotion in the young redhead’s emerald, green eyes. The soft sensual moans as her now free arms and legs wrapped around her rapist. As Hanna drew Rahab’s cock deeper into her defiled young pussy there was sensual free motions, all she had to do was obey. It was at that moment that Hanna truly gave in, her teary eyes looking up at him as she said, "tell me what to do and I'll do it."

The arch daemon held out a thin crimson leather collar. “Put this own Hanna to show the world you are mine.” He waited to see if Hanna did as she was told, and as he continued to fuck the young redhead he told her he wanted to seduce her cousin Emily and make love to her.


Mean while Emily was dealing with her own frightening dream.
She took the color from him and put it on, knowing that she was only digging herself into whatever mad hole he was dragging her into. Still, something in her soul resonated with him and she couldn't help but feel bound to him in some way. The bit about seducing Emily though... she was unsure about it. Of course she couldn't tell him what he could or couldn't do though.


Emily's knees twitched inward, though she certainly couldn't even begin to close her legs. There was disbelief in her eyes as she looked at the daemon in the daytime. Why was everyone acting so calmly? A couple of the men even snickered at the daemon's words.

She absolutely didn't want him to take her chastity, so she reluctantly said, "how else can I?"
Hanna took the offered collar from the arch daemon. She could feel , as the collar was buckled around Hanna’s slender neck, an electric shock passed through every fiber of her stunning young body. In her young naïve soul, she knew somehow she was bound to him. Even so Hanna was not sure that she could do as she was commanded, to seduce her golden cousin Emily. Yet she must have known in her heart of hearts, she would obey her new Master.


Emily absolutely knew she didn't want him to take her chastity, so she reluctantly said, "how else can I?"

“You will please me with your sweet chaste young mouth Emily.” He paused for a moment to gaze down into the gorgeous young bound beauty tear shimmering blue eyes as his words hit home. “You will take my cock into your mouth and suckle it till I cum Emily.”

Asmodeus left no doubt about what he required of her. As Emily hesitate, the youth group intensified their adoration of her gorgeous young body with mouth, tongues, and teeth as their hands also groped her virginal body, hinting at what they would do to her if she did not yield to the daemon’s demands.
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Emily wished she could bat off the “gentlemen” who pawed at her in a house of god, but this daemon was running the show now. For all she knew, he had done away with the poor reverend and locked him in a closet or worse. Who knew if he was even still alive? It was a rather morbid thought.

She didn’t have to guess what he wanted of her, seeing as he laid it out so explicitly. A cock had never graced her lips of course, but she figured that it might be like sucking on a popsicle perhaps. It couldn’t be too difficult, and if that was what was required for her to get out of this situation, then she would have to endure it for the sake of her purity.

“Fine, but I’m a bit tied up at the moment. You’re going to have to free me if I’m going to do that for you,” was her answer.