Drew's Teaching Adventure

When night came flux did not hesitate in joining the young teacher in bed. Again, the night seemed very short given their enthusiastic coupling. Morning was a rush to shower and get a quick bite to eat before heading out to St. Andrew’s for Emily’s second interview.

As they drove to the interview Flux asked, “Drew tell me about this girl you found for Rahab.”

"Ohhh yes. He'll be very happy with her, I'm sure. She's like a little bunny." Flux was not ignorant to the fact that she was once like an adorable little kitten with wide-eyes and so naïvely innocent herself. That naïvely had put her in danger, and now she was the very thing that had stalked her.

They were sitting behind the table when Emily arrived for her second interview. She seem to start and blush when she saw Deacon Charles sitting next to Drew.

“Emily so nice to see you again. Could you tell us a little more about yourself and why you want to serve…… at our Youth mission.” He leaned back and tented his fingers before his face. He knew the young redhead teacher would have her own questions. For his part he was sure that Emily was in fact a virgin.
"Oh, well... It's nice to see you too." She started, pleased to see him but still feeling a little shy after how she had gushed about this very opportunity to him yesterday.

"I'm going to school to be a veterinarian, so I thought West Run would be a great place to study the wildlife of the area. The forest is a great place where you can observe nature if you respect it and keep your distance from the animals, but it's so remote that a lot of animals won't be too shy to approach a human like myself. And to be allowed to help the local church while doing that? It's like a win-win!" The more Emily spoke, the more enthusiastic she got, her eyes bright with her aspirations and dreams.

Drew wondered how long it would take for her to realize that the only animal she was going to be taking care of was the one in Asmodeus's trousers.

"That's wonderful," she answered with a pleasant, calm smile. "I want to remind you that this place is very remote like you said- you're not going to have wifi or cell service, so if you have family or a boyfriend you like talking to, you'll have to communicate by letter or wait several months before contact.

Emily shrugged, "that's totally fine. I don't really have any family other than my cousin, and I think she applied to this place too." The girl got a panicked look on her face and held up her hands, "not that I'm saying you have to take both of us if just one of us qualifies! I wouldn't want to be presumptuous or anything."

This piqued Drew's interest and she curiously asked, "you don't have to worry about that- we're looking for applicants that fit our needs, so we'll be determining our decision based on our own qualifications. Out of curiosity though, who is your cousin?"

"Her name is Hannah!" Emily pipped up excitedly, "she's probably the kindest person you'll ever meet!"
"Oh, well... It's nice to see you too." She started, pleased to see him but still feeling a little shy after how she had gushed about this very opportunity to him yesterday.

Flux was hardly listening to the young blonde. His eyes were taking in every sensual curve of the innocent young blondes stunning young body. He found himself fantasizing about how she would look naked and bound for Asmodeus dark pleasures.

Emily talked about her dream of becoming a veterinarian, of studying the wildlife around West Run. He knew some of the wildlife would love to study her as the werewolves had studied the young redheaded teacher. That was of course if Emily could escape Asmodeus.

Flux was called back to the present when Emily innocently blurted out, "that's totally fine. I don't really have any family other than my cousin, and I think she applied to this place too."

A cousin, the idea peeked the shape shifter’s interest. Drew was the next to speak. “We're looking for applicants that fit our needs, so we'll be determining our decision based on our own qualifications. Out of curiosity though, who is your cousin?"

"Her name is Hannah!"

Flux saw the young redhead’s eyes light up and he casually wondered why.

“Drew I think Emily is just the girl we are looking for.”
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"I couldn't agree more," Drew nodded. Two cousins with little to no family, both beautiful, naive, and virgin. It was absolutely perfect. "But let me go ahead and finish our questions just in case."

She continued the interview, and when she was done, she let Emily know that she fit their needs absolutely. The girl had jumped up and down in excitement, hugging her before apologizing for such an outburst. When she practically skipped out of the room, Drew raised an eyebrow at Flux. "I feel like I don't even need to be a daemon to know that she's never been touched before."
“Drew, I think Emily is just the girl we are looking for.”

The young teacher continued the interview, and when she was done, she let Emily know that she fit their needs absolutely. The girl had jumped up and down in excitement, hugging the young redheaded teacher, before apologizing for such an outburst. Then she practically skipped out of the room.

Drew raised an eyebrow at Flux. "I feel like I don't even need to be a daemon to know that she's never been touched before."

Flux smiled at the young redhead's observation. “Yes, Drew I can assure Miss Emily, is certainly a virgin.”

Flux's voice became more serious, “Have, you scheduled a second interview with Emily’s cousin, Hanna, yet, from what you say I am rather intrigued, to meet her Drew. I wonder if she is as innocent as her adorable cousin Emily. And we need to determine if she is, like Emily still an innocent little virgin. You know Rahab tastes Drew. ”

Was that a touch of jealousy that Flux saw in the gorgeous young redhead’s soft green eyes or sorrow for what the innocent lambs were to become.?”
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“Yeah, I’ve got an interview scheduled for her as well,” Drew answered with a nod. “She certainly didn’t have to be reminded of Rahab’s tastes, especially not when she bore the result of them on her pussy and nipples.

The he way he talked about the girls though… why did it make her feel slightly anxious? Flux had insinuated that he would leave West Run with her, but what if he changed his mind? She had been alone her entire life, but now she wondered if she wouldn’t be lonely without him.

The second interview with Hannah happened shortly after, the redhead wearing a cute baby-blue dress with a white shrug. She seemed a lot more shy than Emily, more reserved. She would look up at them through her eyelashes a lot and chuckle nervously at times.
Flux was not mistaken. The look that flashed in the depths of the young teacher’s soft green eyes was at the worst jealousy, and at the best anxiousness that he might leave her, leave her alone as she had been most of her young life. The only ones that had shown her any attention were the arch daemons of Lust and Greed. Yet the only one who had shown her any tenderness was the shape-shifting daemon Flux.

Drew came back to the here and now when Flux had asked if she had scheduled a second interview with Emily’s cousin Hanna. The second interview with Hannah happened shortly after two in the afternoon. Young Hanna was wearing a cute modest baby-blue dress with a white shrug. The young redhead kept her eyes demurely lowered and seemed a lot shyer, than Emily, and more reserved.

“Hanna I do believe you would make a fine teaching assistant and addition to our little community. Wouldn’t you agree Drew?”

Flux knew that Drew certainly didn’t have to be reminded of Rahab’s tastes, especially not when she bore the result of his tastes on her pussy and nipples. Rahab would eat up this shy adorable Lamb.

With both gifts chosen for Asmodeus, and Rahab, one blonde and the other a shy little redhead, all that was left was to get the girls to sign their contacts. Contracts that would bind them to West Run and their daemon Masters.
"I think I agree," she smiled brightly at him before shaking Hannah's hand. "We would be glad to accept you."

Leaning in in a conspirator way, she gave the girl a wink and added, "and we happen to also have chosen Emily for our other position, so perhaps the two of you can share a cottage."

Hannah seemed very excited by the acceptance and the fact that her cousin would stay with her, though she didn't jump like Emily had. Her eyes merely beamed with elation and she had a very pleased smile on her lips. "Thank you! Is there... anything else we need to do?"

Drew nodded, "Yes, I'll have to have you complete the paperwork." Out of her bag, she pulled a stack of papers and slid it over to her. "You just have to initial each page and then sign the final one. You're encouraged to read through it all, but it's mostly just legal jargon."

Oh, it was indeed. There was definitely fine-print in there about being bound to the daemon of greed for as long as he saw fit, if she was accepted by him. Unfortunately for Hannah though, like most people she simply signed the forms and blindly trusted that they were as Drew said they were. She had gotten the same forms from Emily, and now both of them were ensnared.
Drew told Hanna not only she, but her cousin Emily had been chosen for the two positions at West Run. The young teacher slid over a stack of forms to be initialed and signed. Hanna, like the adorable trusting lamb she was, blindly initialed each page and signed that last page. Little did she know that she had just signed away her freedom and her young life as she had known it.

The next few days were a rush to set up their work studies, in the case of Hanna, and the youth Mission of Emily. With all the tees crossed and doted they were ready to leave on Thursday morn. It became obvious as they drove into the mountains that West Run was much more isolated then the two young virgins could have imagined.

They arrived in West Run in late afternoon. It was an unusually hot day and the young beauties clothing stuck to them like a second skin. The car stopped in front of the little white chapel and Rev. Worthington greeted, Emily.

“Emily I am looking forward to getting to know you much better dear.” Asmodeus eyes took in ever sweet sensual curve of the young blonde beauty’s supple young body.

“I believe that you and your cousin, Hanna, will be sharing a cottage. The cottage that they would be sharing was Drew’s old cottage. The next stop was the village school were Hanna met superintend Batard who was overjoyed with the young redheaded girl.
“Me too!” Emily had replied enthusiastically, the bubbly blonde very happy with how the town looked and the kind reverend’s greeting. “Yeah! We’ve loved together before, so it’ll be like old times!”

The two girls had followed Drew like baby ducklings as she introduced them to the daemons that would hold their leash in their new lives of sexual slavery, when they approached “Batard,” Drew introduced Hannah.

“I knew you were looking for a good teacher’s assistant and I thought she would fit the bill. What do you think?” She traded a look with him that said, ‘is this good enough for you?’
“Superintend Batard I knew you were looking for a good teacher’s assistant and I thought Hanna would fit the bill. What do you think?” She traded a look with him that said, ‘is this good enough for you?’

“I agree with you Miss Roberts I do believe Hanna will fit the bill very nicely Mr. Batard.”

The rest of the day was spent settling Emily and Hanna into their cottage. Where Drew had only used the upstairs bedroom the cottage now had a down stairs bedroom as well.

Drew and Deacon Charles arrived with Pizza and soda. “I figured this being your first night in West Run you would appreciate some dinner.” Flux smiled and added. “We will get out of your hair and let you just relax for a bit.”

Their pizza and soda were laced wit a powerful drug and aphrodisiac that would leave them little memory of the evening.

Asmodeus came to Emily. The young blonde beauty was tossing and turning in her drugged sleep. The daemon pulled back the bed covers and slowly, stripped the young innocent beauty. Her chaste beauty took his breath away.

The Daemon spread her shapely leg, his head dipped between the young girl’s lily white thighs. His tongue snaked out between his lips and he tased the chaste young beauty for the first time. Asmodeus lashed her virgin pussy with his lips, tongue, and teeth as he coaxed her hooded clit from its hiding place.
She stirred in her sleep, slowly waking up to the feeling of a daemon’s tongue on her pussy. When her eyes opened enough for her to make out the daemon’s form, she squeaked with fright and scrabbled away from him, falling gracelessly off the side of the bed.

There was a grunt of pain as she hit the floor, but she was back on her feet in mere moments.

“W-who are you?!” She accused, holding up a cross she kept by her bedside.
Emily tossed and turned in her sleep. The young blonde feverously stirred in her sleep. Emily slowly waking up to the feeling of a daemon’s forked tongue lapping at her virgin pussy. Her soft blue eyes fluttered opened to behold Asmodeus’ demonic form. A little squeaked of fright bubbled from her full ripe lips as she scrabbled away from hellish vision, falling gracelessly off the side of the bed laying prostrate at the daemons feet.

He laughed as Emily gazed up at him in horror. He saw in the girl’s terror stricken eyes that her rational pious young mind screamed that what she saw was……was impossible. It was then that Asmodeus’ withering tentacles slithered up Emily’s shapely legs, heir little tongues caressing her silken skin and to assault her sweet virgin pussy. Another licked at the dark forbidden star of her untouched ass. Soon two more latched on too the hapless young blonde’s pale pink rosebud nipples.

Emily in her haunted nightmare hung suspended in air before the daemon as his tentacles feasted on her sweet innocence. “Kiss me girl!” Asmodeus demanded his lips just a breath away from hers. Her gorgeous young body flooded with the daemons dark aphrodisiac essence.
When lifted, she had squirmed helplessly, overcome by the terror and pleasure she was experiencing. The drugs made her extra sensitive to every lick and caress, and she had no idea what was going on. Who was this monster, and why did he want her to kiss him?!

Emily had never kissed anyone before, the girl having envisioned it as a romantic occurrence, perhaps happening when a man was holding her and tipping her back slightly like in the classic movies. Not… this. But as she was trapped in his grip, she thought to herself that she might have to if she didn’t want to be eaten alive, flesh and bone.

The girl leaned forward, her soft lips hesitantly connecting with his and then pressing against them. She didn’t even think to open her mouth to deepen it, merely kissing him as an innocent woman would. At the same time, she felt like there was something she was missing, something her body was now craving? She felt hot and bothered, an unfamiliar ache in her pussy.
Asmodeus inhaled the sweet musky scent of the gorgeous young blonde’s growing arousal. Emily leaned forward, her soft, moist lips hesitantly connecting with his firm demanding lips. She didn’t even think to open her mouth to deepen it, merely kissing him as an innocent woman would.

For the first time in her young life, she felt naked flesh pressed to her own naked flesh. Asmodeus’ forked tongue sensually slid across the young blonde’s moist ripe lips, the even ridge of her teeth, tempting and demanding that she open her mouth to him. The arch daemon saw the craving in the gorgeous young blonde soft expressive eyes, a craving she could not quite understand, nor the sensual tempting feeling that left the adorable little blonde hot and bothered, an unfamiliar ache in her pussy.

Emily’s gorgeous young body was caressed and tempted by seductive feelings that she had no defense for. His body and tentacles slowly seducing her. His powerful aphrodisiac calling to the young innocent missionary, calling her to surrender to him and the dark sensual world that he offered her.
The feeling of his tongue against her lips and teeth felt uncomfortable, like having a snake slither across her lips. However, at the same time there was something about the gesture that felt enticing. She felt rather confused by the warring reactions within herself, and she whimpered with fear. His bare chest was against her own, and neither one of them was wearing any clothes; she could have sworn she put on her fluffy pajamas before bed though.

His tongue felt as though it was becoming more insistent, but she refused to open her mouth more. Well, that is until a lick to her clit made her gasp. She felt his tongue enter her mouth and she knew there was no denying him now. The girl felt a shiver of lust go down her spine, courtesy of both the aphrodisiac and his own efforts, and she clumsily kissed him back. Her tongue was inexperienced, not yet knowing how to seduce or even how to interact with someone else’s.
That little gasp was sweet, naïve, young Emily’s down fall. Asmodeus tongue plunged into the supple young Blonde’s sweet chaste mouth. Emily knew there was no denying him now. The girl felt a shiver of lust go down her spine and she blushed crimson. Her shy little kiss was clumsily as she reluctantly kissed him back. Her tongue was inexperienced, not yet knowing how to seduce or even how to interact with someone else’s. Asmodeus wondered if it was possible that Emily had never been kissed before by a lover?

The arch daemon’s lips parted from the gorgeous young blonde’s and clung to those sweet lips, till the last possible moment. “Emily have you ever been kissed before?”

As the question hung between them his lips claimed hers once more. Asmodeus let that sensual, sinful, kiss linger and deepen until they shared the same life giving breath and his tongue entwined with hers in a dance as old as time its self. The arch daemon’s kiss, body, and tentacles continued their sensual seduction of the gorgeous young blonde virgin.

Oh, it would be so easy for the daemon of lust to simply rape Emily and cruel claim her. Yet he wanted more from her he wanted to seduce her into her sinful fall from Grace.
“I-“ she barely got a word off before his mouth was right back upon her, swallowing up her answer with the heat of his desire. It made her dizzy, and she had to focus on breathing out of her nose while her mouth was accosted with such fluid grace that it hardly seemed fair. What was going to happen to her? She could try to call for help but she didn’t want Hannah to be accosted either.


Her eyes turned to saucers and she fearfully realized that he could have already gotten to her cousin. Was she somewhere else, tied up and spent from having been forced to accommodate this creature’s appetites?! Oh god, that was a horrible thought.

When he finally let her mouth be free for a moment, she forgot about his question entirely and blurted out, “where is Hannah? Is she okay?!”
Emily was suffering feelings of unimagined pleasure lost in the sinful kiss that seemed to sear her innocent young soul. Her shocked young pious mind warred with the feelings that Asmodeus enkindled in her gorgeous young body. “Emily have you ever been kissed before?”

“I-“ Emily barely got a word off before his mouth was right back upon hers, swallowing up her answer with the heat of his desire. Worst yet was the thought, that crowded out every other. Emily gasped, “Hannah!”

Emily’s soft eyes grew as large as saucers, and she fearfully realized that he could have already gotten to her cousin. “Where is Hannah? Is she okay?!”

“Your sweet little cousin Hanna I imagine is entertaining my friend with her gorgeous young body Emily.”

Emily’s haunted dream seemed to go on forever as the arch daemon’s seduction of the young blonde continued. Asmodeus introduced her treacherous young body to pleasures she could scarily imagine.

When Emily woke in the morning the sheets were a tangle and she was naked leaving the young blonde to wonder if last night was a dream or reality. The pious young beauty could not rationally believe it was true, but still. Should she tell someone of the dream, if so who, perhaps Pastor Worthington, or deacon Charles?”

But first she had to check that Hanna was alright.
Emily threw on her pajamas and ran downstairs straight to Hannah's room. She didn't even knock, simply throwing the door open and bursting in. Her cousin was lying in her bed naked, covered in sweat, and staring at the ceiling with wide eyes.


Earlier that night, Hannah had been sleeping soundly when she thought she had heard a dark chuckle from somewhere in the room. She was drugged, but she was still a much lighter sleeper than Emily was, given her anxious nature. So when she heard a noise, she blearily opened her eyes and cast her gaze around the room.

Unlike Emily who liked to sleep in fuzzy pajamas, Hannah wore a standard issue button-up silk pajama shirt and shorts, though she didn't like to wear underwear or any kind of bra during the night.

"Is someone there?" she asked cautiously, wondering if she was just hearing things or whether Emily was scared of the new place and wanted to sleep in her bed.
The arch daemon Rahab was anxious to get his hands on this new little redhead. Yet he knew he had to wait, which definitely went against his nature of greed. He waited for Flux and Drew deliver, the two new young girls their drugged diner. Rahab bided his time until the witching hour, midnight.

The arch daemon smiled as he watched the young beauty firm young breast slowly rise and fall as she blissfully slept unawares of the fate that was closing in on her.

Hannah wore a pair of button-up silk pajama shirt and shorts. A little scrape of a chair, the creek of a door, a low sensual moan had Hanna anxious. "Is someone there?"

There was a stillness in the room now. Hanna felt her bed sag, yet she saw nothing. The bed covers were drawn back by unseen hands. Warm lips pressed to hers, the daemons forked tongue slid across her lower lip. As this unseen entity claimed Hanna’s sweet young mouth, his tongue entwining with hers. The startled young beauty felt the first, then the second, button of her pajama shirt parted.

“What is you name girl?” A dark haunting voice asked. Yet that voice was in Hanna young naïve mind. “ What will you do to protect your virginity, my sweet?”
When the bed sagged, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up and soon the young girl was wide-awake, or as wide awake as one could be on the drugs they had slipped her. The next thing she knew, it was like an unseen entity had claimed her lips, and soon her tongue as well. She had been taken so off-guard and he had moved so quickly that she hadn't had time to think to close her teeth or to shut him out. Hannah started to tremble with fright, thinking to herself that this must be a ghost or some other sort of malicious spirit.

"H-Hannah," she replied in her thoughts, grabbing her shirt and trying to hold it closed to protect the remainder of her buttons. "What do you mean?! Who are you? Where are you?!" there was panic in her voice, not liking the subject of their conversation.
"H-Hannah," the young redhead gasped. She instinctively grabbed her shirt, trying to hold it closed to protect the remainder of her buttons from the unseen entity. When it asked in a hissing voice, “ What will you do to protect your virginity, my sweet?”

The very question was so foreign to the naïve young innocent she simply replied, "What do you mean?! Who are you? Where are you?!"

The arch daemon laughed, “I’m right here my sweet.” Unseen hand gripped Hanna’s hands and drew them over her head. The remaining buttons of the girl’s pajama shirt feel open as if by some king of dark magic, and Hanna’s firm young breast were bared to the creature. To her horror Hanna felt her little shorts being pulled down her statuesque legs and then tossed aside.

The redheaded beauty lay naked before her unseen attacker. “I said my dear, what will you do to protect your virginity, my sweet?” As if to punctuate his shameful question one of his tentacles slithered up Hanna’s shapely leg to press to the young girl’s virgin pussy.
‘I’m right here, my sweet,’ would normally be a tender, perhaps even comforting sentence, spoken by a friend, family member, or lover. Yet as it felt insidious the way he had whispered it to her with that darkly handsome voice. She wouldn’t say it was like honey, more like molasses: sweet with darker notes about it.

Hannah found herself pinned and stripped, her shapely body now at “the ghost’s” mercy. He seemed to be threatening her, wanting her to give something to appease him.

“I’ll give you all my possessions! I-I’ll do manual labor! I’ll find your body and lay it to rest so your soul can move on! Wh-what do you want? Tell me what you want!” By that time her tone was almost hysterical as she felt something brush her pussy.
“I’ll give you all my possessions! I-I’ll do manual labor! I’ll find your body and lay it to rest so your soul can move on! Wh-what do you want? Tell me what you want!” Hanna’s voice was tinged with an almost hysterical termer as she felt Rahab’s tentacle brush her virgin pussy.

“I have no need for manual labor, nor do I wish to be laid to rest my sweet young beauty. As for possessions……” the arc daemon let his voice trail off as two more tentacled latched on to her little rosebud nipples and began to suckle them as if they were hungering infants, their tongues swirling around those succulent buds. “What if the possession I wanted my sweet was to pierce your virgin clit.”

Rahab did not wait for Hanna to answer but kissed her with a dark sinful passion as his serpentine tentacles feasted on her breasts, and licked and suckled her hooded clit, slowly bring it alive with a dark hungering need.

Hanna’s night ed a dark nightmare, the unseen creature doing the most erotic temptations to her gorgeous young virginal body, and assaults on Hanna’s pious young mind and beliefs. Morning found the young redhead dressed in her night clothes as if nothing had happened and all was just a sinful dream, yet it seemed so real.

Emily threw on her pajamas and ran downstairs straight to Hannah's room. She didn't even knock, simply throwing the door open and bursting in. Her cousin was lying in her bed covered in sweat and staring at the ceiling with wide eyes.

“Are you alright Hanna?” the concern in Emily’s voice was obvious.
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