Drew's Teaching Adventure

Asmodeus saw the moment of hesitation in Emily’s expressive blue eyes, then the resignation of what she would have to do to safe guard her chaste virginity. “Fine, but I’m a bit tied up at the moment. You’re going to have to free me if I’m going to do that for you,” was her answer.

Asmodeus threw back his head and laughed. “That you are Emily.” The arc daemon turned to his minions. “ Release our sweet young guests from her bounds.”

Asmodeus watched as Emily was released form her bounds. He then pointed to a spot on the floor and hissed “Come here Emily!” He watched the naked blonde beauty role from the pool table and come to the spot before him. “Kneel my dear Emily and keep your bargain.”
Once the ropes were removed, she rubbed her wrists, the bindings having chafed from all her struggling. She dismounted the pool table and went where he instructed, kneeling down and looking up at him.

His cock was intimidating, and she found herself hesitating every time she leaned forward towards it. The young woman finally got up the nerve to tentatively wrap her lips around the head of his cock. She then sucked on it like it was a round lollipop. Obviously she had no idea how to actually please him and was taking the word “suck” very literally.
Asmodeus loved the sight of Emily’s softly “O” lips take the head of his cock into her chaste young mouth. It did not take long for the daemon come to the conclusion that she had never seen a mans cock never mind sucked one. Emily’s little effort to do more that just suck his cock like a lollipop.

His fingers curled tightly into the gorgeous young blonde’s burnish golden hair. “Emily swirl your tongue around my shaft as you suck so sweetly.” Slowly, steadily Asmodeus tutored the young blonde beauty in the finer points of cock sucking. Her next lesson would be how to deep throat a man.

The tip of Asmodeus’ cock hit the back of Emily’s throat, when she gag he thrust his hips forward and entered her tight little throat. “Breath through your nose my dear.”

Asmodeus began to face fuck the young virgin. Soon he would feed Emily his aphrodisiac seed.
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Reluctantly, she did what he asked to her to do, letting her tongue lazily slide around his mushroom head. By her logic, if she did as she was directed then he would feel more pleasure and thus this whole thing would be over sooner. She wasn't expecting for him to push himself more into her though. Emily tried to push herself off of him when she gagged, but instead found him forcing himself deeper.

At first she had a hard time breathing and gagged several times on his large meat, but by some miracle she was able to finally get herself to breathe through her nose consistently. Still, his treatment of her poor throat had her eyes watering and her hands on his hips in a desperate attempt for him to not go any deeper than he already was.
Emily tried very hard to resist his assault on her tight, tender young throat yet to no avail. Asmodeus loved the way the young blonde’s throat massaged his cock every time she swallowed. The daemon could feel his body gathering in on its self. Asmodeus was buried deep in Emily’s tight young throat when he came feeding the gorgeous young beauty his aphrodisiac seed.

The arch daemon was not a man, nor did he require long periods to regain his potency. Asmodeus kept face fucking Emily, and with a nod of his head, signaled his minions to once more caress and arouse her supple young body as the aphrodisiac began its seductive work.

Once more a mouth claimed Emily's in a darkly passionate kiss that demanded she surrender to it.
"Mm!" she protested as he spilled his seed, forcing her to continuously swallow so as not to choke on his lustful gift. What in the world was that? That wasn't a seed like they had been told; it felt more like a thick liquid. It wasn't the end, to her disappointment, as she soon found her head being manipulated again, forced to suck and swallow on his thick rod.

She could feel a strand of saliva hanging from her chin, swaying as she was face-fucked by the daemon. Fortunately, he released her, allowing her to gasp and cough for a moment before she felt lips connect with her own. Though she tried to push him off, she felt weak for some reason. There was something spreading through her, starting from her stomach and working its way through her veins. It felt like some kind of stimulant, her body becoming restless.
Asmodeus loved the look in the gorgeous young blondes expressive blue eyes as his aphrodisiac seed took effect. How her supple young body began to respond, to all the liwiid caresses, the sexual simulation and how her young hips slowly gyrated as arch daemon once more began to fuck Emily’s angelic face and tight young throat.

The stunning young blonde was Asmodeus’ sexual play toy for hours. True Emily’s chaste virginity was safe, the creature did not lie about that, but she had to live with how her gorgeous young body had responded. The black cloak of oblivion came quickly and enfolded the young blonde beauty.

A gentle shaking woke Emily. As her eyes fluttered open she saw the Rev Worthington. “Are you all right Emily? I was stuck in the sanctuary for hours. Did those boys hurt you.” The reverends suit jacket was draped over the young blonde to shield her nakedness from prying eyes.

“Tell me what happened did they sexually attack you.” The concern in Wentworth voice was touching as he placed his arm around her shoulder, then wiped the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief.

Emily seemed to hesitate to tell the reverend what had happened and about the daemon.
As he asked his questions, her lip wobbled and her eyes became teary again. She was so relieved to have the Reverend back, seeing him as a pillar of safety.

“Y-yes!” She threw her arms around his chest and sobbed into his chest. “They attacked me and-and it was like they were possessed! There was a-a-“ Emily paused, unsure if she should really say it. What if he thought she was crazy? Still… of all people, the Reverend was the person most likely to believe her.

“It was a daemon! Please, you have to believe me.” Her head tipped up and there was a mix of desperation and pleading in her eyes.
“It was a daemon! Please, you have to believe me.” Emily’s head tipped up and there was a mix of desperation and pleading in her tear shimmering blue eyes.

“A daemon in the chapel basement recreation room?” There was a questioning note in Worthington’s voice, as the stunning young blonde gazed trustingly up into his golden eyes. “Tell me about this creature and what he did, or what he had the youth group do to you.”

The arch daemon looked forward to having young Emily recount, and to a degree relive, what had just been done to her. A wicket thought came to Asmodeus’ mind, one that would betray this trusting young Miss like nothing else would. He would convince the naïve innocent beauty to become his wife.

He would arrange for the daemon to appear and use young Emily, sexually demanding, more, and more, perverse sexual acts to avoid the daemon from claiming her desperately guarded chaste virginity. He pondered just how far this gorgeous young creature would go to accomplish this goal.


While Emily was suffering the amorous attentions of the Youth group and the arch daemon Asmodeus. Hanna was pleasing her daemon Master with her own ravishing body and submissive will.

“Hanna I want you to spread salt on the window sills of your cottage and the thresholds of the door and tell Emily you are scared of daemons, but that they can’t pass the salt, unless invited.” Rahab smiled wickedly. “And you my sweet child shall invite me and my brother in, so I can come to you, and he can go to Emily. So, both of you can enjoy the pleasure we can grant you Hanna.” Again, the arch daemon paused. “He will put Emily in the mood so you can seduce her and then make love to her.”
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It was comforting that he didn’t question her sanity or wave her off. Emily sniffled and calmed herself enough to tell him what he asked.

“When you were gone, they groped me all over and forced my clothes off. Then they tied me to the pool table and kept touching me. The-the daemon came and he said he wanted to have sex with me, but that if I did something else for him, he would spare me.” She wiped her eyes and sniffed again, grimacing at the memory.

“He made me take him in my mouth, and he used my mouth a couple times before the other guys started using my mouth too, one after another. And they just kept touching me.” Emily hugged herself in a self-soothing gesture.


She nodded at Rahab’s directions. It was safe to say that though it hadn’t taken long, her mind had been slightly broken by such intense pleasure, her will completely eroded. As such, she had given up on trying to escape and was his to command.

Hannah looked a bit concerned though, “I’ve never done anything with a woman before- I’m not sure I know how.” The subservient little redhead was looking to him for his unholy guidance.
“I’ve never done anything with a woman before- I’m not sure I know how.” The subservient little redhead was looking to him for his unholy guidance.

His hand caressed Hanna’s cheek. “I shall have two friends teach you what to do.” He loved how the young redhead’s eyes lit up. Rahab then called the young succubae to come and teach Hanna the dark joys of their form of lesbian love. A love that would be arousing for young Emily as well as humiliating.


Emily tearfully recounted what the youth group and the arch daemon had done to her. The gorgeous young blonde blushed scarlet as she confessed “The-the daemon came and he said he wanted to have sex with me, but that if I did something else for him, he would spare me.”

Emily wiped her eyes and sniffed again. She continued, that she had given the daemon a blow job and allowed him to face fuck her.

Reverend Worthington enfolded the ravishing young blonde in his arms, comforting her, and giving her a warmth reassurance that all would be right. “Here rest on my chest your safe now Emily……..When you are ready I will walk you back to your cottage.”
Over the next two weeks the daemon came to Emily demanding that she please him in more and more liwiid sexual acts not to take her virginity. Yet left the young blonde to questions whether these encounters were real or just a nightmare. Yet the reality was during each encounter Asmodeus had fed the gorgeous young blonde more and more of his aphrodisiac essence, flooding her young system with his powerful essence.
After two weeks, Hannah approached Emily with a large bag of salt. "I did some research and the salt should work in keeping daemons away. Normal salt doesn't work, but I convinced the Superintendent to take me into town so I could grab this stuff."

Emily looked over the bag and a little hope sparked in her chest, though she paused, "that isn't a lot of salt though..."

"It's enough to do the door and windows for one room," Hannah replied, shuffling the bag in her hands while casting her gaze downward. "Would you sleep with me tonight? I'm kind of scared it won't work."

Her cousin hugged her in a comforting manner, "yeah, that sounds good. Don't worry, we'll make it through this..."

Little did she know that Hannah was just imagining what would happen when night fell. Rahab would come to her and give her the pleasure she now craved deeply. She was infatuated with the daemon, with the way he held her down and bent her to his will. It was as though he had granted her a higher purpose in pleasing him.

When night came and the salt was put in place, the two women laid in the bed. Emily drifted off to sleep, but Hannah stayed awake.

"Rahab?" she whispered. "Are you there? I'm inviting you..." The young woman stilled herself, straining her ears to see if she could hear him.
Hanna bided her time until Emily’s breathing was deep and steady as she drifted off to sleep. When she was sure her stunning blonde cousin was fast asleep Hanna whispered, "Rahab? Are you there? I'm inviting you..."

The submissive young redhead strained to hear if her Master was answering her invitation. The daemon of Greed came to his little human concubine and kissed her passionately. He gave everything Hanna was hungering for in that dark liwiid kiss. “Pull back the covers my sweet I wish to see your cousin Emily.”

Rahab gazed down at the slumbering young blonde. His greedy eyes took in every sensual curve of her supple young body. “Unbutton her night shirt Hanna.” He gazed down on Emily’s naked breasts. “Hanna kiss her, Kiss Emily deeply and passionately as I have kissed you.”

It was then that Asmodeus arrived to watch the sleeping beauty’s seduction. He knew his essence, that he had been feeding Emily, would waken a dark hungering need in her sweet innocent pussy and it would be Hanna who would light and then quench that fire.

The daemons watched as Hanna sinfully kissed Emily. Then Asmodeus voice was once more in Emily’s mind. “Kiss her Emily like she is your lover my sweet girl or your chaste virginity will be the price of your failure. You will make love to Hanna. Both young beauties had been commanded to make love to each other. Hanna to please her Master and Emily to avoid being raped.
Hannah had been rewarded for her obedience with a kiss, and she was most grateful. It was time to do as her master had bid.

While originally she had been slightly conflicted about the morality of doing such things with her cousin, the more she thought about it, the more she desired it. The succubi had whispered things into her ear about how licking another woman's pussy was the closest one could get to them- a true expression of love. She did indeed love Emily, and she wanted her to feel good like she did. She knew how difficult life was when holding on to morals that didn't mean anything, always fearing the judgment of those who didn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

Emily woke up with a start, finding a pair of soft, warm lips against her own. She startled and pushed Hannah away, panting and looking shocked before she caught sight of the daemons. The one with the wings she recognized, the one without... she didn't, but he looked like trouble. Was this the daemon who had been harassing Hannah? The only conclusion she could come to was that the salt hadn't worked and that Hannah was being made to do this against her will.

Sure enough, she soon received the same command in her own mind. Emily looked at Hanna with pain in her eyes. Hannah reached out and caressed her cheek. "Don't be sad..." she whispered. "Everything is going to be okay soon." With that, Hannah kissed her again, and this time Emily kissed her back, albeit reluctantly. That was fine though, as Hannah was enthusiastic enough for the both of them.

Emily felt her pants being pulled down with her underwear, her breath hitching as Hannah kissed her neck and then worked her way lower down her body. Her face disappeared between her thighs before Emily gasped. Her cousin was now licking her pussy. Her tongue was long and flexible, and it flicked against her clit so effortlessly. The blonde couldn't help but moan, feeling simultaneous shame and pleasure.
The sexually ravenous arch daemons were delighted at how their gorgeous little puppets danced to their will. Hanna the willing little submissive, enthusiastic, to do her master’s will, as she passionately kissed Emily. Emily terrified that the daemons would rape her, and claim her virgin treasure, her chaste virginity also did as she was commanded.

The daemons watched as Hanna began to seduced Emily’s gorgeous young body, as she kissed her way down the young blonde beauty’s slender neck, explored her firm young breasts with delicious and seductive little kisses, to inhale and suckle each Emily’s taunt little nipples in turn, to suckle and excite those tender buds. Those sweet tempting kiss floated down across Emily’s firm abdomen until the fine blonde hairs of Emily’s pussy seductively danced in Hanna’s warm breath, just before the little redhead claimed Emily’s pussy with her sweet young tempting tongue, lips, and teeth.

Asmodeus smiled as Hanna feasted on Emily’s innocence. He knew it would be a very long night for the pious little blonde. Emily was caught in a web of incredible pleasure and galling shame as her gorgeous young body surrendered to Hanna. A sensual moaned escaped Emily’s moist ripe lips as her back arched, pressing her sweet young pussy to Hanna’s mouth, as she embraced the sinful pleasure that set every fiber of her gorgeous young body afire.

Yet it was not enough that Hanna made love to Emily, but sweet young Emily had to make dark sinful lesbian love to Hanna. Hanna turned her pleading soft green eyes to Emily as if begging her to do as the daemons commanded. The young submissive redhead’s scent of arousal hung in the air as Hanna chafed her thighs together in her sexual need. “Emily!” Hanna gasped as she pleaded with her gorgeous young blonde cousin to make love to her.


The reverend Worthington Knocked on Emily and Hanna’s cottage door. “Emily are you there?” then in a more concerned voice he called “Are you all right?”

Asmodeus knew Emily was laying in the loving arms of her cousin Hanna. The taste of Hanna’s sweet nectar still on her lips, the young redhead’s scent still filled her nostrils. Oh, the shame that the gorgeous young blonde would suffer and her need to confess to the good reverend Worthington what had happened to her last night at the hands of the, the now two, daemons. And he would have an answer to be saved Emily must marry him. Yet the cunning daemon would make it seem it was Emily’s only way to escape the daemon that pursued her every night.
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Emily heard the knock and realized that she was naked in bed with her also naked cousin. Guilt and shame burned at her souls and she called out, “just a minute, Reverend!” Before quickly getting out of bed. She grabbed a robe and put it on, cinching it tightly to ensure her decency.

She then answered the door, looking as though she were very troubled. “I’m not alright, no. Can you stay for coffee? I need to talk to you.”

The two of them proceeded to the kitchen where she brewed them a pot of coffee, stewing in silence regarding what she was going to tell him. When they both had their coffees, she sat down at the table with him and started talking.

“They came again last night, but this time there were two daemons. I think the other one is the one that’s been harassing Hannah. They forced us to…” she swallowed hard, having a difficult time saying it out loud. “We kissed, and then we were forced to lick each other. I feel so ashamed, Reverend. I don’t know what to do anymore…” she sighed and took a drink of coffee.
Oh, how distressed young Emily was as she answered Reverend Worthington’s knock and concerned call. Her burnished golden hair was in wild disarray, framing her angelic face with a golden halo. “I’m not alright, no. Can you stay for coffee? I need to talk to you.”

“Of course, Emily.” Worthington followed Emily into the cottage and to the little kitchen. As he followed the gorgeous young blonde he noticed the sensual sway of her hips. He could see that Emily seemed to be deep in thought as to what she would say to him. The silence hung between them as she set their coffee down on the kitchen table.

“They came again last night, but this time there were two daemons. I think the other one is the one that’s been harassing Hannah. They forced us to…” Emily demurely lowered her soft blue eyes, as if she were ashamed at what she had done. “We kissed, and then we were forced to lick each other. I feel so ashamed, Reverend. I don’t know what to do anymore…” she sighed and took a drink of coffee. “What do you mean Emily that they made you lick each other?” Enos played the innocent, that he did not understand, that she had been forced to preform oral sex on Hanna.

Worthington put his coffee down, took both of Emily’s hands in his. “ You are not to blame Emily, you did not call the daemon to you…….” Enos Worthington paused he seemed to blush. “Have you been baptized Emily?”

Enos Worthington knew very well that Emily was, or she could not have gotten the recommendation from St Andrews college for the position of Youth coordinator at West Run. “The only way to defeat daemons is to be baptized, or to remove what attracts them to their victims.” Again, Enos paused and that blush of his turned crimson. “In your case it is your chaste innocence, and your virginity Emily. The only answer is that you marry and give your virginity willingly to your husband, Emily.” Enos blushed scarlet, "Marry me Emily......" Enos dropped to his knee before the frightened young blonde, "I meant to say will you marry me, Emily."

Asmodeus, Enos, held his breath waiting to see if sweet young Emily would rise to the bait and take it sealing her fate.
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She blinked at him in surprise, that surprise turning to worry. She had been baptized, yes. But marrying? Who would she marry? All the men her age in this village were scummy guys who tied her to a pool table and groped her, and the older men already had wives, or seemed… unsafe.

Emily hadn’t even considered the Reverend as a possibility, seeing as many men of god preferred to be chaste. So when he got down on his knee, her eyes widened into saucers. She would have to marry him?!

While he wasn’t particularly handsome, Emily wasn’t one to care about looks. What made her hesitant was the fact that while they were friends, they hadn’t known each other for very long. The idea of having sex with the kind Reverend made her cheeks similarly turn bright red and she was speechless for a minute.

“I-is that the only way?” She whispered, still in shock.
Young Emily was taken a back at the idea that she had to marry to thwart the daemon that was pursuing her. Emily was faced with the fact that sooner or later the daemon would rape her and claim her virginity. From what reverend Enos Worthington said Emily had to marry and the candidates in West Run were very limited. Half the male population had been among the men that had stripped and abused her at the Youth meeting. The remaining candidates were either to old or down right repulsive.

The gorgeous young blonde was at a lost on how she could defeat the daemon and safe guard her chaste virginity. It was then that Enos dropped to his knee took her small hand into his hand and proposed to Emily and asked her to be his wife.

Emily’s blushed scarlet and she just gazed down at the kneeling reverend, and a strained silence hung between them. “I-is that the only way?” She whispered, still in shock.

“I am afraid so Emily.”

It was time for Asmodeus to play the reluctant suiter. “ I know I am not a handsome man Emily, and I am hardly the man a young woman dreams of. Yet Emily we are friends, at least I hope so, and that is more than most couples find, Emily.” Asmodeus let Enos’s voice trail off a crimson blush color his cheeks. “ Emily will you do me the honor of becoming my wedded wife?”

If the gorgeous young blonde refused to marry him than that night he would rape her, and Rahab would amuse himself with her gorgeous young body.
"Looks aren't everything," Emily answered after a short silence. She gave him a soft, appreciative smile. Enos had always been in her corner since she arrived, and he had always made her feel welcome. He had comforted her more than once and now he was trying to offer her the only escape from a terrible fate. It pained her that he might be insecure about himself, and though this arrangement wasn't ideal, she didn't want him to think that he was unworthy.

"You've been nothing but kind to me, Enos, and I do consider us friends. I think you would make a good husband, it's just not the union I was expecting. Still, I would rather have someone with integrity like yourself than someone beautiful and shallow. I..." she took a stabilizing breath and nodded with resolve. "Yes. Let's get married. Then if that works, perhaps Hannah can marry someone from in town or something."
Asmodeus waited to see if sweet young Emily would take the bait or would he have to take harsh measures with the ravishing young blonde. "You've been nothing but kind to me, Enos, and I do consider us friends. I think you would make a good husband, it's just not the union I was expecting.”

Emily tenderly caressed Enos’s cheek and smiled down into his golden eyes. “I would rather have someone with integrity like yourself than someone beautiful and shallow. I..." There was a note of hesitation in the gorgeous young blonde’s voice. Then in a firmer voice, "Yes. Let's get married. Then if that works, perhaps Hannah can marry someone from in town or something."

Enos Worthington knelt up straight and he kissed his fiancé. It was a tender hesitant kiss and yet it seemed to call tosomething in young Emily, a fire that raced through her supple young body. “Shall we set our wedding for three days from now. I need to find a best man and I am sure you will want to find a maid of honor Emily.”

Enos paused and then he squeezed Emily’s hand. “You can stay in the churches sanctuary, and I shall stand guard to protect you.”


Emily and Enos prepared for their wedding, and he stood guard each night. He had chosen Duncan Batard for his best man, and Deacon Charles would preform the ceremony joining Emily and Enos as Man and Wife.

Enos was anxious to see who Emily would ask to be her maid of honor.
Hannah was chosen to be the maid of honor, but Drew was also invited to be a bridesmaid. While Emily was oblivious regarding what was really going on, Drew knew full well that this was one of Asmodeus's schemes to get the young innocent girl in his clutches. She wasn't sure she could take the look of betrayal that she would get after the vows were complete, so she politely declined with the excuse that the bridal and groom parties should be even.

The more the days went by, the more Emily was becoming more warmed up to the idea of having Enos as her husband. Marrying a kind-hearted reverend wasn't a bad thing, and perhaps in a few years they could divorce when she moved back to the city. Or maybe by then they may actually fall in love. He was certainly a sweet man, his shyness making him seem endearing to the young woman.

Soon, she found that it was the day of her wedding and she donned a white wedding dress with a veil. She held a bouquet of assorted wildflowers as she walked down the aisle, seeing Hannah, Deacon Charles, Superintendent Batard, and Enos waiting for her. Emily's cheeks were a soft pink as she looked at her soon-to-be husband, and she couldn't help but think that he did look rather handsome in that suit, especially the way his eyes looked at her with admiration.
Asmodeus in the guise of Enos watched Emily come down the aisle in her virginal white wedding dress, holding a bouquet of wild flowers. How like the sweet little lamb, a blushing virgin sacrifice. Hanna followed Emily just a few steps behind her innocent young cousin.

All eyes were on Emily, eyes that lusted after her virginal innocence. The blushing bride came to stand by her husband to be Enos. Emily handed her bouquet to Hanna. The ceremony was brief and soon Deacon Charles pronounced Enos and sweet young Emily Man and Wife.

A small luncheon reception was planed for Emily’s and Hanna’s cottage. Batard, and Deacon Charles were speaking with Enos and Emily when Batard casually said, “Time to get your bride out of her wedding dress so we can see her gorgeous young body in all its naked glory.”

Enos seemed to shimmer, his shape shifting, changing, no longer was it Enos but Asmodeus the daemon of Emily’s nightmares that now stood beside her.

Batard shape shifted and soon the daemon Rahab confronted Emily as well, Deacon Charles guise slipped to reveal the daemon Flux. The three daemons devoured Emily with their lust crazed eyes.

Asmodeus snaped his fingers and Emily found herself hanging from the ceiling, her hands above her golden head and her ankles bound so she was spread-eagled before the three daemons. Batard handed Hanna a knife and cooed “Help Emily out of her wedding dress and all of her wedding finery.”
To say that Emily was horrified by what was happening would be an understatement. It seemed that everyone around her had been a daemon, and Hannah was doing one of their biddings as though she served him or something. How was this happening?! Had she actually married a daemon? What did that mean for her?

Hannah took the knife from her master and approached Emily, giving her a sweet smile. "You look so beautiful, Emily... I'm glad I got to see you get married." She wielded the knife, carefully cutting the dress off of her cousin. A long slit was made from between her breasts to the end of the dress, and then she cut each of the sleeves off until all the fabric dropped to the floor. Her bra was sliced, as were her panties, the only thing being left were her sheer white stockings.

Throughout this, Emily would occasionally gasp or protest, pleading with her to stop to no avail. It was as though Hannah was choosing to ignore her protestations.

Once everything was taken off, Hannah looked at her with adoration and kissed her on the lips before pulling back. "You're going to be so happy once you let go of everything."

Without even a command from her master, Hannah dropped to her knees and started to suck and lap at the bound woman's pussy, overtaken by her love for her. He would want her nice and wet for her wedding night, and she longed to show Emily how much she cared for her, how much she wanted her to feel good.
Hanna made the stripping of sweet, innocent, young, Emily a slow sensual affair. It was more a loving ritual as she bared the gorgeous young blonde to her demonic husband, and the assembled daemons, and their consorts, to stand bound in all of Emily's naked glory.

Without even a command from her master, Hannah dropped to her knees and started to suck and lap at Emily’s clit and sweet young pussy. The submissive little redhead was overtaken by her love for Emily, a love that was perverted, by her Master’s way of having sex with her.

“Asmodeus will want you nice and wet for your wedding night Emily.” Hanna cooed.

Oh, how Hanna longed to show Emily how much she cared for her, how much she wanted her to feel good, as she redoubled her efforts to make Emily cum. It was then that Flux turned to Drew. “Join Hanna and make love to sweet young Emily. Get her ready for her wedding night, when her demonic husband binds her to him, as he claims her virginity.”

Both Hanna and Drew had, each in their own way, had become the willing concubines of their demonic masters. Hanna by her submissive nature, and Drew by her longing to be loved and to escape West Run. Now it was Emily’s turn to serve the daemon horde with her virginal young body.

Drew knew if she was to escape West Run, Asmodeus, and Rahab, she had to do as Flux commanded. She pressed her lips to Emily’s, her tongue slipped within the young blonde's chaste young mouth, her tongue to entwine with the innocent’s tongue. That obscene passionate kiss raped the young blonde’s virgin mouth as Hanna found that sweet spot, that would set Emily's treacherous young body a fire with a dark sexual need, in the girl’s virgin pussy. Asmodeus smiled as Hanna ripped the first unwanted orgasm from Emily, on her wedding night, the first of many to come.

As if by dark black magic Emily found herself in her wedding bed with Drew and Hanna making love to her. The two young women knew just how to excite Emily’s gorgeous virginal body. It was while Drew was suckling one of Emily’s nipples, her fingers entwined with the ravishing young blonde’s, that Drew noticed that Emily’s wedding ring, was her own Promise Ring, that she had so willingly, and naïvely given to Asmodeus on the night he claimed her own chaste virginity, reminding Drew of all that had befallen her.

Emily was caught in a sexual world she was ill prepared to deal with as her little redheaded cousin Hanna feasted on Emily’s sweet, delicious virgin pussy. Drew worship Emily’s gorgeous young body with her mouth, lips, and tongue until the young blonde screamed out her ecstasy again.

Then as Emily was panting her back arching as Hanna ripped yet another orgasm from her little blonde cousin, Asmodeus voice was once more in the gorgeous young blonde’s mind. “Please Hanna and Drew as they have pleased you Emily or I shall let my brothers have you after I rape you.”

The hapless young blonde knew well that Asmodeus would do as he threatened.
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