Drew's Teaching Adventure

She had been doing her best to make her way through the forest when she heard the first howl. The woman had stopped for a moment, standing still to see if it would happen again so she could hear where it was coming from. It didn't happen again anytime soon though, so she warily took out some bear spray and continued on. To be eaten by wolves was a horrible but very possible fate up in these mountains, as was the possibility of encountering a bear. That was why she had the bear spray in the first place. She figured that if it was strong enough to repel bears, then wolves would also be in pain from a spray of the can.

Though it was getting dark and she knew she aught to make camp, she didn't feel safe where she was, so she kept going. More unsettling was the fact that she soon heard another, closer howl. The woman shivered and sped up, now running though the woods in earnest.

When she broke through the treelike and the sight of the pack greeted her, she stopped in her tracks and shakily held up the bear spray. God in heaven, these wolves were enormous. They weren't just wolves though, she could plainly see. They were monsters, werewolves. It should have been impossible, but with what she had experienced over the past several weeks, she supposed it wasn't outside the realm of possibility now.

What she needed to figure out now was: did these werewolves have the ability to speak or think rationally while they were changed? Were they going to try to tear her apart in moon-driven-insanity and eat her as werewolves of stories often did?

Drew wasn't sure what to do or say, but she kept the bear-spray up and shakily said, "p-please s-stay back! I have bear spray and it will hurt very much if it gets on you!" Her fearful eyes darted around the group, making sure she could react if one of them made a move.
Drew’s flight had suddenly ended with her confronting a pack of what were obviously werewolves. Yet the young redheaded teacher’s agile young mind told her werewolves were fantasy but so were daemons like Asmodeus and Rabah yet what they had done to her last night was all too real.

"p-please s-stay back! I have bear spray and it will hurt very much if it gets on you!" The young redheaded beauty soft green eyes were wide with her fear.

Slowly a very large werewolf strolled into the clearing. His eyes were possessed with a golden piercing gaze and held those sweet green eyes captive as he slowly circled the young redheaded teacher. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you Miss.” His voice was dark and guttural it was felt as much as heard as it wrapped around the young beauty. “Unless you want to enrage them, and that may be fatal Miss.”

This was the Alpha wolf. His lank body ungulated sensually as he approached the frighten young teacher and shoved his muzzle into her crouch and inhaled deeply. “I see that the daemons have already taken their pleasure from your gorgeous young body.”

His tongue snaked from between his muzzle and licked her sweet pussy through her jeans. His eyes took in her stunning young body and her tattered clothing. “Remove your clothes Miss as you were meant to be naked.”
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She was able to recognize the one who approached as the leader immediately- he was so large in comparison to the rest of the group that it was obvious. When he spoke, she had expected that his voice would be gruff, but she hadn't expected him to speak politely enough to call her "Miss." It threw her a little off-guard and she considered his words. He was basically warning her that to spray them would only result in death on her part. Maybe she would make a few of them roll in the grass in pain before the rest of them attacked, and that simply wasn't worth the risk.

A disheartened sigh came from her as she tossed the can down to the ground with her backpack. Though the next moment she found the beast being considerably less polite by the nose, then the tongue between her legs. Drew took a step back in alarm, "how do you know about the daemons, and why should I? Maybe you were meant to be naked, but as a human, I need to keep my clothes on. It's going to get cold, and I need all the layers I can get if I'm going to escape Asmodeus."

Drew hadn't known his name until her night with the succubi, one of them having had whispered their names to her when referring to them.
Those golden eyes held the young redheaded teacher were she was, with the pack surrounding her leaving no avenue of escape open to the ravishing young redhead. Her soft green eyes were wide with wonder as the mystical beast said “Miss” it appeared to be more to him than one saw at first glance.

Drew lowered her guard slightly. That gave the Pack’s Alpha the opportunity to shove his muzzle against her crouch. He loved the look of shock in the young human’s eyes as his tongue lapped her pussy through her jeans. The can of bear spray slipped to the ground. His gruff husky voice wrapped around the young redhead’s senses as he demanded that she remove her clothing.

Instantly Drew took a step back in alarm, "How do you know about the daemons, and why should I? Maybe you were meant to be naked, but as a human, I need to keep my clothes on. It's going to get cold, and I need all the layers I can get if I'm going to escape Asmodeus."

The Alpha smiled wolfishly, “Don’t worry about keeping warm Miss I shall ensure you are kept hot.” His eyes bored into the young teacher’s soft eyes as he could see her wounded soul. “ The daemons will not touch you as long as you are under the packs protection.” He let his words sink into the naïve teacher, she could be safe if she stayed with them.

“Remove your clothes Miss. All with the pack stand naked before nature.”

The wolf was as cunning as any daemon and the wolf looked forward to their seduction of the young tawny copper hair beauty.
Drew mulled over his words, wondering if that was really true. Would she truly be safe from the daemon's clutches if she stayed with the pack? Were werewolves as powerful as daemons? It was hard to say. This was uncharged territory for her, not knowing what the rules were when it came to creatures that by all rights shouldn't exist. In any case, she supposed that they were animals anyway, it wouldn't hurt to adhere to the wolves' customs.

The woman reluctantly removed her clothes, her shirt, pants, boots, socks, and finally her bra and underwear. It felt odd being naked in the clearing, out in the open. Hopefully though, it would be enough of a show of good faith that the wolf could give her more of an explanation of things.

"How do I know that you could really take on a daemon? Do you have a... cave or something that you all live in around here?" She shivered, crossing her arms and rubbing them to give herself a little bit of warmth.
The Alpha liked his chops as the young redheaded teacher reluctantly began to unbutton her shirt and then let it slip from her shoulders. He was pleased as each article of Drew’s clothing fluttered to the forest floor till she stood naked before the pack.

"How do I know that you could really take on a daemon? Do you have a... cave or something that you all live in around here?" He stepped up to the young teacher and his muzzle pressed to her full moist ripe lips. “A kiss to seal our bargain Miss.”

His thick tongue slid across her lips sensually begging for entry into her moist sweet mouth. Drew had often been kissed by Asmodeus in her haunted dreams, but this, this was quite different for she was neither dreaming or under the influence of drugs. “Is it to much to ask for your protection Miss.”

The man beast towered over the petite young teacher. If she yield to his demands then he and the pack would seduce the young human Teacher. If she refused then she would be bound to them in a different more humiliating way.
She blushed as the wolf-man kissed her, finding it to be an odd experience, seeing as he had a muzzle. His tongue was flat and wide, and yet somehow seemed like it could be agile if he wanted it to be. Her mouth did not open for him, her lips pressed against each other to deny him entry. He was rather touchy for someone who had just met her, but she supposed wolves were somewhat like dogs, so maybe that was part of his culture as well.

Drew once again took a polite step back and nodded at his question, “um…well if you want me to ask you directly, then I will: will you… keep me safe?” She looked up at the tall man... beast. His stature was intimidating, and she thought to herself that it might be good to have someone like him to keep the daemons away- at least until she could reach civilization again, or until the Daemons got tired of looking for her.
Drew blushed when the Alpha werewolf as for a kiss to seal their bargain. The stunning young teacher let him press his muzzle to her sweet ripe lips, but Drew kept her mouth shut denying him the kiss he had asked for. Little did the pious little redhead know that she had just sealed her fate.

The sweet young teacher once again took a polite step back and nodded at his question, “um…well if you want me to ask you directly, then I will: will you… keep me safe?”

The cunning wolf considered how to answer Drew’s direct question. “Miss the pack and I will keep the daemons from you as long as you are with us.”

He now took a step back and opened the distance between them. “Come Miss we have a den near here, a warm safe cave.” He then turned on his heel and began to lead the way. A howl sensual grow caught his attention one of the pack had seen the young teacher stoop to reclaim her discarded clothing. “Leave them Miss.” His voice was a gruff command. “Those come from the village. You can be tracked by your daemons. Leave them it is better to be naked with the pack Miss.”

The pack loped off to their den, yet the Alpha stayed with Drew and led her to their den. The naïve young Teacher bent and entered the packs den. He had not lied to her for it was indeed dry and warm. The pack was milling around there eyes straying to the gorgeous naked young beauty.

“Miss on your hands and knees for I am going to fuck you my sweet. You spurned my kiss so I shall take my pleasure in another way.”
She took their advice and left her pack behind. It was unfortunate... seeing as there were one or two sentimental things in her pack as well, but if she could be tracked like he said she could, then it was best to do as he suggested. Drew turned from her backpack and followed them, naked and without any adornments including a ponytail. Her long red hair was free to languidly flow down her back as she walked. It was slow going since she was barefoot, but she managed to keep up a fairly decent pace at least.

When they reached the den, she smiled as she looked around, thinking to herself that it was kind of homey in a primitive way. There were animal furs spread out in certain places on the ground, like rugs. She imagined they were where the more important members of the pack slept. It was clean and the wind was kept away. By all means she thought it should have been colder, but seeing as they were all putting off a lot of body heat and they were in an enclosed space, it made the place warm enough for her naked body to be comfortable.

"What?!" The redhead exclaimed with wide-eyed surprise. "I thought you were going to protect me, not take advantage of me!" She now felt a bit uncertain, the woman looking at him anxiously from where she stood on a larger rug that seemed to be made of very soft, sewn-together rabbit furs. "A kiss is hardly equal to- to that."
He loved the shocked expression in Drew soft green eyes as he demanded her to fall to her hands and knees so that he could fuck her. A silence hung between them, her look of unbelief, shimmering in her eyes.

"What?!" The young redheaded teacher exclaimed with wide-eyed surprise. "I thought you were going to protect me, not take advantage of me!"

“I said Miss that as long as you were with the pack I would keep the daemons from you…….and I will. What do they call you girl.”

All pretense of civility were gone now as the pack began to press to Drew’s naked body. Their tongs sensual licked her statuesque legs, the cheeks of Drew’s firm little ass. The alpha was now again at her sweet little pussy, this time there was no barrier to him. His tongue licked her hooded clit, and stabbed deep into her fresh young cunt for that illusive spot which once again would condemn her as a sinful creature.

Then to the young redheaded teacher’s surprise and horror she felt a thick, flat, tongue rimming out her virgin ass.

“On your hands and knees girl now!”
There was nowhere for her to retreat in that cave, as they came from all sides. The feeling of their tongues came from all directions, and she feared trying to kick any of them off. They were obviously much stronger than her; they could likely rip her delicate body apart with ease.

She gasped as she felt his tongue seek out her moist heat, and she bit back a whimper as she felt him rub against the spot Asmodeus liked to target. It was the spot she had a very difficult time keeping quiet for, that and her clit. So deliciously pleasurable, yet she hated how easily they all seemed to hone in on the places that weakened her resolve and grasp on herself.

"N-no!" She squeaked, as she felt a slippery tongue explore her tight little ring. It hadn't gone inside, thankfully, but the very feeling of it pressing so threateningly against it made her heart beat quicker with panic.

The forcefulness and command with which he had barked his order made her fearfully drop to her hands and knees as instructed. Her eyes were watering from stress as she realized the position she was in. This large beast was going to use her body just as the daemons had; while he would "protect her" from them, he was just as bad, she now knew.

"M-my name is Drew!" she was able to sputter out, her body shaking with fear. "I'm sorry for not kissing you- please don't do this!"
Drew was trapped physically by the werewolves and by her own fear of them tearing her gorgeous young body to shreds. At the first sensual lick of their tongues the young redhead teacher froze as the pack began to worship her stunning young body.

She gasped as she felt his tongue seek out her moist heat, and she bit back a whimper as she felt him rub against the spot Asmodeus liked to target. The young teacher seemed incapable of resisting the sensual assault. It was if the pack knew Drews treacherous young body better than she did. Every fiber in her young body was pulsing with and unholy desire. It was so deliciously, pleasurable, yet Drew hated how easily they all seemed to home in on the places that weakened her resolve and grasp on herself.

"N-no!" The pious young teacher squeaked, as she felt a slippery tongue explore the tight little ring of her ass. Panic showed in her guiless green eyes. "M-my name is Drew!" she was able to sputter out, her body shaking with fear.

"I'm sorry for not kissing you- please don't do this!"

“You had your chance and now you will pay for your foolish human pride with your gorgeous young body Drew.”

It wasn’t long before the terrified young teacher felt the beast man’s paws around her trim waist, his hips were thrusting, searching for her sweet young pussy. Sometimes his hot red cock stabbed at the young teacher’s sweet pussy. At other times it slid between the firm cheeks of her tight ass.

Then his voice came to her dark, rich, sensual, and seductive. “Has anyone every fucked that sweet ass of yours Drew.”

Now the young teacher knew what the cost of denying him was. Three more thrusts of his hips and the tip of his cock popped through Drew’s puckered anus.
His paws were so large that his hands made her feel like her body was somehow small. It made her feel like if he was somehow too rough with her, he might end up wrecking her beyond repair. She let out a whimper as she felt him spear the hot depths of her pussy, and she tried not to meet the eyes of any of the other wolves. She could feel them watching her, a few of them actually salivating in her peripheral vision.

Though the next moment she cried out in shock as she felt her ass be breached, her eyes watering from the feeling of being defiled in the one place that had been so far left alone. It felt odd and uncomfortable having something so large inside her tight ring, and it was only the head of his cock. She could only imagine what the rest of it would feel like, but she got the feeling that it wouldn't be long until she wouldn't have to imagine.

"They threatened to, but they never actually did it... Please, please stop..." Drew looked over her shoulder at him with innocent, teary eyes. She was like a beautiful doe that had wandered where it shouldn't, now with a wolf's teeth at her throat.
The young redheaded teacher cried out in shock as she felt her ass being breached, her eyes shimmering with tears, from the feeling of being defiled in the one place, that had been, so far left alone even by the twin daemons. It felt odd and uncomfortable having something so large inside that tight ring.

Yet this was only the beginning of her dark torment. Slowly thrust by thrust his red hot cock sunk deeper and deeper into Drew’s virgin ass. As he pumped in and out of the young redheads defiled ass, soon she felt another sensation as the knot of his cock locked the young teacher and the Alpha werewolf together. For the next thirty minutes. She suffered nature’s way to ensure a successful coupling.

As Drew was suffering this newest humiliation another wolf pressed his muzzle to the young teacher’s moist ripe lips. There could be no doubt what the beast wanted as his tongue slid across the bow of her moist lips. She had refused the Alpha and now she was suffering the result of that refusal.
He drew out many sounds from her as he fucked her, most of which were sounds of fear mixed with the occasional sound of reluctant pleasure. While at the beginning it had felt simply uncomfortable, his strokes had eventually started to feel hot and pleasurable, much to her horror. Drew couldn't believe that being fucked this way could have any sort of pleasure involved, especially when it was from a beast like... well, whoever he was.

She hated the wet sound her ass was making as his shaft slid in and out, but it soon filled the cave as he stuffed her over and over again. It was then that she felt his hot seed gush into her colon, his cock locking them in place to keep his seed inside her. Drew knew what was happening, but she hadn't expected this sort of thing to happen to werewolves. She couldn't pull away, nor could she do much of anything else other than continue to be fucked by him.

It was then that she felt the other wolf seeking what the Alpha had previously: access to her mouth.

What would happen to her if she continued to deny them what they wanted? For her own survival, she knew she would have to concede her comfort and bear this humiliation- just long enough for her to escape again.

With great reluctance, she forced herself to open her mouth slightly. The werewolf didn't hesitate to slip his tongue into her mouth, kissing her deeply. It felt disgusting, but she couldn't do a thing about it. She felt so helpless, locked in place with a cock in her ass and a tongue in her mouth. This wasn't what she had wanted when she escaped; what she had wanted was freedom from those who sought to take advantage of her and tried to corrupt her from the Lord's ways.
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The sounds that bubbled form the young teacher moist ripe lips, were a sensual mixture of her fear of how she was being fucked and the gasps and sighs of her building unwanted pleasure. The alpha hot moist breath set the stray hairs at the nape of Drew’s neck sensually dancing, with each breath he took. “Caineous……my name is Caineous, and you shall be my sweet little human Bitch Drew.” He sensually licked her flawless cheek and punctuated each word with a powerful thrust into the young redhead teacher’s defiled young ass.

Soon pleasure, a forbidden pleasure, began to build in the pit of the young beauty’s belly, and light a seductive fire in her loins that spread to every fiber of her supple young body.

If the naïve young teacher thought that when Caineous’ knot swelled to lock human and werewolf together and he would still his ravishment of her. She was soon dispelled of that hope, as he continued to thrust into her sweet young ass, but with shorter strokes, but none less powerful, as his balls slapped against her hot wet pussy.

Yet being fucked in her virgin ass was not the only humiliations that Drew suffered at their hands, as another werewolf once more pressed for her to part her full moist ripe lips and sensually kiss, the beast before her. Slowly the frighten and defeated young redheaded beauty parted her lips and allowed the beast to savor the sweetness of her warm sweet mouth. His thick flat tongue entwined with her soft little pink tongue.

At last, when Caineous emptied his scolding white hot cum into Drew’s tight buttery ass, he pulled from her and simply walked away to lick himself clean. No sooner than he had pulled from the young redheaded teacher, then another werewolf mounted Drew to fuck her now juicy young pussy.

Drew’s dark sexual defilement by the pack continued until all ten members had fucked the adorable redheaded teacher several times. Some fucked her pussy, others, now, her once virgin ass and others for Drew to cox their cocks from their sheaths and orally please them.

Drew lay prostrate on the cave’s floor, spent and exhausted when Caineous came to her once more. He held a leather collar and fastened it around the young redhead’s slender neck. He kissed Drew’s forehead. “Humans collar their pets Drew don’t they? And you my dear are our sweet little sexual pet Drew.”

The collar was attached by a chain to the cave’s wall. Drew Roberts was going nowhere. It was clear she was to become the packs sweet little human bitch.
Drew couldn't help but moan when he kept thrusting into her ass. The fact that his thrusts were shorter gave him the ability to move with more speed, and that constant, shallow plunging of his massive cock had her eyes rolling back and her pussy dripping onto the cave floor. She couldn't put any thoughts together, her mind scrambled at the moment by the overwhelming pleasure he was forcing upon her. All she could do was try to stay up on her hands and knees without collapsing while he rutted her like a beast.

Her inevitable orgasm coincided with his, and her sweet, feminine cry rang out for all to hear. What followed was a fucking unlike any she had ever experienced. One by one, they claimed her, fucking her like she was theirs to own and play with. Time after time, they filled her with cum, each one of them having a very generous amount to spare. By the time they were done, she was leaking it from both her holes, and there was cum all over her thighs, chin, face, and tits. There was a very real risk of her becoming pregnant, not that there wasn't with how the daemons had cum inside her, but the sheer volume of cum that had been jettisoned into her pussy made it much more likely at this point.

It made her afraid; she really didn't want to have a werewolf child, nor a demon one for that matter. She didn't want to be bred like a bitch in heat until she was swollen with child. None of the werewolves had any fondness for her, nor did the daemons for that matter. No one actually liked her for who she was as a person- they merely saw her supple, womanly body and nothing else.

Her body shuddered as she lay there, the woman having climaxed more times than she could count. Though his approach soon caught her eye. Caineous... that was his name. She watched with no resistance as he put his collar on her, and she found herself feeling terribly dejected. Instead, she simply nodded and curled up, silently crying to herself. There would be time to come up with some kind of plan, but for now, she was going to indulge a bit of self-pity.

Drew felt terribly alone in that moment.
After being fucked by so many werewolves and as well as the twin daemons Asmodeus and Rahab. The young teacher knew or suspected that their was a very real possibility that she could or might be with the daemon’s spawn or the beasts’ pups. It was only natural that she didn't want to be bred like a bitch in heat until she was swollen with child.

A dark depression came over the pious young beauty. Had her lord deserted her, or had she deserted him each time her gorgeous young body betrayed her, and she embraced the heady sinful pleasure her young body now seemed to crave.

Neither Daemon nor, werewolf had any fondness for her. No one actually liked her for who she was as a person- they merely lusted after her supple, womanly body and nothing else. Drew felt terribly alone in that moment.
It was at that moment that the daemons were searching Drew’s cottage looking for some means with which to track her to once more have access to her supple young body so they could gleefully sexually torment her.

They found letters from the young redhead’s uncle, along with a picture of him. Asmodeus smiled as he realized that a shape-shifting daemon was the answer. A brief call to get a copy of his voice and they were ready.

The next four days for Drew was a cycle of pleasing the werewolves, being fucked to near exhaustion, to begin all over again. By the time a month had passed the young redhead teacher had become the packs little human bitch. Caineous had collared Drew that first day when he claimed her tight little virgin ass.

At the beginning of the fifth week the young redhead was taken to a forest spring and pool and allowed to bathe. The pack watched Drew’s sensual bath. To her surprise her boots and back pack were returned to her.
At that point, Drew had closed off her heart to them, merely existing and trying to get through this new way of life day by day. It was as though part of her soul had left her body. Her body loved their fat cocks, but she herself did not. Sex was pleasing, but it was not fulfilling. It was like trying to fill one's belly with water; it would fill the space but it would not nourish nor sustain her.

A bit of life had left her eyes leaving them dull and muted. While she was secretly surprised, there was no surprise on her face when they offered her the pack and boots, only suspicion. She was becoming someone she didn't recognize: a woman with dark, hateful thoughts and who didn't trust as easily as she once did. Sometimes she fantasized about lighting a fire in their cave and trapping them all inside, while other times she hoped they choked on their food.

She bathed, not caring that the pack was watching. They were all ignored as she washed the dirt and cum from herself. Drew received enough tongue-baths that she wasn't particularly filthy, but her hair was in need of a good wash, as were her feet and fingernails.

"Why are you giving these back to me?" she asked warily. "It's not like I need them anymore, Caineous."
A bit of life had left the young teacher’s eyes leaving them dull and muted. While she was secretly surprised, there was no surprise on her face when they offered her the pack and boots, only suspicion.

As Drew fell in to spiritual amylase, sex and sexual pleasure began to rule her young life. The pact and their lustful desires dominated her young life. Oh, she may hate the fate that claimed her, but the soul searing orgasms they wrenched from the gorgeous young teacher’s body was the only pleasure they granted Drew. She had been robbed of her virginity but worst, yet the young teacher had been robbed of her pious faith and her joy for life.

The shape shifting demon had effortlessly assumed the guise of Drew’s uncle Charles. He knew it took more that to just appear and sound like the person they mimic. It also required research and study to also mimic their beliefs and habits.

Uncle Charles’ clone trapped the woods around West Run. One day he heard the howl of a wolf, found their paw prints and those of a human. Charles knew the foot prints must be Drew’s.

He found her bathing naked in a woodland spring, the werewolves helming the gorgeous young redhead in. He fired his shot gun into the air and the werewolves scattered. Drew……Drew…….is that you? It’s uncle Charles” He called to the naked nymph in the spring.
Drew had just finished washing her hair and was considering getting out when she heard the blast. She jumped and looked around fearfully, wondering what was happening or if she too should try to run. However, her eyes soon fixed upon the figure of her Uncle Charles and she stared at him in shock.

She wasn't the naive girl she used to be though, so she soon narrowed her eyes at him. Which one was it? Was it Asmodeus, or was it Rahab? Which of them was assuming the illusion of her uncle. She didn't trust him, knowing that while he did like to hunt and trap, it was unlikely that they would have a chance encounter like this. The woman didn't dare hope that he was truly there to rescue her.

Moving fluidly through the spring, she looked at him from behind a rock, her eyes tired and wary. "Uncle Charles, huh? And I suppose you're here purely by coincidence, on a hunting trip, trying to finally score your five-point?" It was a trick question in that he didn't usually hunt deer or elk; her Uncle was more into hunting bears and large creatures like that.
The young redheaded teacher was wary. So much had happened to her that now the abused young innocent trust did not come easily. The daemon shape shifter could see that wary look in her expressing green eyes "Uncle Charles, huh? And I suppose you're here purely by coincidence, on a hunting trip, trying to finally score your five-point?" She peeked from behind the rock were she hid and the sarcasm in her young voice was evident.

A five pointer Drew! You know well that I don’t hunt dear or elk. They do not present a challenge like bear or bore.” He retorted. “Beside it wouldn’t make much sense to be carrying a shot gun Drew. I am not here on some frivolous hunting trip. You have been missing for over a month I was worried when I did not hear from you.”

Everything he said rang true, his voice, his looks and even down to the way he wore his hat cocked to the right.

Uncle Charles opened his arms to his gorgeous naked niece.
He had passed her little test, and by all means he very much seemed like her Uncle. A little bit of light returned to her eyes as they started to water with relief and renewed hope. She came out of the water and scampered over to him, throwing her arms around his firm chest and crying against him with wracked sobs. She didn't care that she was wet and naked, as he was family and she believed he wouldn't be offended by her state of dress. To her, he was safety and love right now, a true possibility of being rescued and returning to the city where she might be safe from all the creatures in this remote area.

Speaking of which... She paused her crying, sniffled, and then looked up at him. "We have to go now!" she urged. "They're going to come back, and when they do, we won't want to be here to see it. Is your car nearby? Do you have anybody searching with you?"
It was obvious he had passed her little test, as she came running out of the spring, naked as the day she was born, dripping wet like Venus arising from the sea, and into his waiting arms. Oh, how he loved the feel of her luscious young body against his.

He saw a bit of light returned to her tearful green eyes as gleam of relief and renewed hope shown in her expressive young eyes. The young redheaded teacher paused her crying, sniffled, and then looked up at him.

"We have to go now!" she urged. "They're going to come back, and when they do, we won't want to be here to see it. Is your car nearby? Do you have anybody searching with you?

“No Drew I am alone, my jeep is just over the ridge.” He was reluctant to let the naked young beauty to slip from his embrace as he loved to feel her naked body against his. “ Do we have time for you to dress Drew you know them? If not then throw on your boots and we’ll go.”
She shook her head, "we don't have much time."

With that, she took out her jacket, then socks, putting on her boots as quickly as she could. Drew only put on the jacket as a means of clothing herself, the piece of clothing barely covering her ass like that of a miniskirt. Still, it would have to do. She did have pants and a shirt in there, but they needed to move swiftly if they wanted to get away.

Once she was ready, she started jogging with him in the direction of his jeep. Only then did she give him more of an explanation. "I was trying to get away from the town when I ran into those things. They took me to their cave and... well, that's where I've been for the past month." It looked like she was having a difficult time talking about it, some fresh tears threatening to spill over.