Drew's Teaching Adventure

Drew knelt and her heart sank as she realized what they wanted her to do. Of course she had expected some hardship when she agreed, but sucking off every man in town? That was…well, it was disgusting. The only saving grace was that the town was a small one to begin with.

And so she began the laborious task of sucking the cock of each man. Some of them were rough with her, fucking her face and making her gag, while others simply allowed her sexy little mouth to do all the work. They came wherever they wanted, though most of the men chose to let loose their cum right down her throat for her to swallow. A few of them painted her tits and face with their gooey lust, and by the time she was done, her jaw ached and her stomach felt full.

Drew hoped that Flux wouldn’t judge her for this, being forced to be their whore for three days, but she wouldn’t blame him if he did. She avoided looking at him during all of this, not wanting to see what sort of face he was making.
Rabah reveled in Drew’s humiliation as she was forced to give the men of West Run blow jobs. The daemon’s laughter caressed Drew’s senses as some of the men came upon her firm, high, proud, breasts. Other chose to spend their lust on the young redheaded teacher’s angelic face, When at last Drew had completed her humiliating task, Rahab then commanded, “Lick yourself clean Miss Roberts do not waist a drop of their gift.”

Flux’s face remained unreadable, it would do no good for Lust or Greed see his care for the young redhead. As the sun was sinking behind the western horizon Rahab placed a leather collar around Drew’s slender neck, clipped a leash to her collar. The gorgeous young redhead was led to her old cottage where she saw the manacles hanging from the attachments in the ceiling. “Raise your hands above your head Miss Roberts.” It appeared that the daemon intended to bind Drew spread-eagle as he had before.

The daemon took delight in chaining Drew spread-eagle. He loved how the young redhead had to balance on her tip toed and how every sensual curve of her supple young body was displayed. “You’re sweet, sensitive, pale pink nipples Miss Roberts respond so deliciously to my touch.” As the daemon spoke he ran his thumbs seductively across the young teacher’s nipples.

“Miss Robert…………Drew young girls love jewelry……..so I have a little gift for you.” He pulled from his pocket a pair of nipple clamps connected by a chaste golden chain.
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Drew complied, knowing that no matter how disgusting it was or how much she hated the daemons, it was what she had to do to obtain her freedom. She scooped up ever bit of cum she could, depositing it into her mouth and swallowing. By the time she was done, she felt sick. If only she could rinse out her mouth, though she knew Rahab wouldn’t allow it. In all likelihood, the sadistic daemon wanted the taste to linger on her tongue.

She followed the daemon into the cottage. Ah… the manacles. Of course he was going to have her strung up like some kind of animal. Drew gave him a withering look before raising her hands expectantly.

“Do you ever get tired of being a sadistic, unwanted piece of filth?” She asked, glaring.
The daemon took delight in chaining Drew spread-eagle. He loved how the young redhead had to balance on her tip toes and how every sensual curve of her supple young body was displayed perfectly. “You’re sweet, sensitive, pale pink nipples Miss Roberts respond so deliciously to my touch.” As the daemon spoke he ran his thumbs seductively across the young teacher’s nipples.

“Miss Robert…………Drew. Young girls love jewelry don’t they……..so I have a little gift for you.” He pulled from his pocket a pair of nipple clamps connected by a chaste golden chain. His dark gaze held Drew’s soft green eyes captive as he clamped first one of her nipples and then the other. They were connected with a chaste golden chain.

Rahab loved the look in those soft tear shimmering eyes as the young redheaded teacher gasped, “Do you ever get tired of being a sadistic, unwanted piece of filth?” Drew asked, glaring at him.

“No, my dear Miss Roberts. You have been a very naughty young lady running away like you did.”

He turned his back on the spread-eagle beauty as he retrieved something from a hidden wall cupboard. When he turned back to the young teacher he held a riding crop. “Tell me Miss Roberts…….Drew have you ever felt the sensual caress of leather or its seductive kiss?”

The sadistic daemon smiled as the soft leather tab of the riding cop caressed Drew’s silken inner thigh. He watched her soft green eyes as it sensually climbed high until it caressed her sweet young pussy. Slowly the braided shaft slipped between the young teacher’s legs. With each pass it cleaved deeper and deeper into her labia till each bump in that braided shaft caressed her clit.
When he mocked her regarding how responsive she was, she simply continued to glare at him, not wanting to respond to such a revolting statement. Drew didn’t want to be reminded of how the daemons seemed to know just how to manipulate her mortal flesh to take pleasure in their sick desires.

She almost scoffed at him when he said he had a gift for her. Surely it would be something she wouldn’t want, and she was right. Her eyes watered as he clamped them on. They weren’t super painful, but they did sting a little at first.

There was unfortunately nowhere for her to escape from the teasing touch of his leather implement; she couldn’t even close her thighs. He had full access to every part of her naked body and they both knew it. It left her feeling very vulnerable, which she tried her utmost to not reveal.

She whimpered softly as it rubbed against her sensitive parts, her hips moving side to side in an attempt to get away, but there was truly nowhere to go.

“No, I can’t say I have,” she answered through gritted teeth, “leather riding crops aren’t something that werewolves normally use.”
Drew whimpered softly as the shaft of the riding crop rubbed against her now throbbing clit. The daemon laugh as the young redhead’s hips began moving side to side. Suspended as Drew was there was no place to go and she must have known that her gorgeous young body would betray her sooner or later as it had so many times before.

Drew then gasped, to his question, had she ever tasted the sensual caress or seductive stinging kiss of leather. “No, I can’t say I have,” she answered through gritted teeth, “leather riding crops aren’t something that werewolves normally use.”

One look at the daemon of Greed, told the young redheaded teacher that she had just made a horrible mistake. “You were with werewolves?” He seemed to bight off each word. The braided shaft of the riding crop slipped from Drew’s juicy pussy.

The soft leather tab of the riding crop began a sensual tapping on the young beauty’s inner thigh, slowly sensually that sweet tapping caress her flawless skin, explored the sensual curves of the young teacher’s torso. As it climbed higher the tapping became stronger as he explored the firm contours of Drew’s breasts.

The tapping became now coming faster, more urgent, and stinging as it kissed the bound redhead’s clamped, pale pink, rosebud nipples. Drew could see the hunger and Greed’s eyes.
While she was glad he had stopped rubbing her with the crop, that measured tapping on her skin started to make her nervous when coupled with his seemingly irritated demeanor. Why would it matter to him whether she was with the werewolves. Drew gasped as the crop started to smart. It stung, yet it intermingled with her arousal in an unusual way. She had never sought out pain with her pleasure (though it could be argued that she had never sought out pleasure either).

"Yes, I was with werewolves. They captured me when I tried to escape." She replied between gasps.
The more and more that Greed mixed the soft sensual caress of leather, with its seductive stinging kiss as he explored and tempted the young bound redhead teacher. He could smell the first faint hints of Drew’s sexual arousal and he knew that she would loose her battle and her stunning young body would betray her again.

"Yes, I was with werewolves. They captured me when I tried to escape." She replied between gasps.

“You were their bitch Drew and now I shall make you mine.”

His exploration of the bound young teacher’s firm young breasts and clamped nipples became more aggressive as he mixed pain and pleasure. He knew that when Drew came here she was an innocent young virgin and doubted she had ever experienced what she was now going through.

Greed did not apply the pain mindlessly but in moderation so it heightened and mingled with the unwanted pleasure that would soon be wracking her gorgeous young body.

He would wait till Drew came for him that he would ask a haunting question “More?” And the young redhead teacher’s torment would continue till she did in fact scream for MORE.
He wasn't wrong about one thing: she was indeed the werewolves' bitch when she was chained to the wall of their cave, a collar around her neck. However, he was wrong in that she refused to be Rahab's bitch, not in the way he likely wanted her to be. Drew wasn't going to be some hopelessly infatuated woman who fawned over his cock and begged for a scrap of his attention. No.. He might make her body submit to him, perhaps even have her say some of the things he wanted to hear, but he would never truly break her, and in that she felt satisfied.

She hadn't been paying as much attention to things going on below her since she was more occupied by the swings and stings of the switch and the little red spots it left on her skin like lipstick marks on a lover. As such, she didn't notice the snake until it was rubbing against her pussy. Once she had the two sensations being enacted on her body at the same time, things changed. Each smack to her body felt erotic and she couldn't help but moan at times. Each time he struck her, there would be a moment afterwards where her skin would feel hot and sensitive, and it felt like he was trying to awaken her skin to heightened sensations.

The woman struggled, but she knew it was practically written in stone that she would cum under his sharp, cruel eye. When it happened, she whimpered and squirmed, her sweet voice unable to be contained.

"More?" She heard him say, and she panted and shook her head. "Do what you want. Honestly, I'd rather be with the werewolves than here with you right now." Was she trying to get under his skin? Most certainly. She hoped that at the very least she could wound his ego.
The young teacher struggled, but she knew it was practically written in stone that she would cum under his sharp, cruel eye. When it happened, she whimpered and squirmed, her sweet voice unable to be contained. Greed loved Drew’s scream of sinful pleasure.

Yet her torment was far from over. Her gorgeous young body was covered with a fine lattice work of crimson stripe from the riding crop he wheeled. His snake like tentacles had joined in Drew’s seduction. One then two tentacles began fucking her tight little pussy. One concentrated on Drew’s throbbing clit with it teeth, forked tongue, and thin lips.

The other tentacle forcibly thrust deep into her tight young pussy. Still another claimed her tight young ass. Tentacles wound around Drew, slid between her firm young breast, to press to her full moist ripe lips demanding entry into the young teacher’s sweet warm mouth.

"More?" he taunted the young teacher as she gasped and panted as she shook her head. "Do what you want. Honestly, I'd rather be with the werewolves than here with you right now."

“Do you want to break our bargain Miss Roberts?”

If she broke their bargain then she would never be free and she would be their’ s once again.
"No, I'm going to stick to the bargain. I'm just letting you know that you can't hold a candle to Caineous." Again, she knew she was metaphorically poking the bear, but she wanted to injure him, if only with words. She had opened her mouth to say something else to taunt him but before she could say anything further, one of his snake-tentacles decided it needed to occupy the space between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

She was now helplessly being fucked in all holes by those vile snakes of his. It was an almost maddening sensation to feel his snakes squirming in both her pussy and ass at the same time, and her muffled wails filled the room as she was overwhelmed. Every time he would thrust upwards into her, the golden chain on her breasts would sway as her large breasts jiggled.
Flux knew that Drew’s pride would be her undoing even as she spat her defiance at he daemon of Greed. "No, I'm going to stick to the bargain. I'm just letting you know that you can't hold a candle to Caineous."

“Are you Miss Roberts? Are you giving yourself willingly?” Rahab voice was dark, and sensual.” The daemon smiled into the young teacher’s expressive green eyes. Flux wondered if Drew had seen the trap the cunning daemon had laid for her. Her pride had indeed led the gorgeous young redhead to resist him, by spurning him, and belittling him as she threw her time with the werewolves in his face.

The young redhead was now helplessly being fucked in all holes by those vile snakes of his. It was an almost maddening sensation to feel his snakes squirming in both her pussy and ass at the same time, and her muffled wails as she came hard filled the room as she was overwhelmed.

Flux could only watch as every time that Greed would thrust upwards into her, the golden chain on her breasts would sway, as her firm young breasts jiggled, so delightfully, pulling on the golden chain and Drew’s clamped nipples.

Those squirm, wiggling, tentacles’ little heads sunk their fangs into the young redhead’s clit and breasts flood her supple young body with the powerful aphrodisiac of his demonic essence,

Drew collapsed into the daemons arms as he took her down his powerful body pressed to Drew’s soft, supple naked body. “On you hands and knees Miss Roberts.”

The evening was young, and a long night of debauchery loomed before the young redhead. The only question was if Drew’s fierce young pride, her desire to strike back at Greed would condemn her to a lifetime as their sexual play toy. As she unwitting broke their bargan.
The snake in her mouth withdrew only long enough for her to answer: “I am only willing to adhere to the terms of our bargain- nothing more, nothing less. The terms are that I have to let you and Asmodeus do what you please with me for three days, and once that is fulfilled, I will be free of both of you. The bargain never stated that I couldn’t speak my opinions.” Drew answered carefully. She knew his question had been an attempt to trick her; while she did want to be defiant, she knew that to state that she wanted them to stop or that she was unwilling to continue would be breaking their contract.

When the snakes sunk their teeth into her sensitive bits, she outright screamed. It was as painful as it was pleasurable, her eyes streaming tears as she squirted from her pussy. Her whole body was shaking, and she felt a familiar heat spreading throughout her being.

She was glad that he at least had the decency to catch her when he took her down, as she wasn’t sure if she had the capacity to stand. Her pussy was dripping with need and she wondered to herself why Flux had to be there too to witness their defilement. Perhaps he was like the referee, making sure that they didn’t make off with her or do anything too depraved. In any case, he had probably seen things like this before, but that didn’t make it less embarrassing.

The young woman lifted herself off the ground to get to her hands and knees, assuming the position as requested.
Rahab loved the ear splitting scream as his tentacles sunk their needle sharp fangs into Drew sweet little engorged clit and the redheaded teacher firm young breasts and clamped nipples. The daemon watched the pain and pleasures his sensual bite brought to her. Tears of pain and intense pleasure stained Drews flawless cheeks as she fell into the daemon’s arms. His forked tongue obscenely licked the tears from the young teacher’s cheek and then slid to the floor. “Ummm so sweet Miss Roberts.”

Drew’s pussy was dripping with need. She lifted herself off the floor, were she now laid prostrate at Rahab’s feet, to get to her hands and knees, assuming the position as requested. Flux witness the depraved acts that Rahab had inflicted on the sweet young teacher.

With a casual wave of his hand the cottage’s sitting room shimmered and began to change. Drew found herself in a crystal chamber, and no matter were she turned, her own image on her hands and knees stared back at her. She saw the daemon mount her, his hands gripping her trim waist as he drove his iron cored cock into her tight buttery ass.

No mater how she tried to avoid it her own image stared back at her, as she was fucked in the ass. The young redhead saw the slithering tentacles as they curled around her supple young body. Her own seductive image danced before her eyes as the daemon took her.
While she had been under the effects of their potent aphrodisiacs, drugs, and had seen them shift in and out of their disguises, she hadn’t actually seen either of them actively use magic. It was oddly fascinating to see until she realized what he was doing.

Drew very much didn’t want to have to watch herself be fucked by the greedy daemon, but she hadn’t been given a choice in the matter. It was as though she was trapped in some horrible mirror room, each surface reflecting the way he made himself at home in her plump ass. Come to think of it, he had only ever fucked her with snakes, this being the first time he had used his own cock to defile her. It was so hard, and it seemed to pulse with lustful heat.

She looked at one of the images and noticed how she was angling her ass up for him, as though her body was begging for him to keep fucking her. Her pretty pink lips were parted for the sensual sounds she made, her whines and moans upon each thrust of that unholy cock. To her humiliation, she found that her tearful face had a look of slutty desire on it, as though she was lost in his grip of sexual domination.

The woman tried to close her eyes, fresh tears of shame and pleasure running down her cheeks.
The crystal room left no place for Drew to hide, as no matter which way she turned she was met by her own reflection and that of the daemon fucking her young ass. To her shame and humiliation, the young teacher saw her reflection, one of the images, and noticed how she was angling her ass up for him, as though her body was begging for him to keep fucking her. Her pretty pink lips were parted for the sensual sounds she made, her whines, gasps, and moans at each thrust of that unholy cock. Yet worst of all was the tearful face that gazed back at the young teacher, that look of slutty desire on it, as though she was lost in his grip of sexual domination.

Fresh tears of shame and pleasure ran down her cheeks. As the room once more shimmered as Rahab spilt his seed into her fertile young womb. Now two things were quite clear, the first that these daemon’s were possessed of magic, and the second that they were proficient with it use as Drew was now in her own bedroom bound had and foot spread-eagle to her own bed.

Rahab was smiling down on the bound beauty. “I think you would look adorable with one or two pieces of Jewelry Miss Roberts.” He snapped his fingers and a pair of delicate diamond studs appeared on Drew’s quivering abdomen. He held one stud up to her earlobe but shook his head “no.” He then held it posed at the base of her right nipple and smiled wickedly, “Yes.”

The daemon removed the clamps from her engorged nipples. Then a shard of ice appeared, as if by magic. Drew felt the icy hot caress of the ice to her tortured nipple. His dark golden eyes held her tear shimmering green eyes captive.

He smiled wickedly, then slowly Rahab pressed the sharp point of the stud through the base of the young teacher’s nipple. He waited till the girl’s breathing steadied before he pierced her left nipple.

“Very pretty indeed Miss Roberts.” He held up a hand mirror so Drew could see what he had done to her. Then once more he snaped his fingers and a chaste golden ring appeared on her belly. He held it between his fingers. “Can you guess where this ring will go my dear.”

Rahab through back his head and laughed.
After he had dumped his seed inside her without a thought to whether she might become pregnant or not (though she imagined it would work out well for him if he did knock her up), she was alarmed to find herself back in her room. She wasn’t sure whether they had truly teleported into her room, or whether this was some kind of illusion Rahab had conjured up. The bed felt very real though, as did the ropes she had around each of her limbs.

Giving someone jewelry was normally a very positive, even heart-warming event. Yet all she felt when she saw those diamond studs was apprehension, as whatever he had planned couldn’t be good. He was a daemon of greed, after all; giving things away wasn’t something he would do unless he was spending the item in order to buy something better. What was he wanting to get from her though? She soon found out when he teased her with the idea that they were simply earrings, then dashed that hope as he let her know exactly what he intended to do with them.

A look of horror came over her and it took everything in her not to tell him to get the hell away from her. She had come so far- she didn’t want to break the bargain.

The removal of the clamp caused a rush of blood to go to her nipples, which felt pleasurable in a way she hadn’t experienced before. Drew’s breath shuddered as she felt the ice contrast with that feeling, and then… their eyes met, and she could tell that he was very much going to enjoy this.

A loud scream pierced the air just as her nipple itself was pierced. Her eyes streamed and she struggled rabidly against her restraints, though she couldn’t move much at all. It was more of a distraction than a real attempt to get out her bindings. When he was done with that one, she stared at him in disbelief and shock, her body shaking like a leaf. This process repeated, the woman shrieking once more and wishing she could beg him to stop, but being unable to do anything but bear with the pain. She was powerless, helpless, and all she could do was pray that it would be over soon.

It was over very quickly, even though those moments had felt much, much longer. Drew stared into the mirror at her now studded nipples, thinking to herself that while they were “pretty,” she would never have wanted to have them on her body. Surprisingly though, she found that he had somehow healed her nipples, the piercings now permanently part of her body.

The golden ring had her breathing quickly with terror, her heart quickening. Where was it going to go next? Her tongue? Her belly button? Her lip? In her naivety, Drew had no idea what he really had in store for her, and in some ways it was truly a mercy that she didn’t.

"M-my tongue?" she asked in fear.
The daemon saw the confusion in Drew’s soft green eyes as all around her shimmered and shifted till her vision cleared and she found herself in her own bed bound naked and spread-eagle before him. This young redheaded creature was indeed beautiful, his dark soulless eyes took in every detail of her bound young body.

Rahab saw the confusion in her soft green eyes at the sight of the diamond studs as he teased her with the idea that they were simply earrings, then dashed that hope as he let her know exactly what he intended to do with them. He revealed in the young redheaded teacher’s screams of agony as he pierced her sweet tender nipples.

As Drew stared into the mirror he held he could see the confusion in her soft green eyes as conflicting emotions flooded her sweet young mind as he held a chaste gold ring before her. The golden ring had the young teacher breathing quickly with terror, her heartbeat quickening. “Can you guess where this ring will go my dear.”

Rahab through back his head and laughed. Where was it going to go next? Her tongue, her belly button? Perhaps her lip? In her sweet naivety, Drew said haltingly, "M-my tongue?.”

“No Miss Roberts not you tongue my dear.” The daemon’s lips brushed hers in a sensual kiss. He kissed his way down her gorgeous young body. He teased her pierced nipples and gave the diamond studs a seductive little teak. His kisses floated down across Drew’s quivering abdomen to sensually ream out her dimpled naval. “Not in your sweet little belly button my sweet.”

When the daemon’s head dipped between the young redheaded teacher’s thighs and his forked tongue fluttered over her clit, he then raised his head, “Yes my dear Miss Roberts…..let his voice trail off as he saw the fear in her tear shimmering soft green eyes. “But first we must do something about your tawny copper fleece Miss.”

The daemon laid the wicked ring in Drew’s dimpled naval. A snaped of his finger and a bowl of water, soap, and a razor appeared as if from thin air. Rahab took delight in seductively lathering the young teacher bush. Be very still Miss Roberts less I cut you.”

His fingers spread her soft skin tight, cold steel caressed the young beauty’s soft warm skin. The haunting whisper of the razor caressed Drew’s senses. With each pass of the razor left nothing but smooth bear skin in its wake till Drew pussy was naked as the day she was borne.

Everything now seemed to move in slow motion, he picked up the ring, she noticed it was not closed but ended in two wicked points. The touch of those serpent points kissing her clit, Then the sharp pain as they bit home.
Some might have called his kisses seductive by the gentle way they lingered, but she knew they were just a precursor to something that would no doubt be uncomfortable at best. Part of her hoped it really would be belly button, as she couldn’t imagine him piercing anything lower. It turned out she wouldn’t have to imagine as he finally revealed where he wanted to put it.

Her eyes widened and her mouth actually fell open in disbelief and abject horror. He wanted to pierce her clit?! Was that even possible?! His snakes had bit her there previously, and it was a pain unlike anything else she had experienced before. To feel that again… she felt like her body was going into a cold sweat, trembling as her teeth chattered.

That being said, she held herself as still as she could as he expertly shaved him. Perhaps he had masqueraded as a barber at one point, as she found his method flawless. Usually she liked to keep herself trimmed, but it wasn’t as though she had access to grooming tools when she was with the werewolves.

When he finally pierced her, she squealed in agony, her back arching as she screamed incoherent curses. “I hate your guts, Rahab! Bastard!” Usually she wouldn’t have cursed like that, but she figured she would give herself a pass in this situation.
When the daemon finally pierced her, Drew squealed in agony, her back arching as she screamed an incoherent curses. “I hate your guts, Rahab! Bastard!” Usually, she wouldn’t have cursed like that. But the sobbing young teacher was in agony.

The daemon was not through decorating the gorgeous young redhead yet. He magically plucked a chaste red-gold chain from the air. It seductively shimmered as it hung from his fingers. He laid it out on Drew’s quivering abdomen in roughly a “Y” shape. “You are quite beautiful Miss Roberts.”

He attached the two spread arms, of the red-gold chain, to Drew’s nipple studs. The chain now formed a taunt “U” between her firm ripe breasts and nipples. The last, and longest arm of the chain lay across her firm young abdomen.

Once more his dark, soulless, golden eyes captured and held the young redheaded teacher’s soft tear shimmering eyes. A knowing smile creased Rahab thin lips as he attached the last leg of the golden chain to Drew’s clit ring.

The daemon held her eyes captive as he crawled between her lily white thighs, and he began to fuck the young teacher’s sweet young pussy. Each thrust into her young body pulled the chain tight and caused a most sensually seductive mixture of pain and pleasure to race through Drew’s aroused young body.
Once again, she found that her clit had been healed to the point it would be if she had waited and cared for the piercing over about a month or two. While some might say it was nice that she didn’t have to deal with the aftercare of her piercings, she would have retorted that she didn’t want the piercings to begin with and would have gladly taken them out to let the holes in her body close up.

The only response he got to her compliment was a death glare that could curdle milk. In those moments she felt a very strong loathing for the daemon who not only defiled her, but also mutilated her body based on his own whims and aesthetic preferences. She was even tempted to spit on him, but she was able to barely hold herself back.

Drew gasped as he entered her, and soon she was feeling sensations that were truly unexpected. Every time he would thrust, her breasts would bounce, pulling slightly on her clit ring, and then her nipple rings in turn. Her clit was now very sensitive, and it felt like he was rubbing the inside of it, every nerve-ending alight with the stimulation. It wasn’t long at all before her eyes had rolled back and she was cumming hard on his cock, wailing out to express the multitude of emotions and sensations she was feeling. She felt like her mind was going completely blank, any rational thought being unable to surface.
The daemon savored each emotion that flashed in Drew’s expressive young eyes. Her fierce pride, hatred, hope, hopelessness, and dejection on how he had defiled her young body to reflect his desires and tastes. Each time the young teacher’s soft green eyes flared with her stubborn pride her pious young soul was bared to him.

Drew may have thought that his piercings of her pale pink nipples and her clit were just acts to humiliate her. The young teacher soon found out they were chosen for quite a different purpose by the cunning daemon when he began fucking her tight little naked pussy.

Drew gasped as he entered her, and soon she was feeling sensations that were truly unexpected. Every time he would thrust, her breasts would bounce, pulling slightly on her clit ring, and then her nipple rings in turn. He loved and savored the sight of the young teacher’s divine torment, and it wasn’t long before her eyes had rolled back and she was cuming hard, as he pounded into her, his cock, Drew’s Master as she screamed out expressing her savage orgasm and the the multitude of emotions and sensations she was feeling.

Then the daemon began to toy with the gorgeous young redhead. He would bring her tittering to the brink of sexual pleasure then still let the pleasure slip away. Drew had to know, from her pass with him, that he would not grant what her treacherous young body now craved until she begged him to let her cum.

He brushed a few sweat matted tawny copper hairs from her angelic face. “So pretty, so needy…..” His voice trailed off as his lips crushed to hers.
She had felt herself ramping up to another orgasm when he slowed considerably, easing her back down for a while before repeating the process. It was torturous. While Drew didn’t want to cum for him in the first place, to be constantly edged like this was maddening in a way that wore on her psyche.
Drew felt like she was being swallowed up by the cunning daemon, each movement and stroke dragging her further into the pit of despair and pleasure. It was enough to lose one’s self, but she managed to hold on. Mostly. While it wasn’t enough for her to give herself to him mind, body, and soul, it was certainly enough to make the young woman swallow her pride.

When he forced his demanding lips upon her, she kissed him back this time. Her movements were needy as he had said, as much as she hated to admit it. At the first opportunity that her lips were free again, she spoke.

“I need it!” She whimpered, closing her eyes so she didn’t have to look at him. “Rahab, please!”
“I need it!” Drew whimpered, closing her eyes so she didn’t have to look at him. “Rahab, please!” His lips brushed the young teacher’s again. “What do you need my sweet young beauty?”

They both knew what Drew’s gorgeous young body and needed and what she had to do to, to get what her stunning young body craved. He would savor her final fall, as she got what she most needed at that moment. He brushed a few sweat matted tawny copper hairs from her angelic face. “So pretty, so needy…..” His voice trailed off as his lips crushed to hers.

The hours dragged by as the daemon continued to arouse her and humiliate Drew till she collapsed spent and exhausted. The young teacher lay prostrate under the cunning daemon. The sun was creeping over the windowsill of her bedroom.

Rahab knew his time with the gorgeous young redhead was over as the two succubae came to claim the young beauty. They let her sleep till early evening the pair of naughty imps wanted the young redheaded teacher fully recovered for their time together.

“My what pretty little nipple studs, my sweet.” One of the succubae commented. “And what an adorable clit ring you have my dear, and what a naughty little chain as well.”

The second day of her devilish bargain began.
“I need you to let me cum!” She had practically sobbed, finally getting some relief after having submitted to his need to hear it from her mouth. The next three hours were spent continuing to beg for her release, then being granted it once she had satisfied whatever requirements he had for her humiliation.

Drew would be overjoyed to have her break if she wasn’t so exhausted. The woman slept like the dead, ignorant of the succubi who watched over her fondly while she slept.

When she awoke, she looked from one of them to the other, confused as to why they were there rather than Rahab or Asmodeus. Though it soon became clear that they were simply an appetizer before the main course. She could only imagine what terrible things she might go through once they passed into the next day.

The two busty daemons allowed her to eat breakfast, but… they only served her phallic foods. Thus, she ended up eating a bratwurst, a pickle, a mini-baguette, and a long ice cream on a stick. They watched her hungrily as she area. It was uncomfortable, but at least she would replenish some of her energy.

They then snapped their fingers and Drew found herself in a large bathroom, a huge tub in the middle that was overflowing with bubbles. “Get in the bath, dirty girl,” one of them directed her with a honeyed tone, slipping into the bath themselves.

Drew had no clothes to take off, so she simply followed them in.