Drew's Teaching Adventure

Drew shook her pretty little red head, "we don't have much time." The young teacher’s was tinged with fear it also shown in her soft green eyes. She only took her jacket, socks, from her backpack before putting on her boots as quickly as she could.

Uncle Charles quickly led Drew through the woods and over the ridge headed for Charles’ jeep. As the night the young redheaded teacher fled West Run, the trees of the haunted forest gnarled limbs reached out and clawed at Drew as if trying to hold her. Several times Uncle Charles had to charge back and free her.

When they reached his jeep Drew blushed. “They took me to their cave and... well, that's where I've been for the past month." Charles noticed how the young beauty could not meet his eyes as she kept them demurely lowered. He simply said “and.”

Uncle Charles and Drew had always been close more like friends, no chums. He lifted Drew’s chin with a single finger, his brown eyes holding her green eyes tenderly as he waited for her to answer. The shape shifting daemon had to know just what had gone on in that month.
Her lip wobbled before she started, “they kept using me, forcing me to please them over and over… there are ten of them and one leader, and they all used me, like I was just a collection of holes.”

Once again, she hugged him tightly and rested her head on his chest. “I don’t want to go back to West Run either. There are two… men there that drugged me and raped me. That’s why I was out in the woods in the first place.” She looked back up and smiled tearfully. “Now that you’re here, we can just go home. You’re like the answer to my prayers- thank you.” There was a muffled sob as she buried her face against his chest. “From the bottom of my heart, thank you for finding me!”
The young teacher’s lip wobbled before she started, “They kept using me, forcing me to please them over and over… there are ten of them and one leader, and they all used me, like I was just a collection of holes.”

Drew made her tearful confession to her Uncle Charles. She buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed. After several minuets she lifted her tear stained eyes to his. “Theres more. I don’t want to go back to West Run either. There are two… men there that drugged me and raped me. That’s why I was out in the woods in the first place.”

“Get in we will head for Groveton its about Twenty miles from here as the crow flies Drew.” They drove through the gathering gloom. It began to rain hard, and they were forced to pull off the track at the first motile. It was on the worn side of life and a collection of ten cabins. Uncle Charles ran in to register leaving the nervous beauty in the Jeep. Wen he came back he drove to cabin12.

The cabin was a one room, with a bath affair. A double bed and a fireplace dominated the room. The only place to sit was the bed. Charles took a seat on the bed and patted the bed beside him for Drew to take a seat. “We need to see what to do next.”
The fact that they had to stop due to the rain made her anxious, as she wanted to put as many miles in-between herself and her pursuers as possible. Still, she couldn't fight against nature itself, so she conceded that finding a place to stay for the night would likely be best. Drew locked the car doors as soon as he got out, sliding down in her seat so that she couldn't be seen by passersby, though she unlocked the car as soon as she saw him jogging back to her.

She didn't mind that the accommodations were rather humble. Having a real bed to sleep on was amazing in of itself, seeing that she hadn't slept on one in over a month. To her, this place was luxurious, especially the fact that there was hot water and soap. Even with her earlier dip in the spring she imagined that she didn't smell the best, so she made a mental note to herself to take a bath before they left. She had also seen a vending machine near the lobby and planned on grabbing herself something at some point- all she had eaten lately were raw plants, berries, and meat. Lots of meat. If she didn't have to eat another deer ever again, she would be very happy.

The young woman sat down next to him and leaned against his shoulder affectionately. "Yeah... Well, I think once the storm dies down, we'll head out of the mountains and just forget this god-forsaken place. I have enough savings to get an apartment while I look for another job."
The young teacher sat down next to her Uncle Charles and leaned against his shoulder affectionately. "Yeah... Well, I think once the storm dies down, we'll head out of the mountains and just forget this god-forsaken place. I have enough savings to get an apartment while I look for another job."

Sounds like a plan Drew Charles said reassuringly. Then as he hugged the girl to him a frown marred his features. “That teaching job in Wets Run Drew did you sign a teaching contract, or anything Drew.”

He took a deep breathe, “If you did than there are probably fees if you break your contract could you afford to pay them, or it may forbid you to work anywhere as a teacher for the run of that contract Drew.” Again, he paused. “We may have to go to West Run to get you a release.”
Her eyes widened for a moment before she frowned and shook her head, "I don't care about the contract, and yes I did sign one. I don't care if I have to pay them a million dollars or never work as a teacher again- I'm not going back there! You don't understand- the whole town is in on it, and it's just not safe there! They messed up my car so I couldn't leave, and if we try to go back, they're going to do something to the jeep, and then they're going to get rid of you and-and" By that point Drew had worked herself almost into hysterics, her voice having risen in pitch the more she went on.
"I don't care about the contract, and yes I did sign one. I don't care if I have to pay them a million dollars or never work as a teacher again- I'm not going back there!”

The gorgeous young redhead was in near hysterics. Charles hugged the near naked little nymph to him. “Such Drew we won’t go back there if that is what you want.” He let the distraught young beauty calm as he hugged her tightly to him.

They sat there in silence for hours till Drew’s breathing slow and became steady. Her little jacket had gaped open the firm curve so tempting. Slowly he slipped his hand into her gaping jacket to cup her naked breast and his thumb sild across her nipple. Suddenly Drew was wide awake.
She flinched and pulled away from him, realizing that she wasn't dressed. Drew was on alert now, but she hoped that she was mistaken. Her Uncle, of all people, would not have intentionally touched her breast. With this hope tinged with suspicion, she got up and went to her pack, rifling through it to find a rolled up pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of underwear.

"I uh... I think I should put something on. I might just take a bath first though." With that, she retreated into the bathroom, closed the door, and ran herself a bath. It was so nice being in the hot bathwater, the woman relaxing from what had happened earlier. Yes, it must just have been a lip of the hand. This was her Uncle Charles she was talking about.

Drew thoroughly washed and conditioned her hair, treating her skin to some scented, moisturizing body wash. When she was done, she wrapped a towel around herself and let the tub drain, blow-drying and brushing her hair. It wasn't long before she emerged from the bathroom. She was fully clothed, save for a bra; this meant that her breasts jiggled with every movement of hers. Her auburn hair shined for the first time in ages, looking luxurious and sleek.
The young redhead blushed and shifted her body from her Uncle. "I uh... I think I should put something on. I might just take a bath first though." Drew withdrew to the bathroom.

The shape shifting daemon listen as Drew do her bath. He pondered what to do next. One avenue was to seduce and deliver her to Asmodeus and Rahab as was expected and why he had been summed. Yet there was something about this gorgeous young creature that called to him, that fired his desire to have her. That brought the second choice, to tell her the truth and how to be rid of both the daemons and the werewolves.

When Drew emerged from the bathroom fully clothed, save for a bra; this meant that her breasts jiggled every so delightfully with each step he took. Her auburn hair shined for the first time in ages, looking luxurious and sleek. “Drew saw her uncle Charles yet as she came closer his formed shimmered and a dark shimmering beauty greeted her wide green eyes. In an instance she had to know it was another daemon.

“I can tell you how to be rid of the daemons and werewolves.” He could see the play of emotions flash in her expressive green eyes; fear, despaired, betrayal and her firry young spirit blazed. “Yes, it will cost you Drew but you will finally be free of them."
The woman was indeed startled by his sudden change, and she unmistakably recognized him as a daemon. She instantly knew that the whole "Uncle" thing had been a farce, a trick to lure her in so that she would trust and follow him. So many times she had been betrayed- at what point would she learn that others simply couldn't be trusted, not anymore? It was a horrible realization, and she took a few steps back from him, preparing to run out into the rain if she had to. Obviously he was working for Asmodeus and Rahab, being a daemon himself. That, and the fact that he had tried to get her to go back to West Run.

However, when he spoke she paused and her eyes narrowed at him. There was no way to tell whether he was lying or not, so she figured she would err on the side of caution.

"How do I know you're not going to lie to me? Everything out of your mouth so far has been lie after lie "Uncle Charles."" The last words were spoken with particular venom.
Standing there his guise of Uncle Charles dropped, he could see the shock in Drew’s sad young eyes, and her sense of betrayal. Yet he knew that the possibility to be free of the daemons of West Run, and the beasts of the forest, was seductively tempting.

However, when she spoke, she paused, and her eyes narrowed at him. There was no way to tell whether he was lying or not, so she figured she would err on the side of caution. "How do I know you're not going to lie to me? Everything out of your mouth so far has been lie after lie "Uncle Charles." The last words were spoken with particular venom.

The daemon with no-name spoke, his voice was calm, and conversational when he spoke. “One if I meant to deliver you into their hands I would have simply continued in my guise as Uncle Charles. And if I wished to merely fuck you, your Uncle Charles would have seduced and then fucked or raped you Drew.” He paused letting his words sink into the wary young redhead teacher’s young agile mind.

“Second Drew I did not lie to you as I told you there would be a price for that information.” His eyes gazed into her stunning green eyes. “The price for the information that will free you from them will cost you a night with me. A night were you truly make love to me Drew.”

He held the young redhead in his steady gaze, it was up to her wither she excepted his offer or not. Unlike Asmodeus or Rabah he did not give her a devil’s choice that no matter what she chose she would lose.

“Shall we seal are bargain with a kiss Drew.” It was now up to the gorgeous young teacher to accept or reject the no-name daemon’s offer.
She had to admit that he had a point: he could have just continued on with this deception rather than revealing himself to her. This didn't seem like the normal 'aha! I got you!' type of moments, more like he was revealing himself as a show of good faith. When he felt her up earlier (and now she was sure it hadn't been an accident), he could have grabbed her when she stood up, pinned her on the bed, and taken her body if he wished. However, he had let her go to take her bath.

Her brows did knit in confusion as she stared at him though. He wanted her to 'make love to him'? Why would he want her to do something like that? Was he trying to humiliate her, or was 'make love' simply a softer way for him to say that he wanted her to fuck him?

In any case, he was probably going to try to fuck her whether she refused this deal or not, so it wasn't as though she had much of a choice at all. She had learned in her time in the mountains that to refuse or to accept: both options always ended with her losing. At least in this case it sounded like he was going to let her control the encounter. He would probably tell her what she wanted to know afterwards, but as a daemon the information would either be very vague or impossible to achieve.

Drew decided to accept, if only to make sure that their coupling would be softer. She was feeling a bit vulnerable and exhausted, so she didn't want to be bent over and fucked with the intensity that she had been subjected to this past month.

With a sigh, she walked over to him and slowly undressed, taking off the clothes she had just managed to put on. When her gorgeous body was bared before him, she straddled him on the bed and placed a hand on each of his cheeks before leaning in and giving him a very soft, tender kiss. Her lips pulled away before and she said, "alright. The bargain is struck. What's your name, daemon?"
Silence hung heavy in the air between Drew and the no-name daemon. The young redheaded teacher reluctantly had to admit that he had a point. That silence lingered as The young teacher knew she had to make up her mind wither to refuse his offer or to accept and seal their bargain with a kiss.

Drew’s brows knitted in confusion as she stared at him. He wanted her to 'make love to him'? Why would he want her to do something like that? Drew’s time in the mountains that to refuse or to accept both options always ended with her losing. At least in this case it sounded like he was going to let her control the encounter.

A tired sigh bubbled from the young redhead’s moist ripe lips as she took a step towards the no-name daemon. Her hands gripped the helm of her t-shirt then slowly pulled it over her head. Drew stood before him bared to the waist. The soft metallic whisper of her jean’s zipper caressed his senses as she worked her jeans down over the swell of her hips to cascade down her shapely legs to pool around her ankles. The young teacher was naked now except for her panties as she stepped from her jeans. The daemon watched as Drew peeled off her panties to stand in all her youthful naked glory before him.

The young redhead pushed the daemon back onto the bed, she straddled him and placed a hand on each of his cheeks before leaning in and giving him a very soft, tender kiss. Her lips pulled away and she said, "alright. The bargain is struck. What's your name, daemon?"

“They call me no-name because I assume so many different guises. But you can call me Charles or perhaps Dick.”

He returned Drew tender kiss with a sensual gentleness. He let the young redhead take the lead. He met her gorgeous supple young body’s cravings and the needs of her wounded young soul.

He worshiped her ravishing young body with his lips, mouth, and teeth. He paid close attention to all those little spots that would bring her such sweet seductive pleasure. He let Drew take the lead, set the pace of their coupling, and when his lust and her sexual needs were satisfied, he held the young beauty in the security of his arms as if she were the most precious beauty in all of creation.

He was just there for her. He made no demands of Drew. He just let his presence, his nearness, and his gentleness seduced the young redheaded teacher.
Drew’s face scrunched in displeasure at the prospect of calling him either the name of her uncle or the very thing that had messed up her life. “I’m not going to call you either of those things. If you don’t have a name, then I’ll give you one. Flux. I’m going to call you Flux.” The name was chosen because she assumed his form was always in a state of flux, changing from one thing to another.

With that settled, she continued with fulfilling her end of the bargain. Of course she didn’t love him, but she knew that what he was really asking of her was the gentle, affectionate sort of exchange.

She kissed him slowly, patiently, as though she had all the time in the world. With delicate movements, she removed his clothes and asked him to lay down with his head near the pillows. She then rubbed her pussy against his cock while kissing him, slowly moving her hips back and forth while her body got warmed up.

Once she started to get wet, her pussy slid over his shaft more slickly, though she didn't rush. She continued to rub herself against him until she was more worked up. Only then did she allow herself to sink down onto his shaft. It was a new experience: controlling what happened and at what pace they went. It was surprising to her that he had allowed her to do so as well.

The young woman rolled her hips sensually on top of him, kissing his neck, his chest, and his lips intermittently, always with soft lips that pressed tenderly to him.

They spent several hours like this, the heat of passion being more of a soft glow between them. She hadn't thought she would cum for him, but she had and she wasn't disgusted by it. Things felt more natural and gratifying with him, and Drew indulged herself by taking comfort in his embrace when it was all over.

He was warm in more ways than one, and she found herself falling asleep against his chest, feeling perfectly safe for the first time in a very long time.
Drew’s brow furled it was obvious the young redhead cared little for the name Charles or Dick. “I’m not going to call you either of those things. If you don’t have a name, then I’ll give you one. Flux. I’m going to call you Flux.”

The young teacher’s voice was quite firm. What she called him made little difference to him. Flux, it kind of had an ironic twist to it, as it described his nature.

He was amazed at the way that Drew came to him, the way she teased him with her gorgeous young body and at the same time aroused her own. The redhead did not rush their coupling as she truly made love to him over the next several hours. He was warm in more ways than one, and she found herself falling asleep against his chest, feeling perfectly safe for the first time in a very long time.

Flux was pleased with the way she had surrendered herself to him. The way Drew slept on his chest in sweet bliss pleased him. When the young redhead teacher awoke early the next morning it was time for Flux to keep his end of their bargain. Drew was still nuzzled to his chest.

“Drew in order to be free of Asmodeus and Rabah you must strike a bargain with them. It means you must return to West Run and them. I promise you will be under my protection Drew, and they will not be able to do anything to you do not agree to, Drew.”

He had kept his end of the bargain now and only hoped that Drew would now trust Him.
She looked at him and pursed her lips, fear evident in her green eyes. While he had technically lied to her to get her to come with him to the cabin, he hadn’t done anything to give her the idea that he was a malicious sort. He didn’t delight in her humiliation, nor did he simply rut her until he filled her with his load. That being said, she wasn’t sure what his motives were in all this.

“Why are you helping me?” Drew asked, quietly. There was a touch of wariness to her, but mostly she simply wanted to see what he would say.
Flux could see the fear rising in her soft green eyes. He also saw the conflict between the way she treated him last night, and the suggestion that they return to West Run and the daemon of lust and of greed.

“Why are you helping me?” Drew asked, quietly. There was a touch of wariness in her young voice. Flux did not answer Drew immediately, it was if he was trying to remember something. “I was called the No-Name daemon as I said because of the many guises I have had to assume.” His voice was strained if he found what he was about to say caused him acute pain. “I fell in love once with a human girl. We were very much in love. Then one day she saw me as myself and she screamed and fled.”

Flux could hung his head. “You……you…….kept your word to me so I shall protect and cherish you Drew.”

Flux doubted that Drew could believe this simple truth. If she didn’t her fate would be to be the daemon’s concubine.
There was silence for a moment before he would feel a warm hand on his shoulder. "That sounds like it must have been heartbreaking. I'm sorry that happened to you..." There was sympathy in her voice, and she offered him a small, gentle smile. Regardless of what she had gone through, she found that she still had the capacity for compassion. It was possible that he was lying, but by his mannerisms she was inclined to believe that he was telling the truth. To her, it sounded like perhaps he was simply lonely, and that he had sympathy for her situation as well. If he had the ability to love, then he must have a heart that felt more than simple lust or greed.

"I could see her being shocked by the existence of daemons, but you're far from a beast; you're actually very handsome. I think I would like it if we became friends who supported each other." Her smile became a bit brighter before dimming once more. Drew sighed, "though first I have to emancipate myself. As much as I hate to go back... it sounds like I have to."
Drew seemed to soften as Flux told his tale of love found and love lost. To the young teacher, it sounded like perhaps he was simply lonely, and that he had sympathy for her situation as well. "I could see her being shocked by the existence of daemons, but you're far from a beast; you're actually very handsome. I think I would like it if we became friends who supported each other."

What a sweet naïve creature she was. Drew’s bright smile before dimming once more. She sighed, "though first I have to emancipate myself. As much as I hate to go back... it sounds like I have to."

Her decision made Flux smiled and softly kissed her. “We don’t have to leave right now Drew. He let that soft kiss linger and deepen.

It was afternoon before Flux and Drew were once more on the road, this time for West Run and the twin daemons of Lust and Greed. When they arrived, they were in the guise of Rev. Worthington and Batard.

“So nice to see you again Miss Roberts………Strip Drew.” They commanded.

It was then that Flux stepped between the daemons and the young redheaded teacher. “No!” came Flux’s strong voice. Drew wants to strike a bargain with you for her freedom.
Drew allowed him to deepen the kiss, but she didn't let it linger for too long. It gave her the inkling that this daemon had more than being "friends" on his mind, though she supposed she should have surmised that from his previous request. Still, he was the only one who had treated her decently so far, so she didn't want to drive him away. Once she was free she would try to figure out with him what their relationship would be. The woman interlocked her fingers in his and held his hand as they made their way to the car.

The two of them went out for something to eat before heading over to West Run, the woman feeling more and more anxious the closer they got. This was the time when she would find out whether her trust was misplaced again, or if Flux was actually one she could put her faith in.

She felt herself shrinking back with fear as those familiar voices commanded her to strip, though the next moment she was shocked to hear Flux coming forward to advocate for her. Her heart ached with appreciation in that moment, and she rewarded him with a fond smile.

Her expression became considerably less friendly as she looked at the twin demons, her eyebrows knit and her gaze steely. "He's right. I'm here to see if you two are willing to bargain with me. I don't want to be here, nor do I want to be a werewolf's plaything like I have for the past month. Tell me what I need to do to be free of you."
Drew’s expression became considerably less friendly as she looked at the twin demons, her eyebrows knit and her gaze steely. "He's right. I'm here to see if you two are willing to bargain with me. I don't want to be here, Tell me what I need to do to be free of you."

“So, you want to be free of us Miss Roberts.” An evil grin creased Rev. Worthington’s face as he turned to Batard for a hushed conversation. They appeared to argue for a few moments be for turning back to the young redheaded teacher.

“Well Roberts to be free of your contract……” Worthington paused. Then he continued, “and us sweet Drew…….days with us where we can use you as we choose my dear.”

He caressed Drew’s cheek with the back of his hand the gesture was gentle but possessive. “A kiss to seal the bargain Miss Roberts?”

The daemons had made their demands quite clear. If Drew wanted her freedom then she would have to suffer three days in hell.
“Three days…” she repeated quietly, thinking over their offer. Three days seemed like a small price to pay to finally be free of them. Drew wasn’t naive enough to think that those three days were going to be anything short of awful, but if it allowed her to walk away with Flux, she decided she would have to do it.

His hand was repulsive, but she didn’t brush it off. Instead, she leaned in and gave him a brief kiss on the lips before drawing back and nodding. “You have three days, Asmodeus. After that, I’ll be free to leave,”
Asmodeus watched as Drew considered the bargain that he had proposed. When he caressed the young teacher's flawless cheek she didn’t brush it off but Instead, she leaned into it and gave him a brief kiss on the lips before drawing back and nodding. “You have three days, Asmodeus. After that, I’ll be free to leave.”

A kiss Miss Roberts to seal our bargain not a shy little peck my dear I am sure you remember what I expect from a kiss.” It appeared that Asmodeus still demanded Drew’s humiliating and complete surrender in a kiss if it was only a symbol to seal their bargain.

With their bargain sealed it was Rabah that stepped forward his dark eyes blazing to possess the young redhead teacher again. A wicked smile bowed his thin lips. “Strip my dear and make it slow and sensual.”

The daemon was demanding that Drew strip naked not only for him, but to bear her gorgeous young body before all of West Run.
Drew’s lip curled slightly in disdain for Asmodeus when he said he wanted a “real kiss.” She doubted that he would know what a “real kiss” felt like, one that was full of love and affection. He only knew the lustful kisses of sexual desire. Regardless, she knew she would have to give him what he wanted.

She returned her lips to his and kissed him again, this time allowing their tongues to intermingle as he desired. His forked tongue wrapped around hers and slid over it enticingly, as though he was trying to convey just how much he was going to enjoy having her pressed against him once more,

It figured that Rahab would be the first to want her, though she very much wished she didn’t have to be naked in front of everyone. Still, Drew complied, slowly stripping her clothes one by one until all that was left to adorn her lily-white skin was the blush on her cheeks.
The young redheaded Teacher knew that she had no choice but to give the daemon of lust what he wanted in the kiss to seal their bargain. Slowly Drew parted her moist ripe lips, their tongues intermingled as he desired. His forked tongue wrapped around hers and slid over it enticingly, Once more Asmodeus was sexually and emotionally dominating the young teacher as he seemly bent her to his will once more.

As the daemon broke his sinful kiss, he gave Drew to Rabah who commanded to sensually strip. The young redhead, trapped by the bargain she had just made with them. Sensually, seductively began to strip. Each article of her clothing fluttered to the ground until Drew stood before the village wearing nothing but a blush from the tip of her little button nose, to the tip of her toes.

“Shall we welcome your gorgeous young teacher back?”

The daemon of greed smiled into her sweet soft green eyes. “Kneel Miss Roberts.” It was apparent that the daemon planned that the young teacher was to orally please all the men of West Run.”

Drew had to know that this was just the start of her humiliation, Yet this time it was a result of her own choice.