Drew's Teaching Adventure

Asmodeus listened to the exhausted young redhead teacher’s answer then smiled wickedly down in to her soft green eyes. “Oh no my sweet.”

“Why were you borne Drew? You were born to serve me and please me with your gorgeous young body.” As his eyes held hers his tentacles sensually suckled at her firm young breasts.

“Who are you? You are my little human concubine Drew meant to serve me though out eternity.” Asmodeus loved the look in the young teacher’s eyes and the emotions that flashed in their clear naïve depths.

“What will you deny me? You will deny me nothing! Your body is mine to do with as I please.” The daemon punctuated each stamen with a powerful thrust deep into her aroused young pussy. His tentacles caressed and aroused the trapped beauty’s supple young body. His essence had every fiber in her young body a live and hungering for him to grant her the pleasure only he could bring her.

Asmodeus’ trap was laid and now sprung. If Drew decided to accept the reality of what he said she was lost his for eternity. If she rebelled then their bargain was broken, and she was still his. Maybe not for eternity but for as long as she amused him.
Had she been in a better state of mind, she might have had the ability to see through this trap and say something evasive that didn’t confirm nor deny his statements. As it was though, Drew did not have the mental capacity at the moment to outmaneuver the clever daemon, especially not when the deep thrust of his cock disrupted her thoughts, and his devilish tentacles made her lose her breath. He had set the stage for her to fall and she didn’t have anything to hold onto to keep her from slipping into his grasp.

Her eyes had looked shocked, confused, and slightly offended with each statement he made. Drew was most certainly not his pretty little concubine, nor was she born for such a “privilege.” The thought of eternity with him made her stomach flip. Despite the sexual gratification he could give her, Drew would not stand to see her eternity spent being his playboy.

“What?! No! I’m not your concubine? And I wasn’t born for you! It doesn’t matter how many times you make me cum- I’ll never see you as someone I want to dedicate my life to!” She responded, her green eyes flashing. She had no idea what she had just done.
“What?! No! I’m not your concubine? And I wasn’t born for you! It doesn’t matter how many times you make me cum- I’ll never see you as someone I want to dedicate my life to!” Asmodeus loved the emerald green fire that flashed in her eyes. The young teacher had no idea what she had just done.

“So, you are refusing me Miss Roberts.” It was not a question but a mere statement of facts, she had refused him. He watched the gorgeous young beauty realized what she had just done and by doing so she had broken the bargain that she had made.

“Miss Roberts you are mine for as long as want, to use sexually as I please or until your youth and beauty fades my dear.” Drew was trapped, by their bargain, and she was at Asmodeus mercy.

“That is if we do not strike a new bargain Miss Roberts.” The daemon held out a slim hope to the trapped young teacher.
Her eyes widened in horror as she realized what he meant- he had pulled a most devious trick on her. Her heart started beating quickly in panic. It was a mistake to come back here, and she shouldn’t have let Flux convince her otherwise. He had likely known that she would slip up, lulling her into a false sense of security when he stood up for her when they first returned. This was all likely a part of their plan from the beginning.

Despair bubbled up from the surface, and tears started to roll down her cheeks as she lamented the life she could have led if she had just run as far and as fast from this place as she could have. Now it was too late…

Drew turned her head away from him, sobbing, “what more could you possibly want from me?”
Oh, how Asmodeus savor the young redhead’s realization of what she had done the sweet tears that trickled down her flawless cheeks. The way her supple young body shook with her sorrow and the realization that now she belonged to him body and soul. “Do we needs still need these bindings Miss.”

He did not wish her to be bound but accept her new status as his concubine. “Be so kind as drop to your knees my dear.”

“As I said we can strike a new bargain Miss Roberts. If you provide me a gorgeous young innocent virgin as your replacement you can have the freedom you seemed so eager to have.” Asmodeus paused for several minutes so his offer for a new bargain sunk in to the young teacher’s mind. “ My dear you will have a week to search for your replacement and then return here to serve me with your gorgeous young body, after that week again your search will continue. This alternate week pattern will continue for three months. If you are not successfully then my dear you will be mine for eternity.”

He wickedly smiled down into her eyes. “ Oh, Flux will be your traveling companion. Now please me with your sweet young mouth Drew!”
It seemed as though he already knew the answer to his question, for as soon as he spoke the words, Drew's ropes released her wrists and legs. While she was no longer bound, she was considerably less free. There were now bindings tying her very soul to him, and there was naught she could to break from them for sheer strength alone.

She got to her knees as he asked, still weeping softly. So he wanted her to find him another victim? Would she really be free if she sacrificed some poor, innocent woman to take her place? Drew wasn't sure if she had the heart to do it, but at the same time she knew that staying with Asmodeus and allowing herself to be his was not an option.

He made clear his desire when she found his throbbing cock standing erect before her, her own juices dripping from it. She knew what was expected of her, so she opened her mouth and started to lick him clean. His cock was caressed gently, sweetly even, as though it was a delicate thing she didn't want to break. Her pink tongue lapped at his sensitive skin, and soon she was allowing the head of his dick to penetrate her sweet lips.

It hadn't escaped her that Flux was going to be coming along. It figured... He was Asmodeus and Rahab's dog, it seemed, sent to sniff her out and bear its teeth if she ever tried to flee. She was a fool for having ever trusted him. Perhaps she was a fool, simply put. She kept falling for the daemons' schemes, and it didn't seem as though she was getting any wiser.
The young redhead teacher seemed to accept her fate as the sobbing beauty slowly sank to her knees to sensually take his erect cock into her sweet mouth to lovingly suckle him.

For the next week Drew was his little sexual concubine. The young teacher knew what sexually pleased her Master. As usual Flux was there to witness her humiliation every time Asmodeus brought her gorgeous young body unimagine pleasure and soul searing orgasms.

One day as the young redhead was kneeling resting on her heels, her hands palms down on her lily white thighs. “Today Miss Roberts you and Flux will leave for you to begin your search. He will assume the guise of your Uncle Charles.” Asmodeus loved the idea of recreating the young redhead’s betrayal and her present predicament.
"Your benevolence knows no bounds," she responded neutrally. By the end of that week, she couldn't tell whether she felt more depressed or angry. It went back and forth sometimes. Drew knew she certainly didn't like the idea of Flux being in the form of her uncle- he didn't deserve to wear that guise, and it was going to be unsettling to see in and know that on the inside he was simply just another daemon who told lies as easily as breathing.

"When will we leave?" she asked, hoping that she would be allowed to leave sooner rather than later.
Asmodeus listen distractedly as the young teacher asked; "When will we leave?"

“You will be leaving in the morning Miss Roberts. Yet that is ten hours from now. So, my sweet little concubine you your agile young mind to amuse me sexually.” It was a very, very longtime before Drew was allowed to rest and ready herself for her dark search. As always Asmodeus brought dak searing pleasure and humiliating pleasure to her.

The next morning Drew and her uncle Charles left West Run. Flux wondered where in this modern day and age one found a sweet young innocent virgin old enough to replace Drew as Asmodeus’ sexual concubine. The shape-shifting daemon had his own plans for the young teacher over the next week.
She didn't say much to Flux as they drove, merely staring out the window as she tried to figure out the very thing the shape-shifter was wondering. Though she had a better idea for how to do so. The church was a veritable garden when it came to young, innocent women who would please the daemon. The only question was how to lure one to such a secluded place without throwing them in a sack and dragging them there.

Having a shape-shifter might be helpful to lure one of them into following her, but she wasn't going to count on his cooperation. He was only there as her prison guard after all.
Drew was deep in thought as they drove from West Run, of course Flux drove as neither Asmodeus nor he trusted the young redheaded teacher not to run. She pondered the problem of where to find a young innocent virgin. A church was of course the obvious choice, Yet it had to be a church where she was known or a church that would accept her without question.

That of course was not the only problem for Drew knew only too well what attracted Asmodeus’ attention. Innocence, an untouched virgin, that he could devilishly seduce, yet more than that she had to be a gorgeous young beauty. That was only the first problem the young teacher had. The second was how to get the girl, if she found one, to accompany her to the village of West Run.

Flux in the guise of Uncle Charles hand brushed Drew’s thigh. Any idea as to where you shall start your hunt?” As he drove his hand worked under the young redhead’s skirt, his finger tips idly drawing seductive little patters on the young beauty’s inner thigh. “Don’t even think of resisting my dear you know you want to fuck I can smell it from here.” He taunted the trapped young beauty.

Flux knew just how to touch the young redheaded teacher to excite her stunning young body. He had seduced her, he had convincingly posed as her protector at West Run from Asmodeus and Rabah as the three structed their bargain. Yet his fingers now called to the old feelings between Drew and Flux.

“Perhaps you could be looking for a teaching assistant. That would open up the possibility of finding an even younger beauty for Asmodeus. He does like little redheads as you know, but a sassy little brunettes and stunning little blondes also peek his interest.”

Then Flux smiled and simply said, “Shimmy out of your panties Drew Uncle Charles wants to finger fuck you to liven up the drive.”
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As soon as his hand had lighted upon her thigh, her body had started to make itself wet and ready for what it expected would happen next. It seemed as though her physical being had been irrevocably changed from her time with Asmodeus and Rahab, and now she was conditioned to become aroused at the first intimate touch. Perhaps his poison lingered in her system, forever tainting her once chaste body.

Thus, she couldn’t deny that she was already wet for him when he called her out on it. Still, just because she was having a physical reaction to him didn’t mean she wanted that traitor touching her. Besides, she found the idea of her Uncle touching her like that to be repulsive, even if she knew that it wasn’t really him on the inside.

“A teaching assistant is a good idea,” she admitted, albeit in a rather frosty tone. “But you can take your hand back. Just because I’m wet doesn’t mean I want you touching me.” With that, she brushed his hand away and tightly squeezed her thighs shut.
“A teaching assistant is a good idea,” she admitted, albeit in a rather frosty tone. “But you can take your hand back. Just because I’m wet doesn’t mean I want you touching me.”

Flux kept his eyes on the road. “My dear Miss Roberts who asked you what you wanted.”

His voice was smooth sweet but touched with iron. His hand was under her skirt again. “Open your thighs Dear. You would not want Asmodeus, your master, to know that you were refusing his chosen escort for you, now would you Drew.”

Yet the young teacher knew that he knew just how to touch her, to excite her stunning young body. He had seduced her, he had convincingly posed as her protector at West Run from Asmodeus and Rabah as the three structed their bargain. Yet his fingers now called to the old feelings between Drew and Flux. “Your panties Drew.”

As he was tempting the young redhead he continued down the road. “Where to Miss Roberts, a church, a college, or a junior college? Time is flying and come evening I assure you, you will please me with that gorgeous young body of yours.”

He smiled into her soft green eyes. “Make no mistake my sweet you will please me sexually your only choice is to submit willingly, or to be forced.”
She slipped her underwear down her legs and opened her legs for him, but stared out the window to avoid looking at him. There was little of the spark she used to have in her eyes, her soul having been tarnished and ground down beyond recognition.

Drew had once thought that this daemon was different than the other two, perhaps even an ally. He had seemed tender and sweet; he had treated her kindly and spoken to her like an equal. That was all gone now though, and she couldn't be more disappointed. What was the point in fighting anymore? What was the point in anything? Perhaps she should just retreat into herself and live her life as a living doll, breathing but barely there.

"Church college- Saint Andrew's." Drew didn't say a single word to him beyond that, refusing to answer anything but the bare minimum. He could use her, sure, but she didn't feel like allowing him anything other than the flesh on her bones.
“Drew I Am worried about you.” Flux let his guise of Uncle Charles slip. He hear her sigh of resignation as she shimmied out of her panties and turned her head to look out the window as the country side pass by, as the young redheaded teacher opened her lily white thighs to him.

"Church college- Saint Andrew's." The young beauty replied.

There was no spirit in her voice just a depressed note. Flux pulled off the road, he gripped her chin and forcefully turned her to look at him. “Asmodeus is an arch daemon. He can project his essence where ever he desires.” There was a note of frustration in his voice. “ I have always been gentle with you Drew, I protected you at West Run. It was not I but your stiff neck pride that brought you to break your first bargain with Asmodeus and Rahab.” Again, Flux paused he ran his hand over his bald head. His guise of Uncle Charles gone he sat beside Drew in his natural form. “I am a daemon, hardly an arch daemon. I just wanted to give you some pleasure, as I once did.” He shook his head. “Very well is it Church college- Saint Andrew's, it a Church or college? Miss Robetrs.’"
Drew hadn't reacted when he mentioned being worried about her, though when he started to pull off the road, she wondered if maybe he intended to get out and use the restroom or something. Or perhaps he was feeling horny and wanted to bend her over and have a quickie before they hit the road again. She supposed it didn't matter.

To her surprise though, she found herself being made to look him in the eye and listen to him speak. As much as it hurt, he wasn't wrong when he said that her pride had been her undoing. She should have just said something to please Asmodeus rather than agreeing or denying his statements, but she had been a fool. However, while he had indeed always been gentle with her, she doubted his words about just wanting to 'give her pleasure.'

"Ah, you just wanted to 'give me pleasure,' did you? How noble of you. I might have even believed you if you hadn't said not a minute earlier that I was going to please you with my body tonight, and that you didn't care whether I was willing or forced. If you need to get your rocks off, No-name, then go ahead, but don't expect me to treat you like a friend when you don't care what I want or how I feel." She spoke with a monotone, not the biting, poisonous one she would have if she had more energy. No, she was just completely exhausted from being lied to. She didn't feel like using the name she gave him; it was a name she had given to someone she was fond of, yet her fondness was rapidly dwindling.

Part of his speech confused her though. "What do you mean that he can "project his essence wherever he desires though?" What does that have to do with anything?"
"What do you mean that he can "project his essence wherever he desires though." What does that have to do with anything?"

“What does mean Drew. Simple when you broke your bargain with him he became your Master. In a way a part of you. He can see through your eyes and if I do not act as his idea of a daemon is, it will be you that pays the price Drew And you may have Asmodeus as your traveling companion rather than me.”

Ther was a ring of truth in all Flux said. “ Believe me, don’t believe, Drew. Trust me or don’t it is your choice as it has always been with me.”

Flux put the car in gear and pulled out on to the highway. “So where to Miss Roberts.

True he was not an arch daemon like Asmodeus or Rahab, but he was much more of a cunning daemon than either of them. OH, yes he knew how to touch and excite the young teacher’s supple young body. He also knew how to touch her agile young mind and naïve young soul.
Her eyes widened and she started to feel a cold shiver go down her spine. It was very disconcerting to think that Asmodeus could look through her eyes any time he wanted to, or possibly even take over her body. Having him enter Flux's body and spend the rest of the trip with her also turned her stomach, but there was something deeply disturbing about him literally controlling her movements.

Now it made more sense as to why he might be putting up a front, a facade. He didn't want her to have to travel with the daemon she hated most in this world, and that soothed her feelings of animosity towards him.

"Saint Andrews is a college, but it’s funded by the church and only allows Christians to enroll. You could think of it as a church college. A lot of students are required to do work-studies, internships, or missions in order to graduate. That's where I studied to become a teacher before... well, before my life went upside down. You're going to want to go to Elvira." Her tone was softer at this point, and she pursed her lips into a thin line before looking out at the road again.

She was quiet, but it was more of a thoughtful quietness rather than a poisonous one. Perhaps Flux wasn't as bad as she had thought. Could she dare hope? Time would tell.
Drew was quiet as if pondering all that Flux had said. The shape shifting daemon could see the shock and horror in the young redhead’s soft green eyes, that seemed to soften just a bit as he spoke. The young teacher’s pursed her lips into a thin line before looking out at the road again. Flux smiled to himself was that a little half smile that had creased her lips?

"Saint Andrews is a college, but it’s funded by the church and only allows Christians to enroll. You could think of it as a church college. A lot of students are required to do work-studies, internships, or missions in order to graduate. That's where I studied to become a teacher before...” Drews voice trailed off as she turned to once more watched the world pass by.

“You're going to want to go to Elvira." The young redhead’s tone was softer now. Flux knew his words had touched her young naïve soul.

It was evening when they pulled into Elvira. The street lights formed little islands of light. The town was quite, hardly the typical raucous college town. Flux pulled into a small out of the way motel, well better described as tourist cabins. Once more he dawned the guise of Uncle Charles. “It would not due to register in my natural state Drew.

Moment later Flux returned with the key to cabin #13. The cabin had a double bed and a lounge chair. “ I’ll take the chair Flux volunteered. Drew had been asleep for and hour or so, when sensual whisper came to her young mind. “ You have had a long day Drew have you missed my touch my sweet concubine?” there was not doubt that it was Asmodeus’ voice. “ Caress your breasts my sweet let your other had caress your needy clit.” His tempting voice and her own hungering sexual needs assaulted the young teacher’s mind and will.
She had been sleeping so soundly when she was roused from her slumber by the person she least wanted to hear. The woman shivered as it felt like he was there with her, his lips a mere centimeter from her ear. Even as the fear took hold, she knew her body was responding to his lustful presence.

"Please Asmodeus... It has been a long day, and I just want to sleep..." she whispered, hoping beyond hope that he would spare her just one night. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder right? When I come back you can touch me from sun up to sun down. I just... please don't make me..." She swallowed, her fingers twitching slightly as though they wanted to obey him despite how she felt about it.
"Please Asmodeus... It has been a long day, and I just want to sleep..." The hapless young redhead whispered. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder right? When I come back you can touch me from sun up to sun down. I just... please don't make me..."

“Are you breaking are bargain yet again Miss Roberts?”

Flux could feel Asmodeus presence and knew he was assaulting Drew’s young mind. Flux was pleased as Asmodeus self-centered nature would only prove what he had told the young redheaded teacher. He smiled as he saw the young girls fingers twitch and knew she was lost as her master continued to tempt her to do as he commanded. It was if Asmodeus controlled her gorgeous young body.

Flux bided his time till Drew was panting in her need to cum. Then and only then would he come to her as her old friend ready to help her.
"I-" she wanted to say that she wasn't breaking the bargain and that she was merely begging him to have mercy on her, but she knew in her heart that mercy still wasn't something Asmodeus subscribed to. Even voicing this and asking once again would have no effect, she knew. She would have more luck trying to fly.

"No..." she replied with a defeated sigh. All she could do was submit to his demands.

Drew did as she was told, caressing her breast with her left hand as her right snaked down her belly. It was surprising how responsive her body was to a mere touch, as soon she found her pussy aching and wet as she rubbed her sensitive clit. Her fingers tweaked and pulled at her pretty pink nipples at the same time, her hips squirming slowly on the bed as she pleasured herself.

She found herself wishing that he was there to fuck her; immediately she recoiled from the very thought. Was she so depraved that she desired the daemon's caress? She certainly hoped not. Drew tried to keep quiet, not wanting to wake Flux, but she couldn't help but start to pant as she worked herself closer to that sweet promise of pleasure.
Flux watched trough half slitted eyes as the gorgeous young redhead gasped “No” to Asmodeus’ question. He watched as her left hand went to her firm young breast and sensually caressed it even as her right hand slid down across her now quivering abdomen to roll her clit beneath her fingers.

Flux did not know if it was from revulsion or dark anticipation for a taste of pleasure. Soom Drew was panting, gasping, and moaning in her growing arousal as she shamelessly rubbed her sensitive clit and her fingers tweaked and pulled at her pretty pink nipples at the same time.

Flux knew that Asmodeus you never let the young teacher reach her craved for orgasm. “Stop my sweet concubine. You shall not touch yourself less you cum.” Asmodeus commanded.

Then and only then would Flux come to the young redhead. He would let her beg him to fuck her.
She stopped, albeit with great reluctance. “What do you mean stop? Isn’t this what you wanted?!” The young woman whispered breathlessly. She was both confused and frustrated, wondering why he had commanded her to work herself up like this if he didn’t want her to reach the natural conclusion.
“What do you mean stop? Isn’t this what you wanted?!” Drew voice a gasped whisper. The frustration was unmistakable, but she had been trained and conditioned to obey her Master Asmodeus.

Flux felt Asmodeus slip from Drew’s mind. The arch daemon essence was gone. He could hear the young teacher panting, could smell the sweet musky fragrance of her unfulfilled arousal.

“Drew what’s wrong, did you have a bad dream?” He got up and walked to the edge of her bed. He held himself only near but did not sit on the young teacher’s bed. It was up to her to take the next step.