EEK! Sorry sorry sorry sorry

Rumple Foreskin said:
AV's are allowed after 100 posts. If you're in a hurry, go to the Gerneral Discussion board. Shouldn't take but a couple of minutes.
Unless, of course, you value your health. Tried that once, it almost killed me.
raphy said:
Shouldn't that be av-auntie-ular?
Ha ha, Raff. We've been thruough this before, you must have missed MG's 'avuncluar, avauntcular' thread.

I remain avuncular, as in the steretypical lewd and older friend/sponsor type.

perdita said:
We've been thruough this before, you must have missed MG's 'avuncluar, avauntcular' thread.
Dear Perdita,
Condemnation prior to investigation seems to be a trait dear to r's little heart.
No condemnation here, unless everyone's way touchier than I thought.

Raph, not digging through years of back-threads :p