EEK! Sorry sorry sorry sorry

Icingsugar said:
He mentioned in an interview I read that he has phobia for big dogs. I think that is pretty cool for someone considered a divinity to admit. :)
Seriously, Sugar, it was quite an experience to see and hear this lovely man (he came to my uni). I meant that he seemed ordinary despite what one knows or thinks of him.

During a teaching session someone asked what to do when confronted by a person who seemed angry and intent on doing harm (all this in the context of non-violence and compassion in the world). The DL replied, "Run away." Wise man in my book.

perdita said:
Seriously, Sugar, it was quite an experience to see and hear this lovely man (he came to my uni).
Dear Perdita,
What is the DL's fee for an appearance?
MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita, What is the DL's fee for an appearance? MG
None, but as he is a head of state much was spent by the city and federal govt. on security. He stayed in a room on campus (along with security guards). We gave him an honoris causa degree, basically for the same reasons he received the Nobel Peace Prize. And a scholarship to a Tibetan boy whose parents smuggled him out of Tibet when he was an infant (parents unknown to him since). One of my prof. friends has the young man in a class and says he's an extraordinary student who wants to return to his country some day and help other children.

Oprah or Dali Lama???


I am taken back with surprise by the crude pffting you did to Oprah. (A remarkably accomplished woman, like you, and one who I know to be down to earth, keenly aware of her roots, and equally able, when appropriate, to dress quite colorfully, too.)

Perceptions become the reality once again.

No disrespect to those who are given as a birthright titles - especially "reincarnates" - so sufficient that they can forever make a satisfactory living by writing books and giving talks to illuminate "the way" for the masses, while being genuinely cordial to people, maintaining true humility, and knowing how to dress appropriately for the part.

America! Land of opportunity. Give us the downtrodden. (That they, too, can one day live in California, speak with their distinctive Greek or Germanic accents, marry well, and run for governor!)

Seriously, Perdiata, I love your California. (Especially from Muir Woods and points northward - for anywhere those giant redwoods can grow to be so ancient, simply has to be a healthy or enchanted, heavenly place.) To it, over the decades, have been drawn many of the most creative minds on this planet - seeking a similar chance to thrive in that mystical Pacific Coast fog. (Even this humble traveller for a while holed up at the base of Mt. Tam, way back when the artist Christo was hanging out his laundry all over the countryside.)

You should learn not to goad me into rambling retorts. I know you learn almost as quickly as Gould's fingers could ever race across a keyboard. I sense that learning quickly and well is just a part of what you have mastered. But, I like more that you teach, for there shows the goodness of your heart.

Clay - at peace now, meditating on the way, while armed with the knowledge of what others have claimed must be done upon meeting a fellow traveller on the road proclaiming to be Buddha. (But, honestly, not convinced that just because it was written, that it is so. And, even if true, totally uncertain whether he wants to take on the karma load it would require.)
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Clay Tanner: you're OK. Excuse any crudeness, I am only human too (even avuncular according to MG).

I am not much of a country gal but I love Muir Woods, redwood forests and the giant Sequoia in Yosemite (closest I ever felt in the presence of a deity).

I never intend to goad and am often surprised when called a tease.

nearly apologetic, Perdita
perdita said:
I am not much of a country gal but I love Muir Woods, redwood forests and the giant Sequoia in Yosemite
Dear Perdita,
If you ain't seen Fresno in August, you miss the true "California experience."
MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita, If you ain't seen Fresno in August, you miss the true "California experience." MG
MG: Been there, got no tee-shirt. Been to Bakersfield and Stockton too.

Love my SF fog, Perdita
perdita said:
MG: Been there, got no tee-shirt. Been to Bakersfield and Stockton too.
Dear Perdita,
According to the statistics, the area from Fresno to Bakersfield is the most poverty stricken place in the USA. Why anyone would want to live there eludes me.
Ps. Well, Bakersfield has the Buck Owens Expressway, and that's enough to make lots of people want to live there.
MathGirl said:
According to the statistics, the area from Fresno to Bakersfield is the most poverty stricken place in the USA. Why anyone would want to live there eludes me.
Dear MG: I hope you thought you were being sarcastic or ironic or something else. Poverty stricken people don't get to choose where they live.

Originally posted by perdita Poverty stricken people don't get to choose where they live.
Dear Perdita,
No, I was serious. I guess I meant, why do those who have the option of living somewhere else still live there? I have relatives down there who wouldn't live anywhere else.
*is still lost but insists upon remaining so* So who's got unique/fun plans this weekend?

Also Lou, intersting new Avatar... *needs to get his, it's sickeningly cute*

Well see you all later,

Noticing Perdita's new avatar


The body in the red striped shirt in you current avatar, somehow strikes me as more female than male. Is it just me?

And, thank you for affirming yesterday that I am ok. So, too, are you. (Transactional therapy, you no doubt recall, was a breakthough concept in the late 60's and it, much like yourself, have endured well.)

Clay - aging today, much too fast for comfort. Wistfully musing: Given the option of dualing with grandfather time and his wmd, I'd much rather prefer to take on an army of ranging, wild windmills. Yes, armed with only my sufficiently long, but well-worn pike. If Sancho could just be trusted to focus on protecting my hind quarters, and not lusting for it!
Medi - getting an avatar?


So at what point are you awarded an avatar and for what reason do you dally in scoring one? MG's back today to the avatar that I think is so precious. Dual of the raging avatars...Perhaps we should start a thread?

Clay - avatar impaired, but not complaining. (Yet)
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Re: Noticing Perdita's new avatar

Clay Tanner said:
The body in the red striped shirt in you current avatar, somehow strikes me as more female than male. Is it just me?
Hey, Tanner. It's you. There are no female gondolieri; the majority are 'boys', so you might get a femmey angle at times. I had Mr. September from the 2002 gondolieri calendar for my first gondola ride (at twilight). There is one Russki boy, otherwise as with Marco (Sept.) the jobs are familially inherited; he was the 6th generation of rowers in his family.

addio, Dulcinea
Dulcinea's gone gondolier

Oh shit! It is me, isn't it?

Clay (slaps his steed, mumbling to himself,) With Sancho following and smiling sheepishly he rubs again his little pecker still thinking the old knight is unaware of his intentions.

Sancho's not lusting for your hindquarters, he's got an ass of his own, remember?

AV's are allowed after 100 posts. If you're in a hurry, go to the Gerneral Discussion board. Shouldn't take but a couple of minutes.


Clay Tanner said:
So at what point are you awarded an avatar
Dear All,
I believe the above can now be called a Question (N.B.capitalization). Ahem:

"A vast storehouse of cool AVs is kept in the Authors' Hangout vault. A participant is vouchsafed the password thereto immediately following their one hundredth post."

I hope this answer meets with everyone's approval. If there are no objections, I will keep it handy next to the answer to The Question I.
What a novel concept!

Medieval-Man said:
... We can't load in our own AV's?
Dear Me,
Well........ I don't think anyone had ever tried that. Theoretically possible, of course, but I'd hate to think what it would do ........ No, let's not go there.
Ps. Just wait until you get your hundred posts.