Ethics and "perverted justice"

Pure, learn to fucking read

I said specifically look at the most recent cases of pedophiles.

NOT serial killers.
Re: Pure, learn to fucking read

Ebonyfire said:
I said specifically look at the most recent cases of pedophiles.

NOT serial killers.

Now bring it on, asshole! Do not fuck with me today.

Ebonyfire said:
Now bring it on, asshole! Do not fuck with me today.
Oh don't worry ... google's burning overtime right now, i'm sure.

i don't give a rat's rear parts about the statistics, vigilantism, death penalty versus life imprisonment, or any other hold hands around the campfire and sing Kum ba ya.

The predator gets 24 hours. Then he becomes prey.
EB said,

"I specifically said look at the most recent cases of pedophiles."

A fairly meaningless phrase. BUT even looking at 'recent cases'
{not the same as recent cases in the Enquirer} I'll be there's dozen--or hundreds--of cases of non violent pedophilic acts, for every one of the kind you're going on about, where the first or second victim is killed.

But, as Angelic indicates, the facts don't matter so much as the Clint(ina) Eastwood routine.

Oh, and in the spirit,

"Make my day."



Just so's we keep the Eb BS front and center:

The state doesn't have to spend money on numerous appeals to a death sentence, and the sorry fucks get exactly what's coming to them.


Ebony opined,

They already do, Francisco.

If you look at the the recent cases, if the first victim is not killed, then most assuredly the second is.

Pedophilia has a very low (if at all) cure rate, and so most kill their victims after the first so they won't have a witness.
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Pure said:
But, as Angelic indicates, the facts don't matter so much as the Clint(ina) Eastwood routine.

Oh, and in the spirit,

"Make my day."

Nothing routine about it. i hold life quite dear.

When i've taken a life, it's been quite traumatic ... every fucking time.

You want to dance? Let's dance.
Pure said:
EB said,

"I specifically said look at the most recent cases of pedophiles."

A fairly meaningless phrase. BUT even looking at 'recent cases'
{not the same as recent cases in the Enquirer} I'll be there's dozen--or hundreds--of cases of non violent pedophilic acts, for every one of the kind you're going on about, where the first or second victim is killed.

But, as Angelic indicates, the facts don't matter so much as the Clint(ina) Eastwood routine.

Oh, and in the spirit,

"Make my day."


Pure Johnny is right. You ARE a cunt.

And a fake as well.


Just so's we keep the Eb BS front and center:

The state doesn't have to spend money on numerous appeals to a death sentence, and the sorry fucks get exactly what's coming to them.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ebony opined,

They already do, Francisco.

If you look at the the recent cases, if the first victim is not killed, then most assuredly the second is.

Pedophilia has a very low (if at all) cure rate, and so most kill their victims after the first so they won't have a witness.
Re: Goooggggglllle

AngelicAssassin said:
Oh don't worry ... google's burning overtime right now, i'm sure.

i don't give a rat's rear parts about the statistics, vigilantism, death penalty versus life imprisonment, or any other hold hands around the campfire and sing Kum ba ya.

The predator gets 24 hours. Then he becomes prey.

Exactly. I bet if google goes under Pure will have to start using his own brain.

So if you smell wood burning, you will know what it is!

Google is down, and Pure is thinking
I think when the word BS comes up, I am positive that your name is ahead of mine.
As for making your day?


I am pulling a Pure to add this edit:

Is that the best you can do, ripping off Clint Eastwood?
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Eb blathers some more (according to Pure)

While you are searching Google to make your case and to try to make Me and others who have differing views look bad; I will leave you with this.

I have a new nickname for you Pure.

You are the Vulture of the BDSM Forum.

You fly over other people's thoughts like the aforenamed carrion bird.
You swoop down to pick at the carcass of other folk's thoughts. You eat the dead meat of the posts and and digest it as you please.
You either regurgitate or defecate it back in an undecipherable smelly heap.
You should change your name from Pure to Putrid.

It suits you.
Try again

Pure said:

Just so's we keep the Eb BS front and center:

The state doesn't have to spend money on numerous appeals to a death sentence, and the sorry fucks get exactly what's coming to them.
Here are the originals.
AngelicAssassin said:
au contraire ... just put them in the general population, and let them take care of the problem.

The state doesn't have to spend money on numerous appeals to a death sentence, and the sorry fucks get exactly what's coming to them.
Ebonyfire said:
AngelicAssassin said:
au contraire ... just put them in the general population, and let them take care of the problem.

The state doesn't have to spend money on numerous appeals to a death sentence, and the sorry fucks get exactly what's coming to them.
They already do, Francisco.

If you look at the the recent cases, if the first victim is not killed, then most assuredly the second is.

Pedophilia has a very low (if at all) cure rate, and so most kill their victims after the first so they won't have a witness.

Also, there are far too many cases that slip through the cracks. If you look at the most famous cases, they show that they were mishandled, in that the perpetrator was allowed to walk, and he then chose to kill his victim rather than have a witness to testify against him.

My morality says kill the muthas!
If you're going to call BS, your words, at least point it in the right direction. i don't have to figure out what you were attempting to say without having to scour the entire thread.

Better yet, try using the quote button, multiple windows and use cut and paste. i can skip the "What the hell did he just say," and get on to the subject matter.
Re: Try again

AngelicAssassin said:
Here are the originals.

They already do, Francisco.

If you look at the the recent cases, if the first victim is not killed, then most assuredly the second is.

Pedophilia has a very low (if at all) cure rate, and so most kill their victims after the first so they won't have a witness.

Also, there are far too many cases that slip through the cracks. If you look at the most famous cases, they show that they were mishandled, in that the perpetrator was allowed to walk, and he then chose to kill his victim rather than have a witness to testify against him.

My morality says kill the muthas!
If you're going to call BS, your words, at least point it in the right direction. i don't have to figure out what you were attempting to say without having to scour the entire thread.

Better yet, try using the quote button, multiple windows and use cut and paste. i can skip the "What the hell did he just say," and get on to the subject matter. [/B][/QUOTE]

That would take thinking.
Eb said,


Thanks! I likewise compliment you on the creativity of your posts.


Perhaps, Madam, you would be so kind, as to state what your claim is, about pedophiles?

Persons reading this thread might appreciate it.


Re: Re: Try again

Ebonyfire said:
That would take thinking.

That is one thing there never seems enough of...

And then there is he who *thinks* he knows what everyone else *thinks* and *thinks* he has to put it in context for all the rest of us to *think.*
Pure said:
Eb said,


Thanks! I likewise compliment you on the creativity of your posts.


Perhaps, Madam, you would be so kind, as to state what your claim is, about pedophiles?

Persons reading this thread might appreciate it.



Fuck off!
Listen Putrid,

I could go around with you on this, but quite frankly, I choose not to.

You want to play games and quite frankly, since you never give one ounce of personal thought or opinion, you can kiss My black ass.

You will not get Me involved in your bullshit.

Try telling us all what Your personal opinion is?

Can you do that within invoking the great God of Google?
Eb said,

Listen Putrid,


Perhaps, Madam, you would be so kind as to re state your claim about pedophiles, for the benefit of others of far greater mental abilities than myself, who might be reading this thread.

Eb said,

Try telling us all what Your personal opinion is?

It's that the vast majority of pedophiles--and even of those who are arrested--- never murder anyone.**

Now, would you kindly state Your person opinion on the matter and/or re-state your original claim for others' benefit.



**essentially said in my first response.
Pure said:
Eb said,

Listen Putrid,


Perhaps, Madam, you would be so kind as to re state your claim about pedophiles, for the benefit of others of far greater mental abilities than myself, who might be reading this thread.


First of all I made no "claims". I stated a reply to Francisco about the outcome of the recent case about pedophiles who murder.

So, since you have yet to post any thoughts of your own on the subject, but instead have replyed with truncated quotes of other people, AND you have not mention one iota of original thought yourself,
you can fuck off.

Now I am finished with you and this thread.
This is a very emotional subject, with feelings running very deep. I can fully understand the mother or father that takes the matter into their own hands. What you should however consider always is your children and what will happen to them if you get thrown into prison, not only do they have to live with the experience of being violated but now they also have to miss one of their parents.

Leave it to the justice system at least to start with; give the system a change to do what it is for. If it fails you can still always do what you wanted to do. At the minimum they will know that when they get out you will be waiting.

And then if they have been in jail a couple of years, your children have had the chance of your guidance and with a bit of luck they will have grown up. And maybe you will have had the chance to cool down before having the child molester create another victim in one go. Because if he can violate a child and then have you go to prison, he will have made 2 victims and destroyed 2 lives at the minimum, in one go, two for the price of one.

I do think that the death penalty is the correct penalty for this, if only because child molestation is a reoccurring crime and we need to protect children who are the most precious gifts we have in this world.

Pure said:

Perhaps, Madam, you would be so kind as to re state your claim about pedophiles, for the benefit of others of far greater mental abilities than myself, who might be reading this thread.


How about you explain your stance on *anything*?

I have rarely seen anyone as obtuse or vague as you are. I think, no one has a question about my position when I post here. I have no fucking clue most of the time, what you believe or stand for. Therefore, I normally ignore your posts and scroll past to posts by people whose position is usually very clear for me to understand. Furthermore, if a post is more than one paragraph long, I usually won't read that, either. You have been known to say very little in a lot of space.
Eb said,

I stated a reply to Francisco about the outcome of the recent case about pedophiles who murder.

Since you won't, I'll re-state your position in a way that I'm sure we can all agree with, myself included.

Of all pedophiles in prison for murder, almost all have killed one or more of their child victims.


ADR said,

I have rarely seen anyone as obtuse or vague as you are. I think, no one has a question about my position when I post here. I have no fucking clue most of the time, what you believe or stand for.

Thank you Madam. I enjoy reading your posts too, which always say something, if only briefly.

My positions on most issues I post on, have been clearly (?) stated in numerous instances, though often I lack your ability to be concise.

Pure said:
Eb said,

I stated a reply to Francisco about the outcome of the recent case about pedophiles who murder.

Since you won't, I'll re-state your position in a way that I'm sure we can all agree with, myself included.

Of all pedophiles in prison for murder, almost all have killed one or more of their child victims.



Like I said, you missed My point, so I am outa here!