Ethics and "perverted justice"

Thanks for your posting are truly a remarkable young woman of great strength. This type situation is the one reason I refused to accept training or a job with Family Services after completing my degree. I had too many friends who went through the system they provided and were damaged for life by it, and knew of the short comings in service provision from my personal interaction on a professional level.

While people argued that is why should want to work there, I knew the burnout rate of workers, and the feeling of futility of working in an environment where basically your hands are tied by red tape and insufficient funding, and therefore lives lost every day. To be fair, the majority of workers are committed to saving children from situations you describe, and that is why they burnout so easily. They are in a system ruled by government bodies who really don't understand (or care about) the reality, and are not sufficiently funded to work in a way which supports fairness and protection for all children. For me, in any area of child protection, it was a last resort.

That being said, as someone outside the situation I would not begin to pretend understand your exact feelings of outrage at what has happened to your sisters, but can imagine it runs the gamut of emotions. They need you now, and in the future, so please take care of your actions in relation to a blight on the face of the earth who would no more care about you sacrificing your life to save them than he would fly to the moon. He is not worth the heartache so many would feel if you took the law into your own hands, nor do I think you want to give him the satisfaction of once again hurting your loved ones, and you. Take care.

catalina_francisco said:
Hey, do not insult rabbits, I like rabbits, they are nice, cute and cuddly. The greatest thing about them is that when you get tired of them you just cut their throat and put them in a stew. They are like edible toys.


I kinda feel the same way about babies but they (babies, not rabbits) are much harder to get ahold of often

Think someone will post me on an internet baby-eater blacklist now???
Niteshade said in part (quoted at the end):

I agree with Catalina and Francisco, that it sounds like a gut- wrenching situation. And you feel how you feel. And I wouldn't say what to do, since you know your alternatives. I'm glad it's seems to be working out, from what you say. :rose:


A well known writer made the following Proposal, kind of a 'privatization' idea, which I think you -- and maybe the Angelic one, too-- might agree with. I kinda like it..

Proposal: Abolish all laws around murder, including, of course, revenge/retribution murders such as you describe.

Notice how that would allow your clearing up the situation; drive down to the guy's place and shoot him. Maybe a relative of his will come and try to kill you, but maybe not; cross that bridge when you get there.

This approach too would solve too, the original problem of this thread. If someone's name is posted wrongly, they can simply hunt down mr. 'perverted justice' (I forget the moniker) and shoot him.





This means that that sick bastard is running around loose somewhere, ready and able to do the same thing to some other 14 or 15 year old girl (or boy, some of the movies he had them watch showed very young boys in gay scenes)

Would I kill him if I could???? Oh, please believe it. I didn't do it at the time as I have no intention of going to jail and leaving my sisters all alone... and now I don't know where he is. Do I have a loaded gun with his name on it, if he ever dares show his face again? Oh yes. I would shoot his balls off and let him bleed to death while I stood over him and smiled.

No one who has not been in the situation has any right to tell me how they think it should be handled. You go right on believing in Truth, Justice, and the American way... I am the one who has to deal with two fucked up young girls who got no justice. Death is too good for him... or for anyone who abuses a child.
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