
Radioactive, glow in the dark? You may not be aware you are speaking to someone who lives only a stone's throw from Area 51. Radioactive glow is something I can speak to. LOL
But seriously, I already glow in the dark and everywhere else I need to, for that matter.
And a p.s.

I have had absolutely no trouble "hearing" your tone or that of PB. As I said before, I think spirit shines through our words here. I see and "hear" the spirit of a couple very funny men. :heart:
A Desert Rose said:
Radioactive, glow in the dark? You may not be aware you are speaking to someone who lives only a stone's throw from Area 51. Radioactive glow is something I can speak to. LOL
But seriously, I already glow in the dark and everywhere else I need to, for that matter.

Hmmm... I live near (what is, I believe) the only North American government-endorsed sighting of a UFO, where some think the Holy Grail rests.

I like a heathy glow.

oh yea?

Well the Alien Highway goes right through Las Vegas, so there :p

And I love the afterglow...... over and over again. :heart:
IMHO, the list of "rules" for behavior are pretty sound. I'd like to see us adopt something like that, but doubt that it would actually be enforced.
Yes, Des, I agree. The problem is, there is no way to enforce them. Online, we have to operate on the honor system. We can only control our own behavior.
MsWorthy said:
Yes, Des, I agree. The problem is, there is no way to enforce them. Online, we have to operate on the honor system. We can only control our own behavior.

So true. And personally, I feel the honor system...using it, working with it, is really how one's everyday life is. If you can't manage to do it on a bulletin board -- it warrants taking a look at how you're living your life.

I'm speaking from experience -- not chastising. When I've been out of line, I've thought about how I'm behaving in R/L as's just a good reminder.

P. :rose:
MsWorthy said:
Yes, Des, I agree. The problem is, there is no way to enforce them. Online, we have to operate on the honor system. We can only control our own behavior.

I know and agree 100%. But, written codes of conduct for a community (even though they aren't enforceable in practical terms) do sometimes help with behavior control. For some people, peer pressure and community norms are quite powerful.
Re: ADR & Zipman7....

Lancecastor said:
.....I think you've both said very nearly the same thing....that intelligent people ought to know and behave better.

(By the way, Hi Zipman7, good to meet you.)


Hey Lance,

Pleasure to meet you as well. I actually posted to your moderation board a little earlier - hope you enjoy it.


Desdemona said:

I know and agree 100%. But, written codes of conduct for a community (even though they aren't enforceable in practical terms) do sometimes help with behavior control. For some people, peer pressure and community norms are quite powerful.

I agree with you 100%. I see MUCH value in adding a "Code To Post By", containing MUCH of what Lance put in his first post on this thread. :rose:
I think a stated policy on Etiquette would be a helpful thing as long as it was voluntary. But who listens to the masses anymore.
Some sites have a pop up as you enter with suggested etiquette.

Again, this is not an issue exclusive to our little corner of lit.'

Perhaps Laurel and Manu would consider a sticky somewhere or points and hints for posting in the faq?

MissTaken said:
Some sites have a pop up as you enter with suggested etiquette.

Again, this is not an issue exclusive to our little corner of lit.'

Perhaps Laurel and Manu would consider a sticky somewhere or points and hints for posting in the faq?

While that would also be beneficial,...I still think it would HELP if we had it INCLUDED with our *sticky* near the top of our Forum page.

There are STILL many places on Lit that I have not visited,...and I am sure there are many more like me,...who only post and or read a few Forums. :D
To include that in the sticky, I would want to call it

"Tips and pointers for posting"

Rather than "Etiquette" or any derivation thereof. I think you need to be careful not to insult new comers before they even start posting.

However, as Lance has pointed out on more than one occasion, the stickies don't get read as readily as other stuff.

MissTaken said:
To include that in the sticky, I would want to call it

"Tips and pointers for posting"

Rather than "Etiquette" or any derivation thereof. I think you need to be careful not to insult new comers before they even start posting.

However, as Lance has pointed out on more than one occasion, the stickies don't get read as readily as other stuff.

Sounds good to ME.

(I am just trying to have the last word on the matter) LOL-:rose:
In the time I've been on lit my appreciation for the free speech policy has grown.

I've seen some horribly unfair attacks, name calling, etc. And ya know what? Nobody's died of it.

I have no problem with etiquette. In fact I'm a big fan of it. I try to never make personal attacks and I avoid witch hunts and cliques. I avoid intentionally hurting someone's feelings.

But the thing is, the more rules you have, the less freedom there is.

Intelligent people of good will will try to be courteous (whatever that means within the context of where they're at). Others will use "rules" as clubs, to try to ostracize those they disapprove of.

Whenever a fight breaks out, people will say: "you've broken this rule," or "you've broken that one."

And the rules don't enforce themselves. Somebody has to decide.

The ugliest fights are always about power: who owns what, and who is "in" and who is "out." Who has the final say?

My own thought about why there are fewer problems on the GB is that it's unmoderated.

Like I said, I have nothing against etiquette. I've read every Miss Manners book. I like talking about it. I'm open to suggestions. I'm leery of the "community" deciding what it is though.
Persephone and Willow? My impression is that people who say they're "thin-skinned" often have the biggest hearts and the most courage of all.
Crazy Thoughts...

What if we simply chose to (mostly) abide by an expanded set of values here?

What if we pointed new folk to those values and asked them to consider them when posting?

What if we found a way to be more chill when we felt slammed and just answered "why do you say that?", then listened?

Would we need more herbs & CHoo3 to be that way?

Would we be wierder wierdos?

What if we used the Edit function more when we got carried away?

What if we chose to smile more often?

What if we chose to assume we were mostly neat people with interesting tales to tell?



I just wanted to get in the last word on the topic. :rolleyes:

We wouldn't be wierdos?

These thoughts have been posted over and again throughout the last couple of weeks.

They are sound and solid.

Let's go there.
Just do it.

As far as a sticky with netiquette goes, if the mods don't feel comfie doing it, someone here could simply draft something like that and keep bumping it to page one.

It could be referenced by link when welcoming people as well.

Just my "Oh God, insomnia again tonight" thoughts.

I thought Sandia and Lance were the only contenders here on getting in the last word. NOW,
MissT has got insomnia,...just my luck. I think I will just FORFEIT the game,............. (Hell,...I can't win NOW) :rose:
Re: Damn

artful said:
I thought Sandia and Lance were the only contenders here on getting in the last word. NOW,
MissT has got insomnia,...just my luck. I think I will just FORFEIT the game,............. (Hell,...I can't win NOW) :rose:

Sho nuff!
