
Sandia has it, I think ....

Originally posted by Sandia
But the thing is, the more rules you have, the less freedom there is.
Like I said, I have nothing against etiquette. I've read every Miss Manners book. I like talking about it. I'm open to suggestions. I'm leery of the "community" deciding what it is though.

I agree with this. And I go back to what I have originally said: If I read an unkind post, I go on to the next. We are all saying basically the same thing here. No one can change another's behavior. If someone is a jerk, there's nothing to be done about them. And kind, caring, mature adults will be shown for what they are. No amount of rules of etiquette will change the mean, miserable types. That is just my meek opinion and I am now open for attack. Remember, I am thin skinned but there's a bitch under there. :heart:

A Desert Rose said:
Remember, I am thin skinned but there's a bitch under there. :heart:

Don't mind me,...I'm just attempting to get in the last word on this thread. :rose:
Re: Last word

A Desert Rose said:
Ok I concede the last word to you Art. It's all yours lol.:heart:

How is it I know you have your fingers poised above the keyboard even at this very moment? Anticipating the thrill of victory while I experience the agony of defeat.

Was this a shift change from MissT to ADR? Are you her relief? Must I stay awake for days on end to have the "Last Word"?

Hey,...there may be royalties involved if I could convince one of those Burbank studios to title a movie on,..."The Last Word". :devil:
I am calling you Cleo the psychic

and yes Miss T passed the baton on to me. But as I said- I concede the very absolute last word to you pal. ;) :heart:

A Desert Rose said:
and yes Miss T passed the baton on to me. But as I said- I concede the very absolute last word to you pal. ;) :heart:

Really,...I have to concede you,...or someone else the *VICTOR*, (or victoress). Being a man of my word,...I had forfeited the game earlier. Alas,...I gave up JUST as VICTORY was in sight.
:devil: :(
You two sound like Chip n' Dale.

At least you were polite about it.


As far as a sticky with netiquette goes, if the mods don't feel comfie doing it, someone here could simply draft something like that and keep bumping it to page one.

I nominate you MissT. I'll help you bump.

Now someone please post after me. I really don't want to win this last post competition.
Just a thought

Perhaps, before the rules or tips or pointers are listed, someone could draft a short paragraph that provides some context for why the rules or tips or pointers are there.

Perhaps something along the lines of: These tips have been included in order to create a forum where ideas are discussed freely and openly while people are respected as individuals.

Of course, someone else could probably say it better.
Sandia said:

As far as a sticky with netiquette goes, if the mods don't feel comfie doing it, someone here could simply draft something like that and keep bumping it to page one.

I nominate you MissT. I'll help you bump.


anarchy! :D
Re: Lance?

MissTaken said:
As far as a sticky with netiquette goes, if the mods don't feel comfie doing it, someone here could simply draft something like that and keep bumping it to page one.

It could be referenced by link when welcoming people as well.

Funny thing, I was thinking along the *exact* same lines MissT -- and I was just hoping YOU'D be the one to suggest it!

(Wow, that esp thing seems to be working.) ;)

I think you and Sandia would be great to draft it together.

I'd certainly help *bump* it along. :D

P. :rose:
Sandia said:
Persephone and Willow? My impression is that people who say they're "thin-skinned" often have the biggest hearts and the most courage of all.

I completely agree with you Sandia. What a lovely thing to say too.

BTW -- if you didn't notice above -- I nominated *you* to help draft some netiquette with MissT -- hehehe. ;)

I think you've said a lot of great, cogent things here in the last few days. Odd thing is, lol, I always noticed you from time to time on the GB -- but it's difficult to suss out much intelligence or sense from *anyone* there! (Although -- I also highly respect a little humor, wit, nuttiness and sarcasm. So go figure.)

But, it's nice to get to know people a little better in this forum -- easier to "hear" people's voices.

That's not to say I'll give up the GB ;)

P. :rose:
The Meat

It seems to me that, as was suggested in the A-Z Dictionary thread, that the meat of the matter here could be captured and added to the sticky as an FAQ.

Perhaps the Mods will do that ....I've noticed they moved a thread or two today, so somebody up there has the keys to the place.

Lance... made the rudest addition to the "missing cym" thread and it was completely uncalled for.

I think you know it too -- it was tremendously insulting to the rest of us posting there.

You've had your fights with cym -- now drop it and move on. Or that is of course -- unless you have no interest in etiquette on this board?

I thought you going on and on about making some improvements here.

If you want to -- then start by practicing what you preach.

If you can't see something about cym without making an obnoxious comment then not only are you being disrespectful of her (and of course, we have no way of knowing if she's on or not) but EVEN more so -- you're showing incredible disrespect to the rest of us who posted.

And don't tell me to lighten up or have a bit of humor here, because you know I have a damn good one. I happen to know when to use it appropriately.

What you did makes you look like nothing but a hypocrite...I'm not saying you are one -- I'm saying that's how your actions make you appear -- was that your actual intention?

It also quite frankly makes you appear that you're incredibly threatened by her -- and I think you have no need to show yourself up in that kind of light.

Just some food for thought. Try not to "avoid" swallowing it.

Last edited:
Re: Lance...

You misread my post, Perse.

And my intentions.

You neither speak for the Board nor can read my mind, so please refrain from telling me that everyone is insulted and that I'm a hypocrite.

Because that's where the insult begins.


Persephone36 said: made the rudest addition to the "missing cym" thread and it was completely uncalled for.

I think you know it too -- it was tremendously insulting to the rest of us posting there.

You've had your fights with cym -- now drop it and move on. Or that is of course -- unless you have no interest in etiquette on this board?

I thought you going on and on about making some improvements here.

If you want to -- then start by practicing what you preach.

If you can't see something about cym without making an obnoxious comment then not only are you being disrespectful of her (and of course, we have no way of knowing if she's on or not) but EVEN more so -- you're showing incredible disrespect to the rest of us who posted.

And don't tell me to lighten up or have a bit of humor here, because you know I have a damn good one. I happen to know when to use it appropriately.

What you did makes you look like nothing but a hypocrite...I'm not saying you are one -- I'm saying that's how your actions make you appear -- was that your actual intention?

It also quite frankly makes you appear that you're incredibly threatened by her -- and I think you have no need to show yourself up in that kind of light.

Just some food for thought. Try not to "avoid" swallowing it.

go ahead and ignore me......

I am making yet ANOTHER attempt at a post that I am sure most of you will ignore.
I don't understand why everything has to be so intense. I have enough of that in my real life, as I am sure most of you do, too. I find some levity and humor to be refreshing and entertaining, especially in regards to topics that can be difficult, painful and sad.
Am I the only one who sees that someone like Lance masks his sincere feelings of sadness in humor? While being humorous he is showing what he really feels about issues and personalities here. What appears to some here as lightheartedness and yes, occassionally caulousness, is not at all what his message is. I am not defending him. I am explaining that I understand his wit and enjoy it. He has a gift at turning a phrase and turning something that can be painful and sad into something we can at least smile at. There is a spirit under our words. Try to look for it. You might be surprised at who is really there.
Well, I am showing my soft underbelly- come get it. I can take the attacks. :heart:
Re: Re: Lance...

Lancecastor said:
You misread my post, Perse.

And my intentions.

You neither speak for the Board nor can read my mind, so please refrain from telling me that everyone is insulted and that I'm a hypocrite.

Because that's where the insult begins.


I accept that you feel I misread your intentions Lance.

I did find unfunny, if that was the point of it. And that's what I found insulting -- so if you want to talk about where the insults's right there in tone.

Look I'm not about to pussy foot around things with you either. You're a big boy you can handle it.

I did also find it disrespectful to the tone of the thread.

I never said I spoke for the rest of the board, don't go there.

And I specifically did NOT call you a hypocrite.

I asked you to think about the way your post could be construed.

If you respect me -- then you'll honor my reaction.

*And* I have no ill regard for you. I think we can discuss something or agree to disagree -- but disagreement isn't the same as an insult.

P. :rose:
Allow me to add...

that I did appreciate the your second post to thread we're discussing. I think it made what you yourself said was an obtuse joke -- a little less callous.

In my personal opinion.

And unless you have something you wish to say in response -- I think the matter is settled.

P. :rose:
Haven't you all noticed something?

No matter how many good intentions anyone has here or anywhere else online, the fact remains that the computer is a poor medium for communication.

What seems benign, in the spoken word, becomes acid laden when posted online.

With so many of us coming from different countries, backgrounds, ethnic groups, etc., it is almost impossible to get the true meaning of what is intended without the nuances of speech, inflection, eye contact, and body language (to name a few).

So, if we are really serious about etiquette, why don't we just make it easy on the Mods and each other by just ASKING for clarification before assuming the worst of each other.

I know the temptation to sling those arrows oF outragous fortune is just too tempting for some of us to pass by, but to use an overrated catch phrase:


Ebonyfire <looking for the Advil bottle...again>
Re: Haven't you all noticed something?

Ebonyfire said:
I know the temptation to sling those arrows oF outragous fortune is just too tempting for some of us to pass by, but to use an overrated catch phrase:


Ebonyfire <looking for the Advil bottle...again>

Good point Ebonyfire -- and taken.

Can you pass me the tylenol, lol? ;)

P. :rose:
Re: Re: Haven't you all noticed something?

Persephone36 said:

Good point Ebonyfire -- and taken.

Can you pass me the tylenol, lol? ;)

P. :rose:
Tylenol never works for me! But here, I have some left. LOL
Re: Re: Re: Haven't you all noticed something?

Ebonyfire said:

Tylenol never works for me! But here, I have some left. LOL

Oh, uh, never works for me either that way, lol...I just happen to have a headache from being on the computer so I thought -- we might as well have virtual pharmacy! :D

Anyone for a few anti-depressants? Codeine? Nasal spray?

(thanks for the tylenol, Ebonyfire, by the by...) ;)

P. :rose: