
Dusty, we're all thinking about you. I hope you'll let us know if things have turned out for you.
I don't know Dusty or Jen too well, but I really hope they got things sorted.

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed - in the meantime, you are both welcome to pm me if you want to chat.
MissTaken said:
Has anyone heard from Dusty?

:( I am concerned !

I was just thinking the same thing Miss T. Has anyone heard from Dusty today??

Dusty, please come back and let us know you are ok. (or that you're hurting whichever) We, your friends, are worried and concerned about you!!

I have been talking to Dusty in IM - she is hurting, still hoping that things will turn out ok...

But she is ok!
I'm glad to hear that, after all that she's been through, this must be really tough for her.
Does anyone know ...

.. what really is happening?

After Dusty changed that original post I just am at a total loss to the present situation...

It looked unbelievable at first - then a little better seeing that it is not true (though not less upsetting), but now I read Dusty is hurting ... I just am not aware of the present state of things, so maybe someone can enlighten me on what really IS happening ?

Are they still meeting - talking at least? or is all blown off? Or am I the only one oblivious to the facts? Then feel free to ignore my questions.

My sub went through the exact same thing. Drop me a note if you would like to speak with her.
Re: Does anyone know ...

Hecate said:
.. what really is happening?

After Dusty changed that original post I just am at a total loss to the present situation...

It looked unbelievable at first - then a little better seeing that it is not true (though not less upsetting), but now I read Dusty is hurting ... I just am not aware of the present state of things, so maybe someone can enlighten me on what really IS happening ?

Are they still meeting - talking at least? or is all blown off? Or am I the only one oblivious to the facts? Then feel free to ignore my questions.

You and me both miss never around.
Vivacia said:
I have been talking to Dusty in IM - she is hurting, still hoping that things will turn out ok...

But she is ok!

Thanks for the update. We were all worried.

I'm sorry for being such a schmuck and worrying everyone. I guess I have been avoiding this thread, hoping that I had good news.

I have my answers I think and they aren't good.

I was wrong to post this and incriminate her before I knew the answers. So I will abstain from telling what happened until I talk to her tonight. I'm confronting her with what I found out today. I'm not looking forward to it. Because even though I'm hurt, I still love her for who I have become through her. And I still love her for who she was.

Please accept my humble apologies. If anyone wishes me to leave, I will do so.
Dustygrrl said:
Please accept my humble apologies. If anyone wishes me to leave, I will do so.

Don't you be doing that girl. We've lost too many good people lately.

Plus, I don't think it's in your best interest to be away where there's support.

But, thank's for letting us know that you're still around.
Dusty I can't imagine what you have to apologize for, or why anyone would want you to leave. People like and admire you here.

Sandia is so right. You have nothing to apologize for. You're upset -- you have a right to come to people who will give you support when you're in need of it. Don't be afraid to lean on your friends -- they want you to do that.

P. :rose:
Hell no, Dusty

No reason to leave
No reason to apologise
Your friends and a host of well-wishers are here. If it works out for you, we will all cheer for you.
If it doesn't, we will all be here with you.

Good luck
Last edited:

Nobody wants you to leave, and there is nothing to apologize about. You were and are hurt, if you can't talk about it and let it out, it will build inside you. Please let us know how it goes tonight. We are all worried about you.

Let me get this right.

You get deceived, you get hurt, your the one in pain, but you ask if people here want you to leave?

Dusty, people here care for you, people at more than one place care for you, for what you are and yes for what she has help you to become, but Dusty have a good look around, and you'll see that no-one wants you to leave, no-one wants to see you punish yourself the way you are (even if it's the only thing you can think to do right now).

Please stay and talk to everyone here, and I'm pretty sure that you'll see that more than one of us has been through what your going through now. Remember that it is NOT you that has done wrong and it is NOT you that should suffer alone.

Dusty, please be aware of the fact that people here want you to be happy again, and although that will take time and effort on both our side and your side, we want to help you through your time of need.

Dusty, we are all here should you need any one of us.
Thank you all... My mind is mush and nothing is making much sense to me. But I will read and respond later. I've been up for 48 hours straight and have yet to keep any food down so I'm at least going to try to sleep.

She never called me. I never confronted her. Her phone is off. She's avoiding me, and that doesn't speak well for her.

mkay, can't keep my eyes open to even type a sentence. Good night A/all
Dusty - I can't and won't speak for anyone else, however, I want to see you stay here among your friends and support network. I know you're hurting right now, as well as confused. Please take whatever time you need for you and then let the others of us who care about you help where ever we can. You are a wonderful asset to this board, and a very special Lady!!

Get some rest, Hon, you will need it.

:rose: x 12
dixicritter said:
Dusty - I can't and won't speak for anyone else, however, I want to see you stay here among your friends and support network. I know you're hurting right now, as well as confused. Please take whatever time you need for you and then let the others of us who care about you help where ever we can. You are a wonderful asset to this board, and a very special Lady!!

Get some rest, Hon, you will need it.

:rose: x 12

Girly, the only way ou wrong is to say you cant speak for no one else. You sure spoke for me there, square business.
keep talking dixi

you are right on the money.

Come home to U/us when you are ready. you will never be alone with so many caring for you.
Where do I start?

Hmmmm, I guess an apology would be nice.

I finally talked to Jen. She was very sick last night and couldn't get to the phone. She never bought the plane ticket because she chickened out. She was afraid to tell me. She was going to do it last night and thinks that is why she got so sick.

We have a lot to discuss right now. We are pretty much starting things from the beginning and taking it slow. We will have a very platonic relationship until she is ready for something to happen. And for right now, I guess the collar goes off. She can collar me again when she chooses that she is ready.

I'm not the only one that has been hurt. She has been hurt too and I know that makes things difficults.

We will discuss the things that I don't understand and the things she has said that I doubt the truth of.

I'm proceeding with caution, but I will proceed because I do love her.

In relationships pain is generally on both sides when something goes wrong.

I am very pleased that you and Jen are talking and will try to work through the difficulties cautiously but without anger.

I am always here for you when you need Me..to share the good and the bad.
Maybe Im making assumptions but looked at from Jens POV this whole deal is got to be scary. If I read right, she is not just pretty new to BDSM but to lesbianism too. So I can have some understanding that she chickened out. But now the trust has to be built up again.
If you love each other as true as I think you do it will work out. You shown patience and strength before Dusty, try to have some now. I know its gonna be hard for you but hang in there.

And a message to Jen if shes reading. I cant speak for no one but me, but I aint ready to call you out for all this. Peole can understand your side too while still being concerned about Dusty. Me, I dig ya both and hope this turns out best so you both are happy.