
Firstly, Dusty ... well done on posting!

I am so pleased you have talked to Jen. And I am glad that you two are going to take things slowly ... may you eventually find your dreams (both of you) come true.


And I echo what Shadowsdream has said ... I am here when you need me. :)
Good post, MzChrista

Yes, Jen...

speaking for myself, there is no ill will.

Please, come back if you feel comfortable and who knows?

Maybe some of our folks can help you guys work things out.

hugs to all
My heart is with both of you Jen...you know where I am and that My friendship is yours.

No judgement from Me but lots of support in anyway that will benefit you as a couple or individually.
Dusty, i am in awe. You are far stronger than i, probably stronger than you believed yourself to be. The amount of trust and belief you have in yourself and your love is inspiring.

Wishing you only the best.

MzChrista said:
Maybe Im making assumptions but looked at from Jens POV this whole deal is got to be scary. If I read right, she is not just pretty new to BDSM but to lesbianism too. So I can have some understanding that she chickened out. But now the trust has to be built up again.
If you love each other as true as I think you do it will work out. You shown patience and strength before Dusty, try to have some now. I know its gonna be hard for you but hang in there.

And a message to Jen if shes reading. I cant speak for no one but me, but I aint ready to call you out for all this. Peole can understand your side too while still being concerned about Dusty. Me, I dig ya both and hope this turns out best so you both are happy.

ditto that!!!

...and please - as you can - include us through the hard times as well as the happy ones, we're all just doing the best we can and it's such a relief to have a place to come together with common purpose and belief.
Re: Good post, MzChrista

MissTaken said:
Yes, Jen...

speaking for myself, there is no ill will.

Please, come back if you feel comfortable and who knows?

Maybe some of our folks can help you guys work things out.

hugs to all

I am sure that all our hearts go out to both Dusty and Jen in this painful time for them. I hope they will take advantage of the many kind hearts that are here for them, if they need any help in working through this.
I know I screwed up and I told Dusty as much she has been wonderful enough to forgive me which I probably didn't deserve this easily but I'm glad that she did. I got scared and when I get scared I run she didn't let me run to far because I couldn't let myself once I'd talked to her.

We are going to go slowly so we don't have pressure of things.

Thank you all for being there for her.
Fear, Doubt and Worry

Those are the things we all have to combat at some time in our life. All too often the bastards win!
Patience, communication, sorting through FACTS, separating the FICTION with honesty is the answer.

All of us make mistakes. Some we can accept,...some we can't, but as with MOST things,...it's our choice.

Your Friend,.............................Art:rose:

JenJ said:
I know I screwed up and I told Dusty as much she has been wonderful enough to forgive me which I probably didn't deserve this easily but I'm glad that she did. I got scared and when I get scared I run she didn't let me run to far because I couldn't let myself once I'd talked to her.

We are going to go slowly so we don't have pressure of things.

Thank you all for being there for her.

Glad to have you back with us,...know that you are loved also. I love you both. Why? Because I *CHOOSE* to. :rose:

Thank you for posting, your words show bravery and class. It has been a hard time for Dusty and thank goodness she came to her friends for support and caring. Of course We will always be here for her.

Now you have come back to Us as well...Back where you also belong, in the caring hands of those who truly want your success. Do not feel alone at any time. I know that these last few days have been agony for you as well but try to live in the future rather than the past as you begin this new journey together.

TOGETHER...doesn't it have a nice ring to it?
Re: Jen

artful said:

Glad to have you back with us,...know that you are loved also. I love you both. Why? Because I *CHOOSE* to. :rose:

Thank you
Shadowsdream said:

Thank you for posting, your words show bravery and class. It has been a hard time for Dusty and thank goodness she came to her friends for support and caring. Of course We will always be here for her.

Now you have come back to Us as well...Back where you also belong, in the caring hands of those who truly want your success. Do not feel alone at any time. I know that these last few days have been agony for you as well but try to live in the future rather than the past as you begin this new journey together.

TOGETHER...doesn't it have a nice ring to it?

Thank you. Yes I've come back going slowly but I've come back.
just beig a friend

Shadowsdream said:

Thank you for posting, your words show bravery and class. It has been a hard time for Dusty and thank goodness she came to her friends for support and caring. Of course We will always be here for her.

Now you have come back to Us as well...Back where you also belong, in the caring hands of those who truly want your success. Do not feel alone at any time. I know that these last few days have been agony for you as well but try to live in the future rather than the past as you begin this new journey together.

TOGETHER...doesn't it have a nice ring to it?

know that I am here for you both,Dusty you Know I have your back babe.. take things slowly noone deserves to be hurt..:heart:
JenJ said:
We are going to go slowly so we don't have pressure of things.

Thank you all for being there for her.

We're here for both of you -- that's sincere. :)

Sorry you both don't know me well yet -- and that it's such a difficult time for the two of you.

Honest communication, love and time heal most everything. :rose:

P. :rose:
my thoughts and best wishes go out to you both. This is a difficult time, starting over, re-building, learning to trust again...i don't know either one of you, but i feel for the pain that you've been going through...be well, take care, and remember that love is powerful...

JenJ said:
I know I screwed up and I told Dusty as much she has been wonderful enough to forgive me which I probably didn't deserve this easily but I'm glad that she did. I got scared and when I get scared I run she didn't let me run to far because I couldn't let myself once I'd talked to her.

We are going to go slowly so we don't have pressure of things.

Thank you all for being there for her.

Jen I see no need for thanks, it seems to me like we all care about both of you. I'm happy to hear that the two of you are going to take things slowly. I know that both of you can count on me for support, as well as from many others here.

Take care.
Jen J and Dusty, I have followed along with your story as you have built your love, and I am sorry to read of this bump in your road. I have faith that you will overcome this obstacle. My best wishs go out to you both.
Thank you all for your wonderful support, lovely thoughts and sentiments. It was a very long and hard weekend and I honestly don't think I would have survived it without the help of many of you.

Through all the fighting that has been going on in this community lately, I was amazed to see how everyone pulled together to come to my aid.

I'm amazed at how lovingly you have accepted Jen back into the community.

Now comes the magic. Now you get to see us overcome this test and learn and grow together. We are slowing down on the D/s aspect of our relationship and that is okay. Everything will happen in good time. We both know that.

I'm slowly learning to trust her once more. It's going to take some time but our relationship will be much stronger because of this.

Thank you all :heart: :kiss: :rose:

Dustygrrl said:
Thank you all for your wonderful support, lovely thoughts and sentiments. It was a very long and hard weekend and I honestly don't think I would have survived it without the help of many of you.

Through all the fighting that has been going on in this community lately, I was amazed to see how everyone pulled together to come to my aid.

I'm amazed at how lovingly you have accepted Jen back into the community.

Now comes the magic. Now you get to see us overcome this test and learn and grow together. We are slowing down on the D/s aspect of our relationship and that is okay. Everything will happen in good time. We both know that.

I'm slowly learning to trust her once more. It's going to take some time but our relationship will be much stronger because of this.

Thank you all :heart: :kiss: :rose:

Please KNOW I am so proud of you in the having the courage to share with us your fears. Jen,...I am proud to have you back in the fold also.

It's difficult for me to put in words,...how much I respect BOTH of you for sharing your emotional PAIN with us.

I encourage you to HONESTLY communicate privately, and find the TRUTHS that each of you need to understand about the other.

There is MUCH support for SUCCESS in this Forum for developing and maintaining ANY type of meaningful LDR between two people who WISH to progress to skin to skin encounters. :rose:
Re: History repeats itself

Cheyenne said:
I don't normally read or post on your forum. A friend told me about this thread though. He didn't realize the "history" involved as he is much newer to Lit.

Read and decide for yourselves if history repeats itself with JenJ:

Then why did you?

Does it make you feel good?

Yes, I know about the Jessy situation. I was told of it a long time ago by Jenj herself. My issue with her is now resolved and she is working to regain my trust. Yes, the truth is coming out but Jessy has nothing to do with it.

Jessy's name has not been mentioned in this thread... And furthermore I know that Jessy is real person.

Other's have made the same mistakes as Jessy. Many people have posted picts saying it was them, but most aren't SINGLED out like she was.

This really has nothing to do with Jenj, and I was wrong for even starting this thread. I started it out of pain and anger. But, not for crap like this.

Yes, I have had that thread thrown in my face over again and quite frankly I don't want to ever see it again. Jessy made a mistake. We all make mistakes.

Jen made a mistake, she came forth with the truth and now we are working through it. But these truths are really none of your business or anyone else's. Furthermore they will not be publicly known on the board until or if Jen chooses to do so.
Re: Re: History repeats itself

Dustygrrl said:

Then why did you?

As I said, because a friend pointed out the hulabalo in this thread and I wasn't surprised at all. He hadn't seen that old thread I just linked and I figured most of you hadn't. Especially you.

But if you already know all the details to your satisfaction, good luck to you then. You can't say you aren't going forward with your eyes open. As for me, I'm a firm believer in history repeating itself. I hope that is not true in this case for your sake.
i'm glad you two are working things out. And, i can definitly see where all of this could scare someone. i agree with Dusty that a meeting, as friends, with no pressure or expectations might be a good idea. Just to see where it goes. i hope everything continues to go well.
