
There are some very cruel people on these boards...

Dusty, if you're satisfied with what you know, then so be it. It's YOUR life to live, YOURS to decide if you want Jen in it, and Jen's to own up to her actions. I don't see how drudging up ancient history is going to help anyone in this situation.

Dusty and Jen, my best to both of you.

Well Cheyenne.... I hope your happy that you are right.

I take back my apologies and am just pissed off!

Can I rant? Can I throw things?
Rant all you want, Dusty.
Rant and curse and holler.
But the first time the idea of hurting yourself surfaces, come here, I beg you, and put your hurt and anger and disappointment on these pages, and not on your flesh.
Will you promise me that?
Dusty babe?

Dont let people like Cheyene win sweety..that "person'is NOT even worth your time and altho is entitled to their opinion,can very well TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE(hint hint)
Both Dusty and Je have suffered enough..Many of us here SUPPORT them and I do mean Many all I can say about this Cheyene person is" if you don't have somethin *nice* to say about someone then what is your point?'
please to put YOURSELF in Dusty's shoes..Dusty take Your time,THINK,be careful and take things slow sweety,dont let silly people with Not so good intentions in there heart sway you..
Trust Can and Will rebuild itself if You..BOTH let it I have lived long enuf on this Earth to KNOW that History does NOT always repeat itself or I would never had found love with MY Artful..
Re: Dusty babe?

Artful's dream said:
Dont let people like Cheyene win sweety..that "person'is NOT even worth your time and altho is entitled to their opinion,can very well TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE(hint hint)
Both Dusty and Je have suffered enough..Many of us here SUPPORT them and I do mean Many all I can say about this Cheyene person is" if you don't have somethin *nice* to say about someone then what is your point?'
please to put YOURSELF in Dusty's shoes..

Let's try this again, from the top. Some of you people knew all about the history of JenJ and Jessy being trolls and yet no one tried to convince Dusty she was making a mistake? What great friends she has in all of you with your wonderful "support!" With friends like you, she needs no enemies.

My intent was to warn Dusty about her involvement with a troll when I posted on this thread to give her the link. That's it. After someone has been given the facts, it is their decision what to do with them. You can't always save someone from themself. Dusty did save herself though, and she should be proud of that. It takes great strength to admit someone has taken advantage of you. It hurts!

I'm sorry Dusty is hurting now. But I also think it is better that she found out about the troll she was involved with NOW instead of months from now. I take it back- it would have been better for her if people had spoken up months AGO and saved her some pain. Remember, I'm not from the bdsm world. I don't LIKE pain and suffering. I try to help people avoid any such thing, I don't encourage it for them.

So yes, I did have a point even though I had nothing nice to say about JenJ. And I did put myself in Dusty's shoes. I did for Dusty what I hope someone would do for me if they saw me making the same mistake with a known troll. I think I have enough friends at Lit that I could count on at least one of them filling me in. I hope so. Dusty needed friends like that. Where were all of you?

This is all I have to say: I don't know anyone's history, and I don't want to know anyone's history, especially coming second hand from others.

I do KNOW that some one is hurting here.

Either show a little humanity for her or go away. If you can't show some compassion, then keep your fingers off the keyboard.

Thank you all for allowing me my little rant.

Re: Re: Dusty babe?

Cheyenne said:

Let's try this again, from the top. Some of you people knew all about the history of JenJ and Jessy being trolls and yet no one tried to convince Dusty she was making a mistake? What great friends she has in all of you with your wonderful "support!" With friends like you, she needs no enemies.

Remember, I'm not from the bdsm world. I don't LIKE pain and suffering. I try to help people avoid any such thing, I don't encourage it for them.

Numero uno...How dare you suggest that just cause someone is into BDSM that we LIKE pain or seeing others "suffer"? hmmm
where do you get off with a lie like that? beats the hell outta me(pun intended)
Dusty has alot of true friends and I encouraged her as did several others to take things slow and to find out the *truth* ,which she did as she already stated TO YOU in another post!! I take great offense in you stating that possibly we encouraged pain for her..I love her as my friend ..people who mess with MY friends well just dont wanna ..thats all..my Master has told me to just *smile* at you so for Him ad since as a good submissive I do as He wishes and NOT as I would want to do,here ya go!!>>:D

DUSTY??WE DO LOVE YOU,and You know it hun..:heart:
Last edited:
Re: Re: Dusty babe?

Cheyenne said:

Let's try this again, from the top. Some of you people knew all about the history of JenJ and Jessy being trolls and yet no one tried to convince Dusty she was making a mistake? What great friends she has in all of you with your wonderful "support!" With friends like you, she needs no enemies.

My intent was to warn Dusty about her involvement with a troll when I posted on this thread to give her the link. That's it. After someone has been given the facts, it is their decision what to do with them. You can't always save someone from themself. Dusty did save herself though, and she should be proud of that. It takes great strength to admit someone has taken advantage of you. It hurts!

I'm sorry Dusty is hurting now. But I also think it is better that she found out about the troll she was involved with NOW instead of months from now. I take it back- it would have been better for her if people had spoken up months AGO and saved her some pain. Remember, I'm not from the bdsm world. I don't LIKE pain and suffering. I try to help people avoid any such thing, I don't encourage it for them.

So yes, I did have a point even though I had nothing nice to say about JenJ. And I did put myself in Dusty's shoes. I did for Dusty what I hope someone would do for me if they saw me making the same mistake with a known troll. I think I have enough friends at Lit that I could count on at least one of them filling me in. I hope so. Dusty needed friends like that. Where were all of you?

Just to clarify... BDSM isn't just about pain and suffering.... rarely about suffering, if at all. I know you're pissed that people are mad at you... and you were trying to just do a good deed... no matter how difficult it was and nobody wanted to listen to you. But making a blanket statement like that about something you don't know about (and probably don't care about) is unfair, to say the least.

I think we all get your point without taking cheap shots like that.

Re: Re: Dusty babe?

Cheyenne said:

Let's try this again, from the top. Some of you people knew all about the history of JenJ and Jessy being trolls and yet no one tried to convince Dusty she was making a mistake? What great friends she has in all of you with your wonderful "support!" With friends like you, she needs no enemies.

My intent was to warn Dusty about her involvement with a troll when I posted on this thread to give her the link. That's it. After someone has been given the facts, it is their decision what to do with them. You can't always save someone from themself. Dusty did save herself though, and she should be proud of that. It takes great strength to admit someone has taken advantage of you. It hurts!

I'm sorry Dusty is hurting now. But I also think it is better that she found out about the troll she was involved with NOW instead of months from now. I take it back- it would have been better for her if people had spoken up months AGO and saved her some pain. Remember, I'm not from the bdsm world. I don't LIKE pain and suffering. I try to help people avoid any such thing, I don't encourage it for them.

So yes, I did have a point even though I had nothing nice to say about JenJ. And I did put myself in Dusty's shoes. I did for Dusty what I hope someone would do for me if they saw me making the same mistake with a known troll. I think I have enough friends at Lit that I could count on at least one of them filling me in. I hope so. Dusty needed friends like that. Where were all of you?

Hold on here, folks. I think we are all judging Cheyenne a bit harshly. In defense of the people here on this forum, most of you are "newbies" in regards to the thread pointed out. That thread is over a year old. Well before many here were registered members, and probably didn't even know about it.

If Dusty knew about the thread previously, and she continued anyway, well what can I say? I feel for her - no one should have to endure the pain she is. Yet she did admit that Jen/Jessy are the same person - just as implied in the thread provided. Hmmm...wonder if folks on the GB weren't onto to something an entire year ago?

I'm not a regular on the GB. If I were, and had seen/remembered this thread, I probably would have brought it to Dusty's attention as well. If that is "throwing it in her face", so be it. It would have been done out of concern.

Now, in Cheyenne's defense. I wonder how many here truly know this woman? Huh? Can I see a show of hands?

Okay. I thought so.

Cheyenne is one of those people that it is very difficult to get any crap by. She is very intelligent, and seems to have this "bullshit" radar that I personally would give my right arm for! I've seen Cheyenne torn to shreds in other threads for stating what she believed to be true - only to discover that her intuitions were correct all along. Yes, Cheyenne is direct. Yes, she holds no punches. I respect that. I can't stand people who smile in your face while sticking a dagger in your back. Tell me up front what you think. Cheyenne does just that.

But you know what? I've seen Cheyenne defend those she calls friends fiercely. I've seen her jump into arguments simply to stand tall with some one she respects. That says something to me around here.

Maybe publically posting this wasn't called for - I don't know. I'm glad she did caused it caused me to think. I do NOT think Cheyenne's intention was to cause further pain for Dusty. And her remarks to the rest of us could be dead on. How many of us here see "relationships" spring up "overnight" and bring out the smilies and kissies and huggies and the warm fuzzies? People get hurt with online relationships sometimes. Most times, in fact. Isn't it best to truly question a relationship that seems to bud overnight? Yeah, you may be wrong. But then, something you say, something you question just might be what the other person needs to hear to save them some pain. Have any considered that maybe that was the gist of Cheyenne's sarcasm? (And yes, folks, it was sarcasm regarding the pain vs BDSM thing - grow up a little, okay?)

I have come to respect many here for their opinions and thoughts. And for sharing their hearts. That takes guts. But let us not draw the circle too tightly that we can't hear others just because we automatically "tag" them as being outside the lifestyle. Look at the spirit of Cheyenne's posts - truly, without swayed emotion - and then see what you come up with.

I'm only sorry I wasn't one of the ones who "threw this thread" in Dusty's face early. For that I am truly sorry, as I feel I might have been able to do something earlier.
Re: Re: Re: Dusty babe?

Artful's dream said:
Cheyenne said:

Let's try this again, from the top. Some of you people knew all about the history of JenJ and Jessy being trolls and yet no one tried to convince Dusty she was making a mistake? What great friends she has in all of you with your wonderful "support!" With friends like you, she needs no enemies.

Remember, I'm not from the bdsm world. I don't LIKE pain and suffering. I try to help people avoid any such thing, I don't encourage it for them.

Numero uno...How dare you suggest that just cause someone is into BDSM that we LIKE pain or seeing others "suffer"? hmmm
where do you get off with a lie like that? beats the hell outta me(pun intended)
Dusty has alot of true friends and I encouraged her as did several others to take things slow and to find out the *truth* ,which she did as she already stated TO YOU in another post!! I take great offense in you stating that possibly we encouraged pain for her..I love her as my friend ..people who mess with MY friends well just dont wanna ..thats all..my Master has told me to just *smile* at you so for Him ad since as a good submissive I do as He wishes and NOT as I would want to do,here ya go!!>>:D

DUSTY??WE DO LOVE YOU,and You know it hun..:heart:

Thanks for the *smile* baby. All too often on the internet, we can misinterpret others good intentions. Cheyenne may or may not have meant to hurt ANYONE. I prefer to think she was trying to HELP Dusty.

I think, Cheyenne didn't KNOW Dusty was aware of who JEN truly was. Dusty,...being hurt and confused,... not WANTING it to be the TRUTH,...lashed out, as MOST of us would do in the same situation.

I see no reason to attack Cheyenne,...JEN,...or anyone else. Some people we agree with,...some people we don't.

Personally, I think it's a SHAME that Cheyenne,... or anyone else for that matter,...see BDSM people as only people who enjoy suffering and pain.

We know that is not true, but a blanket attack on Cheyenne is not the answer. A blanket attack on ANYONE who does not understand us is not the answer.

These are the situations where we need to open the doors of understanding. Of imparting knowledge and goodwill toward those who misunderstand WHO we are,...what we stand for.

Because of my friendship with Dusty,...Artful's dream stood up, in the only way she knew how in my absence.

She defended Dusty, and lashed back. I am NOT apologising for her actions,...I am only explaining them.

Folks,...we need to WORK on our Public Relations. I will do my best, Artful's dream will do her best, and I hope we ALL do our BEST. Then we can sleep,...saying to ouself,..."I did my BEST", and rest.

I love you ALL,...Your Friend,.........Harry:rose:
Thank-you Master..

need HE APOLOGIZE FOR ME? No,not really ,but He is a kind,loving man..one I hope to be more like..someday
Do I apologize for myself? YES,If I was wrong I MOST CERTAINLY do,it's just that for the moment,in all honesty,I'm not sure that I was but I certainly DONT mean to "alienate' anyone...
offering a hand of "friendship and forgiveness to Cheyenne":heart:

I was wrong. I apologize. That Jerry Springer thing just got me a little pissed off.

I won't do it again. I really don't know anyone's history but what I do know is that Dusty is hurting. And for that, I have a great deal of compassion.

Re: Okay-

A Desert Rose said:
I was wrong. I apologize. That Jerry Springer thing just got me a little pissed off.

I won't do it again. I really don't know anyone's history but what I do know is that Dusty is hurting. And for that, I have a great deal of compassion.


Rose, no one can fault you for getting more than a little upset with the troll. That's understandable. But, something important to keep in mind: trolls only pop up to cause trouble. They laugh at the pain of other people, and therefore are not even worthy of notice.

As the signs say in the zoo, so I try to live by here: Don't feed the trolls, they'll only keep acting up to get more food.

These jerks want attention - and are willing to hurt others to get it. They are lower than dirt and worth even less of your time. When I cruise the boards and see something like "Jerry Springer" with "Guest" below its name, I bypass it. Nothing to see, nothing to even consider. It certainly won't be anything intelligent or earthshattering to know about.

Once you get that down, living with the trolls here at Lit gets easier. Yeah, I do promise! :D
Re: Re: Okay-

SexyChele said:

As the signs say in the zoo, so I try to live by here: Don't feed the trolls, they'll only keep acting up to get more food.


You are absolutely right and I will keep that in mind. I have, up until tonight, ignored trolls and their unkind comments. I will strive to do so in the future, but if I fail to, please don't hesitate to remind me. :)


You gotta remember, hon, many of the people here don't even *read* the GB, and so had no idea about Jen and all of that old history. People here have bent over backwards to be encouraging and hope for the best for these two women, and so are very sad to see it fall apart. I know you were trying to do the right thing, and for what it's worth to read my opinion, I think you did the right thing--even if it's only for your own conscience.

There's another side to this, though. You came in with disappointing and upsetting news for people, and you did it as an "outsider"--as someone most people here didn't know, and who didn't know the parties involved. Given that people here have *thought* they know others based on their online interactions on this forum, that kind of news from that kind of source makes people feel vulnerable and even kinda dumb--like they have failed.

I know you know this: getting involved in something like this is tantamount to painting a target on your own back...someone always shoots the messenger. To compound that to-be-expected awkwardness by making blanket statements attacking BDSMers isn't like you, and it isn't worthy of you.

Cheyenne said:

What great friends she has in all of you with your wonderful "support!" With friends like you, she needs no enemies.

Remember, I'm not from the bdsm world. I don't LIKE pain and suffering. I try to help people avoid any such thing, I don't encourage it for them.

This kind of judgement wasn't necessary.

But thank you for trying to look out for someone you didn't even know. A kind and very worthwhile sentiment drives that effort, I think.

Just my $.02,

SexyChele said:

Rose, no one can fault you for getting more than a little upset with the troll. That's understandable. But, something important to keep in mind: trolls only pop up to cause trouble. They laugh at the pain of other people, and therefore are not even worthy of notice.

As the signs say in the zoo, so I try to live by here: Don't feed the trolls, they'll only keep acting up to get more food.

These jerks want attention - and are willing to hurt others to get it. They are lower than dirt and worth even less of your time. When I cruise the boards and see something like "Jerry Springer" with "Guest" below its name, I bypass it. Nothing to see, nothing to even consider. It certainly won't be anything intelligent or earthshattering to know about.

Once you get that down, living with the trolls here at Lit gets easier. Yeah, I do promise! :D

I so agree with your post. :rose:
Please? No fighting...

I'm not posting much tonight because I'm emotionally exhausted and not able to gather my thoughts. I will post more tomorrow though. Someone copied and pasted something from here to me.

I never read the threads about Jessy, I knew Jen back then and she told me about them. But I never read them. I never read anything of Jessy's because I believed that Jessy was a real person. I thought that I had heard her on the phone and such.

I THOUGHT that I had talked to Jen's eldest daughter. It was of course all untrue. Maybe I was stupid for not seeking out the threads on Jessy, but I joined Lit long after that situation.

Cheyenne, I apologize... I just didn't want to believe what you were trying to show I guess.

Because YES... I loved Jen... and yes it fucking hurts...
I'm sorry if I've caused a problem...
Re: Please? No fighting...

Dustygrrl said:

Cheyenne, I apologize... I just didn't want to believe what you were trying to show I guess.

Because YES... I loved Jen... and yes it fucking hurts...
I'm sorry if I've caused a problem...

Without problems,..***** would be so boring. Our mission is to find the problems and deal with them effectively. Dusty,...you have been,...and are EVEN now doing that. Those of us who KNOW you, understand. (Nuff said) :rose:
I promise I will respond to everyone tomorrow. But I've cried so much that my head hearts so I think I am going to try to get some sleep finally.

Thank you all for your support, I love you guys
Dusty ... you are not causing any problems - well, not for your friends, anyway.

But ... you need to start looking after yourself now before you cause YOU a problem.
- you must eat. Little and often at first. You cannot go totally without food for extended periods without causing digestive problem and other medical problems
- you must rest/sleep. Your body will heal faster given propper rest.
- you must keep believing in yourself.

(OK - mother hen mode off now)
SexyChele said:

Hold on here, folks. I think we are all judging Cheyenne a bit harshly. In defense of the people here on this forum, most of you are "newbies" in regards to the thread pointed out. That thread is over a year old. Well before many here were registered members, and probably didn't even know about it.

If Dusty knew about the thread previously, and she continued anyway, well what can I say? I feel for her - no one should have to endure the pain she is. Yet she did admit that Jen/Jessy are the same person - just as implied in the thread provided. Hmmm...wonder if folks on the GB weren't onto to something an entire year ago?

I'm not a regular on the GB. If I were, and had seen/remembered this thread, I probably would have brought it to Dusty's attention as well. If that is "throwing it in her face", so be it. It would have been done out of concern.

Now, in Cheyenne's defense. I wonder how many here truly know this woman? Huh? Can I see a show of hands?

Okay. I thought so.

Cheyenne is one of those people that it is very difficult to get any crap by. She is very intelligent, and seems to have this "bullshit" radar that I personally would give my right arm for! I've seen Cheyenne torn to shreds in other threads for stating what she believed to be true - only to discover that her intuitions were correct all along. Yes, Cheyenne is direct. Yes, she holds no punches. I respect that. I can't stand people who smile in your face while sticking a dagger in your back. Tell me up front what you think. Cheyenne does just that.

But you know what? I've seen Cheyenne defend those she calls friends fiercely. I've seen her jump into arguments simply to stand tall with some one she respects. That says something to me around here.

Maybe publically posting this wasn't called for - I don't know. I'm glad she did caused it caused me to think. I do NOT think Cheyenne's intention was to cause further pain for Dusty. And her remarks to the rest of us could be dead on. How many of us here see "relationships" spring up "overnight" and bring out the smilies and kissies and huggies and the warm fuzzies? People get hurt with online relationships sometimes. Most times, in fact. Isn't it best to truly question a relationship that seems to bud overnight? Yeah, you may be wrong. But then, something you say, something you question just might be what the other person needs to hear to save them some pain. Have any considered that maybe that was the gist of Cheyenne's sarcasm? (And yes, folks, it was sarcasm regarding the pain vs BDSM thing - grow up a little, okay?)

I have come to respect many here for their opinions and thoughts. And for sharing their hearts. That takes guts. But let us not draw the circle too tightly that we can't hear others just because we automatically "tag" them as being outside the lifestyle. Look at the spirit of Cheyenne's posts - truly, without swayed emotion - and then see what you come up with.

I'm only sorry I wasn't one of the ones who "threw this thread" in Dusty's face early. For that I am truly sorry, as I feel I might have been able to do something earlier.

Wow. I doubt if most people on the gb know me that well but you have me pegged. Thank you. :rose:

Your last paragraph is exactly what I was trying to say. I may be an "outsider" but if anyone had told me earlier about Dusty falling for JenJ, I would have dragged up that link ages ago. NOT telling someone something doesn't help them at all. And no, I've never been afraid to stick my nose in to tell people what I believe. They can take it from there, but I at least try to make sure they have the information that is available.
i dont know what to say has something else happened i didn't know anything about jen apart from through dusty but she seemed very nice

i stand by cheyenne's motives though also ... she's not 100% infallible but her heart is in the right place when she see's through people like this

as i said although she's maybe not 100% infallible (nobody can be) i respect her views and thoughts probably more than any other poster when it comes to seeing through peoples lies

dusty in the end it doesn't matter what anyone says here you've lost trust in jen and the only way you can get it back is if jen proves 100% what you need ... there are ways to do that without meeting for real if jens not "ready for that" ... going slow is good but it doesn't matter if the trust has gone get that back first and fast if its possible if jen isn't willing to do what she needs to do then something is wrong

again im so sorry your going through this *hugs*
I will line up with those vouching for Cheyenne's good motives in this matter. I have no doubt at all that she intended only to help Dusty and that there was no malice involved.
As for her remarks about BDSM, perhaps our answer to her should not be rancor, but to show her that we are a community with heart and thank her for her attempts to help one of those we all love.

Welcome to the BDSM side of the board.

I hope you will stick around and get to know us all and give us the pleasure of getting to know you as well.