Favorite Movie Quotes


"Does Barry Manilow Know That You Raid His Wardrobe?"​

John Bender​

“It’s a good night to be abroad and looking for game”
Albert Finney
Tom Jones

Everyone in the world should watch the LEWD and LASCIVIOUS meal… romcoms seem to work best with two younger actors who genuinely seem to connect and be having fun. That’s how it looked with Finney and Susannah York…
Well… I suppose we could request people post where the quote was from… some do… sometimes I do… 🤷‍♀️
I recognise some quotes, obviously of movies I know, but I'm always curious where the quotes that I don't recognise come from.
I recognize some quotes, obviously of movies I know, but I'm always curious where the quotes that I don't recognise come from.
Absolutely - me too. 😊😊😊
Some people like to guess, because they love movies… I think I would rather just find out in the post. 😊
“I hated her, so much... it-it- the f - it -flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breathl- heaving breaths.”